5G antennas cause children to suffer headaches, stomach pain and sleeping problems

New peer-reviewed research has found that children who get too close to 5G wireless towers develop serious health problems such as chronic headaches, stomach pain, and difficulty sleeping.

Three children and their parents came down with these and other symptoms after vacationing at a summer home located just 125 meters away from a mobile phone tower with multiple 5G antennas.

Published in the journal Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports, the study reveals that the family members’ symptoms quickly subsided after they left the summer home and went back to their regular home, which is not located as close to 5G antennas.

The children, who ranged in age from four to eight, also developed emotional symptoms from being in close proximity to the 5G antennas. These include heightened irritability as the radiation inflamed their senses.

(Related: Both 5G and 4G wireless technology are linked to cell tissue damage and DNA destruction.)

5G is a possible death sentence for humans

Dr. Lennart Hardell, a leading scientist on cancer risks from radiation, and Mona Nilsson put together their own report about how 5G affects the health of young children, with Hardell, an oncologist and epidemiologist, telling The Defender the following:

“It is well known in medicine that children are more sensitive to toxic agents than grownups. Moreover, they have a longer life expectancy so chronic health issues may develop over a longer time.”

According to Hardell, 5G is still “quite new,” which means there is very little study into its effects. It is almost as if government regulators gave the telecommunications industry rubber stamp approval for the wireless technology without having first proven that it is safe.

Miriam Eckenfels-Garcia, director of the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Electromagnetic Radiation & Wireless program, stated that the 5G rollout is “another example of financial and industry interests trumping the protection of our children’s health.”

“As in this case study, we see the negative health impacts of this technology and instead of applying the precautionary principle until we can determine the full scope of health and environmental impacts, our government agencies – captured by industry – are allowing 5G to be installed anywhere and everywhere,” Eckenfels-Garcia told The Defender.

“CHD is doing all it can to push back against this dangerous development through litigation, education and advocacy, and we are grateful to scientists like Dr. Hardell and Mona Nilsson for shining light on these cases.”

For the vacation home study, the family who went there was asked to fill out a questionnaire following their visit about the symptoms they and their children suffered while on holiday. They were asked to rank the severity of each symptom on a scale from one to 10.

All three of the children, aged four, six and eight, reported having trouble sleeping and suffering emotional symptoms that included “irritability” and “emotive,” both of which ranked at a level 10, the highest level.

“Two of the children got diarrhea, pain in the stomach and headache graded between 8 and 3 on the severity scale,” the study states. “The child aged 6 years who did not get pain in the stomach and diarrhea, got skin rashes graded 8 on the severity scale.”

“The symptoms appeared soon after the arrival to the house and disappeared after they came home, where radiation levels were considerably lower.”

Responding to the findings, Nilsson, who manages the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, said that she finds them “very concerning,” adding that children of that age should not yet be suffering from such symptoms, though they increasingly are as the “expected effects from increasing exposure to RF radiation.”

COVID vaccines caused widespread damage to Norwegian children, including anaphylaxis, myocarditis, swollen lymph nodes, appendicitis

A nationwide, register-based study out of Norway investigated the incidence of 18 adverse events in adolescents following administration of two mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

The “vaccines” licensed in Norway were the Comirnaty (BNT162b2, Pfizer-BioNTech) and Spikevax (mRNA-1273, Moderna). These jabs were administered to children ages 12-19 as early as April 2021. The jabs were also administered to “high risk” children prior to April, but these children were excluded from the study. Nearly 500,000 children were included in the study.

Healthy Norwegian children suffer from Pfizer and Moderna’s failed COVID vaccine program

According to the study, these needless, fraudulent vaccines caused widespread damage to healthy adolescents. The most noteworthy adverse reactions were anaphylaxis, myocarditis, pericarditis, lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes) and appendicitis.

In a separate sub-analyses, researchers found that the COVID vaccines also caused an increase in epilepsy and convulsions in children. The vaccine damage was more widespread after the second dose, suggesting that cumulative toxicity may occur from one dose to the next.

The study excluded children who suffered from any of these health problems within four years prior to the COVID vaccine. This means that vaccine damage to unhealthy children was not even recorded in the study. Vaccine damage could be more widespread than what was recorded in this study, and the COVID jabs may have made unhealthy children worse off than before. Another limitation of the study was the omission of all children who were given three doses of the vaccine or children who received a non-mRNA vaccine. Also, any children who died during the study period were not included in the analysis.

Anaphylaxis TEN times higher in vaccinated children

The researchers used a self-controlled case series (SCCS) analysis and a model known as Poisson regression to look for increases in adverse events between the vaccinated and unvaccinated children. The unvaccinated children were used as a reference point in the study.

The researchers found that children inoculated with a COVID-19 vaccine were FIVE times more likely to suffer from an anaphylactic reaction (severe allergic shock). The risk increased to nearly TEN times after a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The risk window for anaphylactic shock is only two days after administration of the vaccine. This is a medical standard set by the World Health Organization (WHO). The risk of anaphylactic shock in children could be even higher if the risk window was expanded to 14 days after vaccination. With mRNA vaccines, the spike protein may not dissolve immediately; it may replicate and accumulate in distal organs (including the heart) several weeks after vaccination. This may cause other adverse reactions long after WHO’s standard two-day risk window.

Myocarditis SEVEN times higher in vaccinated children

The risk window for lymphadenopathy was 14 days after vaccination. Vaccinated children were 2.5 times more likely to suffer with swollen lymph nodes within this time period. This is an indicator of future cancer risk. Most shocking: vaccinated children were SEVEN times more likely to suffer myocarditis and/or pericarditis within the 28-day risk window after the second dose of the COVID vaccine. This is child abuse and medical malpractice, constituting crimes against children on a global scale.

In a supplementary analysis, the researchers found an increased risk of acute appendicitis following both the first and second dose of the COVID vaccine. There was also a pronounced increase in facial nerve palsy following the vaccine. Further sub-analyses found an increased risk of epilepsy and convulsions among 18- and 19-year-olds within the 28-day risk window of the second dose.

“Knowledge of potential post-vaccination adverse events is crucial to weigh benefits against risks, and for future vaccine recommendations,” wrote German Tapia, with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. “The number of observed outcomes and statistically significant associations were generally low in this study, with some exceptions which should be further monitored.”