There Is No Time. There Never Was And There Never Will Be

Everything exists in the present moment and it’s a fundamental principle of the Universe that many of our scientists are still trying to grasp. Time does not actually exist and Quantum Theory proves it. There are things that are closer to you in time, and things that are further away, just as there are things that are near or far away in space. But the idea that time flows past you is just as absurd as the suggestion that space does.


The trouble with time started a century ago, when Einstein’s special and general theories of relativity demolished the idea of time as a universal constant. One consequence is that the past, present, and future are not absolutes. Einstein’s theories also opened a rift in physics because the rules of general relativity (which describe gravity and the large-scale structure of the cosmos) seem incompatible with those of quantum physics (which govern the realm of the tiny).

According to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, there is no way to specify events that everyone can agree happen simultaneously. Two events that are both “now” to you will happen at different times for anyone moving at another speed. Other people will see a different now that might contain elements of yours – but equally might not.

The result is a picture known as the block universe: the universe seen from that impossible vantage point outside space and time. You can by all means mark what you think is “now” with a red dot, but there is nothing that distinguishes that place from any other, except that you are there. Past and future are no more physically distinguished than left and right.

The equations of physics do not tell us which events are occurring right now–they are like a map without the “you are here” symbol. The present moment does not exist in them, and therefore neither does the flow of time. Additionally, Albert Einstein’s theories of relativity suggest not only that there is no single special present but also that all moments are equally real.

Some four decades ago, the renowned physicist John Wheeler, then at Princeton, and the late Bryce DeWitt, then at the University of North Carolina, developed an extraordinary equation that provides a possible framework for unifying relativity and quantum mechanics. But the Wheeler-­DeWitt equation has always been controversial, in part because it adds yet another, even more baffling twist to our understanding of time.

“One finds that time just disappears from the Wheeler-DeWitt equation,” says Carlo Rovelli, a physicist at the University of the Mediterranean in Marseille, France. “It is an issue that many theorists have puzzled about. It may be that the best way to think about quantum reality is to give up the notion of time–that the fundamental description of the universe must be timeless.”

One might say that when we better understand consciousness we will better understand time. Consciousness is the formless, invisible field of energy of infinite dimension and potentiality, the substrate of all existence, independent of time, space, or location, of which it is independent yet all inclusive and all present. It encompasses all existence beyond all limitation, dimension, or time, and registers all events, no matter how seemingly miniscule, such as even a fleeting thought. The interrelationship between time and consciousness from the human perspective is limited, when in fact it is unlimited.


Julian Barbour’s solution to the problem of time in physics and cosmology is as simply stated as it is radical: there is no such thing as time.

“If you try to get your hands on time, it’s always slipping through your fingers,” says Barbour. “People are sure time is there, but they can’t get hold of it. My feeling is that they can’t get hold of it because it isn’t there at all.” Barbour speaks with a disarming English charm that belies an iron resolve and confidence in his science. His extreme perspective comes from years of looking into the heart of both classical and quantum physics. Isaac Newton thought of time as a river flowing at the same rate everywhere. Einstein changed this picture by unifying space and time into a single 4-D entity. But even Einstein failed to challenge the concept of time as a measure of change. In Barbour’s view, the question must be turned on its head. It is change that provides the illusion of time. Channeling the ghost of Parmenides, Barbour sees each individual moment as a whole, complete and existing in its own right. He calls these moments “Nows.”

“As we live, we seem to move through a succession of Nows,” says Barbour, “and the question is, what are they?” For Barbour each Now is an arrangement of everything in the universe. “We have the strong impression that things have definite positions relative to each other. I aim to abstract away everything we cannot see (directly or indirectly) and simply keep this idea of many different things coexisting at once. There are simply the Nows, nothing more, nothing less.”

Barbour’s Nows can be imagined as pages of a novel ripped from the book’s spine and tossed randomly onto the floor. Each page is a separate entity existing without time, existing outside of time. Arranging the pages in some special order and moving through them in a step-by-step fashion makes a story unfold. Still, no matter how we arrange the sheets, each page is complete and independent. As Barbour says, “The cat that jumps is not the same cat that lands.” The physics of reality for Barbour is the physics of these Nows taken together as a whole. There is no past moment that flows into a future moment. Instead all the different possible configurations of the universe, every possible location of every atom throughout all of creation, exist simultaneously. Barbour’s Nows all exist at once in a vast Platonic realm that stands completely and absolutely without time.

Our illusion of the past arises because each Now contains objects that appear as “records” in Barbour’s language. “The only evidence you have of last week is your memory. But memory comes from a stable structure of neurons in your brain now. The only evidence we have of the Earth’s past is rocks and fossils. But these are just stable structures in the form of an arrangement of minerals we examine in the present. The point is, all we have are these records and you only have them in this Now.”

Time, in this view, is not something that exists apart from the universe. There is no clock ticking outside the cosmos. Most of us tend to think of time the way Newton did: “Absolute, true and mathematical time, of itself, and from its own nature, flows equably, without regard to anything external.” But as Einstein proved, time is part of the fabric of the universe. Contrary to what Newton believed, our ordinary clocks don’t measure something that’s independent of the universe.

The word “Mechanics” used in the term “Quantum Mechanics” indicates a machine like predictable, buildable, knowable thing. The Quantum Universe in which we live, whether we want to accept it or not, may seem on the surface to be mechanical and linear but it is not. It is probably better described as an infinite multitude of possible linear actions. If we must give this still mystical process a name lets call it “Quantum Ecology” rather than “Quantum Mechanics” because it is built from within it’s self. Everything comes out of the invisible in the same way as any living organism does.

In quantum mechanics all particles of matter and energy can also be described as waves. And waves have an unusual property: An infinite number of them can exist in the same location. If time and space are one day shown to consist of quanta, the quanta could all exist piled together in a single dimensionless point.

The current predominant world paradigm is that if a thing can not be explained, detailed, analysed and documented by linear scientific thought processes then it’s mumbo jumbo. If you have a spiritual explanation for human existence then your crazy, you’re in dream land. The scientific mindset says everything in the universe must be capable of explanation either now or at some point in the future by scientific analytic methods alone. Science says “In the absence of scientific proof it’s not worth the time discussing. If it can not be put in a box with a label then forget it. Go figure out what box you can put it in, label it, then come back to us and we’ll see if we agree”. Can you see the limitations that this puts on human development?

Quantum particle behavior can not be explained in terms of science alone, that is to say, it can not be explained in terms of the mind because the mind by it’s nature functions on the basis that reality consists of things, things that can be broken down into individual bits of information and explained in a linear mechanical fashion. To realise how flawed this mindset is you must first accept that this is a relative world in which we live and on the conscious level we interact with other human beings and the rest of the universe in a linear fashion. This is the nature of the mind. We must go beyond the mind to access the answers.

According to physics, your life is described by a series of slices of your worm; you as a baby, you as you ate breakfast this morning, you as you started reading this sentence and so on, with each slice existing motionless in its respective time. We generate time’s flow by thinking that the same self that ate breakfast this morning also started reading this sentence.

So do we really need to mourn time’s passing? Einstein, for one, drew solace from the view of the timeless universe he had helped to create, consoling the family of a recently deceased friend: “Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

How To Supercharge Your Dopamine Levels To Never Feel Sad, Stressed Or Depressed Again

Our brain releases a neurotransmitter, dopamine, which is crucial for numerous essential bodily functions. Dopamine is great for the following body functions:

– Regulating movement
– Controlling the center of pleasure and reward in the brain
– Improving the cognitive functions (knowledge, attention, memory, decision-making, evaluation, problem solving)
– Regulating the secretion of prolactin

Since it is extremely important for our wellbeing and happiness, the reduced levels of dopamine lead to various health issues, such as depression, sadness, negativity and various emotional troubles.

Fortunately, there are 10 effective ways to raise the dopamine levels in the body, without using medications:


The exercise of every kind raises the levels of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphin. Regular exercise provides happiness, strengthens the body, reduces stress. Try the plank.


Addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, and even shopping, provide an instant pleasure, but it is not a permanent solution. Additions only temporarily satisfy our needs.

Moreover, addictions alter our lifestyle in favor of the source of the addiction, and it is a wicked cycle. Therefore, you should try and lower the risk of developing addictions, enjoy life, and find things that provide deeper calmness and happiness. Also, it is of great importance to work a job you enjoy.


Make sure you regularly detoxify your system, as the accumulation of toxins and bacteria in the body prevents the dopamine production and weakens the immunity. Try this one.


Tyrosine is one of the 22 essential amino acids used for the creation of proteins. It is actually the most important chemical for the dopamine production of dopamine.

Besides dopamine, it also has the potential to elevate norepinephrine levels. In order to raise its levels in the body, you should consume green tea, watermelon, almonds, bananas, avocados, and dark chocolate.


Dopamine levels are also increased through listening to music, even though it may be short-term. Therefore, use music as a common way to raise dopamine levels. And by the way playing an instrument makes you smarter (science reveals).


The levels of dopamine are raised in the case of organized small daily tasks, even though they are hard at times. You should write your tasks down on a piece of paper, and check them off. In this way, you will be satisfied as you note that you finish them one by one.

The Principles of Self-Management state that if a task represents a change of 25% (or bigger change) in the routine, you will feel unable to finish it, and often ends up with a self-sabotage or giving up.

If the task changes 10% of your routine, you will succeed to complete it, as you will believe it is small. Therefore, balance tasks to be 10 and 25% of new behaviors, in order to try new and challenging things, but still not too difficult to complete.


The levels of dopamine in the brain are also elevated with a creative activity. This will also keep you focused. You do not need to become a world-known artist but try dancing, singing, writing, sculpturing, painting, drawing, cooking, knitting, making crafts, and auto repair, and you will feel much better right away.


In this sense, “streak” will mean a visual reminder of the number of times in a row you do something. This is similar to organizing the tasks, and accomplishing them. This will raise the levels of dopamine, and make you happier and satisfied. You should use a calendar, written your goals, and plan when to complete them. As soon as you finish the task, mark it off on your calendar. Yet, the drawback of the ‘streak’ is routine, so you should find a way to enhance the performance.


Dopamine levels can also be raised through supplementation, such as:

  • Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, effectively increases dopamine in the brain.
  • Ginkgo Biloba has a potential to raise dopamine levels as well.
  • Acetyl-l-tyrosine is a building block of dopamine, so a healthy dose of it supports the production of dopamine in the brain.
  • L-theanine increases numerous neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine. Green tea is a rich source of l-theanine.

Note: consult a doctor before using any of the above


Meditation raises the levels of dopamine in a different way that cardio exercises. It improves your mood, creates mental energy, and relaxes the mind. Meditation is an efficient way to reduce stress on a daily basis. Harvard MRI studies proved that meditation literally rebuilds your brain gray matter in 8 weeks!

Women Scientists You Didn’t Learn About In School.

In celebration of International Women’s Day.

Margaret Hamilton


Margaret Hamilton

Mathematician Margaret Hamilton pioneered the development of NASA’s Apollo 11 onboard flight software. She developed the building blocks for software engineering as well as the term itself, according to NASA.

It’s well documented that women remain underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Historically, they’ve dealt with a variety of hurdles to entering and staying in these fields, ranging from fighting for access to higher education and labs, to being forced to sit behind screens in class “so as not to disrupt male students.” In celebration of International Women’s Day, here are just a few of the women who made remarkable contributions to the STEM fields despite these barriers.

Nettie Stevens

The Incubator (courtesy of Carnegie Institution of Washington) via Wikimedia Commons

Nettie Stevens

Geneticist Nettie Stevens discovered sex chromosomes in 1905, leading to the understanding that an organism’s genetics determine its sex.

Lise Meitner

Wikimedia Commons

Lise Meitner

Austrian physicist Lise Meitner co-discovered nuclear fission but was overlooked by the Nobel committee awarding the prize for the work.

