Looking At Tears Under A Microscope Reveals A Shocking Fact!

One day Rose-Lynn Fisher wondered if her tears of grief would look different compared to her tears of joy, so she began to explore them up close under a microscope.

She studied 100 different tears and found that basal tears (the ones that our body produces to lubricate our eyes) are drastically different from the tears that happen when we are chopping onions. The tears that come about from hard laughter aren’t even close to the tears of sorrow. Like a drop of ocean water each tiny tear drop carries a microcosm of human experience.

Her project is called The Topography of Tears.









Joseph Stromberg of the Smithsonian’s Collage of Arts and Sciences explained that there are three major types of tears: basal, reflex, and psychic (triggered by emotions). All tears contain organic substances including oils, antibodies, and enzymes and are suspended in salt water. Different types of tears have distinct molecules. Emotional tears have protein-based hormones including the neurotransmitter leucine enkephalin, which is a natural painkiller that is released when we are stressed. Plus, the tears seen under the microscope are crystallized salt and can lead to different shapes and forms. So even psychic tears with the same chemical composition can look very different. Fisher said, “There are so many variables—there’s the chemistry, the viscosity, the setting, the evaporation rate and the settings of the microscope.”

















Like snow flakes and fingerprints, no tears are alike. I can’t believe the difference between all of these.


A Company in Japan Just Broke the World Record for Solar Panel Efficiency


A team from the Japanese company Kaneko has recently announced breaking the efficiency record of solar panels—which now stands at 26.6 percent.


Solar power is certainly on the rise around the world. There are massive solar power generating installations across Asia, with countries like India and China taking turns being the home of the largest arrays.

Top 10 Countries Using Solar Power

Even the United States is making some massive strides with this source of renewable energy. In fact, solar energy is faring better than coal—even in terms of the economy. There are more people employed by the solar industry than in coal, and the price of solar power continues to fall. A trend that is likely to continue—especially if we continue to improve the efficiency of harvesting the sun’s energy.

To that end, researchers in Japan are doing their part: a team from the company Kaneko has recently announced breaking the efficiency record of solar panels—which now stands at 26.6 percent. “Improving the photoconversion efficiency of silicon solar cells is crucial to further the deployment of renewable electricity,” says the team.

The research has been published in Nature Energy.


The company’s approach—known as thin-film heterojunction (HJ) optimization—improves on a technique that layers silicon inside individual cells to minimize the space where electrons can’t exist. These spaces are call band gaps. A few more innovations allowed for the collection of a greater number of photons, leading to a more efficient panel.

Other approaches have been able to reach an even higher efficiency percentage, but they are not yet viable for consumer-friendly applications.

Continuing on this trend toward efficiency is only going to make the prices of solar power continue to drop. Improvements in production processes will speed this along as well, since panels that are cheaper to produce will cost less for the consumer. Last year, the world was able to double its solar power capacity—so just imagine what will be possible with higher efficiency capabilities.

Aborted Human DNA and Fetal Calf Blood Are Ingredients In Children’s Vaccines

Aside from the looming threat of the loss of medical freedom in regards to vaccination, what should truly frighten parents is the fact that there has never been a single safety study conducted on the inter-relationship between multiple vaccines, nor has there ever been a single safety study as far as the combination of ingredients in the vaccines themselves.

The medical industry, pediatricians, and unsuspecting parents are blindly trusting the CDC’s assertions of safety. And while we are discussing frightening matters, it should also be noted that neither the CDC nor the FDA can prove the safety of the current vaccine schedule. For further information, check out this link.

Mandatory vaccination laws are already a reality in states like California and Mississippi, and it has never been more dire for parents to understand the shocking ingredients in those vaccine vials. As advocates for our children, it is our job to be fully educated on matters that affect their health.

After all, every parent of a vaccine-injured child was once pro-vaccination.

In addition to the genetically modified ingredients in the vaccines being injected into babies, here are a few more disgusting ingredients they contain as well:

Aborted fetal cells, listed on vaccine package inserts as “Human Fetal Diploid Cells.” Two aborted fetal cell lines have been grown under laboratory conditions since the 1960s.

