Tap water, well water, distilled water…Which one is best for you?

Water… This amazing matter found everywhere on our beautiful planet and in ourselves.

Without it, there would simply be no Life of any forms. Water is the source of any life forms, from the creation of our planet to the last state of the human evolution passing by the survival of the worlds flora to the air we breath. Water is THE most important element on Earth and without it nothing would exist.

Some people always like to argue with me saying that Water is not the most important element to survive and that we could live without it as long as there is Oxygen in the air. Obviously, those people have no idea and knowledge of basic biology. Here is the reason why Water is the most important element for survival:

When you hear about Scientist and Astronomers looking for other life forms and Earth like planets that could maybe sustain Life, the first thing they are looking for is Water and nothing else. Now think about for a second how oxygen is produced. Oxygen is produced by plants and trees around the world. Plants and trees uses CO2 (Carbon dioxide) to survive and produce O2 (oxygen) as a waste product that is then released into the air and therefore allows us to breath. However, in order for a plant or tree to survive, it also needs water, and a lot of it. Without water, there would be no plants and trees, without plants and trees there would be no oxygen, without oxygen and water there would be no Life. It is all a circle called the circle of Life, that goes round and round but always comes back to the same point, in this case: Water is the source of Life and survival and without it, there would be plain nothing!

Now, let’s focus more on us, humans. Our body is made of 70% water. Water is part of our natural and organic structure. Water in our body plays a major role in keeping the body functions at maximum levels by a process called hydration. Proper hydration of your body on a daily basis is essential and the purest water must be used to sustain and offer the best benefits to the body.

Now, there are a lot of different types of water out there that you can drink to satisfy your thirst and hydration. However, like everything else, some water are better than others and that is what we are going to look at now.

Let’s start by the most popular of all, TAP WATER. Well, to make it simple, like my Naturopathic teacher liked to say to us, shame on you if you drink tap water lol. Tap water comes from collected waters from grounds, river, lakes, reservoir or recycled and then is treated with a bunch of different chemicals to “purify it”. They are more than 350 chemicals detected in most tap water, out of these 350, 4 are of major concern for our health. Chlorine, which is added to kill bacterias has been showed to be carcinogen in high levels. Chlorine destroys your natural guts flora thus depletes the immunity, leaked to colon and bladder cancer, dries skin and hair out and could lead to vaso-constrictive effects for asthmatics if used in a steam form. Fluoride, as most of you know, is a poison added to many of our everyday products like tap water, toothpaste, cheap commercial teas, beauty products, etc… fluoride is a toxic substance, leading to mainly health problems like bones, dental, neurological, mental and emotional disorders as well as affecting the memory and intelligence of individuals. The problem with fluoride is that most people are not aware that they are two main forms of it, the first being SODIUM FLUORIDE, which is an aluminium waste product sold to companies by chemical industries instead of paying for the aluminium waste removal for destruction. Sodium fluoride is used as additive agents as well as preservative and has absolutely no beneficial effect for humans. Sodium fluoride get stocked in the body and builds up instead of being flushed out, that is when toxicity arise. The other form of fluoride is CALCIUM FLUORIDE which is not used in common daily products unfortunately for obvious non profitable reasons. Calcium fluoride is a natural compound found on Earth, proven to be much more efficient, safe and natural than sodium fluoride, do not lead to toxicity and build up in the body as it is processed and flushed out very easily via natural excretions, support bone and dental health. So quit the sodium fluoride loaded products, read all labels and choose fluoride free, supplement in calcium fluoride via fresh balance diet, mostly via fruits, veggies, all raw on a daily basis and if you have dental or bone issues, CALC FLUOR  as homeopathic remedy is the best to complement and help the body to self heal. Then there are nitrates and aluminium sulfates which as fluoride and chlorine are inorganic compounds and not recognized by the body. Those two compounds depletes vitamins, minerals and hormonal levels and linked to neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s, dementia. etc….

Now let’s talk about the second most common form of water we know, which is the BOTTLED WATER. Bottled water is found anywhere. This water is classified by the source it comes from, either be spa, spring, factory and it’s mineral content. It can be found either still or sparkling. Sparkling bottled water is a water that has been carbonated either naturally or artificially with carbonate. Sparkling water can interfere with digestion if consumed while eating. In any cases, if you drink bottled water, which most of us do, always choose the natural spring one or bottled at source and read the label to see if any fluoride has been added. However, bottled water is still not the best water you can drink as it is still a chemically processed form and in most cases high levels on chlorine.

SPRING WATER as said above is a form of natural water rising straight to Earth’s surface from underground natural reserves. Even though this kind of water is better than tap and bottled, always look out for the environmental area, farming, pollutant, close highways and cities all depletes the pure state of spring water. The best spring water i have found so far is when i went hiking in Switzerland, at 2000 meters altitude, in the middle of the mountains with nothing around but Nature. Untouched, unspoiled water that the locals like to call the Source of Life.

REVERSE OSMOSIS water is a form of water that has been filtered through microscopic filters which removes all minerals and toxins, pesticides and herbicides. However, nitrates can still remain, mainly nitrates from fetilizers. This water is about 80 to 95% pure. There is a way to get reverse osmosis water at 99%pure by de-ionoze it with a resin which attracts and removes all remaining impurities. Excellent form of water.

Now the last one, DISTILLED water which is considered to be the best form of water for the body. Distilled water is made by boiling it to create a steam and then collect this pure steam which is free of any pollutant, chemicals, viruses, bacteria, minerals etc… the result of this is a 100% pure water. Distilled water is acidic and therefore excellent in the removal of heavy metals and toxic inorganic matter build up in the body. Distilled water is used in the Gerson therapy for cancer treatments. Patients raises their Ph levels by drinking all fresh raw juices alongside distilled water to help push away the toxins and facilitate natural excretion and elimination. Distilled water is the most hydrating water there is for your cells and contrary to certain rumors and myths made by modern medical researches, it does not pull out your organic minerals from your body. Do not store distilled water in plastic bottle due to its acidity.
So, what can we conclude of all this then?