Alice Augusta Ball

Wikimedia Commons

Alice August Ball

Alice August Ball was a chemist who created an injectable treatment for Leprosy that doctors used for years to relieve symptoms.

Ada Lovelace

Science & Society Picture Library

Ada Lovelace

Ada King, also known as Ada Lovelace, was a mathematician who created one of the first machine algorithms ever, written for a hypothetical computer. She is often referred to as the world’s first computer programmer.

Katherine Johnson


Katherine Johnson

Before the invention of electronic computers, mathematician Katherine Johnson worked as a “computer” for NASA’s predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), making calculations critical to the first American astronaut’s trip to space and the Apollo Moon landing program.

Jocelyn Bell Burnell

Roger W Haworth/Flickr

Jocelyn Bell Burnell

Jocelyn Bell Burnell discovered pulsars, neutron stars that emit beams of radiation, when she was serving as a research assistant at the University of Cambridge.

Chien-Shiung Wu

Smithsonian Institution

Chien-Shiung Wu

Physicist Chien-Shiung Wu carried out an experiment disproving parity law, shattering a fundamental concept of nuclear physics.

The extinction crisis is far worse than you think.

Planetary system with a deadly host star discovered.

New Planetary system’s host star-HIP68468’s unusual composition indicates that it has ‘eaten’ some of its planets.

new planetary system, star similar to Sun, planet eating star, astronomy, exoplanets, star HIP68468, solar systems, solar twins, super Neptune, super Earth, radio telescope, science, science newsHIP68468, a twin star to the sun about 300 light-years away, may have swallowed one or more of its planets.

A new planetary system has been discovered with a host star similar to the Earth’s Sun but its unusual composition indicates that it has ‘eaten’ some of its planets.

The study that was published in the journal “Astronomy and Astrophysics” suggest that this new discovery can provide clues to researchers about how planetary systems evolve over time.

“It does not mean that the Sun will ‘eat’ the Earth any time soon,” said Jacob Bean, Assistant Professor University of Chicago. However, “our discovery provides an indication that violent histories may be common for planetary systems, including our own” Bean said.

In 1995, astronomers discovered the first planet orbiting a star other than the sun. Two thousand exoplanets were identified since then including some rare planets that orbit a star similar to Earth’s Sun.

Researchers at University of Chicago studied star HIP68468, which is 300 light years away, as part of a multi-year project to discover planets that orbit solar twins.

“It is tricky to draw conclusions from a single system to study more stars like this to see whether this is a common outcome of the planet formation process,” cautioned Megan Bedell, co-author of the study.

The researchers said that the study of HIP68468 was a post-mortem of this process happening around another star similar to our sun and that the discovery deepened their understanding of the evolution of planetary systems.

Read: New method may help scientists detect 10 black holes per year

“HIP68468’s composition points to a history of ingesting planets. It contains four times more lithium than would be expected for a star that is six billion years old, as well as a surplus of refractory elements — metals resistant to heat that are abundant in rocky planets,” the research found. Scientists used the 3.6-meter telescope at La Silla Observatory in Chile to discover their first exoplanet in 2015.

“The more recent discovery needs to be confirmed, but includes two planet candidates — a super Neptune and a super Earth. Their orbits are surprisingly close to their host star, with one 50 per cent more massive than Neptune and located at a Venus-like distance from its star.

“The other, the first super Earth around a solar twin, is three times the Earth’s mass and so close to its star that its orbit takes just three days,” the study noted. The scientists said that these two planets most likely did not form where they see them today.

“Instead, they probably migrated inward from the outer parts of the planetary system. Other planets could have been ejected from the system — or ingested by their host star,” the researchers added.

Researchers continue to explore more than 60 solar twins, eyeing for more exoplanets.

Is Dementia Caused By Aluminum Through Fluoridation?

In gerontology there are many divisive issues. Surprisingly, fluoridation is one of them. When more than a quarter of older adults do not have their teeth—in some parts of the country like the fluoridated states of Kentucky and West Virginia four out of ten older adults have lost all their teeth—but are still made to drink water that has been fluoridated, there is a clear disregard for older adult health.

