The human brain is the most complex object in the universe.

It is also the organ that consumes by far the most energy, compared to its weight.

The brain is only about 2% of our body weight, but uses 20% of the energy.

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This remarkable organ has evolved over millions of years. During this time, humans were omnivores. We ate both meat and plants.

There are many nutrients in these foods that areabsolutely critical for the proper function of this very delicate system.

Unless proper care is taken to supplement, going vegan and eschewing animal foods may lead to a deficiency in some of these important substances.

Here are 5 nutrients that are very important for the brain and only found in animal foods.

1. Vitamin B12


Did you know that not a single population in the history of the world has ever willingly adopted a vegan diet?

That’s because before the era of supplements, such a dietary shift would have started killing people within a few years.

The most well known vitamin that the body can’t produce and can only be gotten from animal foods, is Vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is involved in the function of every cell in the body. It is tightly involved in the formation of blood and the function of the brain.

Deficiency usually results in anemia, impaired brain function, symptoms of mental disorders and a smaller brain (1, 2, 3).

There is also evidence linking B12 deficiency to Alzheimer’s Disease, which is the most common cause of dementia in Western countries (4, 5).

The only good food sources of B12 are animal foods like meat, fish and eggs.

A deficiency is widespread among vegans and vegetarians, who avoid these foods. In one study, a whopping 92% of vegans and 47% of lacto-ovo vegetarians were deficient in this critical brain nutrient (6).
Being deficient in B12 can cause irreversible damage to the brain. If your levels are just slightly lower than they should be, you may have symptoms like poor memory, depression and fatigue (7).

So even if you’re not suffering clinical symptoms of B12 deficiency, you may still be less sharp than you should be.

If you choose to avoid animal foods, then make sure to supplement with Vitamin B12 or eat foods that have been fortified with it.

Algae are a potential plant source of B12, but whether they can be effective at correcting B12 deficiency in humans is not known at this point (8, 9).

Bottom Line: Vitamin B12 is critical for the health of the brain and nervous system and is primarily found in animal foods. A deficiency can cause all sorts of adverse effects on brain function.

2. Creatine


Every athlete, bodybuilder and gym enthusiast knows about creatine.

It is the most popular muscle building supplement in the world, for good reason.

Scientific studies consistently show that creatine supplementation can increase muscle mass and strength (10).

The way creatine functions is that it forms an energy reserve, where it is able to quickly recycle ATP in our cells.

ATP is the “energy currency” of cells, what the energy from our foods and body fat stores ultimately get turned into.

During workouts that consume a lot of energy in a short amount of time, creatine gives us more strength and helps us last longer (11).

Creatine is actually not an essential nutrient, because the liver can produce it out of other amino acids. However, this conversion process appears to be inefficient.

About 95% of the creatine in the body is stored in skeletal muscle. However, creatine is also concentrated in the brain.

The same way that our muscles require energy to do work, our brain needs energy to do various things… like thinking.

Vegetarians who take creatine supplements see improvements in cognitive performance, especially in more complex tasks, while there is no difference in non-vegetarians (12, 13).

This implies that vegetarians have a deficiency of creatine that is adversely affecting their brain function.

Vegetarians also have a lower amount of creatine in skeletal muscle. Creatine supplements are particularly effective at improving athletic performance in this group (14).

If you must avoid meat, consider supplementing with some Creatine Monohydrate. It will definitely make you stronger and may even make you smarter as well.

Bottom Line: Creatine is an important nutrient in muscle and brain that helps to supply energy. Studies show that vegetarians have a deficiency in creatine that leads to adverse effects on muscle and brain function.

3. Vitamin D3


I’m sure you’ve heard of Vitamin D before… it has received massive attention in the past few years.

Vitamin D is produced out of cholesterol in the skin when it is exposed to ultraviolet rays from the sun.

Today, a large part of the world is deficient in this critical nutrient, which actually functions as a steroid hormone in the body.

Many people live where sun is basically absent throughout most of the year. But even in countries where sun is abundant, people tend to stay inside and use sunscreen when they go outside.

There are two main forms of Vitamin D in the diet: Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol).

D2 comes from plants, D3 from animals. Studies show that D3 is much more effective than the plant form (15).

There are few good sources of Vitamin D3 in the diet. Cod fish liver oil is the best source. Fatty fish also contains some D3, but you’d have to eat massive amounts of it to satisfy your body’s need.

A deficiency in Vitamin D is linked to all sorts of diseases, including cardiovascular disease and cancer (16, 17, 18).

Low blood levels have also been associated with various disorders of the brain, including the autoimmune disease Multiple Sclerosis, depression and cognitive impairment (19, 20, 21).

If getting enough sun is not an option, the only way to get D3 from foods is to take cod fish liver oil or eat lots of fatty fish.

The alternative is to take a D3 supplement, which is highly recommended for people who have a diagnosed deficiency.


Bottom Line: A large part of the world is deficient in Vitamin D3, which is only found in animal foods. A deficiency in this critical nutrient is associated with depression and various diseases.

4. Carnosine

Carnosine is a very important nutrient that you may never have heard of before.

The prefix Carno- is the latin term for meat or flesh, like Carni-vore (meat eater).

It is strictly found in animal tissues, meaning that vegans and vegetarians aren’tgetting much, if any, from the diet.

Carnosine is created out of two amino acids and is highly concentrated in both muscle tissue and brain.

This substance is very protective against various degenerative processes in the body. It is a potent antioxidant, inhibits glycation caused by elevated blood sugars and may prevent cross-linking of proteins (22, 23, 24).

For this reason, Carnosine has become very popular as an anti-aging supplement.

Carnosine levels are significantly lower in patients with various brain disorders, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s – the two most common neurodegenerative disorders (25, 26, 27).

Many researchers have speculated that animal foods may protect the brain and body against aging due to their large amount of carnosine (28).

Bottom Line: Carnosine is found strictly in animal tissues. This nutrient can reduce damage caused by elevated blood glucose and may have strong anti-aging effects.

5. Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)


Everyone concerned with nutrition knows that Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely important.

The human body can not make them, therefore we must get them from the diet.

This is why Omega-3s (and Omega-6s) are termed “essential” fatty acids – if we don’t eat them, we get sick.

There are two active forms of Omega-3s in the body, EPA and DHA.

DHA is the most abundant Omega-3 fatty acid in the brain and it is criticial for normal brain development (29).

Low intakes of DHA can adversely affect various aspects of cognitive function and mental health, especially in children (30, 31).

It is also very important for women at a childbearing age, because a woman’s Omega-3 status can have profound effects on the brain of the offspring (32).

Many people who avoid animal products supplement with flax seed oil instead, which is a great source of ALA… a plant form of Omega-3.

However, ALA needs to be converted to DHA for it to work. Studies show that this conversion process is notoriously ineffective in humans (33).

For this reason, vegans and vegetarians are very likely to be deficient in this very important fatty acid (34, 35).

The best source of DHA is fatty fish. Other good sources include grass-fed and pastured animal products. There are also some algae that can produce EPA and DHA.


Bottom Line: The Omega-3 fatty acid DHA is critical for proper function of the brain. It is primarily found in animal foods like fatty fish. Studies show that vegans and vegetarians are often deficient in it.

Just Eat Some Animals

Humans evolved eating both animals and plants. However, we can function in some cases without either.

The Inuit, for example, survived mostly without plants, but they had to compensate by eating lots of organ meats.

In the 21st century, people can survive and function without animal foods if they make sure to supplement with critical nutrients.

Before the era of supplementation, completely removing animal foods would have lead to a slow and painful death due to B12 deficiency.

But even though functioning without either plants or animals is possible… neither is optimal.

In the same way that a meat-based diet is healthier with a little bit of plants, a plant-based diet is healthier with a little bit of animals.

I highly recommend that people who choose to avoid meat for ethical reasons (because there is NO proven health reason) at least include some eggs and fatty fish. A little bit goes a long way and it is possible to choose natural, humanely raised sources.

But to those who really decide to remove all animal foods from their diet… make sure to be very prudent about your diet and supplement, or you may end up very sick with a poorly functioning brain.


Natural News Blogs 7 Warning Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency .


The importance of B12 in the human body is hard to overestimate.

And while you hear things like how it’s important for your nerves, DNA and red blood cells among many other things, what does a lack of it actually do in more “every day” language?

To answer that, let’s take a look at a case study of what can happen when your levels get too low.


A real life example of what happens from low B12


The New England Journal of Medicine reported on the case of 62 year old man who, during the course of several weeks, starting having varied symptoms.

He experienced numbness, difficulty walking and intense joint pain. He had “stinging” sensations in his hands almost like pins poking him. His skin took on a yellowish color and shortness of breath would often occur.

He was checked out at Massachusetts General Hospital and they pinpointed the cause as a severe lack of B12 in his blood.

I highly encourage you to get a blood test for B12 and to know what your own levels are.

If you can’t do that anytime soon, here are 7 common warning signs that are linked to low levels of this vitamin.


Signs that you may be B12 deficient


  • Memory loss, impaired thinking and general cognitive difficulties.


  • If you have difficulty walking, tend to stagger, or have balance problems.


  • Various and “odd” sensations throughout your body, numbness, or tingling that occurs in your hands, legs or feet


  • Yellowish or jaundiced skin.


  • Anemia


  • A swollen tongue or if it’s inflamed.


  • General weakness and fatigue


If B12 levels drop to into the severely deficient range, it can lead to much worse conditions.

Deep states of depression, hallucinations and paranoia are all associated with extremely low levels. Losing the ability to taste and smell has even been linked to low B12.

And since it’s such an important part of brain health, it can lead to greatly diminished brain functioning, beyond what is mentioned above.


So what leads to low B12?


Here are some things to look out for, that can lead to or cause lower B12 levels.

A vegetarian or vegan diet (since plants don’t make B12, and you would need to supplement with B12 to keep your levels up).

Certain medications like PPI’s

Gut issues such as “leaky gut” or an inflamed gut.

Pernicious anemia

Low stomach acid or taking drugs to suppress acid production in the stomach.

Other things can include Metformin, a drug used for diabetes, people aged 60 and over and women who have had infertility issues in the past.


What to do?

Eat a lot eggs, dairy, poultry and animal sources of protein, which are all good sources of this vitamin.

(Quick note: you may hear things like fermented soy or spirulina and other sources have B12, but many of these plant-based foods have B12 analogs. These are called cobamides and they can block your intake of “real” B12 that your body needs).

If eating any of the above isn’t an option for you for any reason, you’ll want to supplement with B12.

And a form of B12 called methylcobalamin is your best bet, since it is better absorbed within your body.


OK, so what are optimal B12 levels to shoot for?


In the United States, you’ll see lab reference ranges as low as 250 or 300 pg/mL (picograms per milliliter) listed as “normal” when they are anything but.

As an example, Japan uses a lower limit of around 500 pg/mL and recommends treatment for anything below that number since B12 deficiency symptoms can start showing up at levels lower than 500.

Personally, I’d like to see B12 levels in the 800 to 1200 pg/mL range for optimal health.

Please do get your levels tested though as soon as you can.

And if you happen to find yourself with any of the warning signs described above or with levels of 400 or lower, you may want to boost your B12 and see what this powerful vitamin can do for you.