First Successful Gene Therapy Against Human Aging? It May Be So

Should these results prove to be accurate, it means that scientists have actually managed to create a way to reverse aging.

Meet Elizabeth Parrish

The CEO of Bioviva USA Inc, Elizabeth Parrish, claims to be the first human in world history to have successfully reversed the effects of natural aging—thanks to experimental gene therapy provided by her company.

Parrish first underwent gene therapy in 2015—one designed to protect against muscle mass depletion that is inherent to aging and another to fight stem cell depletion due to age-related diseases.

Originally meant to prove that her company’s gene therapy was safe, the results—should they prove to be effective in the long-term and withstand due scientific scrutiny—would be the very first successful demonstration of telomere lengthening in any human.

“Current therapeutics offer only marginal benefits for people suffering from diseases of aging. Additionally, lifestyle modification has limited impact for treating these diseases. Advances in biotechnology is the best solution, and if these results are anywhere near accurate, we’ve made history,” Parrish notes.

To that end, even Parrish is clear that more investigation is necessary in order to verify the methods; however, if verified, this work will be revolutionary.

BioViva aims to provide regenerative medicine to the masses through gene and cell therapies.
BioViva aims to provide regenerative medicine to the masses through gene and cell therapies.

Telomeres: How They Work

Telomeres are short segments of DNA that are found on the ends of each chromosome. These act as “buffers” for the wear and tear of natural aging. But with sustained cell division, telomeres eventually get too short to protect the chromosome. When this happens, it causes the call to malfunction and leads to aging.

The basis for the success of Parrish’s gene therapy is related to the telomere scores—which are calculated based on the telomere length in white blood cells (T-lymphocytes). Higher telomere scores indicate “younger cells.” Compared to average T-lymphocytes of the American population within the same age range, 44 year old Parrish claims that the gene therapies she underwent worked and showed that it reversed 20 years of telomere shortening.

As stated, it’s important to note that the results have yet to be verified by an independent source (which is really what science is all about). And Bioviva is still carefully monitoring Parrish’s blood and will continue to do so in the coming months, and even years, to ensure that the success it has seen in leukocytes can translate to the body’s other tissues and organs; or simply if the effects can be safely replicated in other human patients.

The Top 25 Best Cult Films Of All Time

New-age tools to fight terror: Mathematical models and science of probability.

After India’s surgical strikes on terror cells across the border in September, militants attacked the Nagrota Army base in November, raising disturbing questions on the ability of security agencies to second guess terror. Perhaps it is time New Delhi took a closer look at new age tools developed by researchers whose computational analyses of extremist organisations have become powerful weapons in the fight against terrorism.

Security agencies across the world currently employ more than 40 math models to stay a step ahead of terrorists. Jonathan Farley, professor at the University of the West Indies, uses the lattice theory — a branch of mathematics that deals with ordered sets — to ascertain the probability of how many members need to be ‘taken out’ before a terrorist cell can be disrupted. This, in turn, helps to determine the structure of an ‘ideal’ terrorist cell which is most resistant to the loss of its members. Mathematicians Stephen Trench and Hannah Fry of the University College, London base their model on the Hawkes process (used in earthquake prediction programmes): It assumes that terror strikes occur in clusters and an attack is likely to be followed soon after by others — like after-shocks following an earthquake.

Neil Johnson of Miami University and his team mix maths and social media to predict terrorist attacks. Their algorithm detects signs of imminent terror strikes by monitoring social media posts used by radical groups. Prof. Johnson says social media serves as a recruitment platform for extremists and even seemingly innocuous online conversations on extremist topics could portend violent terrorist acts.

By studying pro-ISIS posts in various languages, for instance, he found strong linkages between terrorist-inspired posts and the likelihood of terror attacks actually happening. In fact, he says, it’s possible to see people “materialising” around certain social groups to share information in real-time, just like “crystals form in a test-tube”. This technology could help security agencies track sympathisers who get together at random before becoming terrorists themselves. Thus online ‘lone wolf’ actors apparently act on their own only for short periods of time. After a while, a “coalescence process” begins in the online activity of such individuals and they become identifiable with different groups, or “aggregates”. Prof. Johnson calls this the “ecology of aggregates” which allows his algorithm to track the trajectories of individuals through it.

But of especial interest to India would be the Temporal-Probabilistic Rule System developed by Venkatramana Subrahmanian, University of Maryland, which not only predicts terror attacks but also suggests counter strategies. The programme is based on two frameworks: the Stochastic Opponent Modeling Agents (SOMA) and the multiplayer game theory models. Both are built on data reflecting hundreds of variables relevant to terror groups in South Asia like the LeT, JeM, and SIMI. These variables describe both the environment in which a group operates as well as the intensity of the group’s actions.


After India’s surgical strikes on terror cells across the border in September, terrorists attacked the Nagrota Army base in November, raising disturbing questions on the ability of security agencies to second guess terror.

SOMA identifies environment conditions favourable for the group’s actions and predicts the probability ‘P’ that it will carry out action ‘A’ with intensity ‘I’, when some condition is true in the environment. The multiplayer game theory correlates sets of actions that each player can perform and assigns a “payoff” for each combination of actions that a group can take. This yields something called a ‘payoff matrix,’ showing all possible combinations of actions, and the payoffs for each scenario. In the LeT game theory, these actions include covert action or coercive diplomacy that policy makers could use. So in a hypothetical situation with five players (LeT, Pak military, Pak civilian government, US, and India), for each combination of actions these players could take, the model evaluates how good or bad that scenario could be for them. If, for instance, the US increases aid to Pakistan and the LeT carries out major attacks, the payoff for the US would be very low.

Prof. Subrahmanian’s programme derives from Nash equilibria (mathematical techniques for determining action combinations that depend on ‘stable’ situations) and calculates both ‘pure’ equilibria—where each player may or may not take an action, and ‘mixed’ equilibria—where each player can take probabilistic combinations of action (e.g., the Pak military may talk peace for some of the time, while funding and training the LeT for the rest of the time). “We found that of all the Nash equilibria in which LeT behaves well (i.e., does not carry out attacks),” says Prof. Subrahmanian, “the US and India both use covert action against LeT and/or coercive diplomacy with respect to Pakistan, and there is no additional military/development aid to Pakistan.”

During World War II, the US Navy neutralised Germany’s U-boat threat by asking chess grandmaster Reuben Fine to analyse the probability of U-boats surfacing at certain points in the sea. And Britain recruited several chess masters to devise a mathematical model to crack the German Enigma code, which virtually won the war for the Allies. More than six decades later, the free world is again turning to mathematical models and the science of probability to help fight a new enemy: Terrorism.

Men need nights out with the lads, scientists say

Researchers in Germany found it was good for a man’s health to be allowed time to bond with fellow males.


 It is the news no long-suffering wife wanted to hear: scientists have proved that every man needs a good night out with his friends.

According to the research, male bonding is more likely to lower a man’s stress levels than a night out with his partner, or time spent with the family.

The study – bound to be wheeled out as an excuse by men across the country – found males suffer less anxiety when out in a group.

Scientists from Germany’s University of Gottingen studied groups of Barbary macaques, a type of ape which exhibits remarkably human-like social behaviour.

Levels of male stress hormone soared when male macaques were with their partner or other family members. But when they were in a group of other males, they were more much more relaxed.

The researchers even discovered stress-related illnesses only seemed to occur among females or couples.

Males also look after each other, the study for the journal PNAS noted. While men may do this by watching each other’s backs, for monkeys this means picking insects and fleas out of each other’s fur.

Christopher Young of the university’s Primate Social Evolution Group said: “”If male primates live in multimale groups they usually fight fiercely over access to females, but males can develop friendly relationships with a few group mates.

“Male macaques form social bonds similar to human friendships that buffer them against day-to-day stressors.”



