Dying of a disease I never knew existed

    illustration idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

    By this time next year, if the medical forecasts are correct, I will probably be dead, another casualty of a fatal illness that most people have never heard of: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).

    This condition has been described by Michael J. Stephen in his 2021 book “Breath Taking” as the “most frustrating and disheartening of all the diseases in pulmonary medicine.” Over a frighteningly short time (the median age of survival after diagnosis is three years), patients with IPF will become increasingly short of breath as the lungs no longer perform their vital function of oxygenating the blood. The alveoli — the sac-like pockets where this process takes place — will fill with mucus and harden until, in Stephen’s disturbing phrase, the lungs “turn to stone.”

    Almost as shocking as the rapid progression of the disease is its obscurity. Roughly 40,000 people die from it every year in the United States, 5,000 more than die from prostate cancer and only slightly fewer than die from breast cancer. Stephen estimates that as many as 200,000 Americans struggle annually to survive with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

    Yet, as he notes, there are no TV ad campaigns, road races, color-coded ribbons, or ice-bucket challenges to raise awareness and fundraise for a cure.

    When I was told two years ago that I had IPF, I had never heard of it, nor had any of my friends. My main worry at the time was colon cancer. In November 2019, it took doctors five hours of surgery to remove a sizable tumor from my large intestine. The cancer had also tainted more than half a dozen lymph nodes.

    Luckily, the disease had not spread to other parts of my body, so in the nomenclature of cancer I was categorized as stage 3: a seriously ill but treatable patient. I underwent 12 sessions of chemotherapy at the start of 2020, after which a colonoscopy and blood tests found no traces of cancer.

    That was the good news. The bad news was that the potent drugs administered to me during those six months — drugs that are likely responsible for my good news — can have a rare but documented side effect.

    I wasn’t aware of this possibility until a visit with my oncologist at the end of my regimen. During what I expected to be a congratulatory meeting at the finish line, he pointed to a CT scan of my chest and said it showed signs of scarring, or “glassy lung.” (In radiological photographs, damaged lung tissue can present as white dots or opaque space, indicating that the alveoli are blocked.) He recommended that I see a pulmonologist.

    I wasn’t too concerned. The words “glassy lung” had a pleasing sound. I imagined that, like bronchitis, it would clear up after a dose of antibiotics. The notion that scarring of the lungs could be a symptom of something deadly didn’t occur to me. This wasn’t, after all, cancer.

    Medical researchers have known about pulmonary fibrosis since the 19th century, but little has been done to ameliorate its symptoms, much less to pinpoint its origins. No one seems sure of its causes. My case is called idiopathic because doctors can’t be certain that chemotherapy was the trigger.

    Nothing has so far been discovered that will substantially extend life. Two drugs, Ofev and Esbriet, were approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2014 because they were found to slow the rapidity of lung deterioration. I take two Ofev capsules twice a day. A vial of 60 pills costs upwards of $10,000, a burden relieved by a medical foundation grant.

    I have no idea whether the pills are effective or not. My doctors seem just as uncertain. The only guarantee is that idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis has no cure and cannot be stopped. It is, to quote my first pulmonologist, “irremediable.”

    The symptoms struck me without warning. In May 2021 I was playing two sets of doubles tennis three times a week. Two months later I couldn’t swing a racket without feeling winded. I was prescribed a steroid inhaler and large doses of prednisone, and they seemed to alleviate my breathlessness for a few weeks — until they didn’t.

    Our house on Long Island today is crisscrossed with long, thin plastic tubes connecting me via cannulae to respirators that can produce up to 10 liters of oxygen a minute. I am hooked up to one or the other of these two machines, set at six liters, every hour of every day. When I go out, I carry a portable respirator that is less powerful but allows me some measure of free movement. I try not to travel far. Being away from my machines for too long taxes my oxygen level. If I go to museums — part of my job as an arts critic is reviewing exhibitions — I need to be pushed in a transport chair. Propelling myself in a wheelchair is too exhausting. My sole encounter with Covid-19 was mild. A more severe one could finish me off.

