How to Stop Snoring

The very often problem that happened to a lot of people is snoring, it affects nearly 90 million men and women in the United States only. You know that this irritating sound can disrupt your sleep as well as your partner’s.

It happens when relaxed structures in the throat vibrate and start making noise. It is very often considered as a sleep disorder about heavy snoring can have serious medical and social consequences.

How to Stop Snoring

So you have this habit of snoring, right away you need to take the necessary steps and fight with the problem. Be thoughtful and realize that everyone need their rest and with the snoring problem your nights simply can not be restful and peaceful.
We know that there are variety of products available to prevent snoring, but jet most of them have not been proven as effective. There is no miracle cure for snoring, but certain lifestyle changes and easy home remedies can be a big help in controlling it.
Here are the 10 home remedies for snoring.


1. Peppermint

The calming property in peppermint helps reduce swelling of the membranes in the coating of the throat and nostrils, in this way advancing simple and smooth breathing. Peppermint cures function well for temporary snoring due to allergies, a cold or dry air.
Add one or two drops of peppermint oil to a glass of water. Gargle with it before going to bed. Make sure not to swallow this solution. Do this daily until you get the desired result.
If dry air and congestion are causing your snoring, add a few drops of peppermint oil (you can also use eucalyptus oil) to a humidifier about 30 minutes before you go to bed and turn it on. Run the humidifier overnight. This will help open up your airways so you don’t snore.
You can also rub a little peppermint oil into the lower portions of each side of your nose before going to bed.

2. Olive oil

Being a strong anti- inflammatory agent, olive oil facilitates the tissues up and down the respiratory entries, lessening the swelling to give a clear passage for air. It can likewise diminish soreness. Utilize this cure frequently to additionally diminish the vibrations in the throat and quit snoring.

Take two or three sips of olive oil before going to bed daily
Combine one – half teaspoon each of olive oil and honey. Take it every night before going to bed.

3. Steam
The one of the main reason behind snoring is nasal congestion. But there is one simple and on of the best solution for reducing congestion and that is to inhale steam.
-In one large bowl pour hot boiling water.
-Add three or four drops of eucalyptus natural essential oil or tea tree natural essential oil.
-Put and hold a towel over your head and inhale the steam deeply through your nose for ten minutes.
-Make this remedy daily before going to bed until your congestion clears.

4. Clarified Butter
Clarified butter is also known as ghee, it has certain medicinal properties that can help you open up blocked nasal passages. This will help you to reduce your snoring and to improve your sleeping.
-Slightly warm a small amount of clarified butter in a microwave.
Use a dropper to put two or three drops of lukewarm clarified butter in each nostril.
-Do this daily before going to bed and again after waking up the next morning.

5. Cardamom
Cardamom is an expectorant and decongestant, making it successful for opening up blocked nasal sections. Free air entry will bring about less snoring.

6. Turmeric
Known by its purpose as powerful antiseptic and antibiotic agent, turmeric can treat inflammation and also help reduce heavy snoring. In the event of treating snoring turmeric should be taken together with milk. This following drink will help you to breathe freely while you sleep and also boost your immune system.
-In a glass with warm milk add two teaspoons of turmeric powder.
-30 minutes before going to bed and sleep drink it
-Do this every night

7. Nettle


There is something like seasonal allergy that causing the nasal passages to get inflamed and you snore only at a particular time of the year. The nettle has the anti- inflammatory as well as antihistamine properties and the temporary snoring can be treated with this.
-Put one tablespoon of dried leaves of nettle in one cup of boiling water.
-Allow it to steep for five minutes, and then strain it.
-Just before bedtime drink the hot tea.
Drinking two to three cups of nettle leaf tea daily during the allergy season can prevent snoring.

8. Garlic


Garlic helps reduce mucus build-up in the nasal passages as well as inflammation in the respiratory system. So, if you snore due to sinus blockage, garlic can give you relief.
Chew on one to two raw garlic cloves and then drink a glass of water. Do this daily, preferably before bedtime to enjoy sound sleep and reduce snoring.
Also use garlic while cooking your dinner and eat your food while it is hot.

9. Honey


The honey can be one of the option for snorers. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, honey can reduce the swelling around the throat area that can obstruct airways. Plus, honey lubricates the throat, which prevents the snoring vibrations from occurring.
-In a glass of hot water mix one tablespoon of honey and drink it before going to bed. Do this every night.
-Also you can use honey to sweeten herbal tea that you prefer to drink after your dinner.

