Growing deep depression in young people and solution

What is Deep Depression?

Deep depression (major depression) is a disorder that is affecting more people nowadays. Many reasons are there i.e. social issues, financial issues, disease, etc.

In Deep depression, the Nervous system will be under pressure, and the work of the body will be reduced. People in almost all countries of the world are suffering because of it.

Deep Depression can include mood swings, loss of energy, loss of energy, and stress.

Because it is a condition associated with the nervous system, whenever a person encounters such a situation, his nervous system is disturbed and as soon as the nervous system is disturbed, it affects the rest of the organs as well.

Deep Depression can be from boyhood to old age but in the present era, one thing is coming to the fore its effect is more on the young generation. There are many reasons for this but some of them are given below. [1]

Why deep Depression in Young People?

Being emotional

As we know young people are full of emotions because they are in such a phase of life that they are undergoing chemical reactions, they are growing up, they are learning things. Emotional behaviors are not yet mature enough for them to be able to control their emotions and adjust to the environment.

As a result, they make mistakes in certain places that can cause them problems later on. And then when they think about this past state, they get upset which leads to Deep depression. [2]

Break up in relation

Human attitudes include an attitude that he/she is attracted to the opposite sex and uses words for it. This attitude is also present in other animals but in humans, it has appeared in a very mature state. When children are young they are attracted to the opposite sex and always want to have this relationship.

But at the same time, some factors such as social, financial Problems or the intrusion of a third person into the couple’s life can lead to a breakup.

Because of this, they get depressed and some of them get caught up in such thoughts that they start blaming themselves and get attracted to some negative thoughts. The result comes in the form of the Deep Depression. [3]

Comparing yourself with people

As human society evolved, so did the factor of comparison. That is, people began to compare themselves with each other in every matter.

Its main purpose is to be superior to others, whether it be matters of money, food, clothing and housing. Competition continues. But when a young person finds himself inferior in comparison, he himself will go into a deep depression and create an inappropriate situation for himself. [4]

Wastage of  time

Every action looks good on its own time and the work done on time gives the desired results. If In the past, young people have been faced with the problem that they do not realize the time and they are not able to make timely decisions and waste time. And then when they realize and realize this, they face a state of remorse and go into a deep depression.

Home Family problems and worries

Matters of home and family are very delicate, they have to be run very thoughtfully and wisely.

There is silence in many places and bold steps have to be taken in many places. But when domestic problems are not solved or are happening despite constant efforts, the youth goes towards deep depression. [5]

Low income but high needs

The main reason for deep depression is that the needs of the young generation are high and they need money for this.

Young people do not have the money to meet their needs and there is no way that they can meet these expenses, then the young person will go into a deep depression.

Because young people have very low sources of income, then the chances of young people going into depression are greatly increased. [6]

Social media and the younger generation

Social media has brought the whole world together and made every effort to improve the lives of human beings.

In a society that is developed and living a good life, similarly in a society that is financially weak, its members sit together in one place, which helps the youth of different societies to compare themselves with each other. As a result, some young people begin to feel inferior and suffer from deep depression. [7]

No way forward

As far as young people are concerned, they have a lot of energy and every young person wants to do something and try his best. But if a young person gets stuck in a situation where there is no way out, he still goes into a deep depression.

Lack of mentor

Mentors are desperately needed to correct young people mistakes and keep them on track.

Human life is not something that can be done in a very simple way. There can be many difficulties in life and to get out of them you need an expert who can solve these problems based on his experience.

Guide them also into the good behaviors and to avoid displaying some profane ones. [8]

Genetic based issue

Research into molecular biology has shown that deep depression can travel from one generation to the next in the family as well. [9]

Being physically and emotionally weak

People who are physically weak and do not look like normal people can also get depressed due to their weakness.

If you look, you will be upset because of physical weakness your nervous system will release substances that will lead you to this condition which we also called deep depression.

