Scientists are using cloud computing and AI to track these mysterious, beautiful whale sharks

A unique project is using some very old, and very cutting edge, IT to track the biggest fish in the sea.

whale shark
The beautiful, enigmatic whale shark.

Someone grabbed my wrist and pointed sharply below us: ‘Quick, look down!’ I swam to face the seabed and gasped through my snorkel. A shark stretching some 8m long, as long as a bus, had moved silently underneath us — and I hadn’t noticed it at all.

The whale shark, a beautiful creature, a filter-feeder whose giant mouth gives it a benign look, is good at escaping detection. It’s still not known how large the global population of whale sharks is, how they migrate across the oceans, and where they give birth, despite being the largest fish species alive today.

For a few minutes off the coast of Ningaloo in Western Australia, I was able to swim with one such shark, before it disappeared off into the Indian Ocean, too deep and too fast for humans to follow. All that remained of our encounter was a short video, taken by another snorkeller who’d been with me that day.

The tourist that made the video might have thought they were just creating a holiday souvenir, but unknowingly he was making a scientific record for marine researchers, and tagging the shark we’d both seen in a way that would allow us to reconnect with the animal many years later.

Stills from the video of our encounter were sent to a project that’s helping to find out more about these enigmatic animals, using a technological toolbox that draws on computer vision, social media, and neural networks to track whale shark movements across the globe.

Google sharpens Maps, Earth with petabyte of crisp NASA satellite imagery

Google Earth and Maps now offer sharper images of the world, thanks to fresh data from NASA’s newest Landsat satellite. has been curating whale shark photos from all over the world for around 15 years, and uses the distinctive spot patterns surrounding the animals’ left pectoral fins to identify particular individuals from their pictures. With the spot patterns as unique as a fingerprint, animals’ movements can be tracked across the world using photos and locations uploaded to the site by everyone from professional whale shark researchers to holiday makers that have snapped the creatures during a scuba dive. is run by Wild Me, a not-for-profit that aims to help wildlife research and conservation using technology. The idea for came to Jason Holmberg, Wild Me’s information architect, in the early 2000s after he took park in an expedition in La Paz, Mexico, that tracked animals by attaching plastic tags with spearguns.

Holmberg asked a member of the expedition how often the tags were subsequently resighted. “He said ‘less than one percent of the time’. I said, ‘Oh, there’s some room for improvement then!'” Holmberg told ZDNet. “So I sat down and started programming and said, ‘OK, what if we were to use these natural spots [on a whale shark] like a human fingerprint and just allow people to photograph them?'”

While the spot patterns are distinctive enough for human researchers to identify one shark from any number of animals in the species, Holmberg’s efforts to code an algorithm that could do the same were proving fruitless.

Holmberg’s friend and subsequently co-founder of Wild Me, NASA pulsar astronomer Zavan Arzoumanian, persuaded Holmberg to put aside coding for one night and join him and a Dutch astronomer for a drink.

The chance meeting proved to be the answer Holmberg had needed: after dejectedly explaining to the astronomer the pattern-matching problem the whale shark project was facing, the Dutchman told him that NASA was already doing exactly the same thing using an algorithm that had come out of the software development for the Hubble space telescope.

“When the Hubble telescope takes pictures of the night sky, it tries to turn those pictures into a larger mosaic. What happens is it needs to match star patterns so it can position the photos correctly [within the mosaic]. That process of matching the stars correctly is exactly the process we need to match whale sharks’ spots,” Holmberg said.

After uncovering the original paper that had led to the creation of the algorithm — created by a Princeton physics professor for NASA’s Hubble program — and spending some time refining it, the algorithm was rolled out on and has been used to identify whale sharks ever since.

“The algorithm was developed around 1984. It was really well ahead of its time in terms of its elegance. There are many computer vision algorithms that have been developed since then, even for whale sharks, that don’t work anywhere near as well. It’s the only one that scales to a global dataset… and reliably identify the right whale shark across 50,000 photos,” Holmberg said.

The system is underpinned by Amazon’s EC2 in the Portland, Oregon region, where Wild Me is based. A public cloud service allows the organisation to scale up and down the servers at its disposal, according to how much computing grunt it needs at any one time.

