Chelsea Werner: The Girl with Down’s Syndrome Who Became a Two-Time Champion in Gymnastics

Down’s syndrome is one of the most challenging and debilitating conditions that affect children in the world. It’s a genetic disorder which makes muscular and skeletal development very slow and faulty. And, as a result, Down’s patients end up with brittle skeletons. Chelsea Werner was no different. She was diagnosed when she was a child too.

Chelsea Werner

Parents Encouragement

What’s different, is the way things turned out afterward for her. Her parents despite her diagnosis enrolled her in gymnastics classes. Needless to say, they were very difficult for her.

However, the brave heart ended up participating in her first tournament when she was 8. This is a significant achievement in a world where gymnastics still happens to be one of the most challenging of sports. Life got complicated for Chelsea and her family in 2006 when the state of California dropped gymnastics from its Special Olympics programme. Her father who never gave up on her ended up going to an NPO and seeking financial aid to fuel her career.

Now one must remember this, the phrase “you are all winners” resonates on a spiritual level for participants at any event for Specially Able people. Even the Special Olympics is mainly organized for such participants so that they can socialize.

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Chelsea lost thrice in a row. In fact, she came last.

In a world where people give up at the first sight of failure, she started practicing 16 hours every week, which is a huge deal.

It is said, that if you desire something with the bottom of your heart, the universe conspires to unite you with it.

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Chelsea desired victory for once in her life.

The best part is, she never thought of her disability as a thing that hindered her in any way. She knew she lost, but not when it came to being differently abled.

And well, the universe did conspire to unite her with her dream. She indeed got her chance and her hard work paid off. All she put her body through paid her, her due.

Her persistent resilience saw her through. She won numerous accolades at the national level. But the jewel of her crown/ the feather in her cap came when she won a world title at the International Down Syndrome Foundation World Championships. She loves her life and is very sociable. Her parents and in extension the whole world is proud of this wunderkind.

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