Pro-pharma outlets claim that only these two fetal cell lines are used, which is an outright lie. The two cell lines that have been admitted to be used in vaccines are:

1. WI-38 cell line (US): a human diploid fibroblast cell line derived from a three month old fetus aborted “therapeutically” because the family felt they had too many children. (Source)

2. MRC-5 cell line (UK): a cell line derived from lung fibroblasts of a 14 week old fetus due to “psychiatric” issues with the 27 year old mother. (Source)

Eye tissue from a 21 week old fetus is currently used in flu shots, as well as experimental vaccines for malaria and cancer, and Merck’s PER.C6 cell line, derived from the eye tissue of an 18 week old fetus, is the cell line used in many of the 271 vaccines in the CDC’s pipeline.

Terms to Investigate: PERC6, MRC5, WI-38, HEK-293

Which Vaccines? Adenovirus vaccine, DTaP vaccine, Hep A vaccine, Hep B vaccine, MMR vaccine, Rabies vaccine, Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine

Disgusting Ingredient #2: Serum From Aborted Calf Fetus Blood

One of the more grotesque methods involved in vaccine manufacturing is the collection of fetal bovine serum. The purpose for serum is providing a nutrient broth for viruses to grow in cells.

How is the blood collected?

According to the Humane Research Australia website:

“After slaughter and bleeding of the cow at an abattoir, the mother’s uterus containing the calf fetus is removed during the evisceration process (removal of the mother’s internal organs) and transferred to the blood collection room. A needle is then inserted between the fetus’s ribs directly into its heart and the blood is vacuumed into a sterile collection bag. This process is aimed at minimizing the risk of contamination of the serum with micro-organisms from the fetus and its environment. Only fetuses over the age of three months are used otherwise the heart is considered too small to puncture.

Once collected, the blood is allowed to clot at room temperature and the serum separated through a process known as refrigerated centrifugation.”

Terms to Investigate: Fetal Bovine Serum

Which Vaccines? Adenovirus vaccine, MMR vaccine, Rotavirus vaccine, Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine

Disgusting Ingredient #3: Cells From Monkey Kidneys

As mentioned above, monkey kidney tissue is used to support the growth of certain viruses used in vaccine production. There remains a huge controversy over using these cells and their role contaminating the polio vaccine in the 1950s.

The story is best told in the Congressional papers of a courageous scientist, Bernice Eddy. The Executive Reorganization and Government Research of the Committee on Government Operations United States Senate, Ninety-Second Congress, Second Session [1972] states on page 500:

“The next and only serious vaccine crisis that has occurred since the polio episode was the realization in mid-1961 that a monkey virus later shown to cause tumors in hamsters was contaminating both polio and adenovirus vaccines. The virus, known as SV40, was entering the vaccines and, just as in the polio case were surviving the formalin treatment.

There were several states by which the full extent of the SV40 problem became known. First was the discovery in 1959-1960 by a DBS scientist, once again Bernice Eddy, that an unknown agent in the monkey kidney cells used to produce polio and adenovirus vaccines would cause tumors when the cells were injected into hamsters.”

“In 1954 Eddy, as a polio control officer, found live virus in supposedly killed polio vaccine; in 1955 she was relieved of her duties as polio control officer … After her discoveries concerning the SV40 virus, her staff and animal space were reduced and she was demoted from head of a section to head of a unit.”

“ … even when the contaminating virus was found to be oncogenic [cancer causing] in hamsters, the DBS [Division of Biologics Standards] and its expert advisory committee decided to leave existing stocks on the market rather than risk eroding public confidence by a recall.”


“There has been a tendency on the part of certain higher government circles to play down any open discussion of problems associated with vaccines … ”



New AI Can Write and Rewrite Its Own Code to Increase Its Intelligence

  • A company has developed a type of technology that allows a machine to effectively learn from fewer examples and refine its knowledge as further examples are provided.
  • This technology could be applied to everything from teaching a smartphone to recognize a user’s preferences to helping autonomous driving systems quickly identify obstacles.


