Revolutionary Cannabis Patch Successfully Treats Fibromyalgia and Diabetic Nerve Pain

Revolutionary Cannabis Patch Successfully Treats Fibromyalgia and Diabetic Nerve Pain

From XBrowser

Cockroaches can breed for generations without males, study finds.

Cockroaches can breed for generations without males, study finds – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

From XBrowser

Screening and brief intervention (SBI) can be patient-centred; but uptake is often low and/or poor quality; the question is does SBI improve health? Regardless, alcohol must still be addressed.

Screening and brief intervention (SBI) can be patient-centred; but uptake is often low and/or poor quality; the question is does SBI improve health? Regardless, alcohol must still be addressed | The BMJ

From XBrowser

Researchers Discover Key to Drug Resistance in Common Breast Cancer Treatment

The Large Hadron Collider just identified 5 new subatomic particles.

John Goodenough claims a lithium battery breakthrough that would completely change the electric-car industry.

Neuroscientists have accidentally discovered a whole new role for the cerebellum.

Neuroscientists have accidentally discovered a whole new role for the cerebellum – ScienceAlert

From XBrowser

One Year in Space Caused Genetic Changes in NASA’s Twin Astronaut Experiment – Seeker

ESA Discovers an Organism That Can Survive 16 Months in Outer Space

Secrets of what ancient mummies look like under their wrappings are finally being revealed.