Similarly, people who are emotionally weak may also experience a situation similar to depression. This is because the emotional person looks at everything emotionally and if he does not get the desired results then he increases the chances of going into Said conditions. [10]

Lack of decision making

It is a very unique thing in human behavior that human beings have the ability to cope with the situation in a good way and this is the main reason for a large number of human beings on this planet today.

But some people do not understand the need for time. Decisions or actions that are meant to be made at a particular time are not made and regret is destined for them after the passage of time.

There are two different things in this regard. Some people are naturally incapable of making a decision. If some people or youngsters deliberately or voluntarily waste their time and later regret it. And the result comes in the form of deep Depression. [11]


One of the major causes of depression is illnesses. Young people who have a disorder that has been going on for a long time.

The main reason for this is the frustration that the sick person may have felt that he has been suffering from the disease for a long time and he is trying his best but he is not recovering. In such a situation the person is depressed. Will go into depression. [12]

Late wedding

There are a lot of young people in every society of the world who think long and hard about a relationship like marriage. If I start searching seriously there are many peoples are there that has married but this is late marriage. That is, most of the people of this age group are married at this age. On the other hand, due to the passage of time. People are not as sexually healthy as they used to be at the right time. The result is anxiety and people go into a deep depression. [13]

Food and lifestyle

Things are changing over time and with the passage of time the diet and its methods are also changing. Similarly, the way of life is also changing and the youth are particularly affected.

Young people spend less time with nature and more attention to technology. Doing so changes their sleep and waking hours, as well as slows down the diet that is used to support the digestive system.

It is slowly disappearing. That is, people, especially young people, pay more attention to spicy and ready-made or prepared food. Instead of natural or organic food.

It is a recurring hobby of the young generation that they prefer cooked or packed food.

This is because of the fact that there are many online apps that provide ready-made food to your home.

This literally means that young people are doing this to avoid the hassle of cooking and on the other hand to have a delicious meal.

Sometimes, it is okay to do this but if it is made a habit then young people get various digestive diseases and if these diseases go on for a long time then the situation is chronic like the above explained and if the diseases are not cured then young people go into a deep depression.

On the other hand, when young people want to normalize and correct their habits, the time has passed and only worries remain. [14]

Solutions to Deep Depression

Here are some tips to help you get rid of depression in particular.

Strengthen yourself

Young people who suffer from deep depression and are stuck in situations where their life is not going normally and they are feeling weak and problems persist, then in such a situation, it is very important that these people Strengthen themselves from the inside and from out.

Because if the solution to the problem is not in their power, then they are in such a situation without any reason. When they do have not the solution.

If you do not have the solution it is illogical to worry about it. Leave the situation as it is and move on and strengthen yourself as much as possible.

Coping with situations

As mentioned above, if you or especially young people are stuck in a situation where they want to get out and can’t get out, then strengthen yourself and face these situations because it is a fact. The moment is passing fast and the situation in which a young person is now will not always there. This time will also pass be confident.

Remove your shortcomings

Young people go into a deep depression due to some deficiency or weakness. This weakness can be mental, physical, or emotional. Try to overcome this weakness.

If there is a mental or physical weakness then it can be easily identified. You will move towards a better and healthier life.

If young people are suffering from an emotional state and there is no solution for it and because of this they are in deep depression or in such a situation and they are not able to control their emotions then one of the best ways is to Factors that are remembered situation again and again than Write it down on a piece of paper and memorize it.

Repeat and adjust yourself in such a way that if this situation or this thing happens again, you have to deliberately ignore it. Explain that if you do not do this, you will be very upset, which is not good for him.

Don’t expect from people

Scientifically man is a social animal, and he likes to be with other people. But society has its own symbols and endowments and human society is incomplete without transactions. It is human nature that if someone is treating someone well, he will expect the other person to treat him the same way.

If the next person does not behave as expected, then the person will go into a deep depression. This behavior is more common in young people.