In A True Christmas Miracle, Doctors Operate Successfully To Give Hands To A Man Born Without Them.

In what should be called a great success, surgeons in Poland on Thursday successfully attached a hand from a deceased donor to a man born without one. It was first such case in the world.

 “It is the first graft in the world of an upper limb onto an adult with this congenital defect,” said Adam Domanasiewicz, who headed the team of surgeons at Wroclaw Medical University Hospital was quoted by AFP.

“We are talking about a man who lived 32 years without this member.”


Up to now, a similar procedure had been performed only on newborn conjoined twins in Indonesia and Canada, Domanasiewicz said. Hands have also been grafted onto patients whose own limbs were amputated.

On December 15, the transplant was performed in an operation that lasted 13 hours. The patient, identified by his first name Piotr, was all smiles after the procedure and spoke of his dream for the future.

“I’d like to be able to hug my family using both hands. Until now I’d been using my stump,” he told private news channel TVN 24.

Though he’s only able to move his fingers, but doctors believe that he will gain more movement in his hand over time.

“This is an important breakthrough in neurophysiology and the practice of transplants because up to now it was thought that — in the case of this type of congenital defect — such grafts could not be done,” Domanasiewicz said.

The operation could open up new possibilities to hundreds of thousands of people in the world born without members whose only option to date has been prostheses, he added.

Up to now, a similar procedure had been performed only on newborn conjoined twins in Indonesia and Canada, Domanasiewicz said. Hands have also been grafted onto patients whose own limbs were amputated.

On December 15, the transplant was performed in an operation that lasted 13 hours. The patient, identified by his first name Piotr, was all smiles after the procedure and spoke of his dream for the future.

“I’d like to be able to hug my family using both hands. Until now I’d been using my stump,” he told private news channel TVN 24.

Though he’s only able to move his fingers, but doctors believe that he will gain more movement in his hand over time.

“This is an important breakthrough in neurophysiology and the practice of transplants because up to now it was thought that — in the case of this type of congenital defect — such grafts could not be done,” Domanasiewicz said.

The operation could open up new possibilities to hundreds of thousands of people in the world born without members whose only option to date has been prostheses, he added.

Meet the Cyborg Beetles, Real Insects That Are Controlled Like Robots

The future is crawling towards us on six legs. Motherboard traveled to Singapore to meet with Dr. Hirotaka Sato, an aerospace engineer at Nanyang Technological University. Sato and his team are turning live beetles into cyborgs by electrically controlling their motor functions.

Having studied the beetles’ muscle configuration, neural networks, and leg control, the researchers wired the insects so that they could be controlled by a switchboard. In doing so, the researchers could manipulate the different walking gaits, speeds, flying direction, and other forms of motion.

Essentially, the beetles became like robots with no control over their own motor functioning. Interestingly, though the researchers control the beetles through wiring, their energy still comes naturally from the food they eat. Hence, the muscles are driven by the insects themselves, but they have no willpower over how their muscles move.

Moreover, turning beetles into cyborgs seems to not be that harmful to them. Their natural lifespan is three to six months, and even with the researchers’ interference, they can survive for several months. According to the researchers, a beetle has never died right after stimulation.

And while this technology may seem crazy, the implications are very practical. Sensors that detect heat, and hence people, can be placed on the beetles, so that they can be manipulated to move toward a person. This can be helpful when searching for someone, such as in a criminal investigation or finding a terrorist.

The researchers are very serious about ensuring that whatever the applications are for this technology, that they go toward peaceful purposes. And who knows how far it could go? With this much progress manipulating the motor functions of creatures as small as beetles, perhaps it can be used for even bigger animal targets.







How Stress Affects Your Body and Techniques to Reduce It

Among all the factors contributing to poor health and early death, stress is perhaps the most pernicious. In bygone days, the stress response was a lifesaving biological function, enabling us to run from predators or take down prey.

But today, we are turning on the same “lifesaving” reaction to cope with fear of public speaking, difficult bosses and traffic jams. The sheer number of stress-inducing situations that face us on a daily basis can make it difficult to turn the stress response off.