    I am 69, and my only hope of living into my mid-70s is a lung transplant, an operation currently prohibited for patients like me: In U.S. hospitals where the procedure is done — there are about 65 of them and counting — a patient must be cancer-free for five years to qualify. Even if by some miracle I were to live another three years, I would then have to wait a minimum of two years to receive one lung, three years for two lungs. At the end of that period, I would be 75, past the cutoff date when lung transplants are authorized. Checkmate.

    I wish I could say that the realization of the brief time I have left has altered my procrastinating habits and that I have begun to behave like those characters in Russian literature who felt liberated when infected by tuberculosis. So far, though, that hasn’t happened. I have made no progress on my long-delayed book about photography and violence; documentary film projects that were slated to begin are no closer to fruition. Thinking about anything except my day-to-day health and how to improve it is a struggle.

    I don’t know whether to be grimly amused or enraged by the irony that the chemotherapy drugs designed to save my life may be what will kill me.

    The discouraging lack of progress in finding a cure for such an ancient disease may explain the relative silence about IPF. Journalists throng to report on any illness when science advances understanding of it, and there hasn’t been a lot of promising news to report on this front. The prospects for treating, say, lung or prostate cancer are far more optimistic. It can’t be easy for doctors to uplift the spirits of their patients knowing that so little can be done to keep them alive. Ofev will only slow the steady pace of the inevitable — the petrification of my lungs.

    If idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is, as Stephen writes, “the big mystery in all of pulmonary medicine, a disease so cryptic it seems almost impenetrable,” one would hope that more hospitals were now trying to crack the code. This is a disease that badly needs a respected public figure to advocate for more research funding. The powerful tools of the medical-industrial complex can’t be trained on solving the riddle of IPF until more people learn that it exists.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has advised Ukraine to destroy all high-threat pathogens housed in public health laboratories to prevent potential spills that could spread disease.

    Ukraine’s laboratory capabilities have been at the forefront of a growing information war following the Russian invasion two weeks ago. (Reuters)

     Biosecurity experts have warned that Russia’s troop movement in Ukraine and the bombardment of its cities raised the risk of disease-causing pathogens escaping should any facilities be damaged, Reuters reported.

    Ukraine has public health laboratories, like several other countries, researching ways to mitigate the threats posed by dangerous diseases that affect both humans and animals, including Covid-19. Its labs receive support from the US, the WHO, and the European Union.

    In response to questions about its work with Ukraine prior to and during the invasion, the WHO said that it had collaborated with the country’s public health labs for years to promote security practices that prevent the deliberate or accidental release of pathogens.

    As part of this work, the United Nations health agency has recommended to Ukraine’s Ministry of Health and other responsible bodies to get rid of high-threat pathogens.

    While the WHO did not reveal when it made the recommendation or provide specifics about the kinds of pathogens housed in the laboratories, it also did not reveal if the recommendations were being followed.

    Ukraine’s laboratory capabilities have been at the forefront of a growing information war following the Russian invasion two weeks ago. Russia Foreign Ministry Spokesperson on Wednesday Maria Zakharova reiterated a longstanding claim that the US operated a biowarfare lab in the former Soviet state. Both the US and Ukraine have previously denied the accusations.

    Zakharova said documents found by Russian forces in Ukraine showed an emergency attempt to erase evidence of military-grade biological programmes by destroying laboratory samples.

    A spokesperson for the Ukraine president, however, denied the allegations. Spokespeople from the US government also denied the accusations and said Russia might use these claims to deploy chemical or biological weapons.

    While the WHO made no reference to biowarfare, it said it encouraged all parties to cooperate in the secure disposal of pathogens they find and reach out for technical assistance when needed.

    On Friday, the United Nations Security Council will convene a meeting at Russia’s request to discuss the Kremlin’s claims about US biological activities in the war-torn country.

    5G looks like it’s the next best thing in tech, but it’s really a Trojan horse for harming humanity

    Image: 5G looks like it’s the next best thing in tech, but it’s really a Trojan horse for harming humanity

    Many so-called “experts” are claiming that it’ll be a huge step forward for innovation in everything from manufacturing and transportation, to medicine and beyond. But in reality, 5G technology represents an existential threat to humanity – a “phony war” on the people who inhabit this planet we call Earth, and all in the name of “progress.”

