Coronavirus: BA.4, BA.5 on loose; here’s how to spot this infection and what you can do to protect yourself.

Coronavirus effect: Here’s why you should wear masks in public places even when there is no mandate.

Coronavirus: BA.4, BA.5 on loose; here’s how to spot this infection and what you can do to protect yourself.

From Positive to Negative to Positive Again—The Mystery of Why COVID-19 Rebounds in Some Patients Who Take Paxlovid.

First Breathalyzer Test to Diagnose COVID-19.

How does coronavirus win against human immune system? Scientists unravel Covid-19’s battle plan.

Drugs in COVID.

In the last COVID pandemic few drugs were uses extensively like Ivermectin,Azithromycin,Ramdesiver,Steriods in form of Dexa or Solumedrol..but non has any clinical evidence. All studies of such drugs was done invitro n not invivo..

Do agree with steriod as it’s life saving but for others I always has serious doubt.Sadly as it was a new n imported disease,no much litrature was available on any reputed medical journal.

Now retrospective studies are coming up.
There was no standard guideline.They differ from country to country or institution to institution or physcian to physician.
WHO n ICMR had different guidelines.

Now we should gear up for the upcoming Deltacron BA.2.
Stay safe.
Share your views.

Dr Chandan.

China continues to break Covid case record, officials face the brunt for ‘laxity’.

Corona and 5G connection explained.

#Corona and #5G connection explained.

5G at 60Ghz resonates with the oxygen molecule and gives oxygen a reverse polarity that makes it much less usable to the human body. At high concentrations of 5G usage you get suffocation of humans at street level. And at lower doses you get flu like symptoms which are the exact same symptoms as the flu with this lowered oxygen uptake by the body. But the way 5G kills is much more interesting.

Our bodies have trillions of parasitic organisms inside which feed on us and some say help us live by doing many useful functions. But when these bacteria, fungi, and parasites are subjected to any WIFI microwave radiations they are harmed and begin reproducing toxins in self defense. These organisms begin reproducing rapidly to ensure their survival.

And so we get flu like symptoms from these internal parasite organisms under attack from WIFI microwave radiations reproducing rapidly and excreting toxins. This is the real illness people are getting not a bio-weapon coronavirus.

2G has ten microwave frequencies assigned to it, 3G has ten also, 4G has five frequencies with some overlaps, but 5G has 3000 microwave frequencies assigned to it by the FCC. Why so many? So 5G should really be called 297G not 5G. So with this 5G rollout in China, Korea, Italy, Iran, and cruise ships we have the greatest concentrations of 5G usage and the greatest concentrations of illness and death in the world. Our internal parasites are like canaries in a mine and are being killed off rapidly from this 5G usage.

When this happens too quickly the body can not get rid of the increased toxins and the host (you) die from toxemia. Our human cells are all tied together and form a much stronger union but our many parasitic hosts inside us are much more isolated within us and much more vulnerable to this WIFI microwave radiations. They try to survive by multiplying rapidly and making toxins to protect them from harm but it is no use and they die with 5G. And with their rapid death our bodies (at least of older and less healthy human) are overwhelmed by toxins very quickly and die from the combined effects of lowered oxygen uptake from 5G, and also from the massive overpopulation, and then die off of our internal biomass of germs and parasites, which creates overwhelming toxemia.

When the Chinese locked down the people in Wuhan they turned to their new 5G phones and internet connections and so the city was flooded with much more 5G WIFI radiations and made many more people fall sick and die. Many people even fell sick instantly at street level from oxygen deficiency which previously had no sickness. A massive cloud of 5G 60Ghz microwave radiations caused oxygen in the air to fall below critical levels for survival.

Yesterday all of Asia turned off their 5G and left on only their 3G and 4G systems to communicate so they know 5G is the real cause of the illnesses.

Yesterday all of Asia turned off their 5G and left on only their 3G and 4G systems to communicate so they know 5G is the real cause of the illnesses.

So turn off your smartphones or put them in an aluminum pouch until you need to use them to lessen radiation exposure to yourself and everyone else.

That is the real thing you must do instead of washing your hands to protect others.

And if you would heal your elderly and grand parents put them in a Faraday cage where they will not be irradiated constantly by WIFI signals that are all around us especially in hospitals. Then their sick bodies may heal themselves in time as the toxemia clears from their bodies.

Post Covid Seauale.Part one.

Post COVID or OMICRON sequale: we know in covid the mortality rate was very high.The world was at a standstill..economic slowdown n lots more.
But with deltacron,it was mild.
But the virus is inside the body,hibernating or slowly affecting the body.
Cases have been reported that what happened after covid omicron.
Now it should be a standard question in medical history taking that “Was You were Infected by Covid or Omicron n how about vaccination?”

Presenile dementia,brain fog,hypothyroid,stroke or heart attack coz of clotting in the vessels,arrthymia n conduction defect in heart,epilepsy, anxiety,depression,suicidal tendencies n even suicide..just to name a few.

