Effects of perioperative vitamin E and zinc co-supplementation on systemic inflammation and length of stay following coronary artery bypass graft surgery: a randomized controlled trial



Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery has been reported to be associated with lower postoperative plasma antioxidant and zinc levels. We hypothesized that perioperative supplementation of vitamin E and zinc might improve short-term postoperative outcomes.


In this placebo-controlled double-blind, randomized study, patients undergoing CABG performed with cardiopulmonary bypass were recruited. The intervention group received zinc and vitamin E supplementation (1200 IU vitamin E and 120 mg elemental zinc) the day before surgery, followed by postoperative daily supplementation of 30 mg zinc and 200 IU vitamin E from the 2nd day after surgery to 3 weeks. The control group received placebos. Length of stay (LOS) in the intensive care unit and hospital, sequential organ failure assessment score on 3rd day after surgery, and plasma inflammatory markers on days 3 and 21 post-surgery were evaluated.


Seventy-eight patients completed the study (40 in the intervention group and 38 in the placebo group). The hospital LOS was significantly shorter (p < 0.05) in the intervention group. Postoperative changes in plasma albumin levels were not different between the two groups. The plasma zinc level was higher (p < 0.0001), but plasma C-reactive protein (p = 0.01), pentraxin 3 (p < 0.0001), interferon γ (p < 0.05), malondialdehyde (p < 0.05), and aspartate aminotransferase (p < 0.01) were lower in the intervention group compared to the placebo group.


Perioperative vitamin E and zinc supplementation significantly reduced hospital LOS and the inflammatory response in CABG surgery patients. In these patients, the optimal combination and dose of micronutrients need further study but could include zinc and vitamin E.


Our study is among the few studies reporting the effects of perioperative micronutrient supplementation among patients undergoing CABG surgery. Preoperative vitamin E (1200 IU) and zinc ( 120 mg) supplementation in adult patients undergoing CABG surgery, followed by 200 IU vitamin E and 30 mg zinc per day postoperatively, seems to be effective in shortening hospital LOS. These dietary supplements had no significant effect on SIRS and SOFA score on postoperative day 3, but decreased postoperative plasma concentrations of PTX3, CRP, IFN-γ, MDA, and AST, without significant impacts on the postoperative plasma IL-4, cTnI levels.

The motivation for using the combination of vitamin E and zinc supplements in the present study was their antioxidant as well as their immunomodulatory effects. Furthermore, it has previously been shown that plasma zinc [12] and vitamin E [9] are reduced following CABG surgery. This reduction may be a redistribution that occurs as a result of inflammatory responses [19]. In the present study, we did not measure plasma vitamin E levels. Still, the dose of tested vitamin E in the present study is comparable to the amount used in the study by Lassnigg et al., who showed that four doses (270 mg each) of vitamin E between 16 h before and 48 h after CABG surgery normalizes plasma vitamin E levels in the postoperative period [9]. On the other hand, the tested dose of zinc was comparable to the amount used in a previous study, in which patients received 50 mg for the first two days after admission to ICU, followed by 25 mg/day [20]. Although the doses of vitamin E and zinc in the present study were higher than the Dietary Reference Intake values, they were not higher than the Tolerable Upper Intake Levels. Besides, the recommended dietary amounts are recommended for healthy people and the amount required during acute illness may be different. In the case of zinc, studies have shown that the medical doses used are relatively safe, and regardless of dietary intake, the use of medical doses of zinc may be beneficial for a wide variety of clinical situations [21].

Perfusion time was different between the two groups. Since cardiac surgery with CPB induces activation of a systemic inflammatory response [1] and perfusion time has been shown to correlate with postoperative inflammatory mediators levels [22], it was included as one of the confounding factors in statistical analysis.

The ICU and hospital length of stay as the primary outcomes were shorter in the intervention than in the placebo group. This is in contrast to the findings of a previous study in which the administration of several micronutrients with antioxidant activity, including vitamin E and zinc, in patients admitted to the ICU after complex cardiac surgery did not shorten the length of stay in the ICU [20]. This discrepancy could be related to the study population which was complicated heart surgery patients or to the lack of preoperative administration of loading doses of micronutrients. However, our finding is somehow consistent with the result of a previous study in which prophylactic treatment with vitamin E and allopurinol in patients with pre-existing chronic kidney disease reduced the length of stay in the ICU after CABG surgery [23]. Furthermore, the early administration of vitamins E and C reduced ICU length of stay in critically ill surgical patients [24].

The shorter ICU and hospital length of stays might be partly caused by the reduction of inflammation intensity in the zinc and vitamin E groups. Systemic inflammation can predict poor outcomes in patients under elective CABG [25]. Both CRP and PTX3, which are acute-phase proteins, are released significantly during and after CABG surgery. In a study in which serum level of PTX3 was prospectively monitored in ICU patients, higher PTX3 level was associated with sepsis development, and a higher 90-day mortality rate [26]. Furthermore, in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with the use of CBP, the dynamics of serum CRP levels were comparable in patients with SIRS and those with no SIRS, with a peak on the postoperative day 3, whereas serum PTX3 was significantly higher in patients with SIRS than those with uneventful postoperative period [27]. However, perioperative administration of antioxidant vitamins (300 mg/day vitamin E and 500 mg/day vitamin C) in patients who underwent CPB, reduced CRP levels on the first day after surgery compared to the control but, the difference disappeared on the second postoperative day [28]. In addition to antioxidant vitamins, zinc may also be inversely related to oxidative stress and inflammatory factors in critically ill patients, particularly in those with sepsis [29].

In the present study, the lower IFN-γ plasma level on the 3rd and 21st days after surgery in the vitamin E and zinc supplementation group could also be related to the lower intensity of inflammation. Aberrant expression of IFN-γ may be associated with some inflammatory and autoimmune diseases [30] and the decrease in IFN-γ synthesis might prevent excessive stimulation of the non-specific immune system. In a previous study on patients who underwent CABG with CPB, serum IFN-γ levels did not change significantly on the 3rd day after surgery. However, its production by cultured mixed mono-nuclear leukocytes was temporarily decreased on postoperative day 1 but recovered on postoperative day 3 [31]. In another study, mixed mono-nuclear leukocytes of patients who underwent CABG surgery were obtained pre-operatively and on the first and third postoperative days and cultured along with adding exogenous IFN-γ. The addition of IFN-γ significantly increased pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-α but did not affect the synthesis of anti-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-10, and IL-4 levels [32].

Enhanced lipid peroxidation can lead to the production of end products such as MDA, which, by attaching to biomolecules, can generate self-MDA epitopes capable of inducing the immune system to neutralize, causing inflammatory responses [33]. In the present study, the vitamin E and zinc supplementation reduced the MDA of the plasma that was incubated with oxidant. A significant decrease in MDA was observed only for the plasma samples of the third postoperative day, without a significant effect on the samples of the 21st postoperative day. It seems that the postoperative acute phase responses and the production of free radicals are higher on the third than on the 21st day after the operation. Therefore, one reason for the observed findings could be related to the higher intensity of oxidative stress in the early days after surgery, which vitamin E and zinc were able to reduce it. However, since the spectrophotometric method to detect MDA is less sensitive than fluorometric methods, it may not have revealed the difference on the 21st day.

The plasma cTnI concentration in the intervention group was not significantly different from the placebo group. However, the beneficial effects of antioxidant supplements on cardiac markers have been reported in some studies. In this regard, the administration of vitamin E into the coronary arteries during surgery attenuated the post-surgery increase in cTn-I levels [34]. In the current study, vitamin E and zinc supplementation decreased AST levels on the 21st day after surgery compared to the placebo group. AST is released when cells are damaged. It used to be a regular cardiac marker before more specific markers became common. Elevated postoperative AST level has been suggested as an independent predictor of early and late mortality after CABG [35]. Furthermore, increased pre- and post-operative AST to ALT ratios seem to be associated with an increased incidence of acute kidney injury after elective CABG surgery [36]. The vitamin E supplement consumed was probably effective in reducing AST levels. Vitamin E supplementation has been reported to improve AST levels in patients with liver disease [37].