As a result, you may be marinating in corrosive stress hormones around the clock, and this can have serious consequences, from adding stubborn fat to your belly to elevating your blood pressure and triggering a heart attack.1,2

How Stress Affects Your Body

To give you a quick overview, when you experience acute stress — be it real or imagined, as your body cannot decipher the difference — your body releases stress hormones (such as cortisol) that prepare your body to either fight or flee the stressful event.

Your heart rate increases, your lungs take in more oxygen, your blood flow increases, and parts of your immune system become temporarily suppressed, which reduces your inflammatory response to pathogens and other foreign invaders.

When stress becomes chronic, your immune system becomes increasingly desensitized to cortisol, and since inflammation is partly regulated by this hormone, this decreased sensitivity heightens the inflammatory response and allows inflammation to get out of control.3

Inflammation, in turn, is a hallmark of most diseases, from diabetes to heart disease, and cancer. Elevated cortisol levels also affect your memory by causing a gradual loss of synapses in your prefrontal cortex.4

Stress may even trigger the onset of dementia. In one study,5 72 percent — nearly three out of four — Alzheimer’s patients had experienced severe emotional stress during the two years preceding their diagnosis.

Stress as a Factor in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

As noted in a recent article by Chris Kresser,6 stress can also be a factor in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a condition caused by elevated androgens, i.e. male sex hormones, which can affect a woman’s menstrual cycles, fertility, weight, and more.

This may be especially true if you:

  • Undereat and overtrain to improve your physique
  • Do not have cystic ovaries
  • Your weight is normal or below normal and you do not struggle with insulin resistance

The article goes into far greater detail on the hormonal cascade that ultimately can lead to PCOS, but in summary, stress triggers your body to produce a number of hormones, starting with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which stimulates your adrenal glands to produce stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.

ACTH also triggers the production of adrenal androgen hormones, including androstenedione, which is one of the two primary androgenic hormones causing PCOS symptoms in women.

Chronic Stress Can Elevate a Woman’s Male Sex Hormones

It has been my clinical experience that insulin resistance plays a major role in PCOS, and that restriction of nonfiber carb to less than 50 grams per day can dramatically help. Nevertheless, stress also has an important role.

As noted in the featured article:

“[W]omen who are under chronic stress not only have more opportunities for elevated ACTH and thus elevated androgens, but their hormones may also start to react more severely to stressful situations.

Don’t get me wrong: there are plenty of women whose PCOS is caused by a poor diet, inadequate exercise, too many refined carbohydrates and sugars, and a generally unhealthy lifestyle.

But if you’re breaking your back trying to follow the perfect low-carb Paleo diet, going to CrossFit five to six days per week, and finding yourself gaining weight, losing your menstrual function, growing hair in weird places, developing adult acne

[O]r simply feeling like a truck hit you every morning you wake up, it may be chronic stress causing your physical symptoms and hormonal imbalances.”

Why Stress Packs on Pounds

Weight gain and/or difficulty losing weight in general is a common problem associated with stress. What’s worse, stress-induced weight gain typically involves an increase in belly fat, which is the most dangerous fat for your body to accumulate as it increases your risk for cardiovascular disease.

Stress alters the way fat is deposited because of the specific hormones and other chemicals your body produces when you’re stressed. For example, recent research7 shows that chronic stress stimulates your body to produce betatrophin — a protein that blocks an enzyme that breaks down body fat.

As reported by the Epoch Times:8

” … [M]ouse models experiencing metabolic stress produced significantly more betatrophin, and their normal fat-burning processes slowed down markedly.

Such observations are significant because they shed new light on the biological mechanisms linking stress, betatrophin, and fat metabolism … The results provide experimental evidence that stress makes it harder to break down body fat.”

Developing Resilience May Lessen the Impact of Stress

Clearly, stress is an inescapable part of life — but it’s important to understand that it is how you deal with it that will determine whether it will translate into health problems later on. As noted in a recent article about stress in The New York Times,9 the stress reaction should dissipate as quickly as possible after the perceived danger has passed.