There are many reasons for fluoridation. However, scientific studies are inconclusive, of poor quality, and in all cases disregard older adults health—especially those without teeth. In addition, there is the evangelical fervor from both sides of the argument—public health versus personal choice—which muddy an already complex scientific issue.

The link between fluoridation and ill health is not a direct one but involves the uptake of a known nerve toxic aluminum. Correlational studies linking aluminum with Alzheimer’s disease have been published since 1965. Half a century ago injecting aluminum in rat brains, three independent studies produced the tangle-like structures that characterize Alzheimer’s disease. Subsequently numerous international studies have found more Alzheimer’s disease in areas with high aluminum levels in drinking water.

In 2011, the Japanese researchers Masahiro Kawahara and Midori Kato-Negishi made a forceful argument between aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease. After decades of repeated attempts to discredit this link, the authors point to strong evidence of aluminum as a culprit in forming the amyloid plaques in the brain. This and other studies continue to support the clinical studies done in rats that identify aluminum as toxic for the brain. The only problem was that aluminum does not naturally enter the brain.

There is a barrier between the body and the brain that stops metals reaching the brain. In 2013 Akinrinade ID and his colleagues from Bingham University in Nigeria, showed that the relationship between fluoride and aluminum is important in escaping this barrier.  Fluoride combines with aluminum to form aluminum fluoride, which is then absorbed by the body where it eventually combines with oxygen to form aluminum oxide or alumina. Alumina is the compound of aluminum that is found in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease.

Fluorine attaches to aluminum and influences its absorption. Li Fucheng and his colleagues from Beijing, China, described high incidences of osteoporosis, osteomalacia, spontaneous bone fractures and dementia in villages in Guizhou Province, China where they were eating maize which had been baked in fires of coal mixed with kaoline. Kaoline contains aluminum and fluorides. These diseases are very similar to those occurring in European dialysis patients, unwittingly treated with water and gels containing aluminum, which caused a wave of dialysis dementia prior to 1980s.

The implications of this fluoride-aluminum relationship to Alzheimer’s disease are not linear. The solubility of aluminum and probably the ease with which it is absorbed varies markedly with the high acidity and alkalinity of water. In general, however, aluminum is most soluble in acidic water, especially if it contains fluorides

The public health argument for fluoridation has never been made for older adults. Such institutional ageism is bad science and much worse, this is bad public health.

Cooking with Aluminum Foil Puts You at Risk for Alzheimer’s?

Sensationalist stories about how cooking with aluminum foil will give you Alzheimer’s rely on a number of untested assumptions that sometimes strain credulity.

For decades, scientists have alleged a connection between aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease, and it has been a long-standing debate within the scientific community.

The specific claim of cooking with aluminum foil often pops up in viral news stories, like the one published on clickbait site (“Doctors Now Have Warning: If You Use Aluminum Foil, Stop It Or Face Deadly Consequences”) which made this argument:

Simply put, if you cook with aluminum foil, you are playing with your health. The first thing you need to know is that aluminum is bad for your brain. It is a neurotoxic heavy metal that has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease for years.

This claim rests on three assertions. First, that cooking with aluminum foil will liberate aluminum and be transferred to your food in a form that can be ingested; second, that this aluminum will reach your brain in concentrations high enough to be significant; and third, that high concentrations of aluminum in your brain put you at increased risk of Alzheimer’s.

Will cooking with aluminum foil liberate aluminum? Yes, acids typically dissolve metals, and aluminum is no exception. A 2012 study published in the International Journal of Electrochemical Science that is often cited in viral news stories because of its more alarmist claims about Alzheimer’s, investigated how much was liberated by cooking food in foil. Not surprisingly, they found that it varied depending on things like temperature and acidity, but that aluminum did, in fact, leach into food:

Aluminum foil used in cooking provides an easy channel for the metal to enter the human body. The increase in cooking temperature causes more leaching. The leaching is also highly dependent on the pH value of the food solution, salt, and spices added to the food solutions.