The present study had some limitations. Due to the diversity of eligibility criteria, the generalizability of the results is limited to relatively low-risk patients undergoing CABG surgery. The single-center nature of this trial can be considered both a limitation and an advantage due to the reduction of variation in care. Furthermore, we did not collect SIRS and SOFA scores on different days after surgery, which might have provided valuable information. Moreover, the concentration of vitamin E in the plasma of the patients was not measured. Finally, despite the inclusion of 78 patients, the study could still be underpowered for some study variables. Despite this, many parameters were oriented towards a clinical benefit in favor of nutrient supplementation. However, a larger trial is needed.


Perioperative supplementation of vitamin E and zinc in CABG surgery patients was associated with postoperative shortened ICU and hospital length of stay and lower postoperative plasma concentrations of inflammatory biomarkers. Although the reduction in ICU length of stay observed following supplementation was not long, it could be considered an achievement with such easy access and cheap intervention. Following cardiac surgery, the plasma concentration of several micronutrients undergoes significant changes, and it appears that this field requires more investigation to reveal their association with some complications after surgery. The optimal combination and dose of micronutrients remain to be determined but could include zinc and vitamin E.

Top 5 Benefits of Vitamin E

Easy to get from healthy foods, vitamin E can help protect your eyes, boost your immune system and may lower your risk of cancer

Assorted foods and oils containting vitamin E

You’ve probably seen “vitamin E” plastered on products up and down the skin care aisle. But this nutrient isn’t just a beauty cabinet staple. You need to consume vitamin E, too. It’s essential for good health and many body functions.

Registered dietitian Julia Zumpano, RD, LD, explains the benefits of vitamin E and how to get enough of it in a healthy way.

What is vitamin E?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning your body absorbs and transports it like dietary fats. It’s also an antioxidant, a compound that fights free radicals, which raise your risk of getting certain diseases, but antioxidants clean up their damage.

But despite what you see on nutrition labels, vitamin E isn’t a single vitamin. This nutrient actually comes in eight different forms:

  • Alpha-tocopherol.
  • Beta-tocopherol.
  • Delta-tocopherol.
  • Gamma-tocopherol.
  • Alpha- tocotrienol.
  • Beta-tocotrienol.
  • Delta-tocotrienol.
  • Gamma-tocotrienol.

Alpha-tocopherol is the most common type and is found in the highest quantities in your body’s tissues and liver. But that doesn’t mean other types are less valuable. Each form of vitamin E has its own unique antioxidant abilities — and food sources often contain a mix of two or more types of vitamin E.

What does vitamin E do?

So, what are the benefits of this fat-soluble, free radical-fighting friend? Studies show that eating a variety of whole foods that contain vitamin E may help in several ways.

1. Lowers your risk of cancer

As an antioxidant, vitamin E helps ward off cancer-causing cell damage. Some evidence shows that low levels of vitamin E and selenium may raise your risk of breast and lung cancer.

But don’t go out and purchase a vitamin E supplement in hopes of kicking cancer to the curb. “Vitamin E supplements have not been shown to prevent cancer,” clarifies Zumpano. “If you want to lower your risk of cancer, eat a variety of whole foods rich in vitamin E. Many foods contain several forms of vitamin E and other antioxidants that work together to slash your cancer risk.”

2. Keeps your eyes healthy

Vitamin E has a protective effect on the cells in your eyes. And getting enough of this nutrient could lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts.

“Just like the rest of your body, your eyes need a variety of vitamins and nutrients to function at their best,” says Zumpano. “If you’re deficient in vitamin E, you may have a higher risk of certain eye conditions.”

Most people can get enough vitamin E through the foods they eat. But if you have AMD, your eye care provider may recommend vitamins for eye health, which usually include vitamin E and several other nutrients.

3. Boosts your immune system

You need a healthy immune system to fight off illnesses, from colds and flu to cancer. And vitamin E plays a vital role in your immune health.

Studies have shown that vitamin E is found in high amounts in certain immune cells,” says Zumpano. “And a deficiency in this vitamin prevents your immune system from doing its job well.”

Fortunately, deficiency is rare in the U.S. So, you likely don’t need a supplement unless your provider recommends one. “People who have conditions that interfere with fat absorption can sometimes be deficient in vitamin E,” notes Zumpano. “Talk to your provider about a supplement if you have a condition that affects your intestines, like celiac disease, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.”

4. Reduces your risk of blood clots

Vitamin E may help prevent blood clots that could cause heart attacks. But don’t start popping vitamin E in place of blood thinners or other medications.

“We don’t have studies that confirm vitamin E supplements are a safe way to lower your risk of clots,” cautions Zumpano. “Get your vitamin E through heart-healthy foods to lower your risk of heart problems. And see your provider regularly to discuss your risk of heart disease.”

5. Brightens your skin

There’s a reason you see vitamin E listed on moisturizers, sunscreens and other skin care products. This vitamin is found in our natural sebum (skin oil) and defends your skin cells from damage.

Topical vitamin E moisturizes dry skin, but we also need this vitamin in the foods we eat. “Vitamin E works internally and externally to help your skin look its best,” says Zumpano. “We don’t have any evidence that taking a vitamin E supplement will improve your skin, though. If you eat a variety of whole foods, you’re likely already getting the vitamin E your skin needs.”

How much vitamin E do I need?

Your recommended dietary allowance, or RDA, of vitamin E is:

AgeRDA (milligrams)
Birth to 6 months*4 mg
Infants 7–12 months*5 mg
Children 1–3 years5 mg
Children 4–8 years7 mg
Children 9–13 years11 mg
Ages 14+15 mg
Pregnant people15 mg
Breastfeeding people19 mg

*Adequate Intake

Source: National Institutes of Health

“Your daily value of vitamin E is much lower than what is in most supplements,” notes Zumpano. “It’s not hard to meet these needs through food alone.”

Is too much vitamin E bad for me?

Vitamin E has lots of health benefits, but taking high-dose supplements isn’t a good idea. Your body stores extra vitamin E in your tissues and liver. This makes overdose a possible risk.

“Unlike water-soluble vitamins like B vitamins, excess vitamin E doesn’t come out in your urine,” shares Zumpano. “If you consume large amounts of any fat-soluble vitamins through supplements, your body can’t get rid of any extra. Your levels can become too high, and you may experience vitamin toxicity or overdose.”

Side effects of too much vitamin E include bleeding in the brain, which can be life-threatening. To avoid dangerous bleeding, adults shouldn’t take more than 1,000 mg of vitamin E supplements. If your supplement lists vitamin E in international units (IU), don’t take more than:

  • 1,500 IU per day of d-alpha-tocopherol (natural vitamin E).
  • 1,100 IU per day of dl-alpha-tocopherol (synthetic vitamin E).

But don’t try to avoid vitamin E-rich foods for fear of side effects. It’s nearly impossible to get dangerously high doses through food alone.

Best sources of vitamin E

You can get your vitamin E through your diet if you regularly eat:

  • Vegetable oils: Wheat germ oil has the highest amount of vitamin E, bringing in 135% of your daily value (DV) in 1 tablespoon. But other vegetable oils, like sunflower and safflower, are also good sources of this nutrient. Corn and soybean oil contain some vitamin E, but in lower amounts than other oils.
  • Nuts: An ounce of almonds contains about 45% of your DV of vitamin E. Hazelnuts are another good source, with 29% of your DV per ounce.
  • Peanuts: Technically a legume, not a nut, peanuts and peanut butter are good sources of vitamin E. They contain about 15% to 20% of your DV per serving.
  • Green vegetables: Veggies like spinach and broccoli contain some vitamin E. While the amount is only about 5% to 8% of your DV, they’re well worth adding to your diet. Green veggies are great sources of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Fortified foods: Food companies add vitamin E to packaged foods like cereal and fruit juice. Look at the nutrition facts label to see which foods have vitamin E added. You might see it listed in the ingredients as “alpha-tocopherol” or “mixed tocopherols.”

Who should avoid taking vitamin E supplements?

There’s another reason to get your vitamin E from food rather than supplements. You should avoid taking vitamin E supplements if you’re taking:

  • Blood thinners: If you take an anticoagulant (blood thinner), vitamin E can increase your risk of bleeding.
  • Cancer treatments: Vitamin E may interfere with the effectiveness of chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
  • Cholesterol medicines: Some research has found that an antioxidant supplement that contains vitamin E can get in the way of cholesterol-lowering medications, including statins and niacin.

Bottom line?

Vitamin E is plentiful in the foods we eat. But if you have a concern about your intake, talk with a healthcare provider. They can determine if a supplement is needed and help you get the nutrients you need.

Top 5 Benefits of Vitamin E

Easy to get from healthy foods, vitamin E can help protect your eyes, boost your immune system and may lower your risk of cancer

Assorted foods and oils containting vitamin E

You’ve probably seen “vitamin E” plastered on products up and down the skin care aisle. But this nutrient isn’t just a beauty cabinet staple. You need to consume vitamin E, too. It’s essential for good health and many body functions.

Registered dietitian Julia Zumpano, RD, LD, explains the benefits of vitamin E and how to get enough of it in a healthy way.

What is vitamin E?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning your body absorbs and transports it like dietary fats. It’s also an antioxidant, a compound that fights free radicals, which raise your risk of getting certain diseases, but antioxidants clean up their damage.

But despite what you see on nutrition labels, vitamin E isn’t a single vitamin. This nutrient actually comes in eight different forms:

  • Alpha-tocopherol.
  • Beta-tocopherol.
  • Delta-tocopherol.
  • Gamma-tocopherol.
  • Alpha- tocotrienol.
  • Beta-tocotrienol.
  • Delta-tocotrienol.
  • Gamma-tocotrienol.

Alpha-tocopherol is the most common type and is found in the highest quantities in your body’s tissues and liver. But that doesn’t mean other types are less valuable. Each form of vitamin E has its own unique antioxidant abilities — and food sources often contain a mix of two or more types of vitamin E.

What does vitamin E do?

So, what are the benefits of this fat-soluble, free radical-fighting friend? Studies show that eating a variety of whole foods that contain vitamin E may help in several ways.

1. Lowers your risk of cancer

As an antioxidant, vitamin E helps ward off cancer-causing cell damage. Some evidence shows that low levels of vitamin E and selenium may raise your risk of breast and lung cancer.

But don’t go out and purchase a vitamin E supplement in hopes of kicking cancer to the curb. “Vitamin E supplements have not been shown to prevent cancer,” clarifies Zumpano. “If you want to lower your risk of cancer, eat a variety of whole foods rich in vitamin E. Many foods contain several forms of vitamin E and other antioxidants that work together to slash your cancer risk.”

2. Keeps your eyes healthy

Vitamin E has a protective effect on the cells in your eyes. And getting enough of this nutrient could lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts.

“Just like the rest of your body, your eyes need a variety of vitamins and nutrients to function at their best,” says Zumpano. “If you’re deficient in vitamin E, you may have a higher risk of certain eye conditions.”

Most people can get enough vitamin E through the foods they eat. But if you have AMD, your eye care provider may recommend vitamins for eye health, which usually include vitamin E and several other nutrients.

3. Boosts your immune system

You need a healthy immune system to fight off illnesses, from colds and flu to cancer. And vitamin E plays a vital role in your immune health.

Studies have shown that vitamin E is found in high amounts in certain immune cells,” says Zumpano. “And a deficiency in this vitamin prevents your immune system from doing its job well.”

Fortunately, deficiency is rare in the U.S. So, you likely don’t need a supplement unless your provider recommends one. “People who have conditions that interfere with fat absorption can sometimes be deficient in vitamin E,” notes Zumpano. “Talk to your provider about a supplement if you have a condition that affects your intestines, like celiac disease, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.”

4. Reduces your risk of blood clots

Vitamin E may help prevent blood clots that could cause heart attacks. But don’t start popping vitamin E in place of blood thinners or other medications.

“We don’t have studies that confirm vitamin E supplements are a safe way to lower your risk of clots,” cautions Zumpano. “Get your vitamin E through heart-healthy foods to lower your risk of heart problems. And see your provider regularly to discuss your risk of heart disease.”

5. Brightens your skin

There’s a reason you see vitamin E listed on moisturizers, sunscreens and other skin care products. This vitamin is found in our natural sebum (skin oil) and defends your skin cells from damage.

Topical vitamin E moisturizes dry skin, but we also need this vitamin in the foods we eat. “Vitamin E works internally and externally to help your skin look its best,” says Zumpano. “We don’t have any evidence that taking a vitamin E supplement will improve your skin, though. If you eat a variety of whole foods, you’re likely already getting the vitamin E your skin needs.”

How much vitamin E do I need?

Your recommended dietary allowance, or RDA, of vitamin E is:

AgeRDA (milligrams)
Birth to 6 months*4 mg
Infants 7–12 months*5 mg
Children 1–3 years5 mg
Children 4–8 years7 mg
Children 9–13 years11 mg
Ages 14+15 mg
Pregnant people15 mg
Breastfeeding people19 mg

*Adequate Intake

Source: National Institutes of Health

“Your daily value of vitamin E is much lower than what is in most supplements,” notes Zumpano. “It’s not hard to meet these needs through food alone.”

Is too much vitamin E bad for me?

Vitamin E has lots of health benefits, but taking high-dose supplements isn’t a good idea. Your body stores extra vitamin E in your tissues and liver. This makes overdose a possible risk.

“Unlike water-soluble vitamins like B vitamins, excess vitamin E doesn’t come out in your urine,” shares Zumpano. “If you consume large amounts of any fat-soluble vitamins through supplements, your body can’t get rid of any extra. Your levels can become too high, and you may experience vitamin toxicity or overdose.”

Side effects of too much vitamin E include bleeding in the brain, which can be life-threatening. To avoid dangerous bleeding, adults shouldn’t take more than 1,000 mg of vitamin E supplements. If your supplement lists vitamin E in international units (IU), don’t take more than:

  • 1,500 IU per day of d-alpha-tocopherol (natural vitamin E).
  • 1,100 IU per day of dl-alpha-tocopherol (synthetic vitamin E).

But don’t try to avoid vitamin E-rich foods for fear of side effects. It’s nearly impossible to get dangerously high doses through food alone.

Best sources of vitamin E

You can get your vitamin E through your diet if you regularly eat:

  • Vegetable oils: Wheat germ oil has the highest amount of vitamin E, bringing in 135% of your daily value (DV) in 1 tablespoon. But other vegetable oils, like sunflower and safflower, are also good sources of this nutrient. Corn and soybean oil contain some vitamin E, but in lower amounts than other oils.
  • Nuts: An ounce of almonds contains about 45% of your DV of vitamin E. Hazelnuts are another good source, with 29% of your DV per ounce.
  • Peanuts: Technically a legume, not a nut, peanuts and peanut butter are good sources of vitamin E. They contain about 15% to 20% of your DV per serving.
  • Green vegetables: Veggies like spinach and broccoli contain some vitamin E. While the amount is only about 5% to 8% of your DV, they’re well worth adding to your diet. Green veggies are great sources of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Fortified foods: Food companies add vitamin E to packaged foods like cereal and fruit juice. Look at the nutrition facts label to see which foods have vitamin E added. You might see it listed in the ingredients as “alpha-tocopherol” or “mixed tocopherols.”