Surprisingly, the hardest part of building a system that can identify a single whale shark from a cast of thousands is the data management layer involved: “getting data into a manageable format so [researchers] can identify individual animals and use computer vision systems, which require good well managed datasets,” Holmberg said.

To deal with the problem, Wild Me built Wildbook, an open source data management framework for use in wildlife and ecology studies.

“In 2003, I didn’t understand how bad the data management challenge for wildlife was, and it still is, 13 years later. Most people who began using Wildbook were migrating off of 1990s desktop applications — off of Access, off of Excel — which don’t allow them to share data, pool data, collect data from citizen scientists.”

Coming soon to you: the information you need.

The day when your hat can extrapolate your mood from your brain activity and make a spa appointment on your behalf may not be far away.

The next big thing in the digital world won’t be a better way for you to find something. If a confluence of capabilities now on the horizon bears fruit, the next big thing is that information will find you.

Devices from your phone to your appliances will join forces in the background to make your life easier automatically.

Welcome to contextual search, a world where devices from your phone to your appliances will join forces in the background to make your life easier automatically.

Contextual, or predictive search, started with the now-humble recommendations pioneered by companies such as Amazon – where metadata applied behind the scenes led you to products with similar attributes via pages that made helpful suggestions such as “customer who bought this also bought…”.

But when such technology grows and expands to everything around us, it could result in what Andrew Dent, a strategist with virtualisation company Citrix Systems, calls “cyber-sense”. This is information from a growing field of devices that know more about you than ever before.

Today your smartphone knows your location, so everything from the local weather to nearby Facebook friends is available. What about tomorrow when your jacket can measure your vital signs or a hat can extrapolate your mood from your brain activity?

Connect it with information on your schedule (from your calendar), spatial information such as whether you’re running or at rest, the time of day and a hundred other factors, and machines everywhere can decide on, find and present the information they think you need.

The field is opened even wider by search technology that finds abstract connections for you, rather than you starting a search at a given point. A system out of Bangalore, India called CollabLayer lets you watch for specific keywords you assign to almost any kind of data in a network.

But you can also submit a collection of documents to CollabLayer when you don’t really have a search term in mind. The system extracts links between what it thinks are key entities and graphs them in a “semantic map”. Such a method can give search a heuristic or “proactive” approach that doesn’t really need the input of a user.

It’s a similar proposition to the semantic web framework championed by the W3C, the consortium led by the father of the worldwide web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee. It aims to connect content across the web regardless of file formats, expanding the scope of what our data can do for us.

Put contextual search together with the “Internet of Things” concept and the real-world applications becomes obvious. When your smart car realises a brake pad is a bit worn, it asks your GPS where you are, checks your calendar to see when you have some free time, asks the manufacturer for a workshop near you that has the part, makes an appointment and sends you a text or email with everything set up before you had any idea.

With APIs (application programming interface – the “translation tool” between two applications) cheaper than ever for interconnecting search systems, software isn’t the issue.

One issue is sheer volume – there’s more contextual data than anyone can possibly process manually. Business Insider recently reported on a Moscow technology conference, where a professor added up the amount of data in the world that’s about you (not just what you generate yourself). The result was 44.5 gigabytes per person, compared with just 500 megabytes per person in 1986.

The other issue is commercialisation, and whether we have to be slaves to a single technology company for all this to work in the real world. With its vast desktop and mobile ecosystem, Google is the closest to a de-facto standard, and already a new Google service in the US lets you conduct contextual searches from what’s essentially your own information.

But for the brake pad example to work, a lot of proprietary systems need access to each other’s APIs, and history has shown large technology companies tend to protect their own patch. As Jared Carrizales, chief executive of Heroic Search says, “Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t think this capability will be available en masse on any other platform than Google.”

It might take an open source platform or a platform-agnostic public system to make contextual search truly seamless, but can the support base behind non-profit efforts sustain such a far-reaching infrastructure, and will governments want to compete directly with some of their biggest taxpayers?

Howard Turtle, director of the Centre for Natural Language Processing at Syracuse University, says it will take a few VHS versus Beta-style “standards wars”, but even then, individual preferences will generate whole new tiers of processing. “Of course, it also raises all sorts of privacy and security issues,” he adds.