Well, always look for the purest form of water, try out reverse osmosis or distill it yourself or even better if you have a natural source up high in the mountain with no negative environmental interference, go get some. Look at the labels, remember that inorganic compounds are not processed and well recognized by your body and are not eliminated naturally like it should, so they build up in your body leading to hardening and toxicity, therefore imbalances and disease. Organic and natural is the key to survival. Fresh, natural water, 1.5 to 2 litres a day alongside a proper, balance, fresh nutrition, some forms of exercises, positive thinking, chillax times is what your body needs. Just remember to not drink while eating. It dilutes the stomach acids and make the digestion harder. Drink 30 minutes before and after each meal for maximum stomach functions.

Water is source of Life, source of energy so respect it, learn from it, love it and most importantly don’t waste it!

Source: theholisticdirectory.co.uk

4 ways to remove fluoride from tap water.

Fluoride has a dubious history starting with the mass fluoridation of people under Nazi rule. In recent years, there has been a push to remove fluoride from the tap water in the US, behind most European countries which have already removed the poisonous chemical from their water supplies.

Most politicians erroneously support fluoridation due to heavy lobbying in favor of the chemical, but more and more activists and consumers aremaking a stand for their water supply. It may only be a few years until we totally eradicate this twisted fluoridation scheme, but here is one way to remove fluoride and 99.9% of all other contaminants from your tap water: Distillation.

Once you are aware of the negative impact of fluoride on your health—and especially if you live in an area where the water is fluoridated—you will have to decide what to do about it. To complicate matters, fluoride is absorbed through the skin, and by inhalation. Showering and bathing in fluoridated water is also a problem. Fluoride is actually more dangerous when absorbed through the skin and/or lungs because it enters the bloodstream more easily, bypassing the gut where it binds with minerals from food.  When it is not feasible to remove the fluoride from your entire water supply, limiting time in the shower or bath and reducing the temperature of the water helps minimize the amount of fluoride absorbed.

To top it all off, fluoride is difficult to remove from water. Most water filter sales literature avoids the subject. When buying a water filter, you may be comforted by reading that the system you are purchasing removes 95 to 99% of contaminants, but if it does not specifically state that it removes fluoride, you can bet it doesn’t. Fluoride is a very small ion (atomic number 9). It cannot be “filtered” out of water.  At this time, fluoride removal is limited to four main methods discussed below.

How do I get the fluoride out of my water?

1 . Distillation
Distillation is capable of removing just about anything (except volatile compounds) from water.  If you have a distiller, you can remove fluoride. The obvious drawback to distillation is that the process is time and energy consumptive. Distillation also leaves the resulting water empty and lifeless. If you use distilled water you need to add minerals (salts) back to the water. (Read about salt and full-spectrum living water).  You should also consider structuring and energetically enhancing distilled water (returning the life force) using any of the methods in Chapters 11 and 12 of Dancing with Water. (Read about water’s liquid crystalline structure).

Here’s a video from our previous post about distilling water to remove fluoride from tap water:

2.  Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis (RO) represents a reverse of normal osmotic processes. It relies on pressure and a semi-permeable membrane to remove contaminants from water. RO can remove between 90 and 95% of fluoride (depending on the efficiency of the system and depending on how well the system is maintained). Contaminants are trapped by the RO membrane and flushed away in the waste water. The process requires between 2 and 4 gallons of water to produce 1 gallon of RO water (depending on the quality of the water and the efficiency of the RO unit). Source water with an abundance of contaminants (including hard water) can reduce the efficiency of an RO system and it can shorten the life of the membrane.

Similar to distillation, RO has a good track record for removing almost everything from water. Quality RO systems include pre-filters to remove VOCs (volatile organic compounds), heavy metals, hard water minerals, and other contaminants that reduce the life of RO membranes. And similar to distillation, RO leaves water empty and lifeless. The addition of salts and the re-introduction of life force are necessary to bring RO water back to energetic compatibility with the human body.

3.  Activated alumina
Fluoride is strongly attracted to activated alumina (corundum/aluminum oxide) which has a large surface area with a huge array of tunnel-like pores. For this reason, activated alumina is the most commonly used fluoride removal media today. When used properly, it can remove up to 98% of the fluoride in water while also removing arsenic. The challenges with activated alumina are many. First of all, since the process works by ion exchange, the water must remain in contact with the media for an extended period of time—long enough for the fluoride to be adsorbed by the media. When the flow rate is faster than ¼ gallon/minute, there is not enough time to adsorb all the fluoride in the water. Another difficulty with activated alumina is that the media becomes saturated with fluoride. Depending on the amount of media in the system (how large the filter is) and on the amount of fluoride in the water, systems using activated alumina either need to be recharged or replaced often. The last difficulty with activated alumina is that aluminum is released into the treated water. This effectively trades one problem for another. Some systems address this; others do not.

There are many point-of-use filters that claim to remove fluoride using activated alumina. The problem with most of these systems is that they only work for a short period of time (usually far less than claimed) before they become saturated. The other difficulty is that point-of-use systems do not slow the flow rate enough to provide adequate time for adsorption.  Recent testing of a variety of these filters revealed that few functioned as claimed for more than a few weeks.  Unless the activated alumina can be cleaned and recharged or replaced regularly, and unless the flow rate is slow enough to allow time for adsorption, activated alumina may not be what you are looking for.

There are some “tank” type fluoride removal systems that are capable of working for many years with a backwashing and recharging cycle and an occasional topping off of the media. These systems are often used to remove fluoride from the whole home. Many consisder them the answer to the fluoride problem. They are not. The drawback to this type of system is an environmental problem. Caustic chemicals are required to backwash (sodium hydroxide) and to recharge (sulphuric acid) the media—chemicals that end up in the waste water. And when these “tanks” are eventually replaced, they end up in a landfill, loaded with fluoride, arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmuim.

4.  BC-Carbon
Bone-Char (BC) Carbon has been used for centuries to remove naturally-occurring fluoride from water. It works similar to the way bones in the human body attract fluoride.  Bone contains a porous matrix that is rich in surface ions. These can be readily replaced by fluoride and by some of the other contaminants that arrive along with fluoride (heavy metals).  Bone char effectively removes a number of contaminants.

When used alone, BC-Carbon can remove up to 90% of the fluoride in water. The efficiency of bone char can be improved by adding pre-filters that remove heavy metals and other contaminants before exposure to the BC-carbon. Bone char works best at a slightly acidic pH and may not work as well with hard water. This medium is being successfully incorporated in many systems where cartridges can be replaced as the media becomes saturated. But this method is also not without problems. Obviously, bone char is an organic medium. Medical grade bone char is important to ensure that the bone char itself is clean.