The old adage that practice makes perfect applies to machines as well, as many of today’s artificially intelligent devices rely on repetition to learn. Deep-learning algorithms are designed to allow AI devices to glean knowledge from datasets and then apply what they’ve learned to concrete situations. For example, an AI system is fed data about how the sky is usually blue, which allows it to later recognize the sky in a series of images.

Complex work can be accomplished using this method, but it certainly leaves something to be desired. For instance, could the same results be obtained by exposing deep-learning AI to fewer examples? Boston-based startup Gamalon developed a new technology to try to answer just that, and this week, it released two products that utilize its new approach.

Gamalon calls the technique it employed Bayesian program synthesis. It is based on a mathematical framework named after 18th century mathematician Thomas Bayes. The Bayesian probability is used to refine predictions about the world using experience. This form of probabilistic programming — a code that uses probabilities instead of specific variables — requires fewer examples to make a determination, such as, for example, that the sky is blue with patches of white clouds. The program also refines its knowledge as further examples are provided, and its code can be rewritten to tweak the probabilities.


While this new approach to programming still has difficult challenges to overcome, it has significant potential to automate the development of machine-learning algorithms. “Probabilistic programming will make machine learning much easier for researchers and practitioners,” explained Brendan Lake, an NYU research fellow who worked on a probabilistic programming technique in 2015. “It has the potential to take care of the difficult [programming] parts automatically.”

Gamalon CEO and cofounder Ben Vigoda showed MIT Technology Review a demo drawing app that uses their new method. The app is similar to one released by Google last year in that it predicts what a person is trying to sketch. However, unlike Google’s version, which relied on sketches it had previously seen to make predictions, Gamalon’s app relies on probabilistic programming to identify an object’s key features. Therefore, even if you draw a figure that’s different from what the app has previously seen, as long as it recognizes certain features — like how a square with a triangle on top is probably a house — it will make a correct prediction.

Image credits: Gamalon/MIT Technology Review

The two products Gamalon released show that this technique could have near-term commercial use. One product, the Gamalon Structure, using Bayesian program synthesis to recognize concepts from raw text, and it does so more efficiently than what’s normally possible. For example, after only receiving a manufacturer’s description of a television, it can determine its brand, product name, screen resolution, size, and other features. Another app, called Gamalon Match, categorizes products and prices in a store’s inventory. In both cases, the system can be trained quickly to recognize variations in acronyms or abbreviations.

Vigoda believes there are other possible applications, as well. For example, if equipped with a Beysian model of machine learning, smartphones or laptops wouldn’t need to share personal data with large companies to determine user interests; the calculations could be done effectively within the device. Autonomous cars could also learn to adapt to their environment much faster using this method of learning. The potential impact of smarter machines really can’t be overstated.


Fluorescence-guided surgery of peritoneal carcinomatosis: Safe and feasible.

Patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis of colorectal origin depend on an optimal cytoreductive surgery combined with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) as a curative treatment – and, until now, surgeons have depended on visual inspection and palpation for tumor detection. There is room for improvement in this area, say Dutch surgeons at the renowned University of Groningen, and the technique to make it happen may be molecular fluorescence-guided surgery. The advantages of this approach could be twofold – one, an improved detection of tumor tissue to attain a complete cytoreduction of metastatic lesions, and two, the prevention of overtreatment by avoiding resection of benign lesions. The results of the (small) study are certainly promising: Molecular fluorescence-guided surgery was deemed safe and feasible.

The authors enrolled seven patients with colorectal peritoneal metastases scheduled for cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC. Two days before surgery, the patients were given 4.5 mg i.v. of the near-infrared fluorescent tracer bevacizumab-IRDye800CW. The primary endpoints were safety and feasibility, i.e. “safe” if no allergic or anaphylactic reactions or serious adverse events occurred that were linked to bevacizumab-IRDye800CW, and “feasible” if bevacizumab-IRDye800CW enabled detection of fluorescence signals during surgery.

–        The safety results:

o   Two patients developed serious adverse events, but both were attributed to the surgical cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC procedure.

o   By contrast, there were no serious adverse events related to bevacizumab-IRDye800CW.

–        The feasibility results:

o   Fluorescence was seen intraoperatively in all patients.

o   In two patients, the fluorescence-guided surgery managed to spot additional tumour tissue initially missed by the surgeon.

o   29 areas were ‘non-fluorescent’, all of these were found to contain only benign tissue

o   51 areas were fluorescent, 27 of which contained tumor tissue.