So with the will and means that might already be in place, an ability to commercialise the services might be the only stumbling block to an internet that knows what you want.

Can wearable technology boost productivity?


With great power comes great responsibility. There is some confusion over whether this quote should be attributed to Voltaire or Spiderman.

Either way, the message is the same and one that should be resonating with the inventors, companies, brands, media, policy makers and industries hitching a ride on the innovation bullet train of wearable technologies.


Our original Human Cloud research project at Goldsmiths, University of London in partnership with cloud computing provider Rackspace focused on the socio-economic impact of wearable technology moving from novelty and entertainment to health and lifestyle.

We conducted a survey of 4,000 adults in the UK and US and spent six weeks with 26 participants experimenting with these new technologies, from fitness bands like the Fitbit, Jawbone Up and Nike Fuelband, to sensor-based wearable cameras like the Autographer.


With echoes of Stephen Hawking‘s voice on Radiohead‘s “OK Computer” album, participants experimenting with wearable technologies felt fitter (68%), happier (75%), and more productive (84%).

The nuances of the human experience was reflected in the six archetypes of wearable technology users we identified from deep qualitative research from the curious, controllers, and quantified selfers to the self-medics, finish line fanatics, and ubiquitors.

“As you can see, today has not gone well so far,” says one self-medic participant mournfully, looking at two graphs: one shows he only took 394 steps that day, the other that he only got five hours 28 minutes sleep. When asked why he wears technology, his answer is to “prevent delusion” and so that function is at least achieved.

Privacy remains a key issue, but it is a multifaceted and complex discussion.

Twenty percent of survey respondents wanted to see Google Glass banned entirely from public spaces, but the same percentage were willing to share the data from wearable devices with government to improve services.


The argument from our ‘controller’ archetype is that their data is already valuable, the question is who is benefiting and exploiting this value.

Fernando Pessoa wrote that it is the fate of everyone in this life to be exploited so is it worse to be exploited by Senhor Vasques [his employer] and his textile company than by vanity, glory, resentment, envy, or the impossible?

This is a question all of us must answer, particularly as the fine line between the possible and the seemingly impossible is breached nearly every day by one form of emerging technology or another fueled by the exponential growth of computing power, storage, bandwidth, nanotechnology, and big data.

One of the most intriguing findings of the initial phase of the research was the way early adopter companies were starting to explore the power of wearable tech in the workplace.

Several companies reported issuing laptops, mobile phones, and fitness bands to all employees as part of standard corporate kit. This stimulated our imagination and led to the next phase of our research now underway with Rackspace.


We are looking at a big data mash-up where the wearable tech human cloud meets the productivity and performance corporate cloud to amplify the role of the human cloud at work.


For businesses experimenting with these technologies there are implications for occupational psychology, systems development, insight and analytics, leadership, competitive advantage, environmental analysis and workplace design.

Three billion gigabytes of big data are generated every day, but only one-half of one percent of this data gets analyzed and put to work.

Wearable tech data from employees and customers are an inevitable key ingredient in the recipes for making sense of big data and the role of emerging technologies in shaping our cities, societies, markets and economies.

This big data stew can be augmented with cognitive and decision-support systems like IBM Watson, the computing service that famously triumphed on Jeopardy in 2011, now deployed in the cloud diagnosing and helping treat cancer patients.

With real-time access to human data in the workplace systems like Watson can potentially support specific decisions and scenarios in relation to your personal Human Cloud. We recognize it is not all about opportunities.


There are obvious surveillance implications and risks inherent in these kinds of dynamic data driven integrations of networks of people and systems.

Analysts at Credit Suisse suggest the wearable tech market will grow from $1.4bn (£878m) in annual sales this year to $50bn (£31.3bn) by 2018.

Your friendly neighborhood Spiderman also said some spiders change colors to blend into their environment. It’s a defense mechanism.

Wearable technologies are in the midst of this blending and soon will diffuse subtly but powerfully into the fabric of everyday lives so as to be unrecognizable as a distinct innovation domain.

At this stage it is the great responsibility of every one of us to consider those implications.