Sources: Natural Cures Not Medicine dancingwithwater.com


These Foods Will Help You Live Longer.

Do you follow a lifestyle that helps you age slower, and promotes longevity? If you aren’t, you should think about starting! These foods can actually enhance your longevity and make you feel healthier, stronger and younger. They have the potential to slow biological aging by providing antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and an array of other nutrients that help enhance our immune system, combat inflammation, and defend against free radicals.

Berries are loaded with antioxidants which rapidly slow down the aging process by preventing the damage done by free radicals. A variety of studies have shown that berries, one of the most antioxidant rich fruits, have the ability to improve our memory and keep our brains sharp as we age – say goodbye to dementia and Alzheimer’s!

A large majority of the population is not getting enough water, but drinking water is one of the key elements to increasing your longevity. Drinking at least 2 litres of water daily will help improve your cellular function, metabolism, and organ function. Our bodies are made up of about 60-70% water, so this substance is incredibly essential to proper health!

Raw broccoli is incredibly high in sulforaphane (especially broccoli sprouts). This substance has been found to be very effective in preventing cancer which is one of the main causes of age-related death today (via DNA mutations which naturally occur with age). Broccoli is also loaded with other antioxidants to help protect healthy cells from damage caused by free radicals, leaving us feeling and looking youthful!

Kale is a cruciferous vegetable, like broccoli, and thus makes it a wonderful cancer-fighting vegetable that you should be including in your diet at least 3 times a week. It clears out free radicals in the body, and contains a ridiculous amount of nutrients like vitamin K (key regulator of inflammation), vitamin C, iron and calcium which are crucial for prolonging our life span.

Once upon a time, thyme was used as a preservative in the Mediterranean due to it’s amazing antioxidant properties – in fact, Egyptians once used it for embalming bodies. It’s principal oil called thymol has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which neutralize disease-causing pathogens such as E.coli and staphylococcus.

Basil is known for it’s anti-inflammatory properties – inflammation leads to a variety of diseases and illness if left untreated for long periods of time. The better you feel, the better your body and mind function. Particularly, holy basil has been coined the term “the elixir of life,” having the ability to improve human health and longevity. It has been used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years.

Sweet Potato
Sweet potato is wonderful for keeping your hormones in check, as well as boosting your immune system and strengthening your cardiovascular system. They are also rich in vitamin A, B6 and potassium which are linked to excellent heart health, especially with their ability to help regulate blood sugar. Include sweet potatoes in your diet, raw or cooked (yes, sweet potatoes are lovely eaten raw, and are not harmful – shred them in salads!).

Asparagus is loaded with beneficial nutrients which can help us live a long and healthy life. It is a natural detoxifier and diuretic making it effective in preventing kidney stones and urinary tract infections (UTIs). The nutrients in asparagus range from vitamins A, C, B and K, as well as manganese, iron, fibre and folate. It helps promote good digestion, strong bones and a healthy heart, and contains antioxidants like glutathione which is the body’s strongest antioxidant!

Avocados are filled with heart-healthy oleic acid which helps lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. They are also high in potassium which protects or heart and reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure or suffering from a stroke. They contain folate, and a handful of antioxidants which fight off free radicals, protecting our organs and tissues from damage over time!

Garlic is definitely a power food! It contains sulfur compounds which protect our cardiovascular system and prevents heart attacks and stroke. Garlic is also incredibly useful in strengthening our immune system and fighting off free radicals which naturally lead to diseases like cancer and other illnesses.

Source: Live Love Fruit

Surprising Source of Arsenic in Your Drinking Water—Will EPA Take Steps to Protect Your Health?

Story at-a-glance

  • While naturally-occurring arsenic in groundwater is one of the most common sources of exposure, hydrofluorosilicic acid (fluoride) added to drinking water is commonly contaminated with toxic arsenic
  • According to recent research, diluted fluorosilic acid adds, on average, about 0.08 ppb of arsenic to your drinking water
  • Low-level chronic exposure to arsenic can lead to a wide variety of health problems, including chronic fatigue, reproductive problems, reduced IQ and other neurological problems, and various cancers
  • As petition urges the EPA to change the source of fluoride in US drinking water, as the most commonly used form, hydrofluorosilicic acid, increases lung and bladder cancer risk
  • Switching from hydrofluorosilicic acid to pharmaceutical-grade fluoride could save the US $1-6 billion annually and prevent an estimated 1,800 cases of lung and bladder cancer

Pure water is one of the most important foundations for optimal health.Unfortunately, most tap water is far from pure, containing a vast array ofdisinfection byproducts, chemicals, heavy metals and even pharmaceutical drugs.Fluoride and arsenic are two prime examples of hazardous water contaminants.


Not only is the level of arsenic in US tap water high due to natural groundwater contamination,1 the most commonly used form of fluoride added to water supplies also tends to be contaminated with arsenic. As reported by the featured article:2

“In early August, the Environmental Protection Agency is set to decide on a petition to change the source of fluoride in US drinking water.

Currently, the source of fluoride in most public water supplies isfluorosilicic acid, according to government records. The petition calls for the EPA to instead require the use of pharmaceutical-grade sodium fluoride in water fluoridation, which is the addition of fluoride to drinking water for the purpose of preventing cavities.

Fluorosilicic acid is often contaminated with arsenic, and recent research has linked the arsenic from fluorosilicic acid in drinking water to as many as 1,800 extra cases of cancer yearly in the United States…”

The petition3 was submitted by William Hirzy, a chemistry researcher at the American University in Washington, D.C. Hirzy previously worked at the EPA for 27 years.

His team recently published a study entitled: Comparison of hydrofluorosilicic acid and pharmaceutical sodium fluoride as fluoridating agents – a cost-benefit analysis, in the journal Environmental Science & Policy.4

According to their estimation, switching the type of fluoride used to pharmaceutical-grade sodium fluoride would reduce the amount of inorganic arsenic contamination in drinking water by 99 percent!

The Health Dangers of Inorganic Arsenic

Inorganic arsenic is a powerful carcinogen that has been linked to an increased risk of several types of cancer. In 2001 the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) lowered the maximum level of arsenic permitted in drinking water from 50 ug/L to 10 ug/L (or 10 parts per billion (ppb)) due to the established cancer risk.

