This Selfless Supermom Has Decided To Give Birth To Her Baby With An Underdeveloped Brain And Donate Her Organs

Keri Young can feel her baby’s kick, hear her heartbeat like any other mother carrying around her baby. But unlike other mothers, however, she won’t get to see her daughter grow up.

 Eva, the name Keri kept for her unborn daughter, which means ‘life’, has a condition called anencephaly. 

The condition is an untreatable one where the brain of the embryo does not develop appropriately. It’s so rare that it only occurs in six births per every 1,000 births in the UK. Sadly, babies born with this condition tend to only tend to survive for a few days. 

Eva without brain MRI

Despite being told this 30 seconds after being diagnosed with Eva, Keri asked the doctors if it she could possibly continue with the pregnancy so that her organs could help save the life other babies who are in desperate need of organs.   

On a Facebook post, Keri wrote: “This is our daughter’s perfect heart. She has perfect feet and hands. She has perfect kidneys, perfect lungs, and a perfect liver. Sadly, she doesn’t have a perfect brain.”

“We found out recently she has anencephaly and is terminal. Faced with terrible options we have decided to continue the pregnancy to full term so Eva, which literally means life, can grow strong and give life to multiple people through organ donation.” 


 “This was not an easy decision. For the next 20 weeks, I will feel her kick, have the hiccups and we’ll be able to hear her perfect heart beating all while knowing we’ll only get a few short hours with her when she’s born. As you might expect, we’re devastated but have an amazing support system with our family, friends, church and doctors. We’re choosing to try and see the positives in this situation and cherish our time with Eva, and be grateful for the impact she will have on the world in the short amount of time she’ll spend in it.”

Her husband, Royce Young, praised his wife and their son, Harrison, in a post he shared last Friday, which received thousands of comments from people who were touched by their story.

 “I thought back to the moment where we found out Eva wasn’t perfect, and how literally 30 seconds after our doctor told us our baby doesn’t have a brain, somehow through full-body ugly crying, Keri looked up and asked, “If I carry her full term, can we donate her organs?” he wrote.

“In literally the worst moment of her life, finding out her baby was going to die, it took her less than a minute to think of someone else and how her selflessness could help. It’s one of the most powerful things I’ve ever experienced.” 

Harrison Young

“Whenever Harrison gets hurt or has to pull a band-aid off or something, Keri will ask him, “Are you tough? Are you BRAVE?” And that little boy will nod his head and say, “I tough! I brave!” I’m looking at Keri right now and I don’t even have to ask. She’s TOUGH. She’s BRAVE. She’s incredible. She’s remarkable.”

“Not that I needed some awful situation like this to see all of that, but what it did was make me want to tell everyone else about it,” states Harrison.