The Milky Way Galaxy Might Be 50 Percent Bigger Than Previously Thought


According to the best estimates of astronomers from around the world, there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe. That doesn’t even include the parts of our universe (there could be multiple universes) that we can’t see. Within those galaxies, scientists estimate that there are as many as one hundred billion galaxies. For all we know, these numbers could be in the trillions.

New research coming from a team of international scientists, led by Professor Heidi Jo Newberg from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, suggests that the Milky Way galaxy is at least 50 percent larger than what is commonly believed. These estimates are based on new findings that reveal our galaxy is contoured into multiple concentric ripples.

“In essence, what we found is that the disk of the Milky Way isn’t just a disk of stars in a flat plane — it’s corrugated. As it radiates outward from the sun, we see at least four ripples in the disk of the Milky Way. While we can only look at part of the galaxy with this data, we assume that this pattern is going to be found throughout the disk.” 

The research is showing that what were previously thought to be rings are actually part of the galactic disk itself. As a result, scientists are now estimating that the Milky Way galaxy is not at least 100,000 light years across, but 150, 000, which is a pretty massive difference.

The research, funded in part by the National Science Foundation and titled “Rings and Radial Waves in the Disk of the Milky Way,” was recently published  in the Astrophysical Journal.

Another quote to reiterate the findings:

“Going into the research, astronomers had observed that the number of Milky Way stars diminishes rapidly about 50,000 light years from the center of the galaxy, and then a ring of stars appears at about 60,000 light years from the center, What we see now is that this apparent ring is actually a ripple in the disk. And it may well be that there are more ripples further out which we have not yet seen.” 

It’s pretty mind altering if you think about it, isn’t it? Light travels at 186,000 miles per second, so one light year is nearly 6 trillion miles. These new findings also raise further questions with regards to life beyond Earth. The general consensus within the scientific community these days it that yes – life beyond our world exists without question and it’s just a matter of time before we discover it.

Our reality seems to be larger than the human mind can comprehend, and all possibilities ranging from multiple universes, dimensions, parallel realities, time travel, shortcuts through space (wormholes), and much more are plausible.

On the other hand, we have large portions of the scientific/academic, military, and political community who already believe life beyond our world does exist, and that intelligent extraterrestrial life has been visiting our planet for a long time.



At a time when our earliest human ancestors had recently mastered walking upright, the heart of our Milky Way galaxy underwent a titanic eruption, driving gases and other material outward at 2 million miles per hour.

Now, at least 2 million years later, astronomers are witnessing the aftermath of the explosion: billowing clouds of gas towering about 30,000 light-years above and below the plane of our galaxy.

The enormous structure was discovered five years ago as a gamma-ray glow on the sky in the direction of the galactic center. The balloon-like features have since been observed in X-rays and radio waves. But astronomers needed NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope to measure for the first time the velocity and composition of the mystery lobes. They now seek to calculate the mass of the material being blown out of our galaxy, which could lead them to determine the outburst’s cause from several competing scenarios.

Astronomers have proposed two possible origins for the bipolar lobes: a firestorm of star birth at the Milky Way’s center or the eruption of its supermassive black hole. Although astronomers have seen gaseous winds, composed of streams of charged particles, emanating from the cores of other galaxies, they are getting a unique, close-up view of our galaxy’s own fireworks.

“When you look at the centers of other galaxies, the outflows appear much smaller because the galaxies are farther away,” said Andrew Fox of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, lead researcher of the study. “But the outflowing clouds we’re seeing are only 25,000 light-years away in our galaxy. We have a front-row seat. We can study the details of these structures. We can look at how big the bubbles are and can measure how much of the sky they are covering.”

Fox’s results will be published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters and will be presented at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Seattle, Washington.

The giant lobes, dubbed Fermi Bubbles, initially were spotted using NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. The detection of high-energy gamma rays suggested that a violent event in the galaxy’s core aggressively launched energized gas into space. To provide more information about the outflows, Fox used Hubble’s Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) to probe the ultraviolet light from a distant quasar that lies behind the base of the northern bubble. Imprinted on that light as it travels through the lobe is information about the velocity, composition, and temperature of the expanding gas inside the bubble, which only COS can provide.

Fox’s team was able to measure that the gas on the near side of the bubble is moving toward Earth and the gas on the far side is travelling away. COS spectra show that the gas is rushing from the galactic center at roughly 2 million miles an hour (3 million kilometers an hour).

“This is exactly the signature we knew we would get if this was a bipolar outflow,” explained Rongmon Bordoloi of the Space Telescope Science Institute, a co-author on the science paper. “This is the closest sightline we have to the galaxy’s center where we can see the bubble being blown outward and energized.”