The scientific term for this is resilience — “the ability of your body to rapidly return to normal, both physically and emotionally, after a stressful event.” Some people are naturally more resilient than others, and researchers have long pondered the reasons why.

One speculation is that people who are more resilient have learned to listen to their body. In one experiment, elite adventure athletes and Special Forces soldiers were placed in a brain scanning machine while wearing a face mask that made it difficult to breathe once the researcher pressed a button.

What they discovered was that these people were able to closely monitor the signals from their body indicating rising panic, and suppress their physical response. Quite simply, they were acutely aware of their biological stress response, but didn’t overreact.

The same test was later administered on “normal” people, who had first completed a questionnaire to gauge their self-perceived resilience. Those whose scores suggested high resilience had brain activity very similar to the former group — the soldiers and elite athletes.

Those with low resilience scores on the other hand, reacted in the converse way. As reported by The New York Times:

“As their face masks threatened to close, they displayed surprisingly little activity in those portions of the brain that monitor signals from the body. And then, when breathing did grow difficult, they showed high activation in parts of the brain that increase physiological arousal.

In effect, they paid little attention to what was happening inside their bodies as they waited for breathing to become difficult — and then overreacted when the threat occurred.

Such brain responses would undermine resilience, the scientists concluded, by making it more difficult for the body to return to a calm state … Improving internal communications with our bodies may be as simple as spending a few minutes each day in focused breathing, Dr. Haase said.

Quietly pay attention to inhaling and exhaling without otherwise reacting, she said. Over time, this exercise should ‘teach you to have a change in breathing when anxious but be less attached to that reaction,’ Dr. Haase said, ‘which may help to improve your reaction in a stressful situation.'”

Breath Work May Reduce Stress and Help You Develop Greater Resilience

There are many breathing techniques out there — virtually all of which can help you get in touch with your body and soothe your mind. One of my personal favorites is the 4-7-8 breathing exercise taught by Dr. Andrew Weil,10 who recommends using it “whenever anything upsetting happens — before you react,” and “whenever you are aware of internal tension.” I learned it several years ago when I attended one of his presentations at Expo West in California.

The key to this exercise is to remember the numbers 4, 7 and 8. It’s not important to focus on how much time you spend in each phase of the breathing activity, but rather that you get the ratio correct.

You can do this exercise as frequently as you want throughout the day, but it’s recommended you don’t do more than four full breaths during the first month or so of practice. Later you may work your way up to eight full breath cycles at a time. If you commit to it, I believe you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how quickly and easily it can center and relax you. Here’s how it’s done:

  • Sit up straight and place the tip of your tongue up against the back of your front teeth. Keep it there through the entire breathing process
  • Breathe in silently through your nose to the count of 4
  • Hold your breath to the count of 7
  • Exhale through your mouth to the count of 8, making an audible “whoosh” sound. That completes one full breath
  • Repeat the cycle another three times, for a total of 4 breaths (after the first month, you can work your way up to a total of 8 breaths per session)

Exercises to Counteract Breathing-Induced Stress

Besides making you more aware of your physical or internal state, breathing exercises can also help counteract breathing-induced stress. If you’re chronically stressed, and have poor posture to boot, you’re likely apt to breathe high in your chest, and this kind of breathing can actually trigger the stress response, or keep you locked in it. As noted in a related CNN Health article:11

“When you feel tense and anxious, the sympathetic fight-or-flight aspect of your nervous system turns on, quickening your breathing and increasing your heart rate, blood pressure and stress hormone production.

Uncontrolled, rapid, chest-oriented respiration feeds your fight-or-flight response and can actually initiate your sympathetic nervous system — even if no other stress factors are present — locking you in a state of breathing-induced stress.”