10. Chamomile


A herbal with very well – known anti- inflammatory effects that can help you stop snoring is the chamomile. But also it is a nerve and muscle relaxant that can ease tense muscles and nerves around the throat and help you sleep and rest better.
Add one tablespoon of chamomile flowers (or one chamomile tea bag) to one cup of water.
Boil it for about 15 minutes.
Strain it and add one teaspoon of honey.
Drink the warm tea before going to bed.
Some additional tips that can help stop snoring include:
In case you’re overweight, get more fit and lose weight. Individuals who are overweight have additional tissues in the throat that add to the process of snoring.
Sleep over your side as opposed to your back. When you think about your back, your tongue and delicate sense of taste rest against the back of your throat, hindering the aviation route and bringing about snoring.
Raise the head of your bed by around four inches or utilize additional pillow to keep the tissues in your throat from falling into your air entries.
Use nasal strips to help you inhale effectively as you rest.
Abstain from drinking alcohol drinks no less than two hours prior to sleep time. Liquor can discourage your central nervous system, causing snoring.
Try singing before going to bed. Singing helps enhance muscle control of the delicate sense of taste and upper throat.

Stopped or eliminate smoking as it can irritate the coating of the nasal cavity and throat, bringing about swelling and eventually snoring.
By incorporating these preventive measures along with any of the remedies above, you’ll be able to reduce or eliminate snoring and get a good night’s sleep.

Peppermint Oil: A Potent Oil with the Power of Menthol.

History shows a wide range of uses for peppermint as an essential oil, which has been used for over 200 years in ancient Rome and Egypt. Various cultures have used this oil not only for its minty fragrance, but also to symbolize hospitality. Peppermint oil is also a popular oil in medicine due to its therapeutic benefits.

What Is Peppermint Oil?

peppermint oilPeppermint oil is derived from the leaves of the peppermint plant or Mentha pipertita, a hybrid of the water mint and spearmint plants, and M. arvensisvar. piperascensa, a plant from the Labiatae family.1 The essential oil is often used as a home remedy for stomach problems, muscle pain, and headaches. Aside from being available in its oil form, peppermint oil can be found in supplemental capsule form.2

Uses and Benefits of Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is often used in aromatherapy, or the use of essential oils to support health. Studies have found that aromatherapy is effective in relieving anxiety, pain, and vomiting, as well as improving memory. The aroma of peppermint oil has been shown to improve memory and raise alertness.

According to findings, peppermint oil exhibits antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal, antioxidant, analgesic, radioprotective, and antiedema properties.3

Below are other common uses of peppermint oil:

    • Relief for Stomach Problems

Peppermint oil is a safe and effective alternative to medications like Buscopan in reducing colonic spasms.4 It eases abdominal pain by allowing gas to pass through easily. Peppermint oil also provides relief for indigestion and upset stomach.

Research5 has also shown that peppermint oil is effective in improving the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Another show that it has helped reduce total irritable bowel syndrome score by 50 percent among 75 percent of the participants.6

Peppermint contains large concentrations of menthol and is twice as potent in the essential oil form in decreasing smooth muscle spasm and blocking calcium channels in the gut.

    • Respiratory Benefits

Peppermint oil can be used as an expectorant and decongestant. It can clear up phlegm in your respiratory tract when used as a chest rub or inhaled through a vaporizer.

The essential oil may also provide benefits to individuals with tuberculosis. Researchers found that when inhaled, the oil can help decrease tuberculosis-induced inflammation and prevent the disorder from worsening or recurring.7

Peppermint oil can also work against asthma as it contains rosmarinic acid, which helps curb inflammation-causing chemicals that may cause the condition.

    • peppermint aromatheraphyPain Relief

Peppermint is beneficial in addressing pain. It can be used to relieve sore muscles when used with massage or added to bath water. Dabbing a few drops on your wrist or inhaling the aroma can reduce headache pain. Like with sore muscles, it can be massaged onto your temples.

    • Positive Effect on Cancer-Related Treatments

Peppermint oil can substitute drugs that address chemotherapy-induced nausea. It can also help treat hot flashes in women receiving treatment for breast cancer.8

    • Treatment of Herpes Infections

Peppermint oil was found to have a beneficial effect on drug-resistant herpes simplex virus when applied topically. Because of its lipophilic nature, peppermint oil is able to pass through the skin, making it an ideal treatment against recurrent herpes infection.9

Using peppermint oil on shingles rash also improves pain induced by the disease.

    • Hair and Skin Health

Mixing peppermint oil into massage oils, shampoos, body washes, and lotions gives these products antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, helping cool skin and eliminate dandruff or lice from your scalp. It can also improve frizzy hair and may contribute to hair growth.10

Peppermint oil can aid in oil secretion in skin, therefore preventing acne. It can also heal cracked lips, which is why it’s often an ingredient in lip balms.11

    • Dental Health

Peppermint oil extract is shown to be more effective than the mouthwash chemical chlorhexidine in preventing the development of biofilm that contribute to cavities.12 It can also prevent bad breath. To use, just add one to two drops to your toothpaste.

    • peppermint oil massage theraphyComfort for Stress and Nervous System Problems

Due to its energizing effects, peppermint oil is used to manage stress and treat nervous disorders and mental fatigue. Studies suggest that the essential oil may have an effect similar to psychostimulants, as shown in a study involving mice.13