The COS observations also measure, for the first time, the composition of the material being swept up in the gaseous cloud. COS detected silicon, carbon, and aluminum, indicating that the gas is enriched in the heavy elements produced inside stars and represents the fossil remnants of star formation.

COS measured the temperature of the gas at approximately 17,500 degrees Fahrenheit, which is much cooler than most of the super-hot gas in the outflow, thought to be at about 18 million degrees Fahrenheit. “We are seeing cooler gas, perhaps interstellar gas in our galaxy’s disk, being swept up into that hot outflow,” Fox explained.

This is the first result in a survey of 20 faraway quasars whose light passes through gas inside or just outside the Fermi Bubbles — like a needle piercing a balloon. An analysis of the full sample will yield the amount of mass being ejected. The astronomers can then compare the outflow mass with the velocities at various locations in the bubbles to determine the amount of energy needed to drive the outburst and possibly the origin of the explosive event.

One possible cause for the outflows is a star-making frenzy near the galactic center that produces supernovas, which blow out gas. Another scenario is a star or a group of stars falling onto the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole. When that happens, gas superheated by the black hole blasts deep into space. Because the bubbles are short-lived compared to the age of our galaxy, it suggests this may be a repeating phenomenon in the Milky Way’s history. Whatever the trigger is, it likely occurs episodically, perhaps only when the black hole gobbles up a concentration of material.

“It looks like the outflows are a hiccup,” Fox said. “There may have been repeated ejections of material that have blown up, and we’re catching the latest one. By studying the light from the other quasars in our program, we may be able to detect the fossils of previous outflows.”

Galactic winds are common in star-forming galaxies, such as M82, which is furiously making stars in its core. “It looks like there’s a link between the amount of star formation and whether or not these outflows happen,” Fox said. “Although the Milky Way overall currently produces a moderate one to two stars a year, there is a high concentration of star formation close to the core of the galaxy.”

At a time when our earliest human ancestors had recently mastered walking upright, the heart of our Milky Way galaxy underwent a titanic eruption, driving gases and other material outward at 2 million miles per hour.

Now, at least 2 million years later, astronomers are witnessing the aftermath of the explosion: billowing clouds of gas towering about 30,000 light-years above and below the plane of our galaxy.

The enormous structure was discovered five years ago as a gamma-ray glow on the sky in the direction of the galactic center. The balloon-like features have since been observed in X-rays and radio waves. But astronomers needed NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope to measure for the first time the velocity and composition of the mystery lobes. They now seek to calculate the mass of the material being blown out of our galaxy, which could lead them to determine the outburst’s cause from several competing scenarios.

Astronomers have proposed two possible origins for the bipolar lobes: a firestorm of star birth at the Milky Way’s center or the eruption of its supermassive black hole. Although astronomers have seen gaseous winds, composed of streams of charged particles, emanating from the cores of other galaxies, they are getting a unique, close-up view of our galaxy’s own fireworks.

“When you look at the centers of other galaxies, the outflows appear much smaller because the galaxies are farther away,” said Andrew Fox of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, lead researcher of the study. “But the outflowing clouds we’re seeing are only 25,000 light-years away in our galaxy. We have a front-row seat. We can study the details of these structures. We can look at how big the bubbles are and can measure how much of the sky they are covering.”

Fox’s results will be published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters and will be presented at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Seattle, Washington.

The giant lobes, dubbed Fermi Bubbles, initially were spotted using NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. The detection of high-energy gamma rays suggested that a violent event in the galaxy’s core aggressively launched energized gas into space. To provide more information about the outflows, Fox used Hubble’s Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) to probe the ultraviolet light from a distant quasar that lies behind the base of the northern bubble. Imprinted on that light as it travels through the lobe is information about the velocity, composition, and temperature of the expanding gas inside the bubble, which only COS can provide.

Fox’s team was able to measure that the gas on the near side of the bubble is moving toward Earth and the gas on the far side is travelling away. COS spectra show that the gas is rushing from the galactic center at roughly 2 million miles an hour (3 million kilometers an hour).

“This is exactly the signature we knew we would get if this was a bipolar outflow,” explained Rongmon Bordoloi of the Space Telescope Science Institute, a co-author on the science paper. “This is the closest sightline we have to the galaxy’s center where we can see the bubble being blown outward and energized.”

The COS observations also measure, for the first time, the composition of the material being swept up in the gaseous cloud. COS detected silicon, carbon, and aluminum, indicating that the gas is enriched in the heavy elements produced inside stars and represents the fossil remnants of star formation.