    Writing for GreenMedInfo, Claire Edwards, a former editor and trainer in intercultural writing for the United Nations (U.N.), warns that 5G might end up being the straw that breaks the camel’s back in terms of the state of public health. Electro-hypersensitivity (EHS), she says, could soon become a global pandemic as a result of 5G implementation, with people developing severe health symptoms that inhibit their ability to live normal lives.

    This “advanced” technology, Edwards warns, involves the use of special “laser-like beams of electromagnetic radiation,” or EMR, that are basically blasted “from banks of thousands of tiny antennas” installed all over the place, typically on towers and poles located within just a couple hundred feet of one another.

    While she still worked for the U.N., Edwards tried to warn her superiors about the dangers of 5G EMR, only to have these petitions fall on deaf ears. This prompted her to contact the U.N. Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, who then pushed the World Health Organization (WHO) to take a closer look into the matter – though this ended up being a dead end as well.

    For more news about 5G and its threat to humanity, be sure to check out Conspiracy.news.

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    Elon Musk is planning to launch 4,425 5G satellites in to Earth’s orbit THIS JUNE

    Edwards worries particularly about 5G implementation in space, as existing space law is so woefully inadequate that countries all around the world, including the U.S., will likely blanket the atmosphere in 5G equipment, turning our entire planet into an EMR hell.

    Elon Musk of Tesla fame is one such purveyor of 5G technology who’s planning to launch an astounding 4,425 5G satellites in to Earth’s orbit by June 2019. This means that, in a matter of just a few months, 5G will be everywhere and completely inescapable.

    “There are no legal limits on exposure to EMR,” Edwards writes.

    “Conveniently for the telecommunications industry, there are only non-legally enforceable guidelines such as those produced by the grandly named International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection, which turns out to be like the Wizard of Oz, just a tiny little NGO in Germany that appoints its own members, none of whom is a medical doctor or environmental expert.”

    Edwards sees 5G implementation as eventually leading to a “catastrophe for all life in Earth” in the form of “the last great extinction.” She likens it to a “biological experiment” representing the “most heinous manifestation of hubris and greed in human history.”

    There’s already evidence to suggest that 5G implementation in a few select cities across the United States, including in Sacramento, California, is causing health problems for people who live near 5G equipment. At firehouses where 5G equipment was installed, for instance, firefighters are reporting things like memory problems and confusion.

    Some people are also reporting reproductive issues like miscarriages and stillbirths, as well as nosebleeds and insomnia, all stemming from the presence of 5G transmitters.

    Edwards encourages folks to sign The Stop 5G Appeal if they care about protecting people, animals, insects, and the planet from this impending 5G assault.

    “Our newspapers are now casually popularizing the meme that human extinction would be a good thing, but when the question becomes not rhetorical but real, when it’s your life, your child, your community, your environment that is under immediate threat, can you really subscribe to such a suggestion?” Edwards asks.

    Mindfulness Helps With Disease Self-Management Skills

    An 8-week program of mindfulness training may enhance disease self-management among people with chronic illnesses such as diabetes and arthritis, a study has found. The researchers used rates of initiation of health behavior action plans to measure improvement in the patients’ self-management skills.

    The insurance-reimbursable intervention was associated with higher rates of action-plan initiation than those seen in people exposed to a low-dose comparator (LDC) consisting of a 60-minute introduction to mindfulness, digital and community resources, and standard mental health care.

    The study, which was conducted by Richa Gawande, PhD, Harvard Medical School, Boston, and Cambridge Health Alliance, both in Massachusetts, and colleagues, was published online December 3 in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.

    The program, called Mindfulness Training for Primary Care (MTPC), “was more effective for improving emotion regulation, interoceptive awareness, self-compassion, and mindfulness at 8 weeks” compared with the low-dose approach, the researchers explain.

    However, at a 24-week follow-up examination, the LDC also was associated with positive changes in mental health, suggesting that access to high-quality mental health care combined with at least modest exposure to mindfulness training “may moderately reduce stress, depression, and anxiety,” the investigators write.

    The study’s primary outcome was the impact of the MTPC program compared with that of the LDC on patients’ initiation of an action plan within 2 weeks of setting a goal for health behavior self-management. Secondary outcomes included changes in levels of anxiety, depression, and stress 8 and 24 weeks after the intervention, compared with baseline.

    Patients were recruited from 11 primary care medical homes, were at least 18 years of age, had a DSM-5 diagnosis but no serious mental illnesses, such as psychosis, and no active substance use disorders.

    All study participants received a 60-minute introduction to mindfulness, which included the basic principles of mindfulness, brief guided mindfulness practices, and a review of resources for further information. They were then randomly assigned to receive either the MTPC or the LDC.

    The MTPC consisted of eight weekly 2-hour sessions, co-led by two trained providers, one 7-hour session, and a recommendation for 30 to 45 minutes of daily practice at home, using guided recordings. Patients in the LDC group were encouraged to use the mindfulness techniques demonstrated in the 60-minute introduction and to supplement that with digital and community resources, while continuing their standard mental health care.

    During week 7, all participants were instructed to create a short-term action plan relating to health maintenance or self-management of a chronic disease. At weeks 8 and 9, they completed an action plan initiation (API) survey that measured the degree to which they had started the plan. Scores on the survey ranged from 1 (not at all) to 7 (completely). “Evidence of plan initiation was defined as an API score ≥5,” the authors write.

    The final analysis included 92 patients in the MTPC group, of whom 68 developed an action plan, and 44 in the LDC group, of whom 33 developed an action plan. Fifty-three patients (77.9%) in the MTPC group reported initiation of the action plan, compared with 14 patients (42.4%) in the LDC group (odds ratio [OR], 2.91; P = .006). Of the 101 participants who responded to the API survey, MTPC was associated with higher API rates (OR, 4.8; P = .001).

    Overall, in an intention-to-treat analysis, MTPC was associated with significantly higher odds of API, compared with the LDC (OR, 2.28; 95% confidence interval, 1.02 – 5.06; P = .025).

    The authors also found large within-group effect sizes with MTPC for anxiety, mindfulness, self-compassion, and interoceptive awareness at 8 and 24 weeks, and for emotional regulation at 24 weeks. They observed moderate to large within-group effect sizes associated with MTPC for depression and stress at 8 and 24 weeks, but also within the LDC group for self-compassion and stress at 8 and 24 weeks, along with anxiety and depression at 24 weeks.

    Anxiety, depression, trauma, and stress are common comorbidities in patients with chronic illnesses and may interfere with the self-regulation skills necessary for effective management of those illnesses. Mindfulness-based programs “are evidence-based treatments that seem to harness self-regulatory mechanisms and could help people with self-regulation challenges catalyze behavior change related to managing chronic disease,” the authors say.

    The findings suggest that “integrating MTPC into the health care system as an insurance-reimbursable, referral-based treatment is effective in facilitating health behavior change for primary care patients with a variety of chronic conditions,” the authors conclude. The program “facilitates self-management of chronic disease and represents a compelling model for dissemination within primary care patient-centered medical homes.”

    Study limitations include variations in the mental health care received by patients in the control group, which limited the conclusions that could be drawn about their outcomes, and use of self-assessments when measuring patients’ initiation of their action plans.

    Saving the Seas: New Technologies to Protect the Ocean

    The ocean covers more than 70 percent of our planet’s surface. The Pacific alone is more than 60 million square miles. And yet, technologists are often focused on their home turf, populating roads with Ubers, equipping cities with wireless access points, and covering the land with cellular base stations.

    Thus far, the 321,003,271 cubic miles of ocean on Earth have experienced more technological harm than benefit. Over-fishing, plastic waste, oil spills, raw sewage dumping, illegal whaling, and climate change have all taken a toll.

    But it doesn’t have to stay that way. New and developing technologies could lead to a more responsible ocean economy.

    Canada’s Ocean Supercluster is a private-sector-led partnership that hopes to leverage the latest science and technology in order to address global challenges and ensure better outcomes for our oceans. Unlike clusters organized around a single sector, this partnership is applying innovation to various ocean industries, such as marine renewable energies, fisheries, oil and gas, and shipbuilding. In November, the Canadian federal government announced it would inject up to $153 million into these efforts, along with matching corporate funds.

    It has been projected that the “ocean economy” will more than double in size by 2030. Although there is money to be made, there is also, if you’ll pardon the pun, an ocean of untapped data. That data could enhance predictions, risk characterization, and operational performance. The Ocean Supercluster partnership also claims that its innovation investments will enhance sustainability by lowering carbon footprints, strengthening environmental monitoring and protection, and improving resource management and energy efficiency.

