‘Psychologists should lead the way on male mental health issues’.

A group of Britain’s most senior psychologists are so concerned about the unique – and increasingly fatal – problems facing modern men, they are urgently calling for a dedicated Male Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society.

Although there has been a women’s section of the BPS since 1988, there is no male equivalent, even though “vast public health issues” face men, including the fact they are three to four times more likely to commit suicide.

Today, eminent psychologists and keynote speakers will gather at the second annual Male Psychology Conference at University College London to address this pressing matter.

To meet criteria, a mere one per cent of BPS members – around 500 signatures – must vote for it. As 300 have already done so, that means a mere 200 further signatures are needed to make their dream a reality.

Ahead of the conference, I caught up with its organiser, Martin Seager, member of the 12-strong Male Psychology Network and branch consultant for Central London Samaritans.

There are rules about masculinity that need to be honoured, not belittled

Men are suffering more severe mental health problems than women, so why isn’t there more of a focus on male psychology, asks Martin Daubney

Suicide is now the single biggest cause of death in men aged 20–49 in England and Wales

“I’ve been a psychologist for over 30 years, and historically it was always a very male environment,” he says. “But that started to change. In the early 2000s I was the head of psychology for north east London and 29 of my 30 students were female. My lone male student was studying postnatal depression in men and I realised there was a need for services for men.

“So I started running a men’s psychotherapy group for patients, guys who’d been through the system who hadn’t fit.

“Nobody had ever thought that gender might block the effectiveness of a group – that men don’t open up around women, because they feel guilty or weak.

“But in single-sex groups men can be very blokey one minute, then talk about something incredibly painful the next. It really worked. Men are very worried about shame and embarrassment, and there are rules about masculinity that need to be honoured, not belittled.

Suicide rates (per 100,000) among men, by age group, 2001-2013. Source: ONS

“If men are alone in a room they are tremendously good at supporting each other; they’re like soldiers in combat that really care for each other. So we realised that a men’s group is a really powerful space.”

When Seager attended the Mind Your Head men’s mental health conference in 2006 and met like-minded psychotherapists who’d had similar clinical experiences, they decided to start pushing for a dedicated men’s section.

“There’s a massive resistance to this, despite there being a very real need,” he says. “If you talk about the needs of men, you’re made to feel like an unreconstructed Neanderthal.

“It’s about tailoring a service to the needs of the demographic: you wouldn’t think twice about doing that for women, children, or for ethnicity, but when it comes to masculinity it’s assumed it’s politically incorrect. It’s like if you put out a flag on St George’s Day, people think you’re a fascist.

“There are vast public health issues to do with men. Men are killing themselves three to four times more then women, they’re more homeless, they’re more addicted, prisons are full of men who’ve got mental health problems, they’re underachieving in education and men are dying and having accidents at work much more often, and they die younger.

“As psychologists we should be leading the way, but we’ve had to push against the system for recognition.”

The biggest headline issue is the suicide rate, and men make up 80 per cent of cases

Extensive work with men-only groups has allowed Seager and the Male Psychology Network to form their “three rules of masculinity” that have become the cornerstones of their clinical work.

“The three rules are: one, be a fighter and a winner; two, be a provider and a protector, and three, retain mastery and control,” says Martin.

“If you break any of those, you don’t feel like a man. So if you don’t have a job, for a woman that’s awful, but if man doesn’t have a job he doesn’t feel he can provide or protect – so he’s lost his masculinity. That’s why the suicide rate for the unemployed is greater for men.

“This isn’t genetic: we are biologically evolved as male.

“The biggest headline issue is the suicide rate, and men make up 80 per cent of cases. If it was for women, or any other group in society, it would be red-flagged and there would be a massive strategy in place.

“I work closely with the Samaritans, and in London our ‘Man Talk’ project saw call-takers listen differently to men, right down to increasing the length of call. That’s because men don’t talk like women; they need longer to open up.

Men don’t need to ‘man up’ and they don’t need to ‘woman up’ – be more like women. We need to allow men to be men and honour that, on their terms – and that comes from 30 years’ experience in clinical practice.

“There’s a universal pressure on men to not show weakness and to be strong. We’re trying to paint a picture that if you seek help you are being a man; you’re taking control and being strong. We need to help men not feel ashamed and to keep their dignity.”