Post Covid or Omicron ” BRAIN FOG” is some symtom of clouding of memory.Its somrthing similar or a milder version of “CHEMO FROG” which sometimes happen post cancer chemotherapy.The patient is dull,cloudy consiosness like a mentally retarded child with fits sometimes.Even the brain scans show pre senile dementia n EEG is posotive for seizure.
In cornona or Omicron its milder..but can have a larger spectrum.
So it should be kept in mind that covid omicron can be the culprit.

In Covid there was clotting of blood in blood vessels leading to DVT or Stroke or AMI for which D Dimer was usually n sreially done..the patient was kept on blood thinner like low molecular weight heparin or per the choice of the physcian. Some preferred ecospirin n clopidogrel n heparin.
It was wise to discharge the patient on blood thinner like ecosprin n clopidogrel but there was no guidelines ..n noone did it.
I think that should be considered as its cheap n life saving for morbidity.

Many patients developed diabetes during the treatment of covid.The cause was well known..we were giving steroid like dexamethasone or solumedrol. Keeping a watch on sugar level of the patient,insulin on sliding scale was prescribed.
This resolved in roughly two to three weeks post covid even without any anti diabetic mediciation.
But in any patient who was a known diabetic, the physcian has to take proper care inhospital n post discharge n on follow up.

But many cases have been reported in which the post covid patient developed full fledged diabetes when no dexa or any steriod was given or the patient was not taking any other medication even of homeopathy or ayurvedic.
So it seems the virus destroyes the beta cells of the pancreas..n the patient became diabetic.
Even the scan shows that.
So diabetes is a post covid sequale beyond doubt.Many caeses were reported which were subclinical or with omicron also.
Deltacron has attracted a great deal of interest in the COVID scientific community. Whether it is, indeed, a new variant that has emerged as a result of a combination of Delta and Omicron viruses from a simultaneous infection in a human or whether it happened because of a laboratory accident still remains to be determined.”

– Dr. William Schaffner

Courtesy: Dr Sudeep Khanna DM( Gastro) from AIIMS,Presently senior consultant in GI medicine at Indraprastha Apollo,New Delhi.

Even if u have survived Covid 19 infection or had a Omicron mild infection which subsided but just remember the virus is hibernating inside your body. Hardly matters if it’s a natural virus or a manmade virus..the virus is always evolving through mutantion.So the more you restrict it,this would cause more survival mutation for the virus.Just one in one billion mutaion survives as the standard text of evolution n genetics say.
Post infection some intersting things have been noticed which i wud cover one by one ..that may be caused by other reasons but covid infetion can cause it as some cases have been reported.
Just few cases were reported coz may the physcian was not having a high index of suspicion or he or she was unaware of the its not mentioned in medical texts till date..but may be mentined in upcoming new editions..

Or the patient didn’t tell the physcian about the covid infection..or the patient has googled n got confused .
There are many possibilities that the relation of post covid sequale could not be related to the symtoms of the patient.
The physician should not be blamed for this.
Like hypothyroidism can occur as a auto immune disease or coz of radiation by 5G cellular network or microwave oven..but this can also happen in post covid as a subclinical symptom..which can be disgnosed by Thyroid function test with high index of suspicion of the treating doctor..
But in today’s scenario,thyroid function test is oftenly asked as its in a package in the battery of invetigation ..also vit B12 or Vit D3 level which doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
These tests are expensive and should not be prescribed routinely..until someone has a high index of suspicion..but whats the fun in asking for it when u can ask for methylcobalamine or calcium vit D3 we need to repeat this again n again.

Yes .its done in hypothyroid cases in which the patient is on replacemant the physcian needs to know the level of the hormones so he or she can titrate the dosage.
We all think n seen that Omicron subvariant was benign.Patient had just fever n bodyache with sometimes irritation in throat like some upper respiratory track infection.
Patients were offered just paracetamol n it subsides in just two of three days.No need of any any antibiotic like Azithromycin but still it was heavily prescribed.Quarantine was just for a week n patient was fine. They resumed their regular duties..ya for little weakness any multivitamin or proper hyddation was adviced.

But this is just a small story.
The virus is hibernating inside the human body n wud be active again when the time comes..means when it gets a optimum environment.
So whats the virus which is a RNA virus is doing inside the body.
Any virus needs a host for it’s survival coz viruses are parasites. So bacteria came on this planet before the virus..the cyanobacterium billions years descibed in the “Chicken Soup Theory”
Like Delta,Omicron also causes a systemic issues but in milder form n slowly like a sweet poison.
If u r infected with any variant of corona,today or tomorrow you are bound to suffer. Even the best physcian may not make it out the direvt relation between the covid or its subvariant infection coz this wud happen after years,the patient is vaccinated agaist covid .and symtoms are vague which can happen with any other disease.
I wud summerise the list of the issues caused by covid n its subvariant in brief..
Belive me u cant escape for it.any one wud happen for sure.
Im not quoting any reference as its a concise from many journals or case reports or hypotheseis or some are my own.
So fasten your seat belts….

To be continued in part 2.

Dr Chandan.