If this is the case then there is only one solution and that is to keep your expectations from the people low.

Moving forward with the criticism of the people

One of the major causes of depression is that when a young person is criticized by people, he goes into a state of anxiety. The best solution is to break your fears or problems into a series of smaller steps. Don’t overdo it.

Forget the bad past

If the past of a young person is something in which there have been bitter and painful situations or bitter attitudes have been tolerated, try not to bring such thinking close to you and ignore it.

If it is not done then the brain will be affected again and the result will be in the form of deep depression.

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases

If a young person is suffering from a disease, he should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible, otherwise, he can develop a chronic condition.

And it will be difficult to get rid of it. After that, the young person will become anxious and will go into a deep depression due to the fact that I did not get the diagnosis and treatment of this disease in time due to which Today he is in this condition. The best and best solution is to diagnose and treat any disease as soon as possible.

Interact with new people

Meeting and befriending new people is a good and healthy process. People and young people who are suffering from depression for any reason should try to have good relationships with new people.

This will definitely help them to get out of their depression or at least reduce their discomfort.

Changing your lifestyle

If you are young and suffering from depression due to different life circumstances then try to change your lifestyle. You should get closer to nature, go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning. Being organic and giving yourself time will also help you in case of deep depression.

Appoint your mentor

Mentors are desperately needed to get out of deep depression. If you choose a mentor who has a lot of experience in life and has gone through difficult situations, it can also lead you to the path of difficulties.

If you keep correcting your situation and affairs on time, it will not be your turn to go into such a situation, and later you will become a victim of depression.

Stop thinking you are too smart

This attitude of the youth is very common among the majority. There are a number of reasons like the media is updating a large number of young people but on a practical basis, these people are not so strong and make decisions that will cause them trouble later.

Even if you consider yourself very wise, you should stop doing this. There are better people than you. Keep taking guidance from them. If you go your own way, you are more likely to make the wrong decision and later develop depression.

Controlling emotions

Controlling emotions is the best way to prevent depression. The words and decisions made in an emotional state can cause problems later, especially for young people and they go into depression after a while. The best solution is to break your fears or problems into a series of smaller steps.

Medications are also used to prevent depression, but prolonged use of medications can also be harmful.

So the best and most beneficial way to do this is to adjust your attitudes, your diet, your lifestyle and the way you treat people so that you do not become depressed. Your health is paramount. When you don’t take care of yourself, no one else will take care of you.

Record breaking: China’s ‘artificial sun’ breaches another frontier, sustains plasma for nearly 7 minutes

The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) generated the artificial sun and sustained the plasma for a record time 


While the feat is monumental, Beijing has already completed the design of its next-generation artificial sun called Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) which will kick into operations by 2035

China has conducted yet another nuclear fusion experiment in its pursuit of creating an ‘artificial sun’. On Wednesday night, the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) fusion energy reactor created an artificial sun that sustained plasma for a whopping 403 seconds – breaking the 101-second record it had set in 2017. 

According to various estimates, 300 seconds is the minimum time frame required to demonstrate steady-state operations. Keeping the figure in mind, scientists believe it is a major breakthrough. 

Song Yuntao, director of the Institute of Plasma Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences told Chinese state media that the work by his team has laid a solid foundation to improve the technical and economic feasibility of fusion reactors. 

“The main significance of this new breakthrough lies in its ‘high-confinement mode’, under which the temperature and density of the plasma increase significantly,” Song told Xinhua news agency. 

“The record is also a big step forward for our team in terms of fundamental physics research, fusion engineering, and project operation and maintenance.”

China developing next-gen ‘artificial sun’

Chinese scientists have been operating EAST since 2006. The reactor has completed over 120,000 experiments so far. In 2018, breaking another record, the reactor managed to contain plasma for almost 18 minutes with the temperature reaching close to 70 million degrees Celsius. However, it was a different operation mode from the one used during Wednesday’s test. 