    Below are some of the crucial areas where technology is changing the ocean economy.

    Oil Spill Tracking

    The oil and gas industry is one of high risk, and technological tools are essential when things go awry. Companies like Advisian and MetOcean Telematics have devised oil spill tracking buoys with integrated antennas and power. A group of these floating transceivers can be deployed by air. They send back accurate, real-time tracking of the ocean’s surface—mapping currents, oil spills, and other phenomena.

    These transceivers contribute to a better understanding of the global impact of industry. The Iridium satellite system proves particularly useful in remote regions: a drifter operating in Iridium-only mode can have a lifespan up to one year, extending its applications to marine research.

    Fish Farm Sensors

    The Ocean Supercluster is looking into opportunities for customizing underwater sensors to provide real-time data for monitoring fish and their environments in fish farms.

    New sensors, data management, and visualization systems allow fish farmers to plan and maximize feeding times, thereby improving conditions and profits. However, fish farming remains controversial. It has been suggested that aquaculture operations sometimes inadvertently act as disease and parasite accelerators due to the high density, lack of mobility, and low genetic diversity of farmed fish. Some scientists and activists also contend that open-net fish farms threaten wild populations by spreading viruses.

    Communication Systems

    The standards for long-distance offshore marine communication systems have changed over time. Current radio telecommunication technologies have improved safety and logistical operations. The systems also remain functional in high heat and other emergency situations. Progress will likely continue in this direction, preventing collisions and allowing goods to reach markets all around the world.

    Technavio market research analysts have predicted that the global marine communication systems market could grow at a CAGR of more than 8 percent by 2021. Old submarine communications systems have been replaced with wireless technologies such as Li-F i and 5G NR. Additionally, new communications systems can convert text into Morse code, which increases the ease of transmitting messages.

    Communications improvements have also been felt within the tourism industry as cruise industry operators increasingly provide onboard internet and mobile services.

    Autonomous Vehicles

    The Ocean Supercluster is looking into autonomous vehicles to improve the inspection and maintenance of large marine assets, such as ships, oil platforms, and industrial infrastructure. Although the media has paid a lot of attention to the self-driving cars attempting to roam our asphalt, the same revolution is happening on the water.

    With the emergence of unmanned and autonomous surface vessels, it isn’t obvious what the maritime sector should classify as a “ship.” This raises significant questions about international regulations and liabilities. The Shipowners’ Club, a marine insurer founded in 1855, has recommended that the existing frameworks be amended in order to accommodate the emergence of these radical new technologies.

    Autonomous underwater vehicles or gliders are also able to measure oceanographic parameters like temperature, salinity, and pressure. Some of these vehicles function by using small changes in buoyancy and wings to achieve forward motion.

    Ice Tracking Technology

    Ice trackers can serve as an early warning system to oil platforms, letting them know if treacherous icebergs are approaching. Rutter’s sigma S6 system works by enhancing radar capabilities with multi-layered processing. The hazard of floating ice is more threatening than in previous years due to global warming.

    Fortunately, remote sensing technology allows workers to prepare well in advance, reducing the chances of disaster and environmental pollution. Sometimes, vessels are actually able to strategically maneuver around icebergs in order to change the direction of the ice.

    The Future of our Oceans

    The ocean is a shared resource, transcending all boundaries and sovereignties, and it is vulnerable to exploitation. Without shared data and sustainable techniques, the ocean might continue to suffer under human impact. Ideally, emerging technologies geared towards safeguarding it will be developed sustainably and collaboratively, allowing us to thrive alongside our oceans.

    Stem Cell Technique Could Regenerate Any Human Tissue Damaged By Aging or Disease

    Stem Cells: They Keys To Human Health

    Stem cells are, in may ways, our lifeblood, and understanding them could utterly transform human biology. While stem cells have already worked wonders in medicinal research, showing signs of curing everything from spinal cord injuries to blindness, they’ve always had their shortcomings—mostly tied to our own lacking understanding.

    However, each year brings us closer to truly understanding these cells, how they function, and how they can be manipulated for a variety of health purposes. For example, we know that stem cells are tied to aging, and we know that understanding exactly how they are tied to aging is critical to combating age-associated degeneration. As work published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information outlines:

    “Aging tissues experience a progressive decline in homeostatic and regenerative capacities, which has been attributed to degenerative changes in tissue-specific stem cells, stem cell niches and systemic cues that regulate stem cell activity.”

    And one study is promising a “game-changing” technique for stem cells.

    Taking their cue from salamander regeneration, research led by the University of New South Wales says that a stem cell therapy capable of regenerating any human tissue damaged by injury, disease, or aging could be available within a few years, thanks to an innovative technique.

    But first, a breakdown of what stem cells are and why they are so terribly important:

    The Technique

    The technique pioneered by the researchers at University of New South Wales involves reprogramming bone and fat cells into “induced multipotent stem cells” (iMS). These cells are special in that they can regenerate multiple tissue types.

    The team notes the significance of these cells, stating that, “unlike primary mesenchymal stem cells, which are used with little objective evidence in clinical practice to promote tissue repair, iMS cells contribute directly to in vivo tissue regeneration in a context-dependent manner without forming tumors.”

    There are two kinds of stem cells: embryonic stem cells that during embryonic development generate every type of cell in the human body, and adult stem cells that are tissue-specific, and unable to regenerate multiple tissue types.

    This method has the potential to transform current approaches in regenerative medicine.

    Embryonic stem cells would be preferable, save that they are prone to form teratomas (tumors composed of different tissue types), and their use is highly controversial.

    In any case, the scientists are quick to note the utterly transformative nature of this technique, and it’s great potential in relation to the future of medicine: “This method can be applied to both mouse and human somatic cells to generate multipotent stem cells and has the potential to transform current approaches in regenerative medicine.”

    How It Works

    The method used by the researchers is, quite frankly, amazing. They took bone and fat cells in mice, switched off their memory, and transformed them into stem cells.

    To be specific, the technique involves extracting adult human fat cells and treating them with the compound 5-Azacytidine (AZA), along with platelet-derived growth factor-AB (PDGF-AB) for approximately two days. The cells are then treated with the growth factor alone for a further two to three weeks.

    The AZA relaxes the hard-wiring of the cells by inducing cell plasticity, and this is expanded by the growth factor. Release the iMS into damaged tissue, and they will multiply, healing the tissue. The technique is a huge step up from other stem-cell therapies, since embryonic stem cell therapies may form tumors, and others use viruses to transform cells into stem cells.

    The technique is a huge step up from other stem-cell therapies, since embryonic stem cell therapies may form tumors, and others use viruses to transform cells into stem cells. The current trials use iMS from adult human fat cells inserted into mice. Human trials for this technique are expected by late 2017.

    Blood test to predict likelihood of disease years in the future

    Blood test
    Scientists look for signature patterns of biomarkers

    A simple blood test that can tell how well a person is likely to age is on the horizon after scientists cracked blood “signature” patterns which predict ill health.

    The breakthrough means doctors will be able to assess the likelihood of dementia, cardiovascular disease and a range of other conditions years before patients show any symptoms.

    Researchers at Boston University learnt to recognise combinations of specific “biomarkers”, or chemicals found in the blood, of 5,000 people in a study.

     We can now detect and measure thousands of biomarkers from a small amount of bloodBoston University

    They then matched these to the participants’ health outcomes over a period of eight years.

    They found specific patterns associated with disease and disability-free aging, as well as patterns associated with the threat of several diseases.

    While various techniques already exist for predicting specific conditions, such as heart disease, the new approach will enable doctors to paint a comprehensive picture of their patient’s overall future health.

    It also promises to give people the chance to change their lifestyles or begin preventative treatment to stave off diseases flagged up as a risk by their blood composition.

    The team identified 26 different signatures, finding that around half the people in the study shared an average signature of 19 biomarkers, while other groups had different patterns that deviated from the norm.

    “These signatures depict differences in how people age, and they show promise in predicting healthy ageing, changes in cognitive and physical function, survival and age-related diseases like disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer,” the research team said.

    “We can now detect and measure thousands of biomarkers from a small amount of blood with the idea of eventually being able to predict who is at risk of a wide range of diseases long before any clinical signs become apparent.”