Who should avoid taking vitamin E supplements?

There’s another reason to get your vitamin E from food rather than supplements. You should avoid taking vitamin E supplements if you’re taking:

  • Blood thinners: If you take an anticoagulant (blood thinner), vitamin E can increase your risk of bleeding.
  • Cancer treatments: Vitamin E may interfere with the effectiveness of chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
  • Cholesterol medicines: Some research has found that an antioxidant supplement that contains vitamin E can get in the way of cholesterol-lowering medications, including statins and niacin.

Bottom line?

Vitamin E is plentiful in the foods we eat. But if you have a concern about your intake, talk with a healthcare provider. They can determine if a supplement is needed and help you get the nutrients you need

CONFIRMED: Quercetin-tocotrienols combination combats cancer

Image: CONFIRMED: Quercetin-tocotrienols combination combats cancer

The battle against cancer is heading into new territory, as scientists explore the healing ability of substances that support the body’s cells, instead of killing them off. Researchers from the Italian National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (INRCA) have made a breakthrough discovery for preventing the spread of malignant tumors. A natural plant-based combination, including quercetin and tocotrienols, effectively targets aging cells that cause chronic inflammation and cancer. This dynamic, anti-cancer duo causes stubborn cancer cells to die off and simultaneously promotes the growth of normal cells.

This dynamic duo heals the body at the cellular level by triggering a die-off sequence within aging and malignant cells. If old, decrepit cells become inefficient at performing cellular division, new cells cannot be created. If these senile cells refuse to die off, a condition called cellular senescence sets in. This causes an accumulation of aged cells that emit pro-inflammatory chemicals into the body. This process promotes aging in the body and increases cancer risk. Quercetin and tocotrienols help to remove aging cells so healthy cells have space to flourish.

Moreover, quercetin and tocotrienols identify malignant cancer cells and speed up their cellular senescence. This dynamic duo effectively target unwanted cancer cells and speed up their death, preventing cancer cell replication. The two natural substances remove inflammatory, aging cells and stop malignant cells from growing. This combination is a highly intelligent form of medicine that deciphers dangerous cells and manipulates cellular senescence so that the body can heal itself. The combination can be employed as an adjunct therapy for cancers of many origins. This combination can be used to prevent cancer from taking hold and stop early cancers in their tracks.

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Anti-cancer intelligence of tocotrienols

Tocotrienols are an anti-inflammatory type of vitamin E that can be found in wheat germ, barley, oat, rye, cranberries, blueberries, kiwi, plum, coconut, and some nuts. It is also isolated in supplement form. Research confirms that this form of vitamin E can reverse cell cycle arrest and reduce DNA damage, especially for treatment of breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and melanoma. However, assimilation of tocotrienols in the human intestine is poor because they are lipophilic in nature (they dissolve in lipids and fats). Researchers must find ways to increase the bio-availability of tocotrienols to increase this vitamin’s therapeutic effects. Intestinal absorption depends upon the secretion of bile and transporters such as ?-tocopherol transfer protein (?-TTP); therefore, assimilation of tocotrienols occurs more readily with food. Nutritionists recommend a daily dose of 150 mg of tocotrienols. One should expect to see therapeutic benefits with supplementation after ninety days.

The healing nature of quercetin

Quercetin is a plant-based flavonoid and antioxidant that helps plants defend against disease. When quercetin is combined with tocotrienols, synergy is created; together these natural substances slow the aging process, prolong the life of healthy cells, and induce apoptosis of malignant cancer cells. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, quercetin can benefit seasonal allergies, asthma, bronchitis, and congestion. Quercetin is commonly found in apples, tea, onions, nuts, berries, cauliflower and cabbage and can be isolated and consumed in the form of a supplement. To rid the body of aging cells, nutritionists recommend a daily dose of quercetin (500 to 800 mg) for up to three consecutive months, followed by a maintenance dose of 150 mg a day. It is best to consult a healthcare professional, as many medications can adversely interact with the body when healing substances are introduced.

Sources include:






Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Dietary supplementation is approximately a $30 billion industry in the United States, with more than 90 000 products on the market. In recent national surveys, 52% of US adults reported use of at least 1 supplement product, and 10% reported use of at least 4 such products.1 Vitamins and minerals are among the most popular supplements and are taken by 48% and 39% of adults, respectively, typically to maintain health and prevent disease.

Despite this enthusiasm, most randomized clinical trials of vitamin and mineral supplements have not demonstrated clear benefits for primary or secondary prevention of chronic diseases not related to nutritional deficiency. Indeed, some trials suggest that micronutrient supplementation in amounts that exceed the recommended dietary allowance (RDA)—eg, high doses of beta carotene, folic acid, vitamin E, or selenium—may have harmful effects, including increased mortality, cancer, and hemorrhagic stroke.2

In this Viewpoint, we provide information to help clinicians address frequently asked questions about micronutrient supplements from patients, as well as promote appropriate use and curb inappropriate use of such supplements among generally healthy individuals. Importantly, clinicians should counsel their patients that such supplementation is not a substitute for a healthful and balanced diet and, in most cases, provides little if any benefit beyond that conferred by such a diet.

Clinicians should also highlight the many advantages of obtaining vitamins and minerals from food instead of from supplements. Micronutrients in food are typically better absorbed by the body and are associated with fewer potential adverse effects.2,3 A healthful diet provides an array of nutritionally important substances in biologically optimal ratios as opposed to isolated compounds in highly concentrated form. Indeed, research shows that positive health outcomes are more strongly related to dietary patterns and specific food types than to individual micronutrient or nutrient intakes.3

Although routine micronutrient supplementation is not recommended for the general population, targeted supplementation may be warranted in high-risk groups for whom nutritional requirements may not be met through diet alone, including people at certain life stages and those with specific risk factors (discussed in the next 3 sections and in the Box).


Key Points on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

General Guidance for Supplementation in a Healthy Population by Life Stage
  • Pregnancy: folic acid, prenatal vitamins

  • Infants and children: for breastfed infants, vitamin D until weaning and iron from age 4-6 mo

  • Midlife and older adults: some may benefit from supplemental vitamin B12, vitamin D, and/or calcium

Guidance for Supplementation in High-Risk Subgroups
  • Medical conditions that interfere with nutrient absorption or metabolism:

    • Bariatric surgery: fat-soluble vitamins, B vitamins, iron, calcium, zinc, copper, multivitamins/multiminerals

    • Pernicious anemia: vitamin B12 (1-2 mg/d orally or 0.1-1 mg/mo intramuscularly)

    • Crohn disease, other inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease: iron, B vitamins, vitamin D, zinc, magnesium

  • Osteoporosis or other bone health issues: vitamin D, calcium, magnesiuma

  • Age-related macular degeneration: specific formulation of antioxidant vitamins, zinc, copper

  • Medications (long-term use):

    • Proton pump inhibitorsa: vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium

    • Metformina: vitamin B12

  • Restricted or suboptimal eating patterns: multivitamins/multiminerals, vitamin B12, calcium, vitamin D, magnesium

a Inconsistent evidence.