Having tasted success already, Beijing is looking to take another giant stride in the field. It has already completed the design of its next-generation artificial sun called Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) which will kick into operations by 2035. 

Nuclear fusion vs fission 

Nuclear fusion is considered the holy grail of energy and it is what powers our sun. It merges atomic nuclei to create massive amounts of energy, which is the opposite of the fission process used in atomic weapons and nuclear power plants, which splits them into fragments.

Moreover, unlike fission, fusion emits no greenhouse gases and carries less risk of accidents or the theft of atomic material. 

By mimicking the natural reaction of the sun, scientists are hoping that the technology may help humanity harness vast amounts of energy and help battle the energy crisis

Last year, scientists working at the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) reactor also created an artificial sun that reached temperatures upward of 100 million degree Celsius for 30 seconds. 

Universal cure for cancer not anytime soon, tumours have ‘almost infinite’ ability to evolve:

Universal cure for cancer not anytime soon, tumours have ‘almost infinite’ ability to evolve:


Research into Cancer cells: Cancer cells can mutate and can reach a state where it becomes more aggressive and dodge the immune system. It further spread itself in different parts of the body. 

A recent study into lung cancers has left researchers baffled as the key findings show that the tumour cells have almost “almost infinite” to evolve and survive, as per reports which also added that a universal cure for the disease is not likely to be in sight any sooner.

While the study said that even as one should not pin their hopes on a universal cure for cancer, there is a greater need to shift attention to preventive measures. 

As per Cancer Research UK, cancer must be detected when it is in an early stage. Under the title, TracerX, the analysis talks about the evolution of cancer and its causes. 

It is pertinent to note that cancer cells can mutate and is ever-changing. These cells can reach a state where it becomes more aggressive and dodge the immune system. It further spread itself in different parts of the body. 

The research was conducted on lung cancer patients, however, it purportedly applies to all types of cancers. For the study, biopsies for over 400 people who are treated at 13 UK hospitals, were taken from different parts of their lung cancer. 

Professor Charles Swanton from the Francis Crick Institute and University College London said, “That has never been done before at this scale.” 

“I don’t want to sound too depressing about this, but I think – given the almost infinite possibilities in which a tumour can evolve, and the very large number of cells in a late-stage tumour, which could be several hundred billion cells – then achieving cures in all patients with late-stage disease is a formidable task.”

Professor Swanton said he does not think the universal cures is going to be able to come up by medical research any time soon. “If we want to make the biggest impact we need to focus on prevention, early detection and early detection of relapse,” Swanton added.

Further shedding light on the types of cancers, the study suggests that tumours which demonstrate higher levels of genetic “chaos” were more likely to relapse after surgery to other parts of the body. One of the reasons that the study provides is that cellular machinery can get corrupted and make the cells more aggressive. 

Head of prevention and early detection at Cancer Research UK Dr David Crosby said, “The exciting results emerging from TracerX improve our understanding that cancer is a disease which evolves as it progresses, meaning that late-stage cancers can become very hard to treat successfully.”

“This underscores the crucial importance of further research to help us to detect cancers at the earliest stages of their development or even better, to prevent them from happening at all.”

The standard model of particle physics may be broken – an expert explains

As a physicist working at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Cern, one of the most frequent questions I am asked is “When are you going to find something?”. Resisting the temptation to sarcastically reply “Aside from the Higgs boson, which won the Nobel Prize, and a whole slew of new composite particles?”, I realise that the reason the question is posed so often is down to how we have portrayed progress in particle physics to the wider world.

We often talk about progress in terms of discovering new particles, and it often is. Studying a new, very heavy particle helps us view underlying physical processes – often without annoying background noise. That makes it easy to explain the value of the discovery to the public and politicians.

Recently, however, a series of precise measurements of already known, bog-standard particles and processes have threatened to shake up physics. And with the LHC getting ready to run at higher energy and intensity than ever before, it is time to start discussing the implications widely.