In this article, Dana Santas, a yoga trainer for a number of different athletic teams, offers the following two breathing exercises:

    1. Turn sighs of frustration into exhales of relief. “[W]hen you find yourself sighing in frustration, take the cue from your autonomic nervous system to turn those sighs into exhales of relief. It’s a simple way to tap your parasympathetic nervous system and avoid boiling over.”

For this exercise, inhale through your nose for a count of 5, and exhale as if you’re sighing with relief, out of your mouth, for a count of 7 (or longer). Repeat for at least 90 seconds.

    1. Breathe away tension. Stress-induced breathing reduces the function of your diaphragm and reinforces poor posture, which in turn can lead to pain, loss of mobility and migraines. Proper breathing can help restore the function of your diaphragm, improve posture, and reduce pain.

For this exercise, lie on your back or sit in a chair. Relax your shoulders and place your hands on the lower part of your ribs. As you breathe in, feel your ribs expanding outward, moving your hands further away from each other. When exhaling, engage and squeeze your core muscles to completely empty your lungs. Pause there for a moment before your next inhale.

Conquer Your Stress With Energy Psychology

Besides breathing exercises, there are many other helpful stress management tools. Another favorite is the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). It’s an energy psychology tool that can help reprogram your body’s reactions to everyday stress, thereby reducing your chances of developing adverse health effects.

It’s similar to acupuncture, which is based on the concept that a vital energy flows through your body along invisible pathways known as meridians. EFT stimulates different energy meridian points in your body by tapping them with your fingertips, while simultaneously using custom-made verbal affirmations. This can be done alone or under the supervision of a qualified therapist.12

By doing so, you reprogram the way your body responds to emotional stressors. Since these stressors are usually connected to physical problems, many people’s diseases and other symptoms can improve or disappear as well.

For a demonstration, please see the video above, featuring EFT practitioner Julie Schiffman. For serious or deep-seated emotional problems, I recommend seeing an experienced EFT therapist, as there is a significant art to the process that requires a high level of sophistication if serious problems are to be successfully treated.

Other Stress Management Techniques

Stress is so widespread as to be “pandemic” in today’s modern world, but suffering ill effects from stress is not an inevitable fact. A lot depends on how you respond to these day-to-day stresses. And as you learn how to effectively decrease your stress level, your health will improve as well.

There are many different stress reduction techniques. The key is to find out what works best for you, and stick to a daily stress-reduction program.

One key strategy is to make sure you get adequate sleep, as sleep deprivation dramatically impairs your body’s ability to handle stress and is yet another risk factor for heart attack. Besides that, other stress management approaches include the following:

Regular physical activity Meditation: Taking even 10 minutes to sit quietly, such as during work breaks, can help decrease your feelings of stress and anxiety
Mindfulness training Yoga: Health benefits from regular yoga practice have been shown to decrease stress, improve sleep and immune function, and reduce food cravings, among other things
Social connectedness Laughter and levity
Spend time in nature Music
Schedule time to have fun Aromatherapy

New Insights Into Antimatter, 20 Years In the Making.



Anti-hydrogen particles react with the walls of the experimental chamber, producing the flashes of light seen here.

Antimatter is more than a science fiction concept that allows engineers to power the Enterprise. It’s an actual — albeit small — constituent of our universe. While antimatter is rare, it can exist under the right conditions. Information about the way antimatter behaves provides a powerful tool for testing the Standard Model of particle physics we currently use to understand the forces that govern the way particles behave.

For Every Particle, An Anti-

Antimatter was first predicted by British physicist Paul Dirac in 1928. He proposed that every particle of matter should have a corresponding antiparticle. These antiparticles are identical to their particle counterparts in every way except for charge. For example, the antimatter counterpart to the negatively-charged electron is the positively-charged antielectron, also called the positron.

When matter and antimatter meet, they annihilate each other and leave only energy behind. The Big Bang should have created matter and antimatter in equal amounts, but today, our universe is dominated by matter, with very little antimatter present. Understanding why this asymmetry exists would be a significant step towards understanding the origin and evolution of our universe.