    Companies are already offering blood tests which claim to estimate a person’s lifespan, however this is done using DNA analysis and does not give insights into the likelihood of developing specific conditions.

    The technique works by measuring structures at the end of a person’s chromosomes, called telomeres, which scientists believe are an important indicator of the speed at which a person is ageing.

    The researchers behind the new study, which is published in the journal Ageing Cell, say the biomarker signature technique could also be used to speed up long and laborious drug trials.

    Prof Paola Sebastiani said that rather than waiting “years and years” for clinical outcomes, instead trials may be able to rely on biomarker signatures far earlier to detect the effect of a trial medicine.

    A Famous Doctor Reveals: Do This Everyday And You Will Be Healed Of Every Disease

    Most doctors will agree that these healthy tips can aid in treating many diseases. Adopt these habits and enjoy your health boost.

    Look directly in the sun in the first hour after the sun rises or before the sunset. Start off with 10 seconds, and prolong this time for 10 seconds every day. Try standing barefoot on concrete at the same time. Sand works fine as well.

    Drink fluoride-free water or filter your tap water. However, natural spring water is the healthiest option. Expose the water to direct sunlight for several hours to absorb enough solar energy. Keep it in clear, see-through glass bottle. Never leave the water outside during the night.

    Exercise in the park every day. This is the best detox you can get.

     Take some fresh air in the morning and before bedtime for about 20 minutes. You can also walk. Make sure you go to bed somewhere between 10pm and 2am. Human body secretes healing hormones in this period. Live according to the rhythm of the sun.

    Use natural cosmetics instead of chemical laden products.

     Eat more raw fruits and veggies. Grains are also great for your organism. Reduce the intake of products of animal origin.

    Avoid products containing artificial sweeteners.

    Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, black tea, chewing gum, and canned goods.

    Always smile and stay positive. This will stimulate the production of good hormones.

    Stop thinking or speaking negatively about others. Remember, your subconscious is a reflection of your thoughts. Behave as if everything is fine with you.

    Forgive yourself and others. Once you get rid of all hatred and anger, you will be free of all the negativity that affects the secretion of hormones and damages your health. By forgiving others you will also forgive yourself. Mental conditions can be treated with raw produce and sunlight.

    According to experts, raw plant diet is the ideal diet regimen when it comes to maintaining good health. Eat almonds and walnuts. Take 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil or 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds.

    7 Diseases You Can Learn About From a Genetic Test

    In an age of instant information, it’s not surprising people want to know as much as possible about their risk of developing certain diseases.

    Now, mail-order kits allow us a peek at our genetic destinies, though some have questioned the accuracy of such information. A handful of companies have cropped up that both sell the kits and offer genetic counseling based on the results.


    Tests using blood samples usually require a prescription, but others ask consumers to simply spit in a tube or swab the inside of their cheek. Prices range from several hundred dollars on up.

    The results tell of genetic markers that, if present, may signal susceptibilities to certain health conditions. These markers, called SNPs (or single nucleotide polymorphisms), are variations in gene sequences. SNPs don’t cause disease, but can help determine the chances of developing a certain illness, according to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Genome Program.

    Results indicating you’re at above-average risk for contracting a disease don’t guarantee you’ll get it, just as results showing no risk markers don’t mean you won’t. But for some, acting on the information like deciding to quit smoking or make diet changes may help prevent the disease’s development or lessen its effects, according to Navigenics, a genetics testing company.

    But test results may not be completely trustworthy. According to a July report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the mail-order spit tests are often inaccurate or misleading. Some results directly contradicted others, the GAO told members of a House of Representatives subcommittee.

    And even when mutations are found, scientists are not always able to translate these to say exactly how much the odds are of developing a disease are raised.

    MyHealthNewsDaily has rounded up some of the genes that genetic tests look for, and exactly what’s known about these genes.

    A Tale of Two Brains: How Your Second Brain Is Key To Understanding Many Chronic Illnesses.

    Not many people realize they have two brains. Yes, you read that right. And your second brain may have more to do with your health that you ever imagined.

    We tend to think of our brain as the command center from which all physiological functions stem. But there is another intelligence in your body that you may not realize… and its importance to your health may be the key you’re looking for when searching for the cause of chronic illness and even mental health issues.