COS measured the temperature of the gas at approximately 17,500 degrees Fahrenheit, which is much cooler than most of the super-hot gas in the outflow, thought to be at about 18 million degrees Fahrenheit. “We are seeing cooler gas, perhaps interstellar gas in our galaxy’s disk, being swept up into that hot outflow,” Fox explained.

This is the first result in a survey of 20 faraway quasars whose light passes through gas inside or just outside the Fermi Bubbles — like a needle piercing a balloon. An analysis of the full sample will yield the amount of mass being ejected. The astronomers can then compare the outflow mass with the velocities at various locations in the bubbles to determine the amount of energy needed to drive the outburst and possibly the origin of the explosive event.

One possible cause for the outflows is a star-making frenzy near the galactic center that produces supernovas, which blow out gas. Another scenario is a star or a group of stars falling onto the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole. When that happens, gas superheated by the black hole blasts deep into space. Because the bubbles are short-lived compared to the age of our galaxy, it suggests this may be a repeating phenomenon in the Milky Way’s history. Whatever the trigger is, it likely occurs episodically, perhaps only when the black hole gobbles up a concentration of material.

Milky Way’s Most Distant Stars Spotted.

Like a boat floating in a vast, empty ocean, a newly discovered star now holds the record as the most distant one in our Milky Way galaxy.

Galaxies are islands of stars spread throughout space, essentially, separated by voids littered with relatively few stars. The newly spotted Milky Way star, dubbed ULAS J0015+01, is a distant red giant that resides a jaw-dropping 900,000 light-years away. The most remarkable thing about the star is that it is still within the gravitational grasp of our own galaxy.

It was spotted along with another cool stellar old-timer named ULAS J0744+25, which is some 775,000  light-years away, by a team led by John Bochanski of Haverford College in Haverford, Pennsylvania.

The two stars are more than 50 percent farther from the sun than any known star in the Milky Way, or about five times more distant than the Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy that circles our galaxy. In fact, the two stars lie about one third of the distance to the Andromeda galaxy, the Milky Way’s sister spiral in the Local Group of nearby galaxies.

“The distances to these two stars are almost too large to comprehend,” says Bochanski. “To put it in perspective, when the light from ULAS J0015+01 left the star, our early human ancestors were just starting to make fires here on Earth.”

The feeble light from both red giants were picked up by the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey and Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

It’s a pretty lonely place beyond the Milky Way’s halo. Only seven stars having been cataloged to date that lie beyond the 400,000 light-year halo of stars that cocoon our galaxy.

But beyond the extreme records, these distant stars interest astronomers because they call the Milky Way’s extended halo their home. As far-flung outliers from the galaxy, they may shed light on its origin and evolution. Current theories point to our galaxy colliding with many smaller dwarf galaxies in the distant past, resulting in small smatterings of stars thrown out into intergalactic space. Both ULAS J0744+25 and ULAS J0015+01 may in fact be all that is left over of one such ancient collision.

See for Yourself

Okay, so while these stars are only visible with world-class telescopes, what about the most distant star visible to the naked eye?

If we are talking in terms of the brightest, most distant star then that would be Deneb, the lead star in the summertime constellation Cygnus. Despite having an estimated average distance of 1,400 light-years away, Deneb shines as one of the brightest stars in the heavens.

This sky-chart shows the location of Deneb, the lead star in the constellation Cygnus. Credit: SkySafari
This sky chart shows the location of Deneb, the lead star in the constellation Cygnus. Credit: SkySafari

It is easy to find at this time of the year for those in the Northern Hemisphere, since it lies overhead during late nights and pins down one of the corners of the Summer Triangle stellar pattern.

But the record as the farthest star we can see with the naked eye would probably have to go to Rho Cassiopeiae—at an astounding 8,000 light-years from Earth. That is 472,000 trillion miles (760,000 trillion kilometers) away.

This skychart shows the constellation Cassiopeia in the northeast evening sky, home to Rho Cass - the most distant star the unaided human eye can see.  Credit: SkySfari
This sky chart shows the constellation Cassiopeia in the northeast evening sky, home to Rho Cass, the most distant star the unaided human eye can see. Credit: SkySfari

Shining at magnitude +4.5,  it is just visible as a very faint star from the countryside or darker suburbs. The star glints from within the W- or M-shaped (depending on season) constellation Cassiopeia, the Queen. It can be seen throughout the year from mid-northern latitude locations, always in the general vicinity of the North Star.

The reason we can actually see Rho Cass is because it is classified as a hypergiant star, one that has a diameter some 500 times wider than our own sun, which it outshines 10,000 times more brightly. Astronomers believe this makes for an explosive combination and so computer models are suggesting that this stellar monster may explode as a supernovae anytime.

So, try and catch it while you can.