How much of that leached aluminum would stay in your body? Not much. Most research on the topic agrees that it’s much less than 1%. A 2011 report in the journal Neuroscience stated that “healthy humans and laboratory rats absorb between 0.06% and 0.4% of ingested Al”.

Could that ~0.4% of leached aluminum make it to your brain? Based on studies that directly injected rats with high doses of aluminum, the answer is yes, but not much. According to the World Health Organization, once the aluminum does make it into your bloodstream, a very small percentage (of an already small percentage of ingested aluminum) actually ends up in your brain:

Approximately 60, 25, 10, 3 and 1% of the aluminium body burden is in the bone, lung, muscle, liver and brain, respectively.

Ultimately, the amount of aluminum you would need to eat on a regular basis to get a buildup in the brain is unrealistically large. But, for the sake of argument, let’s say you do get some of that leached aluminum in your brain. Will it increase your risk factor for Alzheimer’s?

The debate about the connection between aluminum and Alzheimer’s has gone on for decades, originally inspiredby the observation that the brains of Alzheimer’s patients had high concentrations of aluminum compounds and that a major symptom of the disease is the buildup of plaque that contains aluminum compounds.

At the moment the field remains mixed on the role of aluminum as a possible risk factor for Alzheimer’s. Both the Alzheimer’s Society of Canada and the international Alzheimer’s Association’s official stance is that aluminum is not a risk factor for the disease. A 2008 CDC toxicology report describes the scientific consensus in this way:

Although a possible association was proposed over 40 years ago, this association is still highly controversial and there is little consensus regarding current evidence. A number of studies have found weak associations between living in areas with elevated aluminum levels in drinking water and an increased risk (or prevalence) of Alzheimer’s disease; other studies have not found significant associations.

In contrast, no significant associations have been found between tea consumption or antacid use and the risk of Alzheimer’s disease; although the levels of aluminum in tea and antacids are very high compared to drinking water, aluminum from these sources is poorly absorbed. The available data do not suggest that aluminum is a causative agent of Alzheimer’s disease; however, it is possible that it may play a role in the disease development.

More recent studies have come to light that may end up re-invigorating the debate, but both the connection to Alzheimer’s and its mechanism for causing the disease are far from settled science. That being said, it’s incredibly unlikely you are exposing your brain to high concentrations of aluminum by cooking with aluminum foil in the first place.

Doctors Are Now Warning: If You Use Aluminum Foil, Stop It Or Face Deadly Consequences.

Aluminum foils is one of the most used kitchen items. Except for cooking, it’s also used for wrapping and even for treatment of common ailments. However, a recent discovery has shed new light on this kitchen staple.

For one thing, aluminum is a neurotoxic heavy metal that has an adverse effect on brain function, and has even been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Medical experts warn that exposure to this metal may result in mental decline, as well as loss of coordination, bodily control, memory, and balance. Needless to mention, the effects can be long-lasting.

The afore-mentioned study also found that cooking with aluminum foil possibly affects the bones as well, owing to the fact that the metal accumulates inside the bones taking over calcium in the competition for the tight bone space. The end result is loss of the much needed calcium for proper bone health.

In addition, researchers have also linked cooking with aluminum foil with pulmonary fibrosis and other respiratory issues due to inhalation of aluminum particles.

Grilling with aluminum produces the same effect.

Although we’ve long been familiar with the fact that aluminum cans are a serious health threat, somehow tin foil was never a subject for discussion.

What most people are unaware of is that when exposed to high temperatures, aluminum foil releases parts of the metal into the food. Even if these tiny pieces are not released, chemical leaching of aluminum may still occur when some spices or lemons are added.

Dr. Essam Zubaidy, a chemical engineering researcher at the American University of Sharjah, has studied the effects of aluminum on cooking. He discovered that one meal cooked in aluminum foil can basically contain up to 400mg of aluminum.

In his words, “The higher the temperature, the more the leaching. Foil is not suitable for cooking and is not suitable for using with vegetables like tomatoes, citrus juice or spices.”

