Life Under the Microscope: The Year’s Best Biology Close-Ups

Life is pretty interesting, and at the microscopic scale, it can also be beautiful, strange, intriguing, frightening and gross. The winning photos and videos from this year’s Olympus BioScapes competition span the whole range.

From rat brains to butter daisies to weevils and barnacle appendages, these microscope photos will amaze. First prize this year went to a video of a developing fruit fly embryo (below). Made from 30-second snippets pieced together from the first 24 hours of a fly’s life, this video is a fascinating view of cells multiplying and differentiating as the larva goes from a blob to a recognizable critter that starts to crawl away.

The second video below shows neural activity in a live zebrafish brain. The 100,000 or so neurons light up rapidly and individually, creating a light show that depicts the actual functioning of a vertebrate’s brain. The rest of the winners are still images in the gallery above.

watch the video.URL: