
Wakanda | by Patrick Patterson

How to Protect Children and Young People from the Dangers of the World?

How to Protect Children and Young People from the Dangers of the World? | religiaodedeus.org

GM corn and soy cause damage to liver, kidneys, DNA, reproduction and blood according to new study.

GM corn and soy cause damage to liver, kidneys, DNA, reproduction and blood according to new study – NaturalNews.com

Why Chasing Goals Is Fleeting, And Leaves Most People Unhappy And Unfulfilled.

Why Chasing Goals Is Fleeting, And Leaves Most People Unhappy And Unfulfilled | Thrive Global

9 “Reasons” Why Older Men Go For Younger Women

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Apple sees steep increase in US national security requests.

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Infected EBOLA carriers escape quarantine hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Image: Infected EBOLA carriers escape quarantine hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo

A new and growing Ebola outbreak is hitting the Democratic Republic of Congo, and additional concerns have been raised as three infected people escaped their quarantine hospital, potentially infecting countless others.

The three patients had been quarantined in the northwestern city of Mbandaka, a port city with a population of nearly 1.2 million. Two of the patients have passed away, while a third has been found alive and brought back to the hospital for observation. Medecins Sans Frontieres said that two of the escapees had been brought by their families to a church to pray.

World Health Organization Spokesman Tarik Jasarevic told ABC News that while the incident was very concerning, it isn’t unusual for people to wish to spend their final moments in their homes with loved ones. WHO staff is now redoubling its efforts to track down everyone who might have come into contact with these patients.

The problem is compounded by the fact that Ebola is so easily spread. Exposure to the body, fluids, or even personal items of someone who has died from the disease can spread it easily, something that not everyone there is aware of. The WHO is working with community and religious leaders to get the word out in hopes of keeping infections to a minimum.

Another challenge is the fact that traditional practices in the area don’t match up with health recommendations, particularly when it comes to funeral practices. In addition, some of the rural population does not believe in Ebola in the first place and has no faith in the ability of Western medicine to help.

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Workers from the WHO and Oxfam are going door to door to let everyone know what hygienic precautions they can take to lower their chances of contracting the deadly disease. They’re also letting them know about symptoms to look out for, which include headache, muscle pain, fatigue, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, rash, and bleeding or bruising.

How far will the current outbreak spread?

Until recently, the current Ebola outbreak had been confined to the country’s rural areas, but it has now made its way to bigger cities like Mbandaka, where it has the potential to spread to many more people. The city’s location along the Congo River and its use as a transit hub is raising fears about just how far the outbreak could spread. The city of Kinshasa, which has a population of 10 million, is just downstream, and across the river is the Republic of the Congo’s capital, Brazzaville.

So far, 58 people have reported hemorrhagic fever symptoms in the country, although it’s likely that there are many more cases going unreported given the general mistrust of doctors in the country. Thirty cases have tested positive for Ebola, 14 are suspected, and 14 are considered probable. Some of the infected include health care workers. Twenty-two people have died so far in what is the country’s ninth outbreak since the deadly virus was first identified in 1976, and the outbreak only started earlier this month.

Experts have said that the outbreak has now reached a critical point, with the next few weeks indicating whether they’ll be able to keep the outbreak under control or if it will hit urban areas in full force. Health workers have a list of more than 600 people who are known to have come into contact with confirmed cases, and they are working hard to keep it from becoming a repeat of past outbreaks. One of the biggest Ebola outbreaks struck Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia between 2013 and 2016, killing more than 11,300 people.

Sources for this article include:




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Dog saves owner by sniffing out her cancer BEFORE she even knew she had it

Image: Dog saves owner by sniffing out her cancer BEFORE she even knew she had it

Dogs have a long history of being man’s best friend. But the story of a Newburyport Police Department officer and her blind dog from Massachusetts, doesn’t merely prove the bond between owner and pet but also proves that dogs are great at detecting illnesses.

Police officer Megan Tierney was reportedly at home with Dude, her blind border collie/Australian shepherd mix, when he started acting a little strange. According to her, she was lying in bed when Dude suddenly became focused on her chest area, placing a paw on her.

Tierney turned her attention on the spot Dude was touching and noticed a tissue swell. But to her surprise, a trip to the doctor confirmed that she has stage two triple negative invasive ductal breast cancer. And although finding out you have cancer is never an easy thing to swallow, the police officer said, “Dude found the lump, and we were never so happy because it just meant that we could get it where it was, rather than not knowing.”

It is known that dogs have a more heightened sense of smell compared to humans. Dude, being a blind dog, has greatly enhanced this particular sense which helped him detect the illness of his owner. Moreover, canines’ olfactory bulbs have 220 million scent receptors; 195 million more than that of humans.

According to dog-cognition researcher Alexandra Horowitz from Barnard College, dogs can smell odors in parts per trillion. For example, in a million gallons of water, dogs can detect if a teaspoon sugar was mixed into the water. This means their smelling abilities are 100,000 times better than ours. (Related: Dogs can smell lung cancer in humans.)

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One study, conducted by the Pine Street Foundation, reflects Dude’s exceptional skill. The study involved five dogs that were given breath samples of 31 breast cancer patients, 55 lung cancer patients and 83 healthy persons. All dogs were able to pinpoint which samples came from those who were ill, with approximately 90 percent accuracy.

Can dogs really smell cancer?

According to Tammana Khare of Dogs Naturally Magazine, because of the metabolic waste released by cancerous cells, a distinct smell is also released from the human body. This significant smell can be easily traced by dogs even during the earlier stages of cancer.

Other studies suggest that canines also have the ability to smell traces of skin cancer melanoma through skin lesions, and detect prostate cancer with just a urine sample from a person who is suffering from one.

“Not only does their sense of smell make cancer detection possible, but research suggests that dogs can be trained actively to sniff out the cancer, ” the canine expert shared. “In Berlin, a group of researchers trained some dogs to detect the presence of various types of cancer, including ovarian cancer, bowel cancer, as well as bladder cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer,” Khane finished.

Although some remain to be with the whole idea of dogs being able to sniff out cancer and other illnesses, there are already some field experts who see a future where dogs will be directly used in patient care. More importantly, the special dog ability Dude exhibited helped his owner, Tierney, to manage her sickness and prolong her life.

Check out more amazing stories about man’s best friend on NaturalNewsPets.com.

Sources include:




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7 things happy people always do (but never talk about)

Why are some people more happy than others? It looks like they’ve found what they love to do and have a consistent sense of peace and happiness.

They see positive opportunities when most people see closed doors. They handle failures and setbacks with grace and confidently continue moving in their desired direction.

Don’t worry if you think this doesn’t sound like you.

The good news is, you can be one of those people. Those characteristics are largely learned.

I know this from personal experience. I’ve seen people go through hardships and depression and yet turn their life around purely through their actions and attitude.

Being happy is possible, no matter how dark your days are.

Contrary to popular belief, being happy really doesn’t have much to do with “positive thinking”. It’s about cultivating a realistic attitude that embraces life as it is.

Finding lasting happiness is a lot like physical fitness. You have to work your muscles daily if you want to see results over time. So, if you’re looking for a nudge to get the ball rolling, here are 7 habits of authentically happy people.

1) They have at least 5 close relationships

Did you know that the longest Harvard study ever on happiness found that healthy relationships were the most consistent predictor of a happy person? Having a few close relationships has also been found to help us live a longer, higher quality life. True friends really are worth their weight in gold.

But why five relationships?

This has been found to be an acceptable average from a variety of studies. According to the book Finding Flow:

“National surveys find that when someone claims to have 5 or more friends with whom they can discuss important problems, they are 60 percent more likely to say that they are ‘very happy’.”

However keep in mind that the actual number doesn’t necessarily matter that much, it is the effort you put into your relationships that matters.

2) They don’t tie your happiness to external events

A variety of research says that self-esteem that is bound to external success can be quite fickle. For example, if you tie your self-esteem to getting that job promotion, you’ll experience a small boost when you get it, but it won’t last long.

Tying your happiness to external events can also lead to behaviour which avoids failure. The key may be to think of yourself less as this C.W Lewis quote says to avoid the trap of tying your self-worth to external signals.

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” – C.W. Lewis

3) They exercise

It’s been proven over and over. Exercise will make you feel better if you stick with it. Body image improves as a result of exercise and eventually you’ll begin to experience that “exercise high” thanks to the release of endorphins. It doesn’t matter which physical activity you do, just as long as you do something.

4) They become good at something

Happy people generally have something that they’re “good at”. A skill they’ve honed over the years. People report that even though it may have been tough to improve their skills at something, they are satisfied with themselves when they look back.

The rewards of becoming great at something far outweigh the short-term discomfort.

5) They spend more money on experiences

According to a fair amount of research, experiential purchases tend to make us happier than spending money on material goods. This could be because experiences are something you’ll remember forever, they’re social and they’re unique. Nobody in the world will have the same exact experience you had.

6) They don’t ignore negative emotions

Yes, it’s common for most of us to resist emotions like sadness. But the truth you need sadness if you’re going to have happiness. And resisting these emotions will only turn into something more ugly down the road. Perhaps master Buddhist Pema Chödrön says it best:

“…feelings like disappointment, embarrassment, irritation, resentment, anger, jealousy, and fear, instead of being bad news, are actually very clear moments that teach us where it is that we’re holding back. They teach us to perk up and lean in when we feel we’d rather collapse and back away. They’re like messengers that show us, with terrifying clarity, exactly where we’re stuck. This very moment is the perfect teacher, and, lucky for us, it’s with us wherever we are.”

7) They are busy, but not rushed

Research shows that if you constantly feel rushed, then you’ll feel miserable. On the other hand, studies suggest that have nothing to do can also takes its toll.

The best is when you’re living a productive life but at a comfortable pace. Meaning: You should be expanding your comfort zone, but not so much that you feel overwhelmed. The best advice here is to say no to things that you’re not excited about, and yes to things that you can say “hell yeah!” to.

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URL: http://www.romancewithbooks.com

An Introduction to Scarlet Fever: A Contagious Childhood Disease

Story at-a-glance

  • Characterized by bright red rashes, fever and sore throat, scarlet fever is a transmissible illness caused by the Streptococcus bacteria — the same bacteria that cause strep throat
  • Learn important facts about scarlet fever, its hallmark symptoms, possible causes and the different treatment methods that may help reduce its impact on your life

Characterized by bright red rashes, fever and sore throat, scarlet fever, aka scarlatina, is a transmissible illness caused by the Streptococcus bacteria — the same bacteria that cause strep throat. Although it affects different age groups, it’s more predominant in children ages 5 to 15, which is why it’s considered a childhood disease.1

While it’s a mild illness that is rarer and less threatening nowadays than it was in the past, a scarlet fever outbreak may still lead to severe complications if left untreated.2 To further understand this illness, let’s first discuss what the Streptococcus bacterium is and how it affects your body.

Understanding the Streptococcus Bacteria

Scarlet fever is caused by Group A Streptococcus, a type of bacterium that can also cause strep throat and glomerulonephritis, a kidney disease that can occur in rare instances after you recover from certain throat or skin infections.3 The Streptococcus group of bacteria is divided into three groups: alpha-hemolytic, beta-hemolytic and no-hemolytic.

These groups are broken down further by letter grades A to V. The specific bacteria behind scarlet fever belong to the Gram-positive, beta-hemolytic group A Streptococcus, also called Streptococcus pyogenes, or group A strep (GAS). Pyogenes infections cause mild to severe illness, including:4


Scarlet fever (rash)



Erysipelas (skin infection)

Necrotizing fasciitis

Myositis (inflammation of muscle tissue)

Toxic shock syndrome

Rheumatic fever

Acute glomerulonephritis

Group A strep is commonly found on the surface of the skin and inside the throat. It’s usually passed from one person to another through direct contact with the open wounds, sores, mucus or bodily fluids of an infected person.5

Not everyone who carries these bacteria will become ill, though. A Streptococcal infection usually occurs if the bacteria get into your tissues, or if the infected person has a weakened immune system.6 Some strains of these bacteria can also produce an erythrogenic toxin, which will then cause the hallmark red-colored skin rashes of scarlet fever.7

Aside from scarlet fever, some of the other mild illnesses that group A strep may cause include strep throat, sinusitis and middle ear infections. There are also instances wherein a virulent strain of a different group of strep, Group B, aka Streptococcus agalactiae, may cause severe diseases such as neonatal pneumonia and sepsis, meningitis, vaginitis and endocarditis.8

The History of Scarlet Fever

Thanks to antibiotics and other modern treatment options, scarlet fever today is a fairly rare disease and considered a mild Streptococcal infection. It was a rare disease many centuries ago, too, in the 1600s — in fact, the first report of the disease was recorded in 1553. But during the 19th century, when the Industrial Revolution gave rise to overcrowded, low-income urban areas, it emerged as one of the deadliest communicable diseases at the time.

The group A Streptococcus bacteria thrived in these unhygienic and congested cities, causing a spike in the occurrence of scarlet fever, which recurred in a cycle of epidemics, usually affecting children.9

In fact, 95 percent of the people who caught this infection in the U.S. state of Massachusetts during 1858 were children under the age of 15.10 In Britain, over 30 percent of scarlet fever cases were fatal, making it one of the deadliest diseases during the mid-19th century.11 These fatal cases continued into the early years of the 20th century.12

Researchers found that public health and hygiene play a key role in the development of scarlet fever. This helped lower its severity and recurrences, as people pushed for better living conditions and urban cleanliness.13 The mortality rate for scarlet fever significantly dropped during the 1950s. By 1980, scarlet fever diagnoses finally became uncommon.14

Unfortunately, this disease did not completely disappear. In fact, statistics show that cases of scarlet fever have steadily increased in some parts of the world since 2014, particularly in the U.K. and northeast Asia.15 Since it’s still a threat to your and your family’s health, you should be alert for scarlet fever outbreaks.

Avoid Falling Victim to Scarlet Fever With the Help of These Pages

Scarlet fever is a mild disease but it may cause serious health problems. Fortunately, with the right knowledge, you can prevent it from occurring, or at least reduce its severity If you do get it. Continue reading these pages to learn important facts about scarlet fever, its hallmark symptoms, possible causes and the different treatment methods that may help reduce its impact on your life.

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