Gastrointestinal symptoms and fecal shedding of SARS-CoV-2 RNA suggest prolonged gastrointestinal infection


  • Approximately one-half of COVID-19 patients shed fecal RNA in the week after diagnosis
  • Four percent of patients with COVID-19 shed fecal viral RNA 7 months after diagnosis
  • Presence of fecal SARS-CoV-2 RNA is associated with gastrointestinal symptoms
  • SARS-CoV-2 likely infects gastrointestinal tissue

Context and significance

Gastrointestinal symptoms and SARS-CoV-2 RNA shedding in feces point to the gastrointestinal tract as a possible site of infection in COVID-19. Researchers from Stanford University measured the dynamics of fecal viral RNA in patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 followed for 10 months post-diagnosis. The authors found that fecal viral RNA shedding was correlated with gastrointestinal symptoms in patients who had cleared their respiratory infection. They also observed that fecal shedding can continue to 7 months post-diagnosis. In conjunction with recent related findings, this work presents compelling evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the gastrointestinal tract and suggests a possible role for long-term infection of the gastrointestinal tract in syndromes such as “long COVID.”



COVID-19 manifests with respiratory, systemic, and gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms.

, SARS-CoV-2 RNA is detected in respiratory and fecal samples, and recent reports demonstrate viral replication in both the lung and intestinal tissue.

Although much is known about early fecal RNA shedding, little is known about long-term shedding, especially in those with mild COVID-19. Furthermore, most reports of fecal RNA shedding do not correlate these findings with GI symptoms.


We analyzed the dynamics of fecal RNA shedding up to 10 months after COVID-19 diagnosis in 113 individuals with mild to moderate disease. We also correlated shedding with disease symptoms.


Fecal SARS-CoV-2 RNA is detected in 49.2% [95% confidence interval, 38.2%–60.3%] of participants within the first week after diagnosis. Whereas there was no ongoing oropharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 RNA shedding in subjects at 4 months, 12.7% [8.5%–18.4%] of participants continued to shed SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the feces at 4 months after diagnosis and 3.8% [2.0%–7.3%] shed at 7 months. Finally, we found that GI symptoms (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting) are associated with fecal shedding of SARS-CoV-2 RNA.


The extended presence of viral RNA in feces, but not in respiratory samples, along with the association of fecal viral RNA shedding with GI symptoms suggest that SARS-CoV-2 infects the GI tract and that this infection can be prolonged in a subset of individuals with COVID-19.

Graphical abstract

Figure thumbnail fx1

Designing Accountable Health Care Algorithms: Lessons from Covid-19 Contact Tracing


An academic team at Stanford University worked with the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department to develop a machine-learning system for language matching in Covid-19 contact tracing through a collaborative design process. Although developed for a specific public health activity, the setting is representative of a wide range of health care delivery contexts, and the experience lays out how health care organizations can develop accountable algorithms that improve care, mitigate risk, and enable evaluation by stakeholders. Key elements of the design process involved: (1) a partnership and stakeholder consultation to develop a common understanding of and iteration around algorithmic design; (2) the use of a model understandable to all stakeholders, which exhibited only modest performance degradation relative to more complex models; and (3) a randomized controlled trial and qualitative survey of how the algorithm impacted real-world contact tracing, providing an evaluation that goes beyond narrow technical measures of algorithmic performance.

While rapid advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to revolutionize health care, there are also serious concerns around its adoption. AI systems can exacerbate bias,1 fail to produce output that concurs with best health care judgment,2 or even degrade human decision-making when relying on artifacts in data used to train the algorithm.3 The question of how to build out health care algorithms reflects the broader debate around the accountability of AI systems.4 The core question is whether and how we should build algorithms that reproduce what is good about human clinical judgment — at scale or with reduced resources — without exacerbating what is flawed in the same manual processes. Accountability means that stakeholders must be able to understand, interrogate, and evaluate the risks and benefits of the algorithm.5

Much of this debate has remained abstract.6 In this article, we use a concrete example of how an AI system in an important health care and public health setting improved patient outcomes and, specifically, overcame an existing disparity in care. Through an academic–public collaboration, we developed a machine-learning approach to match the language needs of incoming patients with contact tracers, which reduced case completion times by 14 hours and improved patient and contact tracer engagement.