The evidence is clear that women who may become pregnant or who are in the first trimester of pregnancy should be advised to consume adequate folic acid (0.4-0.8 mg/d) to prevent neural tube defects. Folic acid is one of the few micronutrients more bioavailable in synthetic form from supplements or fortified foods than in the naturally occurring dietary form (folate).2 Prenatal multivitamin/multimineral supplements will provide folic acid as well as vitamin D and many other essential micronutrients during pregnancy. Pregnant women should also be advised to eat an iron-rich diet. Although it may also be prudent to prescribe supplemental iron for pregnant women with low levels of hemoglobin or ferritin to prevent and treat iron-deficiency anemia, the benefit-risk balance of screening for anemia and routine iron supplementation during pregnancy is not well characterized.2

Supplemental calcium may reduce the risk of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia, but confirmatory large trials are needed.2 Use of high-dose vitamin D supplements during pregnancy also warrants further study.2 The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has developed a useful patient handout on micronutrient nutrition during pregnancy.4

Infants and Children

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that exclusively or partially breastfed infants receive (1) supplemental vitamin D (400 IU/d) starting soon after birth and continuing until weaning to vitamin D–fortified whole milk (≥1 L/d) and (2) supplemental iron (1 mg/kg/d) from 4 months until the introduction of iron-containing foods, usually at 6 months.5 Infants who receive formula, which is fortified with vitamin D and (often) iron, do not typically require additional supplementation. All children should be screened at 1 year for iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia.

Healthy children consuming a well-balanced diet do not need multivitamin/multimineral supplements, and they should avoid those containing micronutrient doses that exceed the RDA. In recent years, ω-3 fatty acid supplementation has been viewed as a potential strategy for reducing the risk of autism spectrum disorder or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children, but evidence from large randomized trials is lacking.2

Midlife and Older Adults

With respect to vitamin B12, adults aged 50 years and older may not adequately absorb the naturally occurring, protein-bound form of this nutrient and thus should be advised to meet the RDA (2.4 μg/d) with synthetic B12 found in fortified foods or supplements.6 Patients with pernicious anemia will require higher doses (Box).

Regarding vitamin D, currently recommended intakes (from food or supplements) to maintain bone health are 600 IU/d for adults up to age 70 years and 800 IU/d for those aged older than 70 years.7 Some professional organizations recommend 1000 to 2000 IU/d, but it has been widely debated whether doses above the RDA offer additional benefits. Ongoing large-scale randomized trials (NCT01169259 and ACTRN12613000743763) should help to resolve continuing uncertainties soon.

With respect to calcium, current RDAs are 1000 mg/d for men aged 51 to 70 years and 1200 mg/d for women aged 51 to 70 years and for all adults aged older than 70 years.7 Given recent concerns that calcium supplements may increase the risk for kidney stones and possibly cardiovascular disease, patients should aim to meet this recommendation primarily by eating a calcium-rich diet and take calcium supplements only if needed to reach the RDA goal (often only about 500 mg/d in supplements is required).2 A recent meta-analysis suggested that supplementation with moderate-dose calcium (<1000 mg/d) plus vitamin D (≥800 IU/d) might reduce the risk of fractures and loss of bone mass density among postmenopausal women and men aged 65 years and older.2

Multivitamin/multimineral supplementation is not recommended for generally healthy adults.8 One large trial in US men found a modest lowering of cancer risk,9 but the results require replication in large trials that include women and allow for analysis by baseline nutrient status, a potentially important modifier of the treatment effect. An ongoing large-scale 4-year trial (NCT02422745) is expected to clarify the benefit-risk balance of multivitamin/multimineral supplements taken for primary prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Other Key Points

When reviewing medications with patients, clinicians should ask about use of micronutrient (and botanical or other dietary) supplements in counseling about potential interactions. For example, supplemental vitamin K can decrease the effectiveness of warfarin, and biotin (vitamin B7) can interfere with the accuracy of cardiac troponin and other laboratory tests. Patient-friendly interaction checkers are available free of charge online (search for interaction checkers on drugs.com, WebMD, or pharmacy websites).

Clinicians and patients should also be aware that the US Food and Drug Administration is not authorized to review dietary supplements for safety and efficacy prior to marketing. Although supplement makers are required to adhere to the agency’s Good Manufacturing Practice regulations, compliance monitoring is less than optimal. Thus, clinicians may wish to favor prescription products, when available, or advise patients to consider selecting a supplement that has been certified by independent testers (ConsumerLab.com, US Pharmacopeia, NSF International, or UL) to contain the labeled dose(s) of the active ingredient(s) and not to contain microbes, heavy metals, or other toxins. Clinicians (or patients) should report suspected supplement-related adverse effects to the Food and Drug Administration via MedWatch, the online safety reporting portal. An excellent source of information on micronutrient and other dietary supplements for both clinicians and patients is the website of the Office of Dietary Supplements of the National Institutes of Health.

Clinicians have an opportunity to promote appropriate use and to curb inappropriate use of micronutrient supplements, and these efforts are likely to improve public health.

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Article Information

Corresponding Author: JoAnn E. Manson, MD, DrPH, Division of Preventive Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 900 Commonwealth Ave E, Boston, MA 02215 (jmanson@rics.bwh.harvard.edu).

Published Online: February 5, 2018. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.21012

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Both authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. Drs Manson and Bassuk reported that their research division conducts randomized clinical trials of several vitamins and minerals. The Vitamin D and Omega-3 Trial (VITAL) is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health but the vitamin D is donated by Pharmavite. In COSMOS, the multivitamins are donated by Pfizer. Both authors collaborate on these studies.


Kantor  ED, Rehm  CD, Du  M, White  E, Giovannucci  EL.  Trends in dietary supplement use among US adults from 1999-2012.  JAMA. 2016;316(14):1464-1474.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref

Rautiainen  S, Manson  JE, Lichtenstein  AH, Sesso  HD.  Dietary supplements and disease prevention: a global overview.  Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2016;12(7):407-420.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref

Marra  MV, Boyar  AP.  Position of the American Dietetic Association: nutrient supplementation.  J Am Diet Assoc. 2009;109(12):2073-2085.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Nutrition during pregnancy. https://www.acog.org/Patients/FAQs/Nutrition-During-Pregnancy. Published April 2015. Accessed November 20, 2017.

American Academy of Pediatrics. Vitamin D & iron supplements for babies: AAP recommendations. HealthyChildren.org. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/feeding-nutrition/Pages/Vitamin-Iron-Supplements.aspx. Updated May 27, 2016. Accessed November 20, 2017.

Institute of Medicine.  Dietary Reference Intakes for Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, and Choline. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 1998.

Institute of Medicine.  Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2011.

Moyer  VA; US Preventive Services Task Force.  Vitamin, mineral, and multivitamin supplements for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement.  Ann Intern Med. 2014;160(8):558-564.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref

Gaziano  JM, Sesso  HD, Christen  WG,  et al.  Multivitamins in the prevention of cancer in men: the Physicians’ Health Study II randomized controlled trial.  JAMA. 2012;308(18):1871-1880.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref

We should never have told people to start taking vitamins.

It seems like simple, obvious advice: Eat your vegetables, get some exercise, and, of course, take your vitamins.

Or not.

Decades of research has failed to find substantial evidence that vitamins and supplements do any significant good.

Nevertheless, several shiny new pills and powders have materialized in recent years that promise to deliver health and wellness in ways no other vitamin has before.


One of them, called Ritual , arrives at your doorstep in a bright white and highlighter-yellow box. Inside, you’ll find a 1-month supply of pills. These aren’t your grandma’s vitamins. Each pill is a clear, glass-like capsule filled with a handful of tiny white beads that float suspended in oil.

Despite the fact that each pill is practically a work of art, Ritual’s pills don’t differ much from your standard vitamin. They contain less of some traditional vitamin ingredients that decades of research have shown we don’t need, but have similar amounts of magnesium, Vitamin K, folate, Vitamin B12, iron, boron, Vitamin E, and Vitamin D as a standard Alive-brand vitamin.

Another one of these newly-designed vitamins is Care/of , whose personalized daily vitamin packets come in a box that looks like a tea-bag dispenser with the words “Hi [your name],” printed on the top right corner. Again, the ingredients don’t differ drastically from those in conventional vitamins.

No matter how colorful their packaging or personal their messaging, all of these vitamin formulations fall prey to the exact same problem: We simply do not need vitamins to be healthy. Instead, we should be getting the nutrients that vitamin-makers peddle from the foods we eat.

“We use vitamins as insurance policies against whatever else we might (or might not) be eating, as if by atoning for our other nutritional sins, vitamins can save us from ourselves,” writes science reporter Catherine Price in the book ” Vitamania.

Here’s the thing: They can’t.

Virtually any registered dietitian, doctor, public health expert , or physician will likely reiterate some version of the advice health professionals have been giving for decades. Eat real food. Eat fruits and veggies. Eat in moderation. Stay away from processed foods and sugary beverages when you can. Or, in the words of the well-known journalist and food writer Michael Pollan , “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

There’s another reason to stay away from most pills and powders: Some can be harmful. Several supplements have been linked with an increase in certain cancers , for example, while others have been associated with arisk of kidney stones .

In her book, Price suggests that this knowledge about vitamins might help us “rediscover something both surprising and empowering: that, while nutrition itself is amazingly complex, the healthiest, most scientific, and most pleasurable way to eat is not that complicated at all.”


Top 25 Vitamin E Rich Foods

Flawless smooth skin, better protection from sun, damage free cells, healthier heart, liver and kidneys…

Oh, this list is endless. But, what gives us all this?

It’s none other than Vitamin E, which gives us a host of goodness and much more. In this article we will read about Vitamin E benefits and its food sources.


What is Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin with antioxidant properties. It naturally exists in eight diverse forms categorized into Tocopherols & Tocotrienols. Each sub categorized into alpha-, beta-, gamma-, delta- Tocopherol & Tocotrienol. In human beings, the most active form of Vitamin E is alpha-tocopherol.

Vitamin E is extremely crucial for our health as it helps in fighting and preventing several health and skin conditions. Infused with antioxidant properties it aids in maintaining a youthful glow by warding off free radicals. Thanks to the presence of useful fats in Vitamin-E, it also offers the benefits of sun-protection. In addition, it works to maintain a healthier heart, liver and kidneys.

The daily Vitamin E requirement of an adult is almost 15mg. Since, human body cannot produce Vitamin E naturally it should essentially be consumed from external sources. You can obtain this Vitamin from either natural or synthetic supplements.

almonds calories

Benefits of Vitamin E:

Vitamin E offers innumerable health and skin care benefits. Some of these benefits are as follows:

  • Infused with natural antioxidant properties, Vitamin E protects our body cells from damage. This helps in preventing several health problems pertaining to digestive, cardiovascular and cancer (breast, prostate and colon).
  • E Vitamin guards our system’s immunity ensuring a healthier liver and kidney functioning.
  • Vitamin E rich foods help in delaying aging process and also help in preventing skin pigmentation.
  • They moisturize while nourishing your skin & hair, giving you a completely revitalized look.
  • This Vitamin is extremely helpful for women. It helps combating menstrual cramps and Dysmenorrhea. It also aids in a complication-free pregnancy.
  • Vitamin E protects your body from environmental damage. It also stops the production of free radicals – a chief contributor to several chronic diseases. In addition, it accelerates the healing process while stimulating the generation of new cells.
  • It reduces the odds of blood clotting in the body plus works to improve the functioning of muscle tissues. And for all those of you who want to shed a kilo or two, Vitamin E has several weight loss benefits too.
  • In men, Vitamin E is also found to be very effective in improving fertility.
  • Medical experts are also researching on the role of Vitamin E in preventing mental disorders like Dementia and Alzheimer’s.

A useful Vitamin like this should be easily available in our daily food. Let’s look at the top food sources of Vitamin E.

Vitamin E Rich Foods:

1. Almonds:

almonds calories

As soon as we think of Vitamin E, we think of almonds. They are among the richest natural sources of this vitamin. A 100 gram serving of almonds provides 26.2 milligrams of Vitamin E. Although it’s always advisable to consume raw almonds, you can take them as almond oil or almond milk as well.

2. Raw Seeds:

Raw seeds of sesame, pumpkin or sunflower are excellent sources of Vitamin E. Either use seeds as a snack in itself or garnishing on salads and soups. Just ¼ cup of sunflower seeds will supply 90.5% of your daily Vitamin E requirement.

3. Swiss Chard:

This green leafy replenishes your body with several essential Vitamins including Vitamin E. Commonly known to be highly rich in Vitamin E, Swiss chard offers virtually 17% of your daily recommended values.

4. Mustard Greens:

Just like Swiss chard, Mustard greens are highly nutritious providing many health benefits. They are one of the top carriers of Vitamin E, Folate and Vitamins A, C, & K. Although they taste best when well cooked, we recommend using them in salad or considering par-cooking them, so as to retain most of their benefits.

5. Spinach:

spinach nutrition facts

As a kid, Spinach may not have been your favourite snack but it’s true that Spinach is a complete health booster. Naturally loaded with Vitamin E plus many other Antioxidants & essential nutrients such as calcium and folate, spinach is one of the simple veggies to be incorporated in your routine diet. Consider adding it in salad or sandwiches to make them extra-healthy.

6. Turnip Greens:

While Turnip greens taste a little bitter, they have a great share of Vitamin E and several other vital nutrients. Similar to other leafy veggies on the list, just 1 cup of Turnip greens can fill you up with Vitamin E, A and C. Moreover, it provides sufficient folate as well.

7. Kale:

kale nutrition facts

High in numerous other fundamental nutrients, Kale is one more excellent provider of Vitamin E. Consuming one cup of boiled Kale on daily basis means you’re getting 6% of your every day Vitamin E requirement.

8. Plant oils:

Vitamin E foods are also many plant seed oils. Among all Wheat germ oil has the highest Vitamin E content. Just one tbsp of wheat germ oil is believed to provide 100% of your daily Vitamin E requirement. Sunflower oil is another great alternative that tends to provide over 5 milligrams of this Vitamin. Additionally Hemp Seed, Coconut, Olive, & Cottonseed oils are also rich in Vitamin E. It is always recommended to buy these oils cold-pressed, unrefined and organic.

9. Hazelnuts:

Hazelnuts contain Vitamin E and a lot of other great nutrients. Try including one ounce of hazelnuts in your routine diet, it will be enough to fill your daily dietary requirement. You may also want to use hazelnut milk instead of raw nuts.

10. Pine Nuts:

pine nuts nutritional benefits

Known as a primary constituent in pesto, pine nuts can be great Vitamin-E rich addition to your fruit salad. One ounce of pine nuts contains 2.6 milligrams of Vitamin E. Pine nut oil also offers same nutritional benefits.

11. Avocado:

This is one of my favourites, one of the healthiest and most delicious Vitamin-E rich foods on the planet. Avocados represent Nature’s creamiest, oil-rich fruits. Just half an avocado naturally boasts over 2-milligrams of Vitamin E. One can easily incorporate avocado into salads and sandwiches. Moreover, it can also be mashed-up as guacamole to make it yummier.

12. Broccoli:

Broccoli is known as the best detox food & it is one of the healthiest Vitamin E rich foods. Just one cup of broccoli efficiently completes 4% of your daily requirement satisfied.

13. Parsley:

Parsley is one more wonderful source of Vitamin E. You can add this excellent spice to your salads or dishes to make them rich in Vitamin-E. Though fresh parsley is better, you can also use dried ones readily available in the market.

14. Papaya:

papaya nutrition facts

Papaya is extremely benefiting among the Vitamin-E sources. Although it is most commonly known as Vitamin C rich fruit, it has remarkable content of Vitamin E too. One fresh papaya can meet your 17% daily Vitamin E requirement. You can add fresh papaya to fruit smoothie to get an extra healthy yummy snack!

15. Olives:

Olives remind me of James bond & Martinis! Use it as a fruit or oil, olive is a great way of getting your daily Vitamin E. Add them to pizzas, salads, pastas or consider using them alone with bread.

16. Dried Apricots:

Commonly used as a snack, Apricots hold moderate amounts of edible fiber as well as a number of essential Vitamins including Vitamin E. You can also blend them into a fruit salad.

17. Taro Root:

Inedible when raw, taro root is best cooked, boiled or integrated into breads. A 100 gram serving of taro root provides you with 2.9 milligrams of Vitamin E. You can consider using it as a substitute to potato.

18. Wheat:

Wheat plant is also a Vitamin E rich ingredient. Nutritionists believe that processed wheat often lacks essential nutrients because of the removal of germ which contains a major portion of the nutrients. However, it is still a rich source of E Vitamin.

19. Red Bell Peppers:

Red coloured vegetables especially red bell peppers are a splendid source of Vitamin C, E and Antioxidants.

20. Margarine:

margarine ingredients

Margarine often contains corn oil which offers your body 8 mg of Vitamin E per tbsp. if you wish to increase your Vitamin E intake on daily basis, use margarine. Always ensure to buy a brand containing corn oil elements. But, remember to go easy on the use of margarine as it is high in fat and may lead towards obesity if consumed unwisely.

21. Dried Herbs:

Basil and Oregano have long been used in pizzas and pasta sauces, but you can also use them as salad toppings or think about incorporating them in sandwiches. A 100g serving of these herbs contain 7.38mg of Vitamin E. Other Vitamin E dense dried herbs are Sage, Thyme, Cumin and Parsley.

22. Kiwi and Mango:

Kiwis and mangoes are two significant sources that you may consume to increase your vitamin e intake. Half cup of sliced mangoes supplies 0.7 mg of Vitamin E and a medium sized kiwi contains 1.1 mg. You can eat these fruits plain or add them in a fruit smoothie to get their best. You can also them into a fruit salad after mixing up with yogurt.

23. Pistachios and Peanut Butter:

Pistachio is another great snack you should include in your routine diet to get a good Vitamin E dosage. Best when consumed raw, as roasting kills many of their nutrients and vitamins. Peanut butter is also a considerably good source; it supplies about 2.5 mg of Vitamin E per two tbsp.

24. Red Chilli and Paprika:

Spices like red chilli and paprika not only add taste to your cuisine but also fills it up with Vitamin E & other vital Antioxidants. One tbsp of red chilli powder or paprika provides you with 2.1 mg of Vitamin E.

25. Tomatoes:

Call them a fruit or a vegetable; Tomatoes invariably make their way into our diet in some form. They also provide you with Vitamin C, Iron and Fiber along with Vitamin E. One medium tomato is known to contain 0.7 mg Vitamin dosage.

Some other food sources of Vitamin E include lean meat, dairy products, eggs, corn, sweet potatoes, yams, lettuce, lily, cabbage, fortified cereals and cod liver oil.

We have surely learnt where Vitamin E comes from but what happens when we don’t have enough of this vitamin in our body? Let’s look at the down side of not having enough Vitamin E.

Health Risks Associated with Vitamin-E Deficiency:

The lack of Vitamin E in the body may cause severe damage to your health. Some of the common health risks associated with the shortage of this Vitamin are as follows:

  • Many premature babies having low birth-weight are more susceptible to develop anaemia because of the deficiency of Vitamin E.
  • Lack of this Vitamin in the body may also bring about several reproduction related disorders.
  • Those who lack Vitamin E often complain about inability to concentrate or stay active. Low libido may also be an outcome of Vitamin E deficiency.
  • Inadequate consumption of Vitamin E may affect the central nervous system and the eyes adversely. Moreover, it also has close relationship with cancer and heart diseases.

One should go easy on the consumption of Vitamin E as just like its deficiency, its overdose may also lead to several issues.

Risks Associated with Overconsumption of Vitamin E:

Overconsumption of Vitamin E especially from supplements, can lead to excessive bleeding, or haemorrhaging in women. Thanks to its fat-soluble nature, it may also lead to Vitamin E toxicity if consumed unwisely.

Always remember to have a rich whole meal full of all nutrients in moderate levels!

We hope you liked this article and we wish to contribute more to your better lifestyle. Please leave us a message on your thoughts about this article and share them with your friends.

10 Ways Vitamin E Can Bring The Glow Back To Your Skin And Hair

Vitamin E is a nutrient full of miraculous wonders that can rejuvenate our health and beauty. Taking Vitamin E capsules is considered good for health benefits. But very few are aware that this nutrient is amazing for skin and hair health when it is directly applied on the affected areas. You can either buy pure Vitamin E oil or get Vitamin E capsules (the purest form of the nutrient available in market, other than natural sources, of course), cut them, and use the serum inside for application. Here are 10 amazing hacks that will tell you how Vitamin E can bring that glow back to your skin and keep your hair shining and healthy.

1. Treats stubborn scars

Apply Vitamin E serum right out of the capsules to fight stubborn scars. Whether the scar is new or an old one, Vitamin E can work really well to ensure it fades away soon, leaving your skin much more beautiful. Gently apply the liquid from the capsules (or use Vitamin E oil) on the scar and massage it softly for a minute. In that way, Vitamin E will go deep into the skin layers and start working on the skin tissues of the affected areas. Make sure you apply it daily for better and faster results.

2. Deals with stubborn stretch marks

Most people will tell you those stubborn stretch marks are likely to stay for life. But you need not believe them. Just apply some Vitamin E liquid on those and the marks will fade soon. Take the liquid out of the Vitamin E capsules and mix it well with lemon juice. Now massage gently on the stretch marks for a while and leave it for about 30 minutes. Wash it off with water and you will immediately notice a difference. Apply the solution daily, for a month or so, for significant difference.

3. Treats eczema and psoriasis

Tough skin problems like eczema and psoriasis can also be cured by Vitamin E. Just apply Vitamin E oil on the affected skin every day and you will see improvement in skin conditions within a few weeks.

4. Get healthy nails

You can get those lustrous, beautiful, and long nails with the help of Vitamin E oil. It is a simple, easy, and effective solution for cracking and splitting nails. Even the dry cuticles that trouble you can be taken care of, with the help of Vitamin E. Just pour some Vitamin E serum from the capsules or put Vitamin E oil in a deep dish filled with water. Dip your fingers in it for 10 minutes and take them out. Do it for at least five times a week and see the magic for yourself. You can also apply the Vitamin E oil or serum directly on the nails.

5. Get soft and supple lips

Vitamin E is a great solution for chapped and dry lips. Applied directly on the lips, Vitamin E liquid (from the capsule) or Vitamin E oil works well as lip moisturizer and makes them smooth. Apply it regularly to make your lips supple and pink in color.

6. Great moisturizer for the skin

Mix a little Vitamin E liquid with your body lotion before applying it and it will keep your skin moisturized for a longer period of time. It will also even out any brown mark or dry skin patch. You can also pour some Vitamin E oil straight into your moisturizer bottle, shake it well, and apply the mixture daily.

7. Heals sunburns

Vitamin E can be a great healing agent for sunburns. Applying it on the skin helps the epidermis to absorb this nutrient directly and work on reversing the damage done by the harsh rays of the sun. Apply it twice a day to cure the burns faster.