    If you see a thirty something man with gray hair, or a forty year old woman with balding head, or a fifty year old stroke victim in a coffin, or a sixty-five year old grandpa with shaky hands, or a seventy year old grandma with dementia — look no further than inside their compromised guts. (Gut Sense: How to Restore Intestinal Flora and What Happens If You Don’t)

    The “second brain” or belly brain is much different from the brain in our heads. While our cranial brain performs complex cognitive functions, allowing us to process information, apply knowledge, and change preferences, our belly brain is intuitive and receives signals and messages regarding our bodies and the environment that it sends back to our cranial brain and vice versa.

    Understanding the belly brain and its functions is often the answer to helping people who are plagued with many problems that are often dismissed by traditional medical practitioners. Your belly brain, known to scientists as the enteric nervous system, is connected to your cranial brain by the vagus nerve. The same brain-regulating chemicals found in your cranial brain have also been found in your belly brain — including hormones and neurotransmitters. It’s estimated that one hundred million neurotransmitters line the length of the gut, approximately the same number found in the cranial brain. (Dr. Gershon, Scientific American: Think Twice)

    The belly brain also produces dopamine and 95% of the chemical serotonin in our bodies. Without adequate levels of these two “feel-good” chemicals, we may experience depression, insomnia and other emotional distress. Be glad for these symptoms as they are warning signals—alerts–that tell you plainly to “Listen to me! Pay attention to my gut!”

    Our belly brain influences not just mood, but is key to understanding many of our disease processes as well. It’s easy to see why, when you realize that approximately 70% of our immune system is located in our digestive tract. Taking care of both your brains will serve you well in many areas of health.

    As Americans, we spend more than any other nation in the world on healthcare. You would think that for this price tag we would be the healthiest people on the planet. Yet we are among the sickest population. Prescription drug use for gastrointestinal and mental conditions is at an all-time high, yet too many people are still suffering and walking around in a drug-induced haze.

    Maybe it’s time to look to the cause of the problem rather than simply treating the symptoms. Popping a pill to ease your discomfort may be the easy way out, but it’s wreaking havoc with your health. If you don’t address the cause of your discomfort, the problem will only get worse until it definitely has your attention. By taking care of our two brains, we can greatly influence the quality of our health.

    How do you take care of your second brain?

    First, let’s look at what we eat. The gut is like any environment–it is only as healthy as what you put into it. There are ten times more microbes in your intestinal biome than you have cells in your body. In fact, these microbes are made up of more than 500 different species and weigh in at somewhere between 2 and 5 pounds! If we produce a good environment for healthy, helpful microbes, we have a healthy body. Sounds easy enough, right?

    So what produces a healthy gut?

    Unfortunately, we have seen an increasing number of patients in our practice with serious health problems, and many of these disorders stem from intestinal issues. While a different protocol may be prescribed for each patient, there are some basic things you can do to improve the health of your gut.

    1. Stay away from chicken and meat that have antibiotics when possible. These antibiotics alter the flora in your intestines. Antibiotics are meant to kill the harmful bacteria; unfortunately, they kill the good bacteria, too, leaving you even more defenseless.
    2. Stay away from high carbohydrate intake, i.e., sugar, pasta, rice and grains. They feed the bad flora. Never before in the history of mankind have humans eaten such large amounts of sugar and refined carbohydrates, and our bodies are not designed to optimize this fuel on a full-time basis.

    3. Stay away from gut irritants. Avoid chemical toxins such as MSG, food preservatives and flavor enhancers. Eat organic whenever possible and avoid foods containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Gluten sensitivity is an increasing problem in our culture where 99% of the wheat we now consume is a hybrid developed back in 1970 by Norman Borlaug. This dwarf wheat also contained 14 new strains of gluten. It is estimated about 40% of our population could be gluten sensitive or intolerant, and many think this is one of the reasons why.

    Flickr - Brain - Lnk.Si

    4. Increase your intake of fermented foods such as sauerkraut, fermented relish, or Kombucha, a fermented tea. Just a tablespoon or two of one of these delicious foods at the start of your meal can populate your inner ecosystem with the good bacteria our bodies need.

    5. For more information about healing diet and gut protocols go to http://www.gaps.me