According to the World Health Organization, the RDA (recommended daily allowance) for aluminum is limited to 60mg per day.

Doctors Urging People Over 40 To Stop Taking Ibuprofen Immediately – Here’s Why!

If like many people around the world, when you’ve got a bad headache or a niggling pain you probably reach for a bottle or pack of ibuprofen (trade name Advil).

The chemicals inside this pharmaceutical medication will dull the pain superficially but is it safe? 

Is Ibuprofen really safe?

There are some real serious risks associated with even casual use of the drug.
The most concerning is the potential risk for heart damage.
In 2005, the FDA issued out an ibuprofen warning, claiming that it significantly increases the risk of heart attack or stroke and just last year, they strengthened this warning.
The FDA rarely does this.
After an extensive review of the drug, they issued the following statements:
“Even with short term use, one’s heart attack and stroke risk increase significantly”
“This risk increases the longer one continues to use ibuprofen”
“You do not need to have an existing heart condition to be at risk, although such a condition does increase your chances”
“These risks make ibuprofen especially dangerous to individuals over 40 – the age at which one’s risk of heart disease begins to skyrocket”
You have to bear in mind that the FDA approves some pretty nasty medications, but even they are raising a red flag when it comes to this over the counter drug.

Don’t Be Fooled

The major problem with over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen – or acetaminophen, for that matter – is that people generally assume they pose no major risk.
A prescription is seen as an indicator of seriousness. In its absence, most people just shrug and pop pills whenever they even think they need to.

Don’t worry there are other, natural options for pain relief.

Have you tried turmeric before?
Turmeric is a plant related to the ginger family. It naturally blocks inflammatory cytokines and enzymes. And that’s key – because while drugs like ibuprofen simply work to reduce inflammation, turmeric prevents it. For some conditions, like rheumatoid arthritis, it works much better than pharmaceuticals.

Diet Soda’s Worst Fear Coming True: Massive Study links Aspartame to Major Problems.

As concerns about health epidemics plague the nation, demand and sales of diet soda have plunged as consumers try to make better choices. As we reported, aspartame (the main sweetener for diet soda) is one of the most dangerous ingredients used in our food supply, causing seizures and a host of other health issues.

In a new study done over ten years and sampling 60,000 women, it was shown that women who drink two or more diet drinks a day have much higher cardiovascular disease rates and are more likely to die from the disease.

30 percent more likely to have a heart problems…

Compared to women who never or only rarely consume diet drinks, those who consume two or more a day are 30 percent more likely to have a cardiovascular event [heart attack or stroke] and 50 percent more likely to die from related disease.

This is one of the largest studies on this topic, and our findings are consistent with some previous data, especially those linking diet drinks to the metabolic syndrome, says Dr. Ankur Vyas, the lead investigator of the study.

The association persisted even after researchers adjusted the data to account for demographic characteristics and other cardiovascular risk factors, including body mass index, smoking, hormone therapy use, physical activity, energy intake, salt intake, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and sugar-sweetened beverage intake.

On average, women who consumed two or more diet drinks a day were younger, more likely to be smokers, and had a higher prevalence of diabetes, high blood pressure, and higher body mass index.

Soda sales slipping…

Thankfully this study comes on the heels of reports of already slipping sales of diet soda, one of the largest aspartame markets.

According to Time Magazine:

One reason for the decline could be a growing awareness of the obesity epidemic in the US and growing health concerns surrounding sugar-sweetened beverages. According to Reuters, industry experts say the beverage industry is shrinking under the scrutiny. Even diet-branded drinks have suffered a loss of sales with concerns over artificial sweeteners.Whatever the reason for the decline, this new study should only add fuel to the movement away from artificial sweeteners. There are plenty of natural sweeteners that people can choose that are much healthier than aspartame. Click here for a practical guide to natural sweeteners.

Another important note is that the overall sales of soda going down also means that less people are being exposed to (mostly GM) high fructose corn syrup which carries a whole host of health risks as well.