However, naturally-occurring antimatter is often immediately destroyed when it encounters the universe’s abundant matter. Today, particle physicists can routinely create antimatter for study at the CERN Antiproton Decelerator facility, which has led to several new breakthroughs in the characterization of antimatter.

Identical Lines

In a recently-published Nature article, CERN’s ALPHA collaboration has announced the very first measurement of a spectral line in an antihydrogen atom. This result, which was over 20 years in the making, was achieved using a laser to observe the 1S-2S transition in antihydrogen. To within experimental limits, the ALPHA collaboration’s results show that this transition is identical in both hydrogen and antihydrogen atoms — a condition required by the Standard Model. If these transitions were different, it would essentially break our current understanding of physics.

The 1S-2S transition is one of many that contribute to hydrogen’s spectrum. A spectrum is created when electrons that have been excited by radiation “fall” from a higher energy level inside an atom to a lower one. This process releases energy at precise wavelengths. Each element produces a unique spectrum, like a fingerprint. Astronomers often use spectra to determine an object’s composition based on the light it produces.

Making Antimatter

To observe the 1S-2S transition in antihydrogen, the ALPHA collaboration first had to create antiatoms and keep them stable — no easy task. ALPHA’s recipe for antihydrogen consisted of mixing plasmas containing antiprotons and positrons together to produce antihydrogen atoms. The resulting antiatoms were then magnetically trapped to hold them for experimentation.

From an original batch of 90,000 antiprotons, researchers could create 25,000 antihydrogen atoms; of these, the ALPHA collaboration managed to trap and study an average of 14 antiatoms per trial. By illuminating the antihydrogen atoms with a laser tuned to provide exactly the energy needed to achieve the proposed transition, researchers were then able to observe the resulting emission to look for deviations from the spectrum of normal hydrogen.

The ALPHA collaboration’s result, along with the results from other antimatter experiments performed by the ASACUSA and BASE collaborations, shows just how far antimatter research has come at CERN. The ALPHA collaboration plans to further refine the precision of their results in the future for even more robust testing of the Standard Model. Such high-precision antimatter testing may also be able to shed light on the matter-antimatter asymmetry we observe in our universe.

WATCH: What will humans look like in 100 years? 

You’ve heard it all before – all those prostheticsimplants, and genetic modifiers scientists are inventing right now are increasing the potential for the human body to be better, stronger, and faster in the future.


That’s pretty cool, but also terrifying, because how far will we go to perfect our species? If flawless biology becomes the standard for our species, not one of us would escape the recycling bin – but, as the video below explains, the future of humanity depends on us chasing perfection.

In the TED talk below, futurist and Harvard researcher Juan Enríquez explains that fast-tracked evolution spurred on by fundamentally altered genes, organs, and cells is the only thing that will save humans from going the way of the non-avian dinosaurs.

Massive extinction events have already happened five times in Earth’s history, which means it’s very likely that humans will become extinct on Earth some day.

Be it from an asteroid, a disease outbreak, or a supervolcano – if history has taught us anything, our time in this conveniently habitable smidgen of the Universe is limited.

It’s on us to prepare for this inevitability – however uncomfortable, ethically, that might seem right now.


“If you believe that extinctions are common and natural and normal, and occur periodically, it becomes a moral imperative to diversify our species,” says Enríquez.

Take Mars, for example. If something happens to make life on Earth impossible for humanity in the future, we’re going to need to have changed our biology enough to withstand the conditions of the Red Planet.

And that doesn’t just mean getting implants to give us superhuman hearing, or exoskeletons to make us run faster – to survive in the rest of the Solar System, we need to become a Type III civilisation on the Kardashev Scale.

What does that mean? It means our species needs to become unrecognisable in order to survive.

“To become an intra-Solar System civilisation, we’re going to have to create a Type III civilisation, and that looks very different from what we’ve got here,” says Enríquez.

Watch the video above to find out what that would look like, and let’s just say, humanity is in for one hell of a ride.

Watch the video. URL: