What vegetables should be avoided by a diabetes patient?

You can’t eat sweets anymore. Never. People with diabetes, have you heard a phrase like that at least once in your life? There is an opinion that if a person is diagnosed with diabetes, his diet in the future will consist exclusively of fresh, tasteless foods. But this is not entirely true, because diet and nutrition for diabetes can be delicious, and the quality of life will only increase. What to expect from a diet with diabetes, how to control glucose levels and learn to count units of bread? The endocrinologist at the San Nicolás Clinic will tell you.

What level of sugar is considered dangerous?

The norm of fasting blood glucose is 3.9 to 5.6 mmol/l. If the analysis results are different, it may mean the following:

Prediabetes: 5.6-6.9 mmol/l. This means that diabetes has not yet developed, but a number of processes are occurring in the body that can increase the risk of its onset.

Diabetes: more than 7 mmol/l. So far there is no special danger to health, if it is detected in time and appropriate measures are taken.

Endocrinology of diabetes mellitus

Next, there are 3 degrees of hyperglycemia:

Light: 6.7-8.2 mmol/l

Average gravity: 8.3-11.0 mmol/l

Heavy: more than 11.1 mmol/l

If the indicators exceed 16.5 mmol / l, precoma develops, and when the concentration of glucose in the blood is above 33.3 mmol / l, hyperglycemic coma. These states are described in more detail below.

Consequences of diabetes

It is not uncommon for people to see a doctor whose sugar level is outside the normal range: 20-25 mmol/l. In addition, they are usually applied in case of typical complaints:

Consultation of an endocrinologist.

Decreased visual acuity up to loss of vision.

Damage to all blood vessels (heart, kidneys, brain, retina)

Impaired kidney function (up to kidney failure)

Gangrene, trophic ulcers of the lower extremities.

Stroke, heart attack


hearing impairment

Frequent infections (especially bladder, kidney)

This is due to the fact that with prolonged hyperglycemia, glucose accumulates in the tissues and becomes toxic: it destroys the liver, kidneys, blood vessels, heart and nerve fibers. But not only can high sugar have a harmful effect on the body, hypoglycemia is also dangerous. First of all, the brain suffers, as it consumes up to 60% of all the energy supplied by glucose. As a result, dizziness, weakness, decreased concentration, darkening of the eyes, tremors of the limbs, fainting.

There are also particularly dangerous consequences that require immediate assistance:

Ketoacidosis is a condition that develops when there is a lack of insulin in the blood. As a result, glucose cannot enter the cell, and to obtain the necessary energy, the body begins to break down fatty acids in large quantities. In the process of division, toxic ketone bodies are formed that accumulate in the blood very quickly, so the kidneys do not have time to excrete ketones with urine. As a result, ketoacidotic coma or even death, if timely medical assistance was not provided.

Hyperglycemic coma – an increase in blood glucose level to critical values (above 33.3 mmol / l). A person has intense thirst, a constant urge to urinate, and if no action is taken, he falls into a coma.

Hypoglycemic coma is a critically low blood glucose level (below 1.65 to 1.38 mmol/l). As already mentioned above, the main consumer of glucose is the brain, and if it does not receive enough nutrition, the brain goes into “hibernation” to save energy.

What is the difference between nutrition for type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Nutrition for type 1 diabetes.

It is important to get all the essential nutrients in the same amount as a normal person. If there is no tendency to satiety, then the daily calorie content of dishes should not differ from the norm. The only thing that is important to know is the amount of carbohydrates in the food. On average, 1 unit of insulin is calculated per 15 g of carbohydrates, the insulin dose is adjusted to the meal, taking into account the number of bread units of the next meal. According to modern recommendations, the most suitable foods for type 1 diabetes are foods from the so-called Mediterranean diet.

Nutrition for type 2 diabetes.

There are no special differences in the diet, the diet should also be saturated with non-starchy vegetables, complex carbohydrates and whole grain products. If you are overweight, your doctor may recommend a low-calorie or low-carbohydrate diet.

Additionally, type 2 diabetics need to consume at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Recommendations to reduce sugar levels

The basis for maintaining an optimal glucose concentration is a healthy lifestyle and a diabetes-appropriate diet. Usually includes:

Helps with diabetes

Refusal of alcohol

Reduce the amount of sugar and sweeteners.

Replace fast food with homemade dishes

Changing flour products from soft varieties of wheat to hard varieties.

Eat strictly according to schedule (avoid snacks)

Replace unhealthy foods with healthy foods (for example, you can eat frozen smoothie bananas instead of ice cream)

Avoid overeating

TOP-3 diet rules

Replace sweets with healthy food!

Can’t give up sweets with tea? Then, instead of the usual chocolate, it is better to eat a small amount of nuts and whole grain crackers. You like ice cream? Try to prepare it yourself at home: freeze your favorite berries or fruits and beat them with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The calorie content of each meal should be approximately the same.

Make a menu so that the breakfast, lunch and dinner portions are equal in calories. Use the diabetic plate method: half the meal is vegetables and greens, one quarter carbohydrates, and another quarter meat/fish. It is best to contact a nutritionist to develop a personal nutrition plan.

Eat carbohydrates in the first half of the day.

For lunch: porridge, fruits, potatoes, milk. Carbohydrates have the highest glycemic index, so they can be consumed only before lunch, and after 5:00 p.m. carbohydrates are completely prohibited. This threatens a sugar spike at night, when it is not possible to control its level.

What you can’t eat with diabetes.

The list of prohibited foods for diabetes is honorably opened by alcohol; At the same time, the stronger the drink, the more calories it has. It should be abandoned completely.

In second place are easily digestible carbohydrates. They create a jump in blood glucose levels, which is dangerous in case of insulin deficiency. This includes all flour products (buns, white bread, cakes, pastries), soft wheat pasta, sweets with added sugar (soft drinks, chocolates, candies), sausages and sausages, potatoes, fast food. If it is not possible to exclude all these products from the diet, it is necessary to at least minimize their consumption.

It is also worth limiting:

Trans fats (margarine, store-bought pastries)

Cholesterol: optimally no more than 200 mg per day (approximately this amount is contained in 1 medium chicken egg)

Tinctures: approximately 1 teaspoon per day.

Saturated fats: animal products, fatty dairy products, coconut and palm oils.

You should not think that a couple of glasses of alcohol or some sweets will not affect anything, because even this amount can cause a jump in blood glucose and cause complications.

What can you eat with diabetes?

Problem with diabetes

Berries and fruits without sugar.

Low-fat dairy products


whole grain bread


Fish/lean meat


What cereals are allowed to eat?

Barley (pearl, barley)

oat grains




Rice (long grain brown rice only)

Meat or fish: what should be more in the diet.

Meat and fish are excellent sources of protein. But it is important to use them in moderation. It is impossible to say unequivocally what should prevail in the diet, it is only important not to abuse fatty varieties of meat / fish and include them in the menu in a measured manner.

What foods reduce the amount of sugar in the blood?

Fresh vegetables and herbs

Fruits and berries without sugar.

Seafood, sea fish


Nuts of various varieties (almonds are the most useful)

Integral products

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