The Natural Resources Defense Council5 estimates that as many as 56 million Americans living in 25 states drink water with arsenic at unsafe levels. According to the EPA:6

“Chronic inorganic arsenic exposure is known to be associated with adverse health effects on several systems of the body, but is most known for causing specific types of skin lesions (sores, hyperpigmentation, and other lesions) and increased risks of cancer of the lungs and skin.”

Other impacts of chronic arsenic exposure include, according to the EPA:

Kidney damage and failure Anemia Low blood pressure
Shock Headaches Weakness
Delirium Increased risk of diabetes Adverse liver and respiratory effects, including irritation of mucous membranes
During development, increased incidence of preterm delivery, miscarriage, stillbirths, low birth weight, and infant mortality During childhood, decreased performance in tests of intelligence and long-term memory Skin lesions

Water Fluoridation Chemicals Are NOT Pharmaceutical Grade

While naturally-occurring arsenic in groundwater is one of the most common sources of exposure, hydrofluorosilicic acid—the most commonly used form of fluoride added to water supplies—is a toxic waste product from the phosphate fertilizer industry that is commonly contaminated with arsenic, radionucleotides, aluminum and other industrial contaminants.

According to the featured research, diluted fluorosilic acid adds, on average, about 0.08 ppb of arsenic to your drinking water.

Most people are shocked when they realize that the fluoride added to their water supply is actually a toxic byproduct from the fertilizer industry, opposed to a pharmaceutical-grade chemical. The source of most water fluoridation chemicals is explained by Michael Miller, a minerals commodity specialist for the US Geological Survey, in the featured article:7

“During the production of phosphate fertilizer, phosphate ore is reacted with sulfuric acid to produce toxic gases. These are taken out of the air after being sprayed with water, which produces fluorosilicic acid… The solution is sold to water systems nation-wide, where it is diluted and put into drinking water. Occasionally, it is treated to create sodium fluorosilicate. Together, these compounds (called silicofluorides) provide fluoride to 90 percent of U.S. drinking water systems that are fluoridated…”

Water Fluoridation May Be Placing Infants at Great Risk

Not only is there mounting evidence that fluoride poses grave health risks to infants and children—including reductions in IQ—arsenic exposure in utero and during early childhood is also particularly problematic, as it can cause lasting harm to children’s developing brains, and endocrine- and immune systems.

For example:

  • A 2006 study8 found that Chileans exposed to high levels (peaking at 1,000 ppb) of naturally-occurring arsenic in drinking water in utero and during early childhood had a six times higher lung cancer death rate compared to Chileans living in areas with lower levels of arsenic in their water. And their mortality rate in their 30s and 40s from another form of lung disease was almost 50 times higher than for people without that arsenic exposure.
  • A 2004 study9 showed children exposed to arsenic in drinking water at levels above 5 ppb had lower IQ scores. Earlier studies have linked chronic arsenic exposure to a range of cognitive dysfunctions, including learning disabilities, memory problems, poor concentration, and peripheral and central neuropathies.
  • A study10 published in 2011 examined the long-term effects of low-level exposure on more than 300 rural Texans whose groundwater was estimated to have arsenic at median levels below the federal drinking-water standard. It also found that exposure was related to poor scores in language, memory, and other brain functions.

Is It Worth Increasing Cancer Risk for Minimal, if Any, Benefit to Teeth?

Some proponents of fluoridation believe that the large dilution of these fluoridating chemicals that takes place when they are added at the public water works ameliorates concerns about the known contaminants. However, arsenic is a known human carcinogen, for which there is no safe level.

Inevitably, the addition of contaminated hexafluorosilicic acid to the water supply by definition must increase the cancer rate in the US because of the arsenic it contains, and this is exactly what Hirzy’s research shows. Why would any rational government do that to reduce – at best – a miniscule amount of tooth decay? According to Hirzy:11

“We found that the United States as a society is spending, conservatively speaking, $1 billion to $6 billion treating the excess bladder and lung cancers caused by arsenic in the most commonly used fluoridation chemical, fluorosilicic acid… The switch [to pharmaceutical-grade sodium fluoride] would cost $100 million, but would save billions in reduced cancer costs.”

For people living in areas with fluoridated tap water, fluoride is a part of every glass of water, every bath and shower, and every meal cooked using that water. This makes absolutely no sense considering the carcinogenic nature of arsenic—especially in light of the epidemic of cancer.

Hirzy’s study is actually the first risk assessment of arsenic-contaminated fluoride in drinking water. This is particularly shocking considering the fact that fluorosilicic acids have been used since the early 1950’s12 (prior to that, sodium fluoride, a byproduct of the aluminum industry, was typically used). Incredibly, while the EPA performs risk assessments for most drinking water contaminants, the agency does NOT oversee the addition of fluoridation chemicals. As stated in the featured article, this policy makes no sense whatsoever.

“Under the Toxic Substances Control Act, the EPA has the authority to regulate or ban almost any substance — including fluorosilicic acid — that poses an ‘unreasonable risk’ to public health, [Hirzy] said.”

Appropriations Bill Would Prohibit EPA’s Phase-Out of Sulfuryl Fluoride

While we’re on the topic of fluoride, a related news item13 is worthy of note. Drinking water is not the only source of fluoride, as I’ve discussed previously. Fluoride also enters the human food chain via fluoridated pesticides. According to a recent report, the House of Representatives Appropriations Interior and Environmental subcommittee has voted to approve an appropriations bill that cuts the EPA’s budget by nearly one-third.

What’s worse, the bill specifically prevents the EPA from enforcing its decision to phase out sulfuryl fluoride—a neurotoxic fumigant that has been linked to cancer and neurological-, developmental-, and reproductive damage. If it passes once markups by the Appropriations Committee are completed, it will move to a House vote. According to the news report:

“This is an outrageous attempt to circumvent a basic risk assessment calculation that EPA acknowledges puts the public at risk, given current exposure patterns, to a chemical that is especially hazardous to children.”

In response, Beyond Pesticides, the Environmental Working Group (EWG), and the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) submitted a letter14 to the House Appropriation Committee Chairman and Ranking members, urging them to remove the section in question (section 449) from the bill. You can help by writing or calling your state Representative, asking him or her to uphold the EPA’s ability to protect the health of all Americans by removing this hazardous pesticide from our food production. There’s no need for it, as there are many other viable alternatives, including:

  • Temperature manipulation (heating and cooling)
  • Atmospheric controls (low oxygen and fumigation with carbon dioxide)
  • Biological controls (pheromones, viruses and nematodes)
  • Less toxic chemical controls, such as diatomaceous earth

Water Filtration – A Must for Clean Pure Water…

If you have well water, it would be prudent to have your water tested for arsenic and other contaminants. If you have public water, you can get local drinking water quality reports from the EPA.15

In general, most water supplies contain a number of potentially hazardous contaminants, from fluoride, to drugs and disinfection byproducts (DBP’s), just to name a few. You can get a good idea of what types of contaminants could be in your drinking water right now by viewing this awesome graphic from GOOD Environment16 (reprinted with permission.) It gives you a look at the five most and least polluted water systems in America (in cities with more than 100,000 population), including pointing out the pollutants of largest concern.

I strongly recommend using a high quality water filtration system unless you can verify the purity of your water. To be absolutely certain you are getting the purest water you can, you’ll want to filter the water both at the point of entry and at the point of use. This means filtering all the water that comes into the house, and then filtering again at the kitchen sink. I currently use a whole house carbon-based water filtration system, and prior to this I used reverse osmosis (RO) to purify my water.

You can read more about water filtration in this previous article to help you make a decision about what type of water filtration system will be best for you and your family. Since most water sources are now severely polluted, the issue of water filtration and purification couldn’t be more important.

Ideal Water Sources

Besides purification, I also believe it’s critical to drink living water. I recently interviewed Dr. Gerald Pollack about his book, The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor. This fourth phase of water is referred to as “structured water” and is the type of water found in all of your cells. This water has healing properties, and is naturally created in a variety of ways.

Water from a deep spring is one excellent source of structured water. The deeper the better, as structured water is created under pressure. There’s a great website called FindaSpring.com17 where you can find a natural spring in your area.

But you can also promote structured water through vortexing. I personally drink vortexed water nearly exclusively as I became a big fan of Viktor Schauberger who did much pioneering work on vortexing about a century ago. Dr. Pollack found that by creating a vortex in a glass of water, you’re putting more energy into it, thereby increasing the structure of the water. According to Dr. Pollack, virtually ANY energy put into the water seems to create or build structured water.

My own R&D team is working on a careful study in which we use vortexed water to grow sprouts, to evaluate the vitality and effectiveness of the water. We are conducting extensive internal research to develop the best vortex machine on the market, because we believe an ideal vortexer could be one of the simplest ways to improve people’s health.

Water Fluoridation Is Anything But Safe…

According to Bill Hirzy, water fluoridation remains a government policy because of “institutional inertia [and] embarrassment among government agencies that have been promoting this stuff as safe.” This is probably true, yet it’s shameful that the practice is allowed to continue in the face of overwhelming evidence showing the health hazards of not just fluoride itself, but also of related contaminants such as arsenic.

Clean pure water is a prerequisite to optimal health. Industrial chemicals, drugs and other toxic additives really have no place in our water supplies.

Source: mercola.com

Brain Exercise Provides Benefits at Any Age.

Story at-a-glance

  • Engaging in cognitively stimulating activities both early and late in life is associated with slower cognitive decline later in life, new research revealed
  • The research supports the cognitive reserve hypothesis, which suggests that people with greater cognitive abilities have better cognitive function in later life, and may even be able to delay some symptoms of dementia despite physical changes in the brain
  • Research into brain plasticity has proven that your brain continues to make new neurons throughout life in response to mental activity
  • Online brain games, practicing mindfulness, and even reading and writing are examples of ways to challenge your mind for better cognitive function.
  • brain-exercise

Story at-a-glance

  • Engaging in cognitively stimulating activities both early and late in life is associated with slower cognitive decline later in life, new research revealed
  • The research supports the cognitive reserve hypothesis, which suggests that people with greater cognitive abilities have better cognitive function in later life, and may even be able to delay some symptoms of dementia despite physical changes in the brain
  • Research into brain plasticity has proven that your brain continues to make new neurons throughout life in response to mental activity
  • Online brain games, practicing mindfulness, and even reading and writing are examples of ways to challenge your mind for better cognitive function
  • There’s good news for bookworms… or really anyone who enjoys reading, writing and other ‘intellectual pursuits,’ especially if you’ve been doing such activities since you were a kid.
  • Researchers revealed that engaging in cognitively stimulating activities both early and late in life is associated with slower late-life cognitive decline.1
  • The research suggests that the sooner you start challenging your mind, the better, as those with more frequent cognitive activity over their lifespan fared the best, cognitively, in their later years. Researchers wrote:
  • “More frequent cognitive activity across the life span has an association with slower late-life cognitive decline that is independent of common neuropathologic conditions, consistent with the cognitive reserve hypothesis.”
  • The cognitive reserve hypothesis suggests that people with greater cognitive abilities (education, knowledge, etc.) have better cognitive function later in life, and may even be able to delay some symptoms of dementia despite physical changes in the brain that would typically be related to such symptoms in others.
  • The latest study supports this hypothesis, as have many before it. One such study showed, for example, that mice with the rodent equivalent of Alzheimer’s disease given high levels of cognitive activity throughout their lives were protected against memory impairment.2 The researchers noted:
  • “ … our data suggest that humans who emphasize a high lifelong level of cognitive activity (over and above social and physical activities) will attain the maximal environmental protection against AD [Alzheimer’s disease].”

·         Stimulating Your Brain Throughout Life Provides Protection Later On

Research into brain plasticity has proven that your brain continues to make new neurons throughout life in response to mental activity, which means that cognitive function can be improved, regardless of your age, and cognitive decline can be reversed.

However, if you don’t sufficiently challenge your brain with new, surprising information, it eventually begins to deteriorate. In my interview with Dr. Michael Merzenich, professor emeritus at the University of California, who has pioneered research in brain plasticity (also called neuroplasticity) for more than 30 years, he explained:

“Generally, by the third or fourth decade in life, you’re in decline. One of the things that happens across this period is that you go from a period of the acquisition of abilities to largely using those abilities that have been acquired earlier in life. By that I mean to say, the fundamental skills that you apply in your profession or in your everyday life are things you master, and you’re doing them without thought.

