5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene oxide injected into the body

A science paper published in MaterialsToday Chemistry reveals that cell phone signals can be used to release biological or chemical payloads from graphene oxide that’s introduced into the human body. The paper, published in September of 2022, is entitled, “Remotely controlled electro-responsive on-demand nanotherapy based on amine-modified graphene oxide for synergistic dual drug delivery.”

The study abstract reveals how a cell phone can emit signals to activate a low voltage current that interacts with Graphene Oxide (GO) molecules, causing efficient delivery of drug payloads:

This study aims to determine low-voltage-controlled dual drug (aspirin and doxorubicin) release from GO surface. Here, we have demonstrated how to control the drug release rate remotely with a handy mobile phone, with zero passive release at idle time.

Because of its extremely high surface area and complex structure composition, graphene oxide turns out to be the perfect molecule for delivery of biological or drug payloads inside the body. From the study:

These advantages make GO an extremely potential nanocomposite material as a drug carrier in the field of biomedicine and biotechnology, while being combined with a polymer or inorganic matrix.

Importantly, the presence of a specific frequency of a low voltage current is all that’s necessary to cause graphene oxide to release its payload.

5G cell tower signals create micro currents inside the body

We already know that 5G signals can generate electrical currents inside the human body, even from a significant distance. An important article authored by Dr. Joseph Mercola and published in Childrens Health Defense reveals that 5G cell signal radiation results in measurable biological and chemical changes inside the human body. From his article:

  • 5G relies primarily on the bandwidth of the millimeter wave, known to cause a painful burning sensation. It’s also been linked to eye and heart problems, suppressed immune function, genetic damage and fertility problems.
  • The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) admits no 5G safety studies have been conducted or funded by the agency or telecom industry, and that none are planned.
  • The FCC has been captured by the telecom industry, which in turn has perfected the disinformation strategies employed by the tobacco industry before it.
  • Persistent exposures to microwave frequencies like those from cellphones can cause mitochondrial dysfunction and nuclear DNA damage from free radicals produced from peroxynitrite.
  • Excessive exposures to cellphones and Wi-Fi networks have been linked to chronic diseases such as cardiac arrhythmias, anxiety, depression, autism, Alzheimer’s and infertility.

The Cellular Phone Task Force website lists numerous warnings from governments and agencies around the world who have sounded the alarm on cell phone radiation and its harmful effects on human biology.

Radiofrequency microwave radiation causes voltage changes inside the body’s cells, altering calcium channels

Additionally, compelling research led by Martin Pall, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of biochemistry and basic medical sciences at Washington State University, reveals that microwave radiation from mobile devices and wireless routers causes voltage changes inside the body’s cells, activating what are called “Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels” (VGCCs), which are located in the outer membrane of your cells. It is this membrane that determines what passes into and out of the cell.

See the full study by Martin Pall, PhD., entitled: Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects. That study explains:

Twenty-three studies have shown that voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) produce these and other EMF effects… Furthermore, the voltage-gated properties of these channels may provide biophysically plausible mechanisms for EMF biological effects.

From Dr. Mercola’s article linked above: (emphasis added)

According to Pall’s research radiofrequency microwave radiation such as that from your cellphone and wireless router activates the voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) located in the outer membrane of your cells.

According to Pall, VGCCs are 7.2 million times more sensitive to microwave radiation than the charged particles inside and outside our cells, which means the safety standards for this exposure are off by a factor of 7.2 million.

Low-frequency microwave radiation opens your VGCCs, thereby allowing an abnormal influx of calcium ions into the cell, which in turn activates nitric oxide and superoxide which react nearly instantaneously to form peroxynitrite that then causes carbonate free radicals, which are one of the most damaging reactive nitrogen species known and thought to be a root cause for many of today’s chronic diseases.

This means that cell phone radiation (and 5G cell tower radiation) does, indeed, induce voltage changes in the human body, and that these voltage changes have very real biochemical effects, some of which may be dangerous to human health (such as the formation of peroxynitrite molecules).

Fighting these potent free radicals can be achieved in part with nutritional approaches, such as through the use of superoxide dismutase enzyme (SOD), which is the foundational nutrient in the Health Ranger Store’s 5G Defense powders. Notably, SOD (which is usually derived from melon fruit) does not block cell tower radiation itself, but it helps the body respond to cellular stresses such as the formation of peroxynitrite molecules.

In related news reported by Reuters, French regulators have issued a warning to Apple to stop selling iPhone 12 phones due to the presence of excessive radiation produced by the devices. Apple’s smartphone exceeds the allowable legal limit of radiation. This phone has been sold since 2020.

5G signals may be used to cause Graphene Oxide to release payloads inside the human body

Connecting the dots on all this, 5G signals can be used to generate low voltage inside the human body, causing Graphene Oxide molecules to release predetermined payloads inside the body. Via the published paper linked above:

Upon application of external stimuli, many materials are able to release drugs. However, most of them need sophisticated instruments except electrical stimulation. Electro-stimulated drug delivery has attracted attention due to the low expense, painless, and portability of the control equipment, making it manageable for customized applications. In this study, we used NGO as an electro-sensitive material to deliver drugs in a controllable manner.