Using molecular fluorescence-guided surgery with the near-infrared fluorescent tracer bevacizumab-IRDye800CW is safe and feasible, conclude the authors, and might improve patient selection as well as optimizing cytoreductive surgery. As this was a small, single-center study, the authors now call for a multicenter phase 2 trial to confirm the diagnostic accuracy and to investigate the effect of this technique on clinical decision making.


How to deal with people you don’t like

Unless you’re a genetic anomaly, it’s likely you will meet people you don’t like throughout your lifetime. Whether it’s your mother-in-law or one of your colleagues, you’re bound to come across someone you simply don’t click with.

According to Deep Patel, author of the book A Paperboy’s Fable: The 11 Principles of Success, it helps to remember nobody’s perfect. That includes you.

In a blog post for Entrepreneur.com, Patel highlights some tips successful people use to deal with people they don’t get along with. After all, it’s unlikely you’ll simply be able to avoid people you don’t like — in fact, Patel argues if you restrict who you can work with, you are only limiting yourself.

Instead of burying your head in the sand, try and shift your perspective in the ways successful people do. Here are some tips from Patel and other sources such as Psychology Today.

woman success
1. Accept that you can’t get on with everyone.

As much as we hope to like everyone we meet, it often simply isn’t the case. Patel says the first step to dealing with the people you don’t click with is accepting nobody gets on with everyone, and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, and it doesn’t mean they are either (not necessarily, anyway.)

According to psychologist Dr Susan Krauss in a blog post on Psychology Today, it’s likely that you and the person just aren’t a good fit. Consultant and author Beverly D. Flaxington explains in another blog post on Psychology Today that our behavioural styles can get come between people. Some are dominant, whereas others are timid. Some people are optimists and others consider themselves “realists.”

A research paper by Hamstra et al looked at something called “regulatory fit,” which translates as: we are much more likely to put effort into the things we like doing. Chances are you don’t enjoy interacting with the people you don’t like, and so you don’t put much effort in. Over time, this lack of effort can turn into contempt.

2. Try and put a positive spin on what they are saying.

Krauss says you could try and look at how people are acting differently. Your in-laws might not have meant to imply that you aren’t smart, and your co-worker may not actually be trying to sabotage you.

Even if the person you’re having difficulty with is aggravating you on purpose, getting angry about it will probably just make you look bad. So try and give them the benefit of the doubt.

3. Be aware of your own emotions.

Patel says it’s important to remember your own emotions matter, but ultimately you alone have control over how you react to situations. People will only drive you crazy if you allow them to. So don’t let your anger spin out of control.

If someone is rubbing you the wrong way, recognise those feelings and then let them go without engaging with the person. Sometimes just smiling and nodding will do the trick.

The key, Patel says, is in treating everyone you meet with the same level of respect. That doesn’t mean you have to agree with a person you don’t like or go along with what they say, but you should act civilised and be polite. In doing this, you can remain firm on your issues but not come across like you’re attacking someone personally, which should give you the upper hand.

4. Don’t take it personally and get some space.

More often than not a disagreement is probably a misunderstanding. If not, and you really do fundamentally disagree with someone, then try and see it from their perspective.

Try not to overreact, because they may overreact in return, meaning things escalate quickly and fiercely. Try to rise above it all by focusing on facts, and try to ignore how the other person is reacting, no matter how ridiculous or irrational. Concentrate on the issue, Patel says, not the person.

If you need some space, take it. You’re perfectly within your rights to establish boundaries and decide when you interact with someone. If you feel yourself getting worked up, take a time-out and get some breathing space. President of TalentSmart Dr. Travis Bradberry explains it simply in a post on LinkedIn: if they were smoking, would you sit there all afternoon inhaling the second-hand smoke? No, you’d move away and get some fresh air.

5. Express your feelings calmly and consider using a referee.

Usually, the way we communicate is more important than what we actually say. If someone is repeatedly annoying you and it’s leading to bigger problems, Patel says it’s probably time to say something.

However, confrontation doesn’t have to be aggressive. Patel recommends you use “I” statements, such as “I feel annoyed when you do this, so could you please do this instead.”

Being as specific as possible will make it more likely the person will take what you’re saying on board. It will also give them a better opportunity to share their side of the story.

Krauss says it might be a good idea to use another person as a mediator in these discussions because they can bring a level of objectivity to a situation. You may not end up as friends, but you might find out a way to communicate and work together in an effective way. She says learning to work with people you find difficult is a very fulfilling experience, and it could become one more way of showing how well you overcome barriers.

6. Pick your battles.

Sometimes it might just be easier to let things go. Not everything is worth your time and attention. You have to ask yourself whether you really want to engage with the person, or your effort might be better spent just getting on with your work, or whatever else you’re doing.

Patel says the best way to figure this out is weighing up whether the issue is situational. Will it go away in time, or could it get worse? If it’s the latter, it might be better expending energy into sorting it out sooner or later. If it’s just a matter of circumstance, you’ll probably get over it fairly quickly.

7. Don’t be defensive.

If you find someone is constantly belittling you or focusing on your flaws, don’t bite. The worst thing you can do is be defensive. Patel says this will only give them more power. Instead, turn the spotlight on them and start asking them probing questions, such as what in particular their problem is with what you’re doing.

If they start bullying you, call them out on it. If they want you to treat them with respect, they have to earn it by being civil to you, too. Dr Berit Brogaard, a neuroscientist, explains in a blog post on Psychology Today that workplace gossip and bullying can be a method of power play, or a way of bullying others into submission.

If you want to be sneaky to get someone to agree with you, there are psychological tricks you can use. Research suggests you should speak faster when disagreeing with someone so they have less time to process what you’re saying. If you think they might be agreeing with you, then slow down so they have time to take in your message.

8. Ultimately, remember you are in control of your own happiness.

If someone is really getting on your nerves, it can be difficult to see the bigger picture. However, you should never let someone else limit your happiness or success.

If you’re finding their comments are really getting to you, ask yourself why that is. Are you self-conscious about something, or are you anxious about something at work? If so, focus on this instead of listening to other people’s complaints.

You alone have control over your feelings, so stop comparing yourself to anyone else. Instead, remind yourself of all your achievements, and don’t let someone gain power over you just because they momentarily darken your day.


Peter Diamandis Thinks We’re Evolving Toward “Meta-Intelligence”


Peter Diamandis, founder and chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation, thinks the human species is headed for an evolutionary transformation.
The evolution of life has slowly unfolded over 3.5 billion years; but its pace has rapidly increased in recent years. Diamandis believes this heralds the next, exciting stages of human evolution.

In the next 30 years, humanity is in for a transformation the likes of which we’ve never seen before—and XPRIZE Foundation founder and chairman Peter Diamandis believes that this will give birth to a new species. Diamandis admits that this might sound too far out there for most people. He is convinced, however, that we are evolving towards what he calls “meta-intelligence,” and today’s exponential rate of growth is one clear indication.

Credits: Richard Bizley/SPL

In an essay for Singularity Hub, Diamandis outlines the transformative stages in the multi-billion year pageant of evolution, and takes note of what the recent increasing “temperature” of evolution—a consequence of human activity—may mean for the future. The story, in a nutshell, is this—early prokaryotic life appears about 3.5 billion years ago (bya), representing perhaps a symbiosis of separate metabolic and replicative mechanisms of “life;” at 2.5 bya, eukaryotes emerge as composite organisms incorporating biological “technology” (other living things) within themselves; at 1.5 bya, multicellular metazoans appear, taking the form of eukaryotes that are yoked together in cooperative colonies; and at 400 million years ago, vertebrate fish species emerge onto land to begin life’s adventure beyond the seas.

“Today, at a massively accelerated rate—some 100 million times faster than the steps I outlined above—life is undergoing a similar evolution,” Diamandis writes. He thinks we’ve moved from a simple Darwinian evolution via natural selection into evolution by intelligent direction.
“I believe we’re rapidly heading towards a human-scale transformation, the next evolutionary step into what I call a “Meta-Intelligence,” a future in which we are all highly connected—brain to brain via the cloud—sharing thoughts, knowledge and actions,” he writes.


Credits: Lovelace Turing

Diamandis outlines the next stages of humanity’s evolution in four steps, each a parallel to his four evolutionary stages of life on Earth. There are four driving forces behind this evolution: our interconnected or wired world, the emergence of brain-computer interface (BCI), the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), and man reaching for the final frontier of space.

In the next 30 years, humanity will move from the first stage—where we are today—to the fourth stage. From simple humans dependent on one another, humanity will incorporate technology into our bodies to allow for more efficient use of information and energy. This is already happening today.

The third stage is a crucial point.

Enabled with BCI and AI, humans will become massively connected with each other and billions of AIs (computers) via the cloud, analogous to the first multicellular lifeforms 1.5 billion years ago. Such a massive interconnection will lead to the emergence of a new global consciousness, and a new organism I call the Meta-Intelligence.
This brings to mind another futuristic event that many are eagerly anticipating: the technological singularity. “Within a quarter century, nonbiological intelligence will match the range and subtlety of human intelligence,” said notable futurist Ray Kurzweil, explaining the singularity.
“It will then soar past it because of the continuing acceleration of information-based technologies, as well as the ability of machines to instantly share their knowledge.” Kurzweil predicts that this will happen by 2045—within Diamandis’ evolutionary timeline. “The nonbiological intelligence created in that year will be one billion times more powerful than all human intelligence today.”

The fourth and final stage marks humanity’s evolution to becoming a multiplanetary species. “Our journey to the moon, Mars, asteroids and beyond represents the modern-day analogy of the journey made by lungfish climbing out of the oceans some 400 million years ago,” Diamandis explains.

Buckle up: we have an exciting future ahead of us.


20 Truths About People Who Are Too Anxious, But Also Too Kind.


Four Primary Forms of Borderline Personality Disorder.

Does This Fit You or Someone You Love?

Do sudden; out of proportion emotions seem to run your life, or that of the ones you love? Do you feel disdain and anger toward someone whom you love and respect, leaving you confused as to how you can feel that way? Does reading negative words trigger fits of rage? Read on, you may have Borderline Personality Disorder. There is hope though, through therapies and support, a person with Borderline Personality Disorder can live a normal life.

Emotions and Reactions

Do you or someone in your life seem out of control? One minute they are sweet and kind, and then as if something overcame them, they are angry and saying things they would not say when in the kind mode. Perhaps this person seems like they have two different personalities but yet, they are the same person. Perhaps this person is you. You cannot understand why you can read a negative word and get so angry, unrealistically so. Or why you get so angry and out of sorts over every day negative situations. You may think you have an anger problem, but yet you feel so empty and lost, how could you have an anger problem and feel so lost? Maybe you get angry and then do not care about it, you try to go on with life while those that you just fought with are reeling with pain and shock at your reaction. You may not know why you are like this but feel something needs to change. You may learn you have Borderline Personality Disorder.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental disorder that is relatively new in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision or DSM-IV-TR. The diagnosis of BPD involves history of symptoms and exclusion of other mental and physical health disorders.


Common Symptoms Prior to Diagnosis
  • Difficulty keeping emotions and thoughts regular
  • Impulsivity
  • Reckless behavior
  • Unstable relationships, worse with those they love
  • They can also have depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts

Though these basic symptoms may lead a person for diagnosis and treatment, it is only the beginning of the official diagnosis. There are four types or levels of Borderline Personality Disorder.

The Four Main Types

Here are the four types of borderline personality disorder and their symptoms. It is important to keep in mind that these symptoms are not temporary as one would expect after a romantic break-up or a fight with a friend, but these are lasting symptoms. These symptoms you can depend on reoccurring on a regular basis, oftentimes without warning.