To a large extent, you’re operating most of your day without really being consciously engaged in the things you’re doing… I’ve gone without really thinking very much about the physical acts of driving. I’m substantially disengaged.

This has been contributed to substantially by modern culture. Modern culture is all about taking out surprises… to basically reduce the stimulation in a sense on one level, so that we could engage ourselves in sort of an abstract level of operations. We’re no longer interested in the details of things. We’re no longer interested in resolving the details of what we see or hear or feel, and our brains slowly deteriorate.”

What research into brain plasticity shows us, however, is that by providing your brain with appropriate stimulus, you can counteract this degeneration. A key factor or ingredient necessary for improving brain function or reversing functional decline is the seriousness of purpose with which you engage in a task. In other words, the task must be important to you, or somehow meaningful or interesting — it must hold your attention. Rote memorization of nonsensical or unimportant items will not stimulate your brain to create new neurons, for instance, but learning how to play a musical instrument that you’ve always dreamed of playing will.

Even Drinking Water May Boost Your Cognitive Performance

Your brain function is extremely vulnerable to your lifestyle choices (just try to complete a mentally challenging task after a lousy night’s sleep…). What you eat, for example, has an immense impact on your brain, and eating whole foods as described in mynutrition plan will best support your mental and physical health. But what you drink is also important, especially if you don’t drink enough.

Mild dehydration has been linked to declines in brain function, and new research showed that people who were allowed to drink water before a reaction time test responded up to 14 percent faster than those who were not.3 People who said they felt thirsty were particularly likely to react faster after drinking water, so if you’re thirsty and you need a quick mental boost, try drinking a glass of water.

‘Brain Games’ to Boost Your Brain Function

If you’re wondering what you can do to effectively challenge your brain, it doesn’t have to be as extensive as learning a new language or other skill. Simply reading and writing were found to be beneficial in the first study mentioned above, for instance, as has playing word games like crossword puzzles.

Another option that is becoming increasingly popular today is ‘brain games’ which you can play online via Web sites like Lumosity.com. Dr. Merzenich has also developed a computer-based brain-training program that can help you sharpen a range of skills, from reading and comprehension to improved memorization and more. The program is called Brain HQ, and the website has many different exercises designed to improve brain function and it also allows you to track and monitor your progress over time. While there are many similar sites on the Web, Brain HQ is one of the oldest and most widely used.

If you decide to try brain games, ideally it would be wise to invest at least 20 minutes a day, but no more than five to seven minutes is to be spent on a specific task. When you spend longer amounts of time on a task, the benefits weaken. According to Dr. Merzenich, the primary benefits occur in the first five or six minutes of the task.

5 More Tips to Strengthen Your Cognitive Function

There are multiple strategies you can use on a daily basis, as part of your day-to-day lifestyle, to help maintain optimal brain fitness:

  1. Get 15-30 minutes of physical exercise each day, and while exercising, think about using your brain to control your actions. Exercising while listening to music has also been shown to prompt beneficial brain changes.
  2. Spend about five minutes every day working on the refinement of a specific, small domain of your physical body. Dr. Merzenich explains:

“That is to say, move in a very variable and controlled way – variable in speed, variable to reach a target, for example, with your big toe or your little finger. Do that every day. I do that in a systematic way, because I’m trying to maintain the fidelity of the neurological control movement. I know that I’m very much thinking about the feeling in my movements as I do that.”

  1. Find ways to engage yourself in new learning as a continuous aspect of your life, such as taking on new hobbies and purposefully learning new skills.
  2. Stay socially engaged.
  3. Practice “mindfulness,” in which you’re attentively focusing on the world around you again, as if you’re seeing it for the first time.

Source: mercola.com

Machine turns sweat into drinking water for Unicef.

A machine that takes sweat-laden clothes and turns the moisture into drinking water is in use in Sweden.

The device spins and heats the material to remove the sweat, and then passes the vapour through a special membrane designed to only let water molecules get through.


Since its Monday launch, its creators say more than 1,000 people have “drunk other’s sweat” in Gothenburg.

They add the liquid is cleaner than local tap water.

The device was built for the United Nation‘s child-focused charity Unicef topromote a campaign highlighting the fact that 780 million people in the world lack access to clean water.

Moist cyclists

The machine was designed and built by engineer Andreas Hammar, known locally for his appearances on TV tech show Mekatronik.

He said the critical part of the sweat machine was a new water purification component developed by a company named HVR in collaboration with Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology.

“It uses a technique called membrane distillation,” he told the BBC.

“We use a substance that’s a bit like Goretex that only lets steam through but keeps bacteria, salts, clothing fibres and other substances out.

“They have something similar on the [International] Space Station to treat astronaut’s urine – but our machine was cheaper to build.

“The amount of water it produces depends on how sweaty the person is – but one person’s T-shirt typically produces 10ml [0.3oz], roughly a mouthful.”

The kit has been put on show at the Gothia Cup – the world’s largest international youth football tournament.

Mattias Ronge, chief executive of Stockholm-based advertising agency Deportivo – which organised the stunt – said the machine had helped raise awareness for Unicef, but in reality had its limitations.

“People haven’t produced as much sweat as we hoped – right now the weather in Gothenburg is lousy,” he said.

“So we’ve installed exercise bikes alongside the machine and volunteers are cycling like crazy.

“Even so, the demand for sweat is greater than the supply. And the machine will never be mass produced – there are better solutions out there such as water purifying pills.”

Source: BBC




Fluoride Loosens Bacterial Enamel Grip.

Rather than significantly hardening tooth enamel, fluoride may cut cavities by making it harder for oral bacteria to stick around. Karen Hopkin reports

Fluoride helps fight cavities. That’s why it’s in our drinking water and toothpaste. But how this mineral works its dental magic is still somewhat mysterious. Now, researchers offer an incisive solution. They find that fluoride treatment can loosen bacteria’s grip on tooth enamel. The study is in the journal Langmuir. [Peter Loskill et al.,Reduced Adhesion of Oral Bacteria on Hydroxyapatite by Fluoride Treatment]

Scientists used to think that fluoride could harden tooth enamel, helping it retain the minerals that protect teeth from the acid produced by our oral flora. But recent work has shown that fluoride doesn’t really penetrate past the tooth’s thinnest outer layer, suggesting that something other than hardening is going on.

To drill deeper into this toothsome mystery, researchers whipped up a set of artificial choppers, made of the same stuff as teeth. And they used atomic force microscopy to take a closer look at how bacteria interact with this dental material. They found that three different strains of cavity-causing bugs cling less tightly to enamel that’s been rinsed with fluoride.

The bacteria carry a net negative charge on their surfaces. So the negatively charged fluoride ions in the treated enamel may be literally repulsive to the bacteria. Which causes them to bite the dust.

Source: scientificamerican.com




Glyphosate in Monsanto’s Roundup Found in All Urine Samples Tested.

recent study conducted by a German university found very high concentrations of Glyphosate, a carcinogenic chemical found in herbicides like Monsanto’s Roundup, in all urine samples tested. The amount of glyphosate found in the urine was staggering, with each sample containing concentrations at 5 to 20-fold the limit established for drinking water. This is just one more piece of evidence that herbicides are, at the very least, being sprayed out of control.

Glyphosate in Monsanto’s Roundup Impacting Global Health

This news comes only one month after it was found that glyphosate, contained in Monsanto’s Roundup, is contaminating the groundwater in the areas in which it is used. What does this mean? It means that toxic glyphosate is now polluting the world’s drinking water through the widespread contamination of aquifers, wells and springs. The recent reports of glyphosate showing up in all urine samples only enhances these past findings.

Monsanto continues to make the claim that their Roundup products are completely safe for both animals and humans. However many environmentalists, scientists , activists, and even doctors say otherwise. Glyphosate radically affects the metabolism of plants in a negative way. It is a systemic poison preventing the formation of essential amino acids, leading to weakened plants which ultimately die from it.

A formula seems to have been made to not only ruin the agricultural system, but also compromise the health of millions of people worldwide. With the invent of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready cropsresistant superweeds are taking over farmland and public health is being attacked. As it turns out, glyphosate is also leaving behind its residue on Roundup Ready crops, causing further potential concern for public health. Glyphosate is even contributing to escalating rates of mental illness and obesity through the depletion of beneficial gut flora that directly regulates these functions. But it certainly doesn’t stop there.

Researchers tested roundup on mature male rats at a concentration range between 1 and 10,000 parts per million (ppm), and found that within 1 to 48 hours of exposure, testicular cells of the mature rats were either damaged or killed. Even at a concentration of 1 ppm, the Roundup was able to affect the test subjects by decreasing their testosterone concentrations by as much as 35%.



Explore More:

  1. Monsanto’s Roundup is Causing DNA Damage
  2. Monsanto’s Carcinogenic Roundup Herbicide Contaminating Water Supply
  3. Monsanto’s Roundup Shown to be Ravaging Butterfly Population
  4. Causes of Water Pollution – GMO Farming, Glyphosate Big Contributors
  5. Monsanto’s Best-Selling Herbicide Roundup Linked to Infertility
  6. Monsanto’s Roundup Continuously Shown to Cause Birth Defects


Source: http://naturalsociety.com





The Hidden “Cancer-Trigger” You Probably Swallow Every Day.

It’s estimated that half of all hospital beds in the world are occupied by people who have become sick from drinking contaminated water. In fact, over 1 billion people (or about one-sixth of the world’s population) do not have access to safe drinking water, and millions in developing countries die each year from water-related diseases.1

In third-world countries, sunlight exposure is often used to help make water safer, but this natural disinfection process can take anywhere from six to 48 hours (depending on cloud cover and so on).

Now researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine have found a simple twist to make this disinfection method even more powerful, not to mention much faster …

Lime Juice and Sunlight Can Help Make Water Safer

When researchers added lime juice or lime slurry to water that had been contaminated with various types of bacteria and viruses, then exposed it to sunlight, levels of both E. coli and MS2 bacteriophage virus were significantly lower than when compared to solar disinfection alone.2 Kellogg Schwab, PhD, MS, senior author of the study, said:3

“The preliminary results of this study show solar disinfection of water combined with citrus could be effective at greatly reducing E. coli levels in just 30 minutes, a treatment time on par with boiling and other household water treatment methods. In addition, the 30 milliliters of juice per 2 liters of water amounts to about one-half Persian lime per bottle, a quantity that will likely not be prohibitively expensive or create an unpleasant flavor.”

Noroviruses in the drinking water were not significantly reduced using the lime juice/sunlight technique, so unfortunately it is not a perfect solution. However, limes are readily available in most tropical countries, as is steady sunlight, so this finding could still have an extremely beneficial impact in countries that don’t have ready access to clean drinking water.

You may be surprised to learn, however, that your drinking water may still be contaminated even if you live in the developed world. Further, many of the “modern” disinfection processes used in the United States and other developed countries create their own set of issues …

Have You Heard of Disinfection Byproducts?

Part of the allure of natural disinfection processes like exposure to sunlight and lime juice is that they have no harmful side effects – unlike the chlorination process used by most U.S. municipalities.

If you receive municipal water, the main chemical used to disinfect the tap water in your house is chlorine. While your local government is quick to assure you that there is relatively no danger from drinking chlorinated water, that simply is not the case, because the levels of chlorine disinfection byproducts (DBPs) that are produced by this process are both dangerous and alarming.

There is actually no safe level for many contaminants found in drinking water, including heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, hormones and DBPs, but they persist nonetheless, in varying quantities.

The government is much more concerned with providing water that doesn’t kill you by causing diarrhea (the way it does in many third-world countries) and it does a good job at that, although some microorganisms (cysts and parasites) do survive the chlorination process (cryptosporidium, Giardia, for instance) and can lead to isolated outbreaks of disease and even death to those with compromised immune systems.

If you have not heard of DBPs before, you need to pay close attention as it turns out that DBPs, not chlorine, are responsible for nearly all the toxic effects of chlorinated water. Chlorine by itself is relatively harmless, but its side effects, by producing DBPs, are what cause nearly all of the problems.

As it turns out, DBPs are over 10,000 times more toxic than chlorine, and out of all the other toxins and contaminants present in your water, such as fluoride and miscellaneous pharmaceutical drugs, DBPs may be the absolute worst of the bunch.