“This is the first time we have used ASP and DOX as a model drug which can be delivered simultaneously by external voltage,” the paper states. The conclusion of the paper adds: (emphasis added)

In conclusion, we have shown here that NGO can be used as a dual drug delivery agent, and the release of drugs can be controlled by an external voltage. To exploit the synergistic effect of ASP and DOX, we modified NGO and attached two drugs to it. Our labmade remote-controlled device efficiently released the anticancer drug. The releasing process can easily be switched on and off with a mobile phone by changing the bias voltage.

Graphene Oxide can carry biological or chemical weapons as payloads

In the scientific paper quoted above, the payload was aspirin plus a common cancer drug. However, payloads can be almost anything of sufficiently small size, including both hydrophilic and hydrophobic molecules. From the study, “We have also demonstrated how hydrophilic (ASP) and hydrophobic drugs (DOX) can be delivered by using a single delivery platform.”

This means that potent chemical weapons — theoretically including nerve agents that are fatal at nanograms of exposure — could be loaded into graphene oxide molecules which are surreptitiously delivered into the body via aggressively propagandized medical interventions such as fake vaccines or covid swabs. Theoretically, such weapons might be able to be delivered to the population via food vectors as well. Once in the body, a small amount of payload leakage may generate some level of nerve damage among inoculated victims, but the real payload delivery won’t happen until a proper 5G signal is broadcast across the inoculated population, using the “release frequency” that generates the required voltage to unleash the payload.

In other words, a 5G broadcast signal at the appropriate frequency could instantly cause graphene oxide molecules to release the payloads into the bodies of those who were previously inoculated with those payloads. This would happen simultaneously, across the entire population that is within range of the broadcast frequencies which generate the necessary voltage in the body.

If the payload were a nerve agent, the real world effect would be the sudden dropping dead of large portions of populations across cities where 5G broadcast are able to saturate them. If payloads were virus-like nanoparticles, payload delivery could cause a large portion of the population to suddenly appear to be “infected” with a pandemic virus that is spreading at unimaginable speed.

This technology, in other words, could be used as a “kill switch” to terminate whatever portion of the population was previously inoculated with payload-carrying GO.

“Black ink” printed on pharmaceutical capsules shown to be magnetic and may contain graphene oxide

Some additional information came to my attention during the writing of this article. The black ink printed on the side of pharmaceutical capsules actually consists of mysterious black specks which are magnetic. A contact sent me a video, represented in the following screen shot, showing pharmaceutical capsules soaked in water for several hours, after which the black “ink” from the capsules turned into black specs that displayed startling magnetic properties. In this still photo, you can see the black specs gather at the common magnet held against the glass:

As this article reveals in LiveScience.com, stunning new research finds that graphene can be made magnetic by assembling layers in a specific rotational orientation. This gives rise to magnetism, even though the underlying atomic elements are nothing but carbon. From the article:

The magnetic field isn’t created by the usual spin of electrons within the individual graphene layers, but instead arises from the collective swirling of electrons in all of the three-layers of the stacked graphene structure, researchers reported Oct. 12 in the journal Nature Physics.

Is graphene being used in the “ink” that’s printed on the side of prescription medications? We don’t know for certain, but the fact that this ink is clearly magnetic is alarming.

Graphene oxide can also transmit gigahertz signals to nearby receivers

Additionally, under certain exotic applications of graphic oxide (GO) materials, those whose bodies are activated by cell tower broadcast could themselves function as electromagnetic “repeaters” due to the ability of GO to function as transmitters.

This capability is well documented in a study entitled, “Radio-frequency characteristics of graphene oxide,” published in Applied Physics Letters in 2010. (https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3506468) That study explains: (emphasis added)

We confirm graphene oxide, a two-dimensional carbon structure at the nanoscale level can be a strong candidate for high-efficient interconnector

in radio-frequency range. In this paper, we investigate high frequency characteristics of graphene oxide in range of 0.5–40 GHz. Radiofrequency transmission properties were extracted as S-parameters to determine the intrinsic ac transmission of graphene sheets, such as the impedance variation dependence on frequency. The impedance and resistance of graphene sheets drastically decrease as frequency increases. This result confirms graphene oxide has high potential for transmitting signals at gigahertz ranges.

Graphene oxide materials, in other words, can both carry payloads which are delivered via remote cell phone signaling, as well as transmit signals to other nearby receivers.

This could theoretically be used to start a “chain reaction” of 5G cell tower signals being re-broadcast from one person to another. In theory, this could extend a “kill switch” signal broadcast far beyond the initial range of 5G cell towers themselves.

From the conclusion of that published paper:

…[W]e expect that GO could be used for transmission lines in next-stage electronics and could be very strong candidate for nanocarbon electronics.


  1. Graphene oxide can carry chemical or biological payloads.
  2. Graphene oxide carrying payloads can be introduced into the body through vaccines or swabs.
  3. The release of those payloads can be controlled by external cell tower signals which cause specific voltage changes in human cells.
  4. Some voltage changes are already known to occur with exposure to cell tower radiation, especially with 5G.
  5. Graphene oxide payloads can include “kill switch” payloads such as nerve agents or infectious agents.
  6. The 5G tower system can therefore function as a chemical weapons payload release infrastructure system to achieve a “mass kill” of populations which were previously inoculated with payload-carrying GO.
  7. Covid vaccines — which are now widely known to have had nothing to do with halting any pandemic (since even the White House and CDC both admit they do not halt transmission or infections) — could have theoretically been used to inoculate people with graphene oxide payloads which have not yet been activated.

Thus, it is plausible — but not proven — that vaccines + 5G cell towers could be exploited as a depopulation weapon system to achieve near-simultaneous mass extermination of a large percentage of the human population, simply by activating GO payload release with a specific broadcast energy intensity and frequency.

Given that the western governments of the world are clearly attempting to exterminate their own populations right now, this conclusion should be concerning to all those who wish to survive the global depopulation agenda.

Scientists discover that all covid vaccines “without exception” contain mysterious metallic toxins

Independent researchers from Germany have found that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” contain an array of hidden, toxic components – most of them metallic – that are not labeled as ingredients.

“Without exception,” the group says, every sample tested from Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson (J&J), and AstraZeneca contained the following metallic elements:

• Alkali metals: caesium (Cs), potassium (K)
• Alkaline earth metals: calcium (Ca), barium (Ba)
• Transition metals; cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), titanium (Ti)
• Rare earth metals: cerium (Ce), gadolinium (Gd)
• Mining group / metal: aluminum (Al)
• Carbon group: silicon (Si) (partly support material / slide)
• Oxygen group: sulphur (S)

Using modern medical and physical measuring techniques, the researchers determined that all of these metallic substances “are visible under the dark-field microscope as distinctive and complex structures of different sizes, can only partially be explained as a result of crystallization or decomposition processes, [and] cannot be explained as contamination from the manufacturing process.”

These findings build upon the work of others who have made similar discoveries, one of them being the Health Ranger – be sure to check out his report showing that the clots created by Fauci Flu shots are not blood clots, but rather metallic clots.

Blood from fully vaccinated people shows “marked changes,” researchers find

Dr. Janci Lindsay, PhD, a toxicologist who was not involved in the study but who has performed similar work, says there is, indeed, a pattern of discovery to suggest that covid injections are not what the government claims they are.

“The number and consistency of the allegations of contamination alone, coupled with the eerie silence from global safety and regulatory bodies, is troublesome and perplexing in terms of ‘transparency’ and continued allegations by these bodies that the genetic vaccines are ‘safe,’” Lindsay is quoted as saying.

Those involved with the Germany study, which is still preliminary, say they have submitted the findings to both government and media entities in the hope that someone will address it. So far, no one is willing.

Another thing the researchers discovered that is worthy of note pertains to the blood of the fully vaccinated, which they say showed “marked changes.” Adverse events associated with these changes were also found to be a factor of “the stability of the envelope of lipid nanoparticles,” these being the fat-soluble membranes carried as “cargo” by messenger RNA (mRNA).

“Using a small sample of live blood analyses from both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, we have determined that artificial intelligence (AI) can distinguish with 100% reliability between the blood of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated,” the study explains.

“This indicates that the COVID-19 vaccines can effect long-term changes in the composition of the blood of the person vaccinated without that person being aware of these changes.”

At best, Chinese Virus shots are widely contaminated unintentionally. At worst – and this option seems more likely – the shots were designed to implant metallic substances inside people’s bodies that purposely self-assemble into deadly clots.

“We have established that the COVID-19 vaccines consistently contain, in addition to contaminants, substances the purpose of which we are unable to determine,” the study further explains.

In the comment section, someone pointed out that vaccinated people with altered, metallic blood can no longer safely donate blood – which is something to keep in mind for those who need a transfusion.

“As with all vaccines and all drugs, ‘the full quantitative composition’ of all Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ is a trade secret, protected from disclosure due to commercial sensitivities,” pointed out another.

“Pfizer’s own raw composition table, 3.2.P.1-1, released for my FOI request, suggests likely 6 redacted manufacturing ingredients.”

Vaccinated blood is tainted blood, study finds

Image: Vaccinated blood is tainted blood, study finds

New research out of Italy proposes that everyone who has been “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) now has tainted blood marked by mystery particles of various sizes and shapes.

Published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR), the study, which began in March 2021, looked at blood samples from 1,006 patients who got jabbed, and who subsequently developed various disorders.

All of the patients received the mRNA (messenger RNA) injection from Pfizer and BioNTech, which supposedly contain the least amount of actual spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 – though we know these mRNA shots cause the body to manufacture its own spike protein. (Related: Remember when Pfizer tried to rebrand its shot to make it more attractive to potential recipients?)

Pfizer’s covid shots contain an array of foreign components that the Italian researchers described as “metallic objects.” One of them is believed to be graphene, a conductive metal used in radio frequency electronics.

Of the 1,006 cases analyzed, a mere 58 of them, or 5.77 percent, showed normal hematology upon microscopic analysis – meaning the blood was healthy. The other 94.23 percent of samples were discovered to be loaded with foreign objects “of unclear origin.”

“Aggregation of erythrocytes were highlighted and exogenous point-like and self-luminescent particles in the dark-field were detected,” the paper explains. “The luminescence of those particles was markedly higher than that of oxygenated red blood cell walls.”

“The 948 cases, showed tubular / fibrous formations and frequently also crystalline and lamellar formations with extremely complex but consistently similar morphologies across all of the patients with abnormal blood samples.”

Everyone who got shot with Pfizer now has foreign, “transitioned” blood

The work replicates that of a team of Korean doctors that earlier analyzed a much larger sampling of jabbed blood and made similar discoveries. In short, these are anything but traditional “vaccines,” and are arguably not vaccines at all.

“What seems plain enough is that metallic particles resembling graphene oxide and possibly other metallic compounds, like those discovered by Gatti and Montanari (Montanari & Gatti, 2016; Gatti & Montanari, 2012, 2017, 2018), have been included in the cocktail of whatever the manufacturers have seen fit to put in the so-called mRNA ‘vaccines,’” the paper continues.

“In our experience as clinicians, these mRNA injections are very unlike traditional ‘vaccines’ and their manufacturers need, in our opinions, to come clean about what is in the injections and why it is there.”

Interestingly, the study uses the word “transition” to describe the state of a person’s blood before and after the injections. Before the transition, the blood looked and had “perfect normalcy … with accompanying haemolysis,” while after the transition there was “visible packing and stacking of red blood cells in conjunction with the formation of gigantic conglomerate foreign structures, some of them appearing as graphene-family super-structures.”

Calling this change “unprecedented,” the researchers conclude that transitioned blood, meaning vaccinated blood, “is incompatible with normal blood flow, especially at the level of the capillaries.”

“There seems to be nothing good about these jabs,” wrote a commenter about the study’s findings. “Stay well naturally.”

“First they pushed the jabs, now they are REALLY pushing the bugs,” wrote another, skeptical about the new pro-cricket-eating campaign. “What’s the chemical composition of a cricket? Can eating bugs ‘feed’ the clots?”

“COVID-5G all along – I told you!” remarked another about how the jabbed are now walking frequency transmission “towers.”

“The metal components are probably self-assembling into some sort of Bluetooth transmitter and receiver,” added another, speculating as to the nature of this transition that the fully vaxxed are going through.

Top killer in Alberta: Deaths from “ill-defined and unknown causes” (aka covid vaccines) are skyrocketing

Image: Top killer in Alberta: Deaths from “ill-defined and unknown causes” (aka covid vaccines) are skyrocketing

Canadian state news outlet CTV News is reporting that the number-one killer of people in Alberta right now are “ill-defined and unknown causes,” which of course means Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

The collective of data from 2021 shows that compared to every other primary cause of death, ill-defined and unknown causes (3,362) topped them all, followed by:

  • Dementia (2,135)
  • “COVID-19” (1,950)
  • Chronic ischemic heart disease (1,939)
  • Malignant neoplasms of trachea, bronchus and lung (1.552)
  • Acute myocardial infarction (1,075)
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (1,028)
  • Diabetes mellitus (728)
  • Stroke (612)
  • Accidental poisoning by and exposure to drugs and other substances (604)

As you will notice, nowhere in this list are Fauci Flu shots even mentioned. That is because the Canadian government, like most governments, refuses to acknowledge any link between the jabs and excess deaths – which are off the charts.

As we reported earlier this year, the government of Alberta has been going out of its way to scrub any trace of cause and effect between the jabs and the sharp increase in deaths the province has been seeing ever since the launch of Operation Warp Speed.

Up until 2021, dementia was the leading cause of death in Alberta for six straight years

Since 2016, dementia held the top spot as the number-one cause of death in Alberta – that is, until Donald Trump released his “vaccines,” which have been killing people left and right ever since.

“I think it’s probably multifactorial, so there’s probably many things playing into that,” says Dr. Daniel Gregson, an associate professor in the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary who specializes in infectious diseases and microbiology, deflecting from Fauci Flu shots as the cause of all these deaths.

“We have this impression of surviving COVID and that’s the end of it, and that’s not necessarily true,” he added in a statement to CTV, the suggestion being that the alleged “virus” is making some kind of comeback – even though covid is listed as the number-three cause of death in Alberta.

According to Gregson, people who previously tested “positive” for covid could now die at any moment from a number of things, including heart disease, stroke and pulmonary embolisms – all things that are caused by the injections, it turns out.

“We do expect that there will be deaths that aren’t directly related to COVID, but indirectly related to COVID to occur after the diagnosis in patients after the first month of infection,” he further said.

“One would expect that some of those patients are going to survive the COVID and then die at home from other complications.”

Both Alberta Health and the province’s medical examiner’s office are likewise playing dumb about the issue, pretending as though all these excess deaths are just one big mystery that cannot be solved.

“COVID still is quite high up there as we expected,” Gregson further added, admitting that the jabs are not “working” to save lives as expected.

“Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to actually eliminate COVID deaths in the province, despite our availability of vaccines. So, that’s a bit disappointing.”

Amazingly, Gregson went on to suggest that a lack of lockdowns could be responsible for all these excess deaths.

“I think the fact that that number (covid deaths) is not in the top spot is essentially a medical miracle in us being able to get out vaccines in less than 18 months to the average person in Canada,” he further stated in all seriousness.

In other words, Gregson wants Canadians to believe that the jabs are responsible for keeping covid in the number-three top killer position as opposed to the number-one position – even though the number one position is the injections.

Miscarriages and cancer up 300%, neurological problems up 1,000% due to covid “vaccines”

Image: Miscarriages and cancer up 300%, neurological problems up 1,000% due to covid “vaccines”

On January 24, attorney Thomas Renz, a member of the America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) legal team, revealed to a panel that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are extremely dangerous, despite constant reassurances from the government that they are “safe and effective.”

Three military doctors from the Department of Defense (DoD) who have access to vaccination data that has been withheld from the general public procured the information. They are Lt. Col. Theresa Long, Dr. Samuel Sigoloff and Lt. Colonel Peter Chambers.

“All three have given me this data in declarations that stated this is under penalty of perjury, we intend to submit this to the courts,” Renz said.

What these three whistleblowers showed with the data is that miscarriages have increased by 300 percent over the past year, as have cancers. Neurological problems increased 1,000 percent during the same timeframe.

“Our soldiers are being injured, experimented on, and sometimes possibly killed,” Renz further explained.

Biden regime ignored affidavit warning that covid jabs are killing military servicemen

Lt. Col. Long is a senior U.S. Army flight surgeon with specialized training in infectious diseases. She testified under the Military Whistleblower Protection Act, which protects members who make lawful disclosures of wrongdoing to members of Congress or the Inspector General.

Long told Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) that she actually had to ground vaccinated pilots in order to place them under monitoring for symptoms of myocarditis, which include chronic fatigue, so as to avoid them potentially dying from heart failure mid-air.

On Nov. 3, 2021, The Washington Times reported that Long had made “numerous efforts to get senior medical leaders to at the very least inform soldiers of this risk,” only to be ignored.

“The military didn’t even pause their vaccination efforts to rush out the Pfizer and Moderna shots,” she is quoted as saying.

Long initially decided to speak up after the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced back in June an “emergency meeting to discuss higher than expected myocarditis in 16 to 24-year-olds.”

Long then filed an affidavit against the Biden regime over its jab mandate for active-duty military personnel, warning that heart side effects could cause pilots to die mid-flight.

Long is directly responsible, by the way, for certifying the fitness of 4,000 flight-ready airmen at the 1st Aviation Brigade in Ft. Rucker, Ala. It is her job, in other words, to be on the lookout for things that could harm them, including covid jabs.

“The vaccines can cause inflamed heart muscles in young men in the age range of most flight-ready pilots and … the Department of Defense has not followed its own protocols by requiring an MRI scan of each airman after vaccination,” the affidavit reads.

“The majority of young new Army aviators are in their early twenties. We know there is a risk of myocarditis with each mRNA vaccination.”

A lawsuit was also filed, but the Biden regime has thus far ignored both the affidavit and that legal filing.

Dr. Peter McCullough backed all this up when he spoke at a second opinion meeting, revealing that myocarditis “is not mild,” and is not something to be balked at as being no big deal.

“When they do an MRI on these individuals with suspected myocarditis, 100 percent are having heart damage,” he explained.

Scientific studies show that around 13 percent of jab-induced myocarditis victims will have permanent heart injury, while 32 percent will never return back to normal.

“We are seeing unprecedented numbers of athletes dying on the field in Europe,” he added. “Of these cardiac arrests half of them don’t come back.”

The latest news about injuries and deaths caused by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:



Global crop collapse now a certainty… widespread famine to plague planet Earth from 2022 – 2024… it is set in motion and cannot be stopped

A convergence of horrifying events have set into a motion an irreversible collapse of food production and crop harvests that will lead to global famine all the way through 2024. These events cannot be stopped for the simple reason that plants take time to grow. You can’t create crops instantly, and if they don’t get planted (or they get destroyed), there’s no instant replacement.

The reasons for the coming global famine include:

  • Floods and droughts causing sharp drops in crop production in China, Russia and the USA, among other nations.
  • Economic sanctions against Russia causing a halting of exports for food and fertilizer.
  • War in Ukraine, leading to a halting of the 2022 planting season for wheat, corn, soy and other crops.
  • War in the Black Sea, blocking ship movements in the ports (such as Odessa) which normally export crops.
  • The Biden admin’s shutting down of fossil duel production in the USA, adding significant costs to fertilizers and agricultural operations.
  • Global fiat currency money printing, making food inflation reach atrocious levels.

Importantly, all this coalesces into two primary problems that will now accelerate across the world:

  1. Food SCARCITY

Scarcity, of course, means there’s no remaining supply no matter what the cost. Inflation means the food that is available will be significantly higher in price. Both of them cause people to panic, ultimately leading to widespread civil unrest (see below).

Understanding farm and crop inputs

Farmers are right now reporting a roughly 300% increase in their cost to produce crops such as wheat. This is due to three primary inputs:

  1. The cost of fertilizer and seed.
  2. The cost of fuel to power agricultural equipment.
  3. The availability of tractors and other equipment (and their parts) in order to carry out mechanized agricultural operations.

Importantly, all three of these inputs are heavily strained due to the conditions mentioned above.

In addition to these factors, fuel costs significantly elevate transportation expenses to transport grains to grain storage and milling providers. Thus, rising fuel costs hit farmers twice: First for the cost of running their equipment, and secondly in the transportation costs.

Sadly, it looks like diesel fuel is headed toward $6 / gallon, and this is going to put severe upward pressure on food prices across the board. As I say in the podcast, elections have consequences… and rigged elections have dire consequences. (Joe Biden is punishing America with economic sanctions against our entire energy sector while having no such sanctions on Russia’s energy exports.)

Fertilizer costs have tripled, and fertilizer supply is growing scarce

Fertilizer prices have tripled and will likely go higher, especially as Russia has halted fertilizer exports and shut down natural gas pipelines to Western Europe. As a result, the fertilizer supply is growing scarce. About 5 billion people on the planet depend on fossil fuel-created fertilizer for their primary source of food. Thus, without fertilizer — if it were to go to zero — about 5 billion people starve to death.

I am not predicting the starvation of 5 billion people, since fertilizer production isn’t zero. But it is easily down by 25% – 30% right now, perhaps more, and that means somewhere approaching 2 billion people (or more) are going to face real famine / starvation in the crop seasons ahead. Very few people understand that food comes from fertilizer which is made using hydrocarbons. This is why left-wing activists are so eager to shut down pipelines, having no clue this will shut down their own food production as a result.

Extreme food scarcity to become apparent at the retail level this summer

There is a delay time between crop yield collapse and food scarcity at retail (grocery stores). Right now in March, we are eating the winter harvest of wheat. By late summer, we will be depending on wheat from the spring wheat crops around the world, and those crops just aren’t getting planted at the level necessary to feed the world.

The StrangeSounds.org website recently published a good overview of what they call the “wheat apocalypse.” From that article:

The wheat outlook looks grim… All over the world…

A limited supply of soft white wheat, the primary type of wheat grown in the Inland Northwest, has helped lead to a six-year low for wheat exports from the United States. That’s according to the USDA wheat report for February. The report also states that 71 percent of U.S. winter wheat is being hit by drought in 2022.

Egypt’s food security crisis now poses an existential threat to its economy. The fragile state of Egypt’s food security stems from the agricultural sector’s inability to produce enough cereal grains, especially wheat, and oilseeds to meet even half of the country’s domestic demand.

[China’s] Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Tang Renjian said that rare heavy rainfall last year delayed the planting of about one-third of the normal wheat acreage.

Drought has shriveled Canada’s wheat crop to its smallest in 14 years, and its canola harvest to a nine-year low, a government report showed on Monday.

Parched soils and record-hot temperatures in Canada’s western crop belt sharply reduced farm yields of one of the world’s biggest wheat-exporting countries and largest canola-growing nation. The drought has forced millers and bakers to pay more for spring wheat, and drove canola prices to record highs.

On top of all that, Hungary has halted all grain exports in order to protect its domestic supply. In this article on Natural News, author JD Heyes lists the countries most likely to experience serious disruptions due to food scarcity. They include Egypt, Thailand and the Philippines.

By this summer, food shelves are going to look frighteningly empty across America, Canada and Western Europe

The upshot of all this is that food shelves are going to look downright frightening in 2022, and for the shelves that actually have food, it’s going to cost perhaps twice as much. Some items might see prices triple.

Even Reuters is now openly reporting that a United Nations agency says food inflation has hit 20%. And those are slightly old numbers. By the time they factor in the summer and fall of 2022, it’s going to be much closer to 50%.

Shockingly, food basics are going to require a larger and larger percentage of workers’ paychecks, taking away their ability to pay for fuel (which is also skyrocketing) or to purchase clothing, housing, etc.

The only factor that may actually reduce the demand for global food is the global vaccine die-off caused by mRNA / spike protein injections that are killing people are record numbers. The covid bioweapon, after all, is a depopulation weapon.

The net result is going to be global uprisings and social unrest on a scale we’ve never seen before

As covered in today’s podcast (below), the net effect of all this is going to be global uprisings, chaos and social unrest on an unprecedented scale.

Ever heard the saying about “nine meals from anarchy?” That’s what we’re about to witness later this year, in 2022.

It doesn’t mean that every city will collapse into instant chaos, but food scarcity, food inflation and energy inflation will create conditions of extreme poverty and desperation among the population. As a result, you’re going to witness more of the following:

  • Flash mob looting of grocery stores, followed by increased security at grocery retailers.
  • Gunpoint robberies of people exiting grocery stores, carrying groceries.
  • Highway robberies of transport trucks that are delivering goods to grocery retailers (ripped right out of Venezuela).
  • Increased carjackings, home invasions and crime derived from desperation and starvation. (While Democrats continue to “defund the police.”)

Covid vaccines “most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history,” says Dr. Peter McCullough

 At a recent online symposium on covid science that was organized by Doctors for COVID Ethics, the most detailed evidence yet against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” was presented for the world’s consideration.

This international group, which has long opposed the mass rollout of Fauci Flu shots, argued that the human immune system, provoked by the injections, could end up attacking its own tissues (autoimmune disease) when it detects the presence of synthetic spike proteins.

Image: Covid vaccines “most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history,” says Dr. Peter McCullough

Untold thousands of deaths have already occurred from this, though most of them never make it into the government databases. Numerous presenters, including Dr. Peter McCullough, who has also long stood against the injections, revealed scientific evidence to support these and other claims.

McCullough, by the way, has actually come out to say that covid “vaccines” are the “most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history.” He remains one of the most vocal opponents to the current agenda.

German pathologist and professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt, who has more than 40 years of experience in the field, also presented at the symposium. He conducted his own research on the tissues and organs from 15 different patients where a post-mortem had been performed.

Eight of the bodies were women and seven were men, all between the ages of 28 and 95. Each of these individuals died between seven days and six months post-injection.

What Burkhardt found is that in nearly every case, the jabs caused the individuals’ bodies to self-destruct. A specific type of immune cell called a lymphocyte was found to have invaded various parts of the body, eventually causing early death.

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Burkhardt presented slides showing that lymphocytes had infiltrated the heart muscle in particular, causing systemic inflammation. The resulting lesions were small and probably overlooked, “but the destruction of just a few muscle cells may have a devastating effect,” he warned.

“If the inflammatory infiltration is found where the impulse for the contraction of the heart is given, this may lead to heart failure,” he further said.

It was also discovered that a lymphocyte invasion occurred in other vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, uterus, brain, thyroid and skin, all of which showed signs of autoimmune damage.

How much mRNA poison can the body handle before it goes kaput?

Canadian microbiologist and professor Dr. Michael Palmer summed up Burkhardt’s presentation by explaining that anyone with honest medical training will clearly see “just how devastating the effect of these vaccines can be, at least in those who die after the vaccination.”

“We also now know why the authorities were very hesitant to have autopsies performed on such victims,” Palmer added.

As to why some people are not suffering such an extreme fate post-injection, Palmer warned that the total lifetime dose of messenger RNA toxins is limited, suggesting that it varies from person to person.

Due to a lack of experimental data, it is unknown what these thresholds are. And according to Palmer, this is “one of the great scandals of these vaccines, that no proper toxicity studies have been carried out.”

We do know from animal studies that the contents of the jabs do not remain at the site of injection. They circulate throughout the entire body, combining with receptors and lining blood vessels, which in many people causes clotting and excessive bleeding.

The long-term risks of this are what will really be telling once the contents of the jabs really make their way throughout people’s bodies over the long haul. Widespread death from seemingly no specific cause is likely to occur in the coming months and years.

More related news about Fauci Flu shots can be found at Genocide.news.

What Is Agenda 21? Depopulation of 95% of the World By 2030.

Most people are unaware that one of the greatest threats to their freedom may be a United Nations program which plans to depopulate 95% of the world.

The name of this plan is Agenda 21, and it was developed by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development, as part of a sustainability policy.

According to the United Nations website, Agenda 21 is a “comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations system, government, and major groups, in every area in which humans have impact on the environment”.

To read the full document click here. Watch the short video below to learn more on Agenda 21, in under 5 minutes.

Same Bill Gates that pushes mosquito vaccines and depopulation agendas now celebrates Black Lives Matter and trans activism.

Microsoft released a holiday advertisement this week which embraces the radical left-wing agenda. The commercial shows sympathetic images and anecdotes that support Black Lives Matter, Syrian refugees, transgender activism and LGBT community challenges. The ad features allusions to the 2016 election, suggesting that the year was challenging for many because the news can have a negative impact.

Image: Same Bill Gates that pushes mosquito vaccines and depopulation agendas now celebrates Black Lives Matter and trans activism

Microsoft’s description of the ad reads “We wanted to lift people up and remind them that ordinary people can make a difference. Our message focuses on the spirit of the holidays, people coming together and celebrating what is good and right with the world—what unites us, instead of what divides us.”  That’s great, but don’t forget the real goal of the advertisement is to sell Microsoft products.

The ad features seven people that Microsoft believes represent “good and right” causes. “There’s a damaged relationship between America’s youth and the American police officer,” says an officer.

“We need our fathers and mothers to be by our side,” says young Zianna Oliphant, while scenes from a Black Lives Matter protest are rolling on the screen. She was the child activist who spoke before the Charlotte City Council after the shooting death of Keith Lamont Scott. That shooting sparked massive outrage among Black Lives Matter, liberal politicians, and various left wing organizations, but the officers involved were exonerated because the investigation showed Scott had pulled a gun.

The ad also shows features Jazz Jennings, who is the youngest public figure to identify as transgender. There is another seven-year-old girl also representing LGBT issues in the ad.

One goal Bill Gates has yet to achieve: bad news for the population

Microsoft and other major influential powers are still pushing a dangerously deceptive liberal agenda, but there’s so much more to worry about regarding Bill Gates. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation funded a genetically-altered mosquito program which could be responsible for spreading the Zika virus around the globe. The Zika virus crisis fits with Bill Gates’ admitted depopulation agenda, and is causing babies to be born nearly brain-dead.

Genetically modified mosquitoes are also being considered to fight the further spread of Zika, while researchers are scrambling to develop a vaccine for the virus. Bill gates wants to force vaccinations on people by releasing genetically modified mosquitoes capable of performing the task, which would make it very difficult to avoid vaccination. It doesn’t seem like Bill Gates identifies with the values promoted in Microsoft’s new holiday advertisement.




New evidence suggests the government is using NASA to air drop Lithium on the masses

Need your mood tweaked a bit? Just step outside under the gaze of a chemtrail and inhale deeply. In addition to the barium, strontium, the nano bio apps and other assorted toxins, you’ll be ingesting a chemically tweaked Lithium, long known as a drug used for bi-polar disorder, depression and eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. Gee, you won’t have to endure any more twenty minute sessions with your psychiatrist, am I right? Just walk outside under the haze and take a breath. Waking times has the story:

“There’s the official explanation for why NASA is spraying lithium, a pharmaceutical drug most often used to treat people with manic depression or bi-polar disorder, into our ionosphere, and then there is the probable reason(s). It would be easier to accept NASA’s official explanation if they were not so secretive about everything they study and do in space – but one thing is for certain – NASA’s own personnel have admitted that lithium, along with other chemicals, are intentionally being placed into our environment regularly. It is possible that many of NASA’s own employees aren’t even aware of the true motivations for carrying out such a project, ironically displaying the very behaviors that these chemicals/pharmaceuticals are meant to instill.

Image: New evidence suggests the government is using NASA to air drop Lithium on the masses

“In the first bomb-shell video a NASA employee (Douglas.e.rowland@nasa.gov) admits that lithium is being sprayed in the atmosphere, and says that it is ‘harmless to the environment.’”

It’s important to distinguish a difference between the type of chemically endowed Lithium force fed by sociopaths and the natural lithium found in most rocks on the earth.

The Global Healing Center reports:

“… Lithium is a naturally occurring mineral from the earth. Just like calcium and potassium, lithium is something that every human body requires.

“Many people are familiar with the pharmaceutical forms of lithium (lithium carbonate and lithium citrate), these aforementioned chemical extracts used to treat mania and depression.

“Lithium orotate is different. Whereas pharmaceutical drug forms of lithium require high doses to penetrate cells, lithium orotate is effective in extremely small serving sizes. Unlike its pharmaceutical counterparts, lithium orotate is non-toxic and seems to be effective for 70% to 80% of people who try it… Lithium [oratate] has been shown to protect the system from numerous toxins, particularly in the grey matter of the brain.”

Unfortunately, as with most decisions from the brotherhood of darkness, the kind of lithium being strewn about in the heavens is the medicating kind.

As reported by Waking Times:

“Here, to corroborate information being given by the NASA employee in the video, is the  Code 8440 RMMO which states the exact purpose of using Wallops Flight Facility to launch a rocket containing lithium thermite:

‘Purpose: The primary purpose of this mission was to test the loading methods for lithium canisters to be flown on the upcoming Kudeki (Kwajalein, April 2013) and Pfaff (Wallops, June 2013) missions, and verify their functionality under sounding rocket launch and space flight conditions.

Rocket Type:Two-stage Terrier MK70 Improved-Orion

Location:Wallops Range


Date of Launch:January 29, 2013

Time:17:50 EST

Experiment results:Thermistor data looked nominal. Good report from airborne optical platform of recorded video and lithium clouds also visible by ground observation.’

… If you wanted to medicate the masses to create mindless, slave-like prisoners who didn’t even know they were imprisoned, this is surely a good way to do it. Spraying lithium into our skies, along with countless other bacteria, viruses, prions, parasites, fungi, carcinogens, toxins, hormone-altering drugs, anti-flora and anti-fauna, as well as gene-altering micro-dust is nothing more than bio-warfare against the world’s citizenry.”

Let’s not forget the assault on our food, either.