Discouraged Borderline:

  • Clingy
  • Dependent on others
  • Moody and somber, quiet, wallflower
  • Follows the popular crowd
  • Follows the crowd most likely to get attention, good or bad
  • Angry inside at those she/he loves the most
  • Tendency to explode with angry emotions
  • Violence to self, mutilation
  • Suicide threats, thoughts and completed

Impulsive Borderline:

  • Thrill seekers
  • Easily bored
  • Always seeking attention
  • Unpredictable
  • Life of the party
  • Overly flirtatious
  • Tendency to get themselves in trouble

Petulant Borderline:

  • Irritable
  • Impatient
  • Unpredictable
  • Defiant
  • Stubborn
  • Explosive anger
  • Needy, clingy then distant and cold

Self-Destructive Borderline:

  • Impulsive
  • Self mutilating
  • Self-hatred,
  • Engaging in dangerous sexual relationships
  • Other behaviors such as cutting because of self hate

People with borderline personality disorder are charismatic and usually the life of the party. They are also known as the one who can be relied on to start an argument and then return to their normal self as if nothing happened.

The Quiet, Discouraged One

Pictures Are Used With Permission by Sarah Cluck | Source

Other Symptoms That Can Be Seen at All Levels

  • Extreme reactions to thoughts of abandonment, whether it is threatened or not
  • Panic
  • Rage
  • Frantic behavior
  • A person with BPD has rough relationships with family and friends, especially those they love the most. It is almost as if the emotion of love itself can trigger the anger of the BPD. They can be clingy, excessively so to a person then devaluating the same person on the same day. They may have feelings of hatred and disdain for the same person or persons that they were clinging to earlier. They may suddenly and extremely dislike a friend or family member, latch onto others as family, disregarding whom they associated with as family before
  • They may also have a distorted sense of self from grand illusions of self importance to self hatred. A warning sign of an “attack” of anger is when there has been a quick change in life direction, such as dropping out of school, quitting a job they seemed to love. They bore easily and are easily distracted by self desire. They may exhibit intense and highly changeable moods lasting a few hours to day, or months in untreated cases.
  • They may comment on the feeling of observing oneself from outside their body, disassociating themselves and have paranoid thoughts.

Word of Note

80% of people with borderline personality disorder have suicidal thoughts with 4-9% commit suicide. This is a pretty high number so if you love someone with BPD, keep this in mind and alert the proper authorities if you are worried. It may be their therapist, family doctor, suicide hotline or police.

Age of onset is usually adolescent with possibly some signs in early childhood. Not all people will be hospitalized for treatment and some may be able to move past the symptoms and live normal lives, with proper treatment.

Difference in Gender

Men tend to show signs of Anti-Social Personality Disorder to go along with the Borderline personality disorder

Women tend to be depressed, have anxiety disorders and eating disorders

Common Health Conditions in Conjunction With BPD

  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Back pain
  • High blood pressure

Borderline Personality disorder is a relatively new disorder and is still being studied, but there are schools of thought that think it may be inherited traits that blend with brain hormone imbalance, causing the disorder.

Possible Cultural Causes

Culturally, it is thought that unstable relationships within the family, coupled with rape or molestation can trigger borderline personality disorder in those that have the inherited personality traits such as controlling behavior, impulsivity, and inflated views of oneself.

Important to Keep in Mind

By themselves, these personality traits may be irritating but not considered a disorder, but when all elements come together, an adolescent may have borderline personality disorder triggered.


There is not one test to detect this disorder but one thing that is common among those with borderline personality disorder is that there is an overreaction to adverse or tense sounding written words. They react to harsh written words worse and with more aggression than a typical angry person. The reaction to unpleasant words can give the psychiatrist a peek into the severity of the disorder.

Brain imaging has shown some hope in detecting BPD. It has been noticed that those with BPD have less activity in the area of the brain that controls emotions when presented with harsh written words or other unpleasant stimuli, showing a degree of inability to understand how to appropriately handle a situation but over reacting in such situations as negative work environment, an argument or any other perceived negative situation.

These findings may be the key to explaining the instability in emotions.

Treatment Methods

Psychotherapy, or counseling sessions are the first step in treating BPD. Some medications may be added at this time if the depression or anxiety is too prevalent. It is thought that once the depression and anxiety are under control then treatment for the bpd can be more effective.

CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

The therapist works with the person to teach them to understand what triggers their aggression and help them learn to control their temper. They are also taught self-help in controlling impulsive behavior and how to handle their emotions when they are getting out of control

DBT or Dialectical Behavior Therapy

The person is taught to take stalk of their situation, look around and watch for triggers so that they can be better prepared to stay under control. Avoiding some situations may be necessary as the person gains control over time and can handle stress better. The person is taught methods to control their emotions, aid in not becoming overwhelmed and overreacting and reduces self-destructive behavior.

SFT or Schema-Focused Therapy

Therapy aimed at changing the way a person sees themselves. By working with the person’s self image the person can see themselves in a more normal way, neither over the top or egotistical appearing nor self loathing

STEPPS or Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving.

Therapy is provided one on one and in group settings using the STEPPS program. This is a relatively short program, usually lasting 20 sessions, 2 hours long each time and can be led by a social worker. Through this system, patients are taught to plan ahead how they will react to a situation, to practice emotional responses and be prepared. By having this type of therapy in a group setting the patients can learn how others react and respond to various negative stimuli in a secure and safe setting.

Alternative Options

There are no approved medications for BPD but when anxiety and depression may be treated separately from BPD. Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to calm the emotional responses of women in particular in some studies.

Family and Friends Can Help

Family and friends need to be mindful of the fact that aggressive episodes will happen. They are not necessarily personal. The verbal attack may be because of an outside stressor that the person is having difficulty internalizing and working through correctly. The patient/person may have just had a sad experience and then see a negative email and lash out at their sibling or favorite parent, for example. With patience and making sure that the patient goes to therapy sessions and takes their medication on time, these hard times can become less frequent. It is extremely important that the family or friends alert authorities or therapist if the patient is talking about harming themselves or others.

If you believe you may have BPD, get in touch with your physician or local mental health care center. The earlier the treatment begins the better. There is hope, with proper treatment; the majority of patients learn to lead normal, fulfilling and happy lives. If you are feeling suicidal, call 911 or a suicide hotline immediately.


Although it seems that having someone in your life with Borderline Personality Disorder or having it yourself seems very bleak and hard, with therapy and patience, everyone can live normal lives and be happy. Even in the worst of times, there will be times when the person suffering has good times and can laugh and be joyful. Enjoy these times and look forward to many more of them in the future. It can happen.


NASA Launches the Galaxy’s Most Glorious Galaxy’s Most Glorious Space Database.

Now you can easily peruse more than 140,000 of the agency’s photos, videos and visualizations

Milky Way
Behold the glory of the middle of the Milky Way—thanks to an even better photo database at NASA.

Space is full of eye candy: exploding stars, nebulas of every shape and size, bizarre alien worlds. Though few will ever have the chance to see these breathtaking sights in person, it just got even easier to feed your space needs online thanks to a new, searchable database from NASA.

 As Nilima Marshall reports for PA Science, the agency just made it even easier to peruse and even download more than 140,000 photos, renderings, audio files and videos it has online. Metadata is also available for those in need of a data fix along with all that visual splendor.

The site is easy to search and browse, and lets you look at the agency’s newest uploads and the most popular images. Trending now are the most recent “blue marble” photo, mind-boggling nebulaeglimpsed by the Spitzer Space Telescope last year, a waving astronaut mid spacewalk, and this inexplicably majestic photo of a baby owl.

There’s a catch: In a press release, NASA warns would-be browsers that its site is “not comprehensive,” but rather showcases the best the agency has to offer from its gigantic archive. That’s okay, though—with over 140,000 pictures to gawk at and download, there’s plenty to keep you occupied. And since NASA constantly updates its publicly available images with both new and archival holdings, you’re unlikely to get bored any time soon.

It’s not the first time the space agency has delighted the public with vast releases of information. Just this month, NASA unleashed its entire 2017-18 software catalog at NASA Software, which lets the public use NASA-developed code for free. Offerings include the Earth Global Reference Atmospheric Model, which lets users model things like temperature and wind, and an augmented reality iPad program called NASA Flywheel on the off chance that you’re working on ways to better store energy produced by the rotating cylinders called flywheels.

NASA isn’t just serious about space—the agency is also committed to keeping the public up to date on what it’s doing, making results of NASA-funded projects available to the public.

So go ahead: Soak up some space.