The most common disinfectant byproducts formed when chlorine is used are:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) takes the dangers of THMs — which are measured in parts per billion (ppb) — very seriously and regulates these compounds. The maximum annual average of THMs in your local water supply cannot exceed 80 ppb, and the maximum annual average of HAAs permitted by EPA regulations is 60 ppb.

However even though these are allowed, ideally it would be best to have zero. These levels have been regularly adjusted downwards over the years as science progresses and gains a deeper appreciation of their true toxicity. What makes DBPs so toxic?

Disinfection Byproducts May Cause Cancer, Reproductive Problems and More

THMs are Cancer Group B carcinogens, meaning they’ve been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals. DBPs have also been linked to reproductive problems in both animals and humans, and human studies suggest that lifetime consumption of chlorine-treated water can more than double the risk of bladder and rectal cancers in certain individuals.

One such study found that men who smoked and drank chlorinated tap water for more than 40 years faced double the risk of bladder cancer compared with smoking men who drank non-chlorinated water.4 A second study found that rates for rectal cancers for both sexes escalated with duration of consumption of chlorinated water.5 Individuals on low-fiber diets who also drank chlorinated water for over 40 years more than doubled their risk for rectal cancer, compared with lifetime drinkers of non-chlorinated water.

As the vast majority of the U.S. population continues to receive and consume disinfected or chlorinated drinking water, we can assume that Americans are consuming disinfection byproducts every single day, and the number of related cancer cases could be substantial. And, you’re exposed not only when you drink chlorinated water but also, and even more significantly, when you shower or bathe, as well as when you breathe in the chemicals from the air.

The chlorine that enters your lungs is in the form of chloroform, a carcinogen, and chlorite, a byproduct of chlorine dioxide. These forms of chlorine hit your bloodstream instantly before they have a chance to be removed by your organs of detoxification. The DBPs that enter your body through your skin during showering or bathing also go directly into your bloodstream. And the warm or hot water maximizes absorption by your skin. So unless you are regularly taking one-minute long cold showers, your body is like a sponge for these airborne toxins every second you spend in a shower.

If you are like me and obtain your water from a private well, then DBPs are a non-issue as they are only produced when chlorine is added, and it’s highly unusual to add chlorine to most private well water systems. However, well water has its own set of potential hazards as well.

Is Well Water Safe?

Unless you are getting your water from a well that is located 800 feet or more below the ground surface, chances are your well water has been contaminated by some if not many toxic substances that have been dumped into the ground soil over past decades. Some common toxins that are dumped by the millions of pounds into soil every year are:

  • Herbicides
  • Pesticides
  • Estrogen-mimicking hormones
  • Drug residues
  • Heavy metals

Many private wells in the United States have been affected by these types of chemical or heavy metal runoff from the surrounding ground soil, and this is to say nothing of the microorganisms living in well water as well. No matter how clean or pure your natural ground water looks, this has nothing to do with potential bacterial contamination or toxic pollution in the water. Many of the offenders in well water are just much too small to be seen with the naked eye.

So if your home uses well water, you really need to test to see what unwanted contaminants you’re piping into your house, and then filter it accordingly. And if you get municipal water, you should have that tested too, as Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J. told ABC News that there are more than 140 chemicals in U.S. drinking water supplies that are not regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).6 This includes gasoline, pesticides, rocket fuel, prescription drugs and more. Furthermore, more than 20 percent of U.S. water treatment systems have violated key provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act over the last six years!

You Can Get Chlorine (and Other Toxins) Out of Your Drinking Water

Most people in the United States are not going to take the time to expose their drinking water and bathwater to sunlight, then add lime juice, to help make it more pure – and this wouldn’t do anything to eliminate the chlorine or fluoride it contains anyway.

Fortunately, there are other options at your disposal.

If you can only afford one filter there is no question in most experts’ minds that the shower filter is the most important product to buy for water filtration, even more important than filtering your tap water. This is because the damage you incur through your skin and lungs far surpasses the damage done by drinking water (which at least gives your body a fighting chance to eliminate the toxins through your organs of elimination).

An even better solution to the problem of harsh chemicals and toxins in your home’s water supply is to install a whole house water filtration system. This not only protects your body, but also your appliances as well. There’s just one water line coming into your house. Putting a filter on this is the easiest and simplest strategy you can implement to take control of your health by ensuring the water and, subsequently, the air in your house is as clean as possible.

Remember, if you are getting your water from a municipal source your indoor air quality, especially in the winter when your windows are closed, is likely atrocious. This is related to the chlorine and other toxins evaporating from all your toilet bowls, showers, baths, dishwashers and washing machines.

My advice for whole house filtration systems is as follows: Find a system that uses at least 60 pounds of filter media and can produce eight or more gallons a minute. When you are running two different showers, the dishwasher and the kitchen sink at the same time, you’ll find out why these minimum levels are so important. This recommendation covers a home or apartment up to 3200 sq./ft, or in other words, a residence with about three and a half bathrooms. For more than that you will probably require two whole house water filtration systems.

You also need to look for a whole house water filter that has three separate stages of contamination removal:

  • Stage one removes sediment
  • Stage two removes chlorine and heavy metals
  • Stage three should be a heavy-duty carbon filter for removing hormones, drug residues, chemicals, pesticides, and herbicides

You want to look for granular carbon in the carbon filter, not a solid block of carbon. The granular carbon allows for better water flow, which translates to more water pressure and better filtering properties as well.

You also want to look for NSF certification, which ensures your water filter is meeting national standards. NSF certification is only granted when a product is proven to remove everything it claims to. It’s also good to makes sure all particles under .8 microns are being filtered out of the water. A lower number is actually better, but .8 microns is the standard I recommend because that covers most bacteria, viruses and VOCs.

Your body requires a constant daily supply of water to fuel all the various waste filtration systems nature has designed to keep you healthy and free of toxins. Your blood, your kidneys, and your liver all require a source of good clean water to detoxify your body from the toxic exposures you come into contact with every day.

When you give your body water that is filled with by-products from chlorination, or with volatile organic compounds, or water that is contaminated by pesticides or hormones, you are asking your body to work twice as hard at detoxification, because it must first detoxify the water you are drinking, before that water can be used to fuel your organs of detoxification! Clearly, one of the most efficient ways to help your body both avoid and eliminate toxins, and reach optimal health, is to provide it with the cleanest, purest water you can find.

  • ·         Source: Dr. Mercola