In truth, particle physics has always proceeded in two ways, of which new particles is one. The other is by making very precise measurements that test the predictions of theories and look for deviations from what is expected.

The early evidence for Einstein’s theory of general relativity, for example, came from discovering small deviations in the apparent positions of stars and from the motion of Mercury in its orbit.

Three key findings

Particles obey a counter-intuitive but hugely successful theory called quantum mechanics. This theory shows that particles far too massive to be made directly in a lab collision can still influence what other particles do (through something called “quantum fluctuations”). Measurements of such effects are very complex, however, and much harder to explain to the public.

But recent results hinting at unexplained new physics beyond the standard model are of this second type. Detailed studies from the LHCb experiment found that a particle known as a beauty quark (quarks make up the protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus) “decays” (falls apart) into an electron much more often than into a muon – the electron’s heavier, but otherwise identical, sibling. According to the standard model, this shouldn’t happen – hinting that new particles or even forces of nature may influence the process.

Image of the LHCb experiment.
LHCb experiment. Cern

Intriguingly, though, measurements of similar processes involving “top quarks” from the ATLAS experiment at the LHC show this decay does happen at equal rates for electrons and muons.

Meanwhile, the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab in the US has recently made very precise studies of how muons “wobble” as their “spin” (a quantum property) interacts with surrounding magnetic fields. It found a small but significant deviation from some theoretical predictions – again suggesting that unknown forces or particles may be at work.

The latest surprising result is a measurement of the mass of a fundamental particle called the W boson, which carries the weak nuclear force that governs radioactive decay. After many years of data taking and analysis, the experiment, also at Fermilab, suggests it is significantly heavier than theory predicts – deviating by an amount that would not happen by chance in more than a million million experiments. Again, it may be that yet undiscovered particles are adding to its mass.

Interestingly, however, this also disagrees with some lower-precision measurements from the LHC (presented in this study and this one).

The verdict

While we are not absolutely certain these effects require a novel explanation, the evidence seems to be growing that some new physics is needed.

Of course, there will be almost as many new mechanisms proposed to explain these observations as there are theorists. Many will look to various forms of “supersymmetry”. This is the idea that there are twice as many fundamental particles in the standard model than we thought, with each particle having a “super partner”. These may involve additional Higgs bosons (associated with the field that gives fundamental particles their mass).

Others will go beyond this, invoking less recently fashionable ideas such as “technicolor”, which would imply that there are additional forces of nature (in addition to gravity, electromagnetism and the weak and strong nuclear forces), and might mean that the Higgs boson is in fact a composite object made of other particles. Only experiments will reveal the truth of the matter – which is good news for experimentalists.

The experimental teams behind the new findings are all well respected and have worked on the problems for a long time. That said, it is no disrespect to them to note that these measurements are extremely difficult to make. What’s more, predictions of the standard model usually require calculations where approximations have to be made. This means different theorists can predict slightly different masses and rates of decay depending on the assumptions and level of approximation made. So, it may be that when we do more accurate calculations, some of the new findings will fit with the standard model.

Equally, it may be the researchers are using subtly different interpretations and so finding inconsistent results. Comparing two experimental results requires careful checking that the same level of approximation has been used in both cases.

These are both examples of sources of “systematic uncertainty”, and while all concerned do their best to quantify them, there can be unforeseen complications that under- or over-estimate them.

None of this makes the current results any less interesting or important. What the results illustrate is that there are multiple pathways to a deeper understanding of the new physics, and they all need to be explored.

With the restart of the LHC, there are still prospects of new particles being made through rarer processes or found hidden under backgrounds that we have yet to unearth.

Great Mysteries of Physics: do we really need a theory of everything?

Finding a theory of everything – explaining all the forces and particles in the universe – is arguably the holy grail of physics. While each of its main theories works extraordinarily well, they clash also with each other – leaving physicists to search for a deeper, more fundamental theory.

