How to Tell If an Egg Has Gone Bad

Useful information from Bon Appétit tells you how to distinguish good eggs from bad. The method is simple: All you have to do is drop them in water. If they sink, they’re fresh; if they’re submerged with the wide end up they’re old but still useful. But if they float, they’re bad.

With that out of the way, all we have to do is talk about how good eggs are for your health and as a palate-pleasing entrée on your plate. The myth that eggs are bad for you has pretty much been proven for what it is: a myth. The truth is you can easily eat a dozen eggs a week with no adverse health events, as studies now show that eating that many eggs has no effect on cholesterol levels or triglyceride levels compared to eating less than two eggs per week — even for people with heart disease or type 2 diabetes.

One of the great things about eggs is that they’re abundant in antioxidants and vitamins such as choline, lutein, zeaxanthin, copper, calcium and folate — all things that many people are deficient in. When eating eggs, be sure to consume the yolks, which are full of these substances and more, including omega-3 fats. Egg yolks provide other valuable vitamins (A, D, E and K), too, most of which are not found in egg whites.

When choosing eggs, either get them from someone local who raises their own free-ranging, pastured chickens or always look for organic brands at the store, with labels that say the chickens were raised in free-range pastures.

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