We document the technical components and results elsewhere,7 focusing in this article on our design process and extracting broader lessons in how to scope out, develop, interrogate, and assess an algorithmic solution. We attempt to address the following question: What is the process by which multiple actors — computer scientists, social scientists, doctors, public health officials, managers, and contact tracers — should exercise “the obligation to explain and justify” the algorithm’s use, design, decisions, and impact?8 In addition, public organizations — and government entities in particular — may struggle in academic and technical collaborations to deploy strategies at the forefront of scientific ability while ensuring the level of responsibility and minimal risk required of the public sector. The approach we used has broad applicability for language access across health care systems9 and serves as a potential model with lessons for how to build accountable algorithms in important settings.

Challenges of Contact Tracing

As part of its Covid-19 response, Santa Clara County, which has 1.9 million residents, established a shelter-in-place order on March 16, 2020, along with five other Bay Area counties.10,11 Santa Clara County created a contact tracing operation and scaled up to more than 900 tracers within a matter of weeks; the tracers called patients upon diagnosis, provided information about isolation, and elicited close contacts to notify of a potential exposure. The ultimate goal was to reach and encourage contacts to quarantine before they became contagious, which required optimization for speed.

The core question is whether and how we should build algorithms that reproduce what is good about human clinical judgment — at scale or with reduced resources — without exacerbating what is flawed in the same manual processes.

Across all Covid-19 response efforts, contact tracing has proven challenging. First, many individuals are reluctant to engage, trust, and offer information about contacts to the government. Second, the infrastructure for testing and rapid dissemination of results has been strained locally and nationally by supply and personnel limitations as well as major data-transmission backlogs and errors. Third, the pandemic’s disparate impact made contact tracing particularly prone to language barriers. While Latinx individuals represent roughly 25% of the Santa Clara County population, they constituted more than 50% of Covid-19 cases. Laboratory reports provided incomplete information about language needs. In the software used for case investigation and contact tracing (CICT) efforts across the state of California, there was no way to match incoming cases to tracers on the basis of language spoken, and such needs were hence met by a secondary step of dialing in state interpreter services.

The Design Process for a Language-Matching Algorithm

In July 2020, the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department (PHD) and Stanford’s Regulation, Evaluation, and Governance Lab (RegLab) began a series of conversations to scope out potential collaborations. The RegLab has a particular expertise in data science, machine-learning, and public sector applications. PHD had created its own Covid-19 Situational Awareness Branch, so key to collaboration was a series of conversations to identify complementary efforts. Early conversations surfaced language-matching capability as a priority because of both the perceived acute need and the feasibility of meeting the need.

Data Use

One of the major barriers was the contracting process for the data use agreement. Because information from laboratory reports was sparse, there was a strong need to be able to use all available information (e.g., name, date of birth, and address) to develop accurate predictions of language need. Extensive negotiation was required to satisfy the security and privacy requirements. While this process took 3 months — a long time in pandemic response terms, but short relative to ordinary contracting — the Stanford team was able to develop the core algorithm using a non–Covid-19 administrative data set. All data were ultimately placed on a secure server, suitable for protected health information.

Collaborative Process

Our teams met weekly for the Stanford team to share project updates and for PHD to share how the pandemic and contact tracing response was evolving. These meetings were critical to developing a common understanding of data sources and the potential limits of an algorithmic solution (Table 1).

Table 1.

Translating Key Technical and Public Health Questions Related to Algorithm Development
A. Technical questionB. Public health questionC. Impact on intervention
What threshold should be used to predict “positive cases” in a classification model? Should the threshold vary over time?What is the capacity of the language specialty team? How does the team adjust with fluctuating case counts?Building in a flexible threshold that allowed for trade-offs between model performance and operational capacity in response to case count and team size fluctuations
What feature set should be included to train the model?Do we know what kinds of patients are most likely to benefit from bilingual contact tracing?Selecting features associated with increased likelihoods of having a non-English preferred language (i.e., age, area, and name)
Should the model be regularly retrained on the basis of CalCONNECT fields that indicate language?How consistent are our guidance and usage of the language field in the workforce?More standardized guidance on usage of the language field in the workforce and early monitoring of the model’s performance on CalCONNECT language data
If we retrain, should we be worried about runaway feedback loops, if language specialty team will pay more attention to cases flagged by the algorithm than if they had been coincidentally assigned a Spanish speaker without the assignment algorithm?How different should the instructions be to the language specialty team, and is it possible to improve how all contact tracers engage patients around language issues?Trained all staff on the importance of correctly identifying and documenting language, improving data in all parts of the program (such as case reporting by subgroups), not just the case assignment process
What kind of a model should be employed (e.g., logistic regression, random forest, heuristic model)?How can we explain the approach to key decision makers and make discretionary choices (e.g., about the cutoff and team size) transparent?Deployed an explainable heuristic approach based on a small, understandable set of variables rather than a more accurate but more complex random forest model
How should the model results be deployed into the contact tracing process?Should the process be automated? Or should team leads or individual tracers choose cases?A language specialty team composed entirely of bilingual contact tracers was created from among the existing pool of contact tracers to facilitate case assignment. Model results funneled cases to the team, after which team leads had discretion in case assignment. Risk scores were also included as part of the case record.
What performance measures should be used?How would we know when language matching is not working?Close monitoring of algorithmic performance through data collection and feedback from contact tracers early on in the pilot

This table provides an illustration of technical-domain translation through a collaborative design process. Each row provides a question stated in technical machine-learning terms (italicized) in column A; the resulting public health conversation around the goals, constraints, and operation of contact tracing in column B; and the ultimate real-world impact on the intervention in column C. CalCONNECT = California CONfidential NEtwork for Contact Tracing (the state’s contact tracing data management platform). Source: The authors

For instance, the county used the state’s contact tracing data-management platform, the California CONfidential NEtwork for Contact Tracing (CalCONNECT), which had a field for language, but the county had little confidence the field was used in a reliable way, which led the Stanford team to seek out different administrative data sets to train the model. In addition, these meetings enabled the Stanford team to learn as much as possible about the substance and process of contact tracing. A key question, for instance, lies in the human–computer interaction:12,13 How should human contact tracers use risk scores for language need? Our solution centered on the designation of a language specialty team to enable team leads to route cases without breaking the existing organizational structure. These meetings were also critical to: (1) developing user comfort around the process and accuracy of the algorithm, which meant we used more explainable approaches, and (2) building in an evaluation to assess impact.

Ongoing Monitoring

Upon deployment, we provided channels for language specialty team members to report any issues, and we tailored the algorithm to fluctuating caseloads. We developed a dashboard of results — including the actual preferred language of the case and the language the interview was conducted in — to enable continuous monitoring, which ensured fidelity with the assignment process and enabled adaptation when the third surge hit Santa Clara County in December 2020. After the pilot period, which ran from December 2020 to February 2021, we also fielded a survey to all contact tracers to understand their assessment of existing state interpreter services and, where applicable, the language-matching program.


The core results of the pilot show that the intervention resulted in more efficient contact tracing through significant time savings, despite the addition of a process for identifying and reassigning the case records in the software system. Time from a case being opened to completion of the initial interview was estimated to be reduced by nearly 14 hours for patients who would have been matched to a bilingual contact tracer if flagged as a likely Spanish speaker. The likelihood of completing a case interview on the same day it was opened increased by 12 percentage points. Additionally, there was a 4-percentage-point reduction in patient refusal to interview, indicating improved patient engagement under the program. To put this in context, for all patients in the month prior to the pilot, the average time from a case being opened to completion of the initial interview was nearly 30 hours; the average refusal rate was nearly 2%; and the average rate of interviewed cases that were completed on the same day they were opened was 37%.

Time from a case being opened to completion of the initial interview was estimated to be reduced by nearly 14 hours for patients who would have been matched to a bilingual contact tracer if flagged as a likely Spanish speaker.

The survey results from the contact tracers corroborated the trial results, with 45% of respondents indicating that using a third-party interpreter increased the time for contact tracing considerably or by a great deal, showing the time-saving benefit of the program. In addition, 67% of bilingual respondents reported that being able to conduct the interview in a non-English language themselves was easier than dialing in a third-party interpreter. Respondents reported that the interpretation service, although valuable, could sometimes make it more difficult to build rapport with their clients because of technical issues and increased interview length. Reported benefits of language matching included increased client satisfaction and engagement, an improved ability to seek and provide important information, and an improved ability to build trust.


Overall, the results showed that the machine-learning system for Covid-19 contact tracing was a strong success, and we believe it has several important general lessons on how to develop accountable health care algorithms.

Bias and Equity

One of the dominant concerns with AI systems is built-in bias against certain demographic groups.14 Usually, algorithms are built to optimize for accurately predicting an outcome and only attempt to correct for underlying bias by adding constraints on how the algorithm works.15 For instance, if an algorithm had predicted interview time in order to optimize case processing time, developers might take supplementary steps to attempt to mitigate potential disparities across demographic groups.

But here, health equity (not case processing time) was itself the animating objective. The serious concern was a status quo system — quasi-random assignment of patients to tracers — in which patients with a preference to speak Spanish (Spanish speakers) assigned to a non–Spanish-speaking contact tracer would have experienced unique downsides: difficulty in communication, the potential use of a time-intensive state interpreter, and, thus, significant barriers to their ability to isolate and quarantine. In contrast, under the system we adopted, some number of patients were algorithmically identified as potential Spanish speakers and routed to Spanish-speaking tracers; by design, there was virtually no downside to a false-positive identification, because all contact tracers also spoke English. The identification of this potential “do no harm” solution was critical to a first-order focus on equity. The interdisciplinary team also surfaced a range of discretionary choices that had second-order equity impacts: we rejected an approach based solely on voter registration data, for instance, because that could disproportionately leave out demographic groups affected most acutely by the pandemic.

Stakeholder Consultation

Algorithms go astray when there is no genuine exchange between domain and technical experts.16 Development of the algorithm involved extensive iteration among technical developers, PHD leadership, and end users on the contact tracing team to develop a common understanding of the goals, data, and main discretionary decisions in building out the AI system (Table 1).17 We were helped here by the fact that the county team was already moving in a more algorithmic direction by experimenting with the use of ZIP Codes to match bilingual contact tracers with patients from specific geographic communities.

The AI system was, in that sense, a logical extension of prior efforts, and our extensive exchanges guided development and integration. We note that the design process did not scope as far as some participatory frameworks might advocate,18 namely to include broad segments of other community members. We consulted with the county’s Racial and Health Equity Senior Manager, who had extensive ties to the community, but a more extensive process would have significantly delayed the intervention in an already time-sensitive setting. In other contexts, deeper community engagement may be warranted.

Transparency and Interpretability

One of the key elements in stakeholder consultation was a clear articulation of the algorithm. There is natural resistance to black box methods (which involve testing or deployment without a clear understanding of how an algorithm arrives at its predictions), and one of the roles for the technical team was to explain the logic behind the algorithm. What sources of data can be relied upon? How should we determine cutoffs from risk scores? A key decision was to favor a simpler, more explainable heuristic approach instead of a more complex, fully machine-learned random forest model.19 A random forest model leverages multiple randomly created decision trees, each of which works on a random subset of features, which makes for a much less interpretable decision process.19 The approach we designed is illustrated in Figure 1 and shows how the key laboratory report information — name, address, and age — are combined with census information to predict the likelihood of a Spanish speaker.

Figure 1

Individuals were classified into bins on the basis of those attributes, with each bin being associated with a risk score representing the likelihood of an individual being a Spanish speaker, on the basis of administrative data, making it transparent to understand why an individual may or may not have been flagged. This kind of figure became a key way to articulate how the algorithm extended earlier ideas of ZIP Code targeting to take advantage of all information contained in laboratory reports.

We compared the performance between these two approaches by analyzing the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity (calculated as the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve [AUC]) and the relationship between precision and sensitivity (calculated as the area under the precision-recall curve [AUCPR]). The greater the AUCs, the better the model is in terms of accurately distinguishing between Spanish and non-Spanish speakers. The heuristic approach had an AUC of 0.94 and an AUCPR of 0.85, while the random forest had an AUC of 0.95 and AUCPR of 0.98. While there was a boost in performance from the less interpretable random forest model, its performance was not deemed a practically significant improvement over the heuristic approach, which was easier to explain to stakeholders. Collaborative design enables decision-makers to make informed decisions about potential trade-offs between accuracy and interpretability.20

A key decision was to favor a simpler, more explainable heuristic approach instead of a more complex, fully machine-learned random forest model.

Complementarity Between AI and Human System

AI systems do not sit alone. The algorithm we developed ultimately had to integrate with a complex case assignment and contact tracing process carried out manually by staff, illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2

This multistep process, which involved human and AI systems, had to happen in real time, given the urgency of contacting patients as soon as possible after a diagnosis.

Laboratories all across the state upload digital laboratory reports containing Covid-19 testing data to the statewide testing system, California Reportable Disease Information Exchange (CalREDIE). The case data are transferred in batches to CalCONNECT, a state-managed contact tracing system built on a Salesforce cloud platform. From there, data are downloaded to the county’s server, and cases are deduplicated. Duplicates are handled by the data team. Cases from congregate settings, such as jails or long-term care facilities, are filtered out and routed to specialized CICT teams. The rest go through an additional language-matching step we embedded. During the pilot, flagged cases were randomly assigned to a Spanish-speaking language specialty team. Holdout flagged cases and unflagged cases then went through the normal contact-tracing process and were assigned by team leads to contact tracers on the basis of scheduling and capacity constraints. Outcomes related to the interview, such as the patient’s preferred language or engagement, were tracked and recorded in CalCONNECT to evaluate the pilot.

The technical team worked extensively to understand and streamline these existing systems before embedding the pilot code in existing operations. The manual, time-intensive batch runs were converted into dynamic, one-click batch runs that made the existing process more efficient and enabled the embedding of the model and subsequent routing of likely Spanish-speaking patients to the appropriate tracer. To embed the model, the technical team added an additional step to the processing code for duplicates and special cases that applied the algorithm to each new case and outputted a spreadsheet of predicted Spanish-speaking patients and their risk scores. These data were routed to the language specialty team leads as part of the case-assignment process. The team leads would review the spreadsheet and assign cases to their Spanish-speaking team members. These case records appeared in each tracer’s queue in the system with a note included by their team lead that the case was identified as possibly needing a Spanish-speaking tracer. Technical staff had to understand the operational demands, and managers had to identify at which point the language risk scores would be most useful.

A More Expansive Notion of Evaluation

AI researchers often have narrow technical evaluation criteria for model performance, such as accuracy at the time of training on a limited data set. Yet what these criteria miss is that we should also care about how an AI system performs in the human context in which it is actually deployed.12,13 There are many ways in which these technical measures may fail.

First, there might be “domain shift” from the training data to the patient population: the population of interest might be different from the sample on which the algorithm was trained, just as AI medical devices may perform differently across different hospital settings.21 For this reason, we monitored performance of the algorithm throughout the pilot period, adjusting the algorithm to better fit the language data the team were collecting in their interviews.

Second, the AI system interacts with humans, so the algorithm is only useful if contact tracers can make efficient use of the information. Much of the time spent preparing for implementation focused on how to incorporate the algorithm into existing processes efficiently, to ensure that team leads could actually assign cases on the basis of the findings before the cases were assigned to someone else.

The compelling results here actually formulate the business case for hiring more bilingual contact tracers. In that sense, language matching became much less necessary — the AI system, in a sense, actually automated itself away.

Lastly, the AI system could, at least theoretically, worsen outcomes relative to the baseline. Just as FDA drug approval hinges on evidence of efficacy and safety, we developed a randomized controlled trial to assess the effect of the language-matching intervention in actual operation that evaluated both the potential benefit to efficient use of human resources and the risk of interrupting functioning systems or exacerbating problems. In addition, we fielded a survey to understand the dimensions that could not be captured by data fields in the contact-tracing system (Table 2).

Table 2.

Language Matching: Sample of Contact Tracer Survey Responses
Enhances collection of data, supports compliance“[M]y experience has been overwhelmingly positive! I think the 1:1 communication in the client’s language has helped me to establish rapport and elicit more contacts… I think it also has helped in promoting isolation/quarantine compliance and relaying information on health monitoring, keeping household contacts as safe as possible. Finally, I hear a lot of appreciation from clients and that adds significantly to my satisfaction doing this work.”
Improves efficiency,reduces frustration“[Using the interpreter service resulted in] too much to repeat… [With language matching,] I was able to take more time to get specific questions answered. With the [interpreter, clients] became more impatient and frustrated and focused on ending the call.”
Increases value of information“I gather more valuable information, clients open up to me and are not afraid of asking for any additional questions or if they need any referrals. A rapport is made when you speak their language.”
Establishes connection, increases rate of success“As a Team Lead, I noticed that the rate of successful interviews (calls answered and clients willing to interview and answer questions) is much higher when the call is made by a native speaker of the same language as the client. [Tracers] who need to use the [interpreter] line had a higher percentage of incomplete interviews or no answers. When making calls myself in my native language, there was an immediate connection with the client that helped the interviews as it made the client feel more comfortable asking questions and sharing information.”

Drawing on a survey of 411 responses of contact tracers, here focusing on members of the language specialty team, we see comments that express the perceived benefits of language matching.

Source: The authors

These results suggest that contact tracers agreed that the language-matching component improved outcomes for themselves and their patients. This aligns with a general lesson from this experience that a more expansive notion of evaluation will be necessary to understand performance when the human–computer interaction is taken seriously.22

Looking Ahead

This case study shows how we can design AI systems that are transparent and accountable and do not exacerbate existing harms and biases. The use of iterative stakeholder consultation and partnership across a range of perspectives — involving social scientists, machine learners, and public health officials — was critical to developing an equitable and effective system. This partnership approach can serve as a model to address one of the core questions in health care systems and the public sector: how to tame AI for good.

Another current concern is the anxiety that exists around whether AI systems may automate away the labor force.23 But the compelling results here actually formulate the business case for hiring more bilingual contact tracers. In that sense, language matching became much less necessary — the AI system, in a sense, actually automated itself away. That is one of the lesser-known promises of evaluating AI systems for health care: they may teach us what the currently irreducibly human elements to quality of care are and how to maximize their utility.


Based on observations in USA, Spain, Italy, France and UK, and from postmortem of lungs involvement in COVID 19 ,  all revealed pulmonary thrombosis which is not typical ARDS , but more alarming that it is patient hypoxemia that is not responding to PEEP but high oxygen flow.
 Like methemoglobin, the COVID 19 virus structural protein, sticks to heme – displaces oxygen – which release iron-free ion , that leads to toxicity and causes inflammation of alveolar macrophages- that results in bilateral CT scan changes as it is a systemic response.
 There is No benefit of invasive ventilation, but patients May require frequent blood transfusions or plasmapheresis.

The COVID 19 virus attacks beta chain, dissociates heme, removing iron and converting it to porphyrin. The virus can dissociate oxy-Hb, carboxy-Hb andglycosylated Hb.
 Lung inflammation results from the inability of both oxygen and CO2 exchange, leading to the ground glass on x rays, it mimics CO2 poisoning as an invisible enemy.

 Chloroquine competes for the binding to porphyrin.
Favipiravir binds to the virus envelope protein with very high affinity, prevents entry into the cells as well as binding of the structural protein to porphyrin.

If free radicals scavengers and iron chelating agents are added to the protocol of management, it may lessen the inflammation process.

COVID 19, SARS2 is not ‘pneumonia’ nor ARDS. Invasive ventilation is not only the wrong solution, but emergency intubation can harm and result in more damage, not to mention complications from tracheal scarring and stiff lung during the duration of intubation.
 Furthermore, a new treatment protocol needs to be established, so we stop treating patients for the wrong disease.
 COVID-19 causes prolonged and progressive hypoxia by binding to the heme groups in the red blood cells. 
People are desaturating due to failure of the blood to carry oxygen. 
This will lead to multi-organ failure and high mortality.The lung damage seen on CT scans is due to the oxidative iron released from the haemolysed red blood cells which in turn overwhelm the natural defences against pulmonary oxidative stress and causes what is known as Cytokine storm. 
There is always-bilateral ground-glass opacity in the lungs. Recurrent admission for post-hypoxic leukoencephalopathy fortifies our findings that COVID-19 patients are suffering from metabolic hypoxia due to blood capacity failure.

COVID-19 glycoproteins bond to the heme in RBC, and in doing so, the toxic oxidative iron ion is disassociated and released. The freely roaming iron in the blood without any physiological function will culminate into the following;

1) Without the iron ion, haemoglobin can no longer bind to oxygen. Once the haemoglobin is impaired, the red blood cell is essentially none functioning in carrying and delivering oxygen to any tissues.

RBC’s Become useless and a burden on the patients as they circulate around with COVID-19 virus attached to its porphyrin. This lead to the destruction of the red blood cells and the patient’s oxygen saturation levels drop significantly.

What is happening equates to carbon monoxide poisoning, in which carbon monoxide is bound to the haemoglobin with the failure of gas exchange. 
Ventilations will not manage the root cause, which is blood organ failure.

COVID 19 patients, unlike CO poisoning in which eventually the CO can break off, the affected haemoglobin is permanently stripped of its ability to carry oxygen where the body compensates by secreting excess erythropoietin to stimulate the bone marrow to secrete new red blood cells. This is the reason we will find thrombocytosis and decreased blood oxygen saturation as one of the three primary indicators of COVID 19 severity score.

2) The freely floating iron ion are highly reactive and causes oxidative damage. This always happens physiologically and naturally to a limited extent in our bodies and such cleanup is a defence mechanism to keep the balance.

The Three primary Lung defences to maintain “iron homeostasis”, 2 of them are in the alveoli.
The first of the two are macrophages that roam around and scavenge up the free radicals of the oxidative iron. The second is a lining on the epithelial surface which has a thin layer of fluid packed with high levels of antioxidant molecules such as ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) among others.

When too much iron is in circulation, it begins to overwhelm the lungs’ counter measures begins, the process of pulmonary oxidative stress. This leads to damage and inflammation, which leads to the so-called Cytokine storm; this can be documented on high-resolution CT scans of 
In COVID-19 patient lungs, It is a fact that it affects both lungs at the same time and Pneumonia rarely ever does that, but COVID-19 does every single time.

The liver is attempting to do its best to remove the iron and store it in its ‘iron vault’. Only its getting overwhelmed too. It is starved for oxygen and fighting a losing battle from all the haemolysis haemoglobin and the freed iron ion. The liver will start releasing alanine aminotransferase (ALT) which is the second of 3 primary COVID 19 severity score indicators.

A patient must be managed on maximum oxygen flow through a hyperbaric chamber on 100% oxygen at double or multiple atmospheres of pressure, for 90 minutes twice per day for five days.

This is in order to give what has left of their functioning haemoglobin a chance to carry enough oxygen to the organs and keep them alive.

We do not have nearly enough of those hyperbaric chambers, and we might use all parked grounded aeroplanes as a ready-made functional hyperbaric chamber with the advantage of providing double atmospheric pressure with an aerosol of prostacyclin as pulmonary hypertension modulator.

Blood transfusion with packed fresh red blood cells to patients after plasmapheresis may ameliorate the cytokine storm.
The main point that patients will require ventilators if they present late with multi-organ system failure to tie them over this life or death scenario. However, intubation is futile unless the patient’s immune system modulates the situation. We must address the root of the illness and avoid using traditional teachings to manage a failing system.

3) No longer armchair pseudo-physicians sit in their little ivory towers, proclaiming “Chloroquine use is stupid as malaria is bacteria, COVID-19 is a virus, anti-bacteria drug no work on the virus!”. A drug does not need to act on the pathogen to be effective directly. Chloroquine lowers the blood pH and interferes with the replication of the virus.

We advise that if COVID-19 positive patients are conscious, alert, compliant, they must be kept on maximum oxygen and initiate hyperbaric oxygen as early as possible.

If we reach the inevitably to ventilate, it must be done at low pressure but with maximum oxygen flow. We must avoid tearing up the lungs with maximum PEEP as we are doing more harm to the patient because we are managing the wrong organ.

There is a small village in northern Italy where the majority of its population suffers from thalassemia. They had no deaths and no cross-community spread. Moreover, parts of Nepal which are 1km above sea level are COVID-19 free. All points that we are chasing the wrong organ; it is not the lungs; it is a blood problem.

We recommend the following :

1. Inhibit viral growth and replication by the adjuvant use of CHQ+ZPAK+ZINC or other retroviral therapies being studies. The less virus load we have, the less haemoglobin is losing its iron, the less severity and damage with the prevention of cytokine storm.2. Hyperbaric medicine utilization in any shape or form for anyone with thrombocytosis and elevated ALT can prevent the rapid ascent to the abyss.3. Plasmapheresis and Blood transfusions will give supportive symptomatic relief.4. No international Travel until an effective vaccine is available.5. Cessation of tobacco, vaping and alcohol products.
Stay safe and Self Isolate