But do we really need a theory of everything? And are we anywhere near achieving one? That’s what we discuss in the sixth and final episode of our Great Mysteries of Physics podcast – hosted by me, Miriam Frankel, science editor at The Conversation, and supported by FQxI, the Foundational Questions Institute.

Our two best theories of nature are quantum mechanics and general relativity, describing the smallest and biggest scales of the universe, respectively. Each is tremendously successful and has been experimentally tested over and over. The trouble is, they are incompatible with one another in many ways – including mathematically.

“General relativity is all about geometry. It’s how space is curved and how space-time – this unified entity that contains three dimensions of space and one dimension of time – is itself also curved,” explains Vlatko Vedral, a professor of physics at Oxford University in the UK. “Quantum physics is actually all about algebra.”

Physicists have already managed to unite quantum theory with Einstein’s other big theory: special relativity (explaining how speed affects mass, time and space). Together, these form a framework called “quantum field theory”, which is the basis for the Standard Model of Particle Physics – our best framework for describing the most basic building blocks of the universe.

The standard model describes three out of the four fundamental forces in the universe – electromagnetism, and the “strong” and “weak” forces which govern the atomic nucleus – excluding gravity.

While the standard model explains most of what we see in particle physics experiments, there are a few gaps. To bridge these, an extension called “supersymmetry”, suggesting particles are connected through a deep relationship, has been proposed. Supersymmetry suggests each particle has a “super partner” with the same mass, but opposite spin. Unfortunately, particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Cern in Switzerland have failed to find evidence of supersymmetry – despite being explicitly designed to do so.

On the other hand, there are recent hints from both LHC and Fermilab in the US suggesting that there may be a fifth force of nature. If these results could be replicated and confirmed as actual discoveries, that would have implications for uniting quantum mechanics and gravity.

“I think [the discovery of a new force] would be amazing,” says Vedral. “It would challenge this thing that that has now existed for well over half a century that there are four fundamental forces”.

Vedral argues the first thing to do if we discovered a fifth force would be to establish whether it can be described by quantum mechanics.

If it could, it would indicate that quantum theory might ultimately be more fundamental than general relativity, accounting for four out of five forces – suggesting general relativity ultimately may need to be modified. If it couldn’t, that would shake up physics – suggesting we may need to modify quantum mechanics, too.

What about other mysterious properties?

But what should a theory of everything include? Would it be enough to unite gravity and quantum mechanics? And what about other mysterious properties such as dark energy, which causes the universe to expand at an accelerated rate, or dark matter, an invisible substance making up most of the matter in the universe?

As Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, an assistant professor in physics and astronomy at the University of New Hampshire in the US, explains, physicists prefer to use the term “theory of quantum gravity” over “theory of everything”.

“Dark matter and dark energy are most of the matter energy content in the universe. So it’s not really a theory of everything if it’s not accounting for most of the matter energy content in the universe,” she argues. “This is why I’m glad we don’t actually use ‘theory of everything’ in our work.”

Although they might not explain everything, several proposed theories of quantum gravity exist. One is string theory, which suggests the universe is ultimately made up of tiny, vibrating strings. Another is loop quantum gravity, which suggests Einstein’s space-time arises from quantum effects.

“One of the strengths that people will point to with string theory is that string theory built on quantum field theory,” explains Prescod-Weinstein. “It brings the whole standard model with it, which loop quantum gravity doesn’t do in the same way.” But string theory also has its weaknesses, she argues, such as requiring extra dimensions that we’ve never seen any evidence of.

The theories are difficult to test experimentally – requiring much more energy than we can produce in any laboratory. Vedral argues that while we ultimately can’t directly probe the tiny scales needed to find evidence for theories of quantum gravity, it may be possible to amplify such effects so that we could indirectly observe them on larger scales with table-top experiments.