8. Fights signs of aging

Vitamin E oil helps the skin make collagen that effectively slows down the process of skin aging. Incidentally, aging of the skin happens due to less collagen production in it. Applying Vitamin E directly on the skin stimulates skin cells and the production of collagen makes the fine lines disappear. Regular application will also prevent new wrinkles and lines appearing on your skin, thanks to the antioxidants found in the Vitamin E oil.

9. Battles premature graying of hair

Vitamin E also has the capability to slow down aging and rejuvenate your hair. Premature graying of hair is basically caused by oxidation of the tissues. Vitamin E application helps prevent the corrosion of tissues, which in turn stops the premature graying of your hair.

10. Smoothens split ends

Split ends steal the beauty away from your lovely locks. Usually, too much application of chemicals like hair colors or overstyling (blow drying, curling, straightening, etc.) cause severe damage to the hair and one of the biggest impacts will be split ends. But this can be treated easily with the help of Vitamin E and other oils. Mix equal parts of Vitamin E, olive oil, and coconut oil, and apply it on the split ends. Leave it on for an hour and shampoo it. Do this at least thrice a week and you will see the difference.

How Selenium, Vitamin E Increase Prostate Cancer Risk

New data from the much publicized Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT), which sought to determine whether these supplements could protect against the development of prostate cancer, confirm that both antioxidants can be risky business for men.

As previously reported, men receive no preventive benefit from either selenium or vitamin E supplements; in fact, for certain men, these supplements actually increased the risk for prostate cancer.

The new study, published online February 22 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, explored which men who take these supplements are most at risk for prostate cancer, and why.

However, the ongoing public health message from the trial remains the same, said a trial investigator.

“Men using these supplements should stop, period. Neither selenium nor vitamin E supplementation confer any known [health] benefits — only risks,” said lead author Alan Kristal, DrPH, from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, in a press statement.

“Many people think that dietary supplements are helpful or at the least innocuous. This is not true,” he added.

The cohort of 4856 men was culled from SELECT, the larger phase 3 placebo-controlled trial in which more than 35,000 men were randomized to high-dose vitamin E (400 IU/day) and/or selenium (200 µg/day) supplements.

SELECT began in 2001 and was expected to run for 12 years, but it was stopped early, in 2008, after participants had been on the supplements for an average of 5 years. The results demonstrated that there was no protective effect from selenium and suggested that vitamin E increased prostate cancer risk, as reported byMedscape Medical News.

Although the use of the supplements stopped, the study actually continued. After 2 years of follow-up, the men who took vitamin E had a statistically significant 17% increased risk for prostate cancer, as previously reported.

Notably, the rate of prostate cancer detection was higher in the groups that received either supplement alone or a combination of the 2 than in the placebo group (but the difference was significant only in the vitamin E group).

Selenium is a nonmetallic trace element found in plant in foods such as rice, wheat, and Brazil nuts, and in seafood and meat. In a previous large skin cancer prevention trial, it was associated with a reduced risk for prostate cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, it is an antioxidant that might help control cell damage that can lead to cancer.

Vitamin E is found in a wide range of foods, especially vegetables, vegetable oils, nuts, and egg yolks. Like selenium, vitamin E is considered an antioxidant.

Key: Increased Risk Depends on Baseline Selenium

In this new case–cohort study, 1739 men diagnosed with prostate cancer during SELECT were compared with 3117 men who were not.

Dr. Kristal and colleagues found that baseline selenium status alone, in the absence of supplementation, was not associated with prostate cancer risk.

However, they also found that the effects of the supplements differed substantially between men with low levels at baseline and those with high levels.

Specifically, selenium supplementation increased the risk for prostate cancer in men who already had high selenium levels at baseline.

Before SELECT even began, there was evidence that selenium supplementation would not benefit men who already had an adequate intake of the nutrient.

For this reason, at baseline, the investigators measured the concentration of selenium in the toenails of participants. The plan was to test whether supplementation would benefit only the subset of men with low selenium levels at baseline, they explain.

Instead, they found that men with high selenium levels at baseline who took selenium supplements increased their risk for high-grade cancer by 91% (P = .007). In other words, the levels of selenium in these men became toxic.

The investigators also report that vitamin E increased prostate cancer risk in men, but only in those with low selenium levels at baseline.

Specifically, in the men with low levels of selenium randomized to receive vitamin E alone, the total risk for prostate cancer increased by 63% (P = .02) and the risk for high-grade cancer increased by 111% (P = .01).

This might explain why, in the 2008 SELECT results, only the men randomized to receive vitamin E alone, not those who received both vitamin E and selenium, had an increased risk for prostate cancer.

There is some evidence from basic science to support the idea of a meaningful dynamic. “An interaction between vitamin E and selenium has long been hypothesized because of their activities in preventing lipid peroxidation,” Dr. Kristal and colleagues write.

Selenium, whether from dietary sources or supplements, might protect men from the harmful effects of vitamin E, they suggest. So selenium, at low levels, is not necessarily harmful to men.

Nevertheless, these new results are consistent with the medical literature on supplements and cancer, the investigators report. The message is that nothing good is gained in healthy people.

The literature “suggests that effects of supplementation are dependent upon the nutrient status of the target population, such that supplementation of populations with adequate nutrient status, leading to supraphysiological exposure, has either no effect or increases cancer risk,” they write.

Not Any Old Vitamin E Prevents, Reverses Lung Cancer.

Story at-a-glance

  • Media headlines have highlighted a recent study showing vitamin E may accelerate lung cancer, without mentioning the study used synthetic vitamin E
  • Synthetic vitamin E is a byproduct of the petrochemical industry and has been linked to cancer, endocrine-disrupting activities, pneumonia, and more
  • Natural vitamin E has been shown to help prevent lung, prostate, and breast cancers
  • The best way to get natural vitamin E is via your diet, in foods like nuts and green leafy vegetables
  • If you use a supplement, natural vitamin E is always listed as the “d-” form (d-alpha-tocopherol, d-beta-tocopherol, etc.) while synthetic vitamin E is listed as “dl-” forms.
  • Vitamin E
  • The media has given an astounding amount of attention to a recent study that found vitamin E may increase tumor progression, and accelerate lung cancer, in mice.1

    Unfortunately, they are only adding to the major confusion surrounding vitamin E, which is a potent antioxidant and immune-system booster provided it’s consumed in the correct form.

    Your body can easily distinguish between natural and synthetic vitamins, the latter of which may not only be less effective but may also have unintended negative consequences in your body. This is often the case with vitamin E, the synthetic form of which was used in the recent media-hyped lung cancer study.

    Synthetic Vitamin E May Cause Lung Cancer

    This is what the media headlines should have read, but very few media outlets have made the distinction that the study used DL-a-tocopheryl acetate, a synthetic form of vitamin E.

    As noted by GreenMedInfo, synthetic vitamin E is a “byproduct of a petrochemical-dependent manufacturing process and may have adverse endocrine-disrupting activities.”2

    It is this synthetic form of vitamin E that has previously been linked to increased risks of prostate cancer, along with other ill effects such as a hemorrhagic stroke and pneumonia.3 The Toxicology Data Network also lists numerous health problems related to synthetic vitamin E at various dosages.4

    Many are simply not aware that the term “vitamin E” actually refers to a family of at least eight fat-soluble antioxidant compounds, divided into two groups of molecules:

    • Tocopherols (which are considered the “true” vitamin E)
    • Tocotrienols

    Each of the tocopherol and tocotrienol subfamilies also contains four different forms:

    • Alpha-
    • Beta-
    • Gamma-
    • Delta-

    Each one of these subgroups has its own unique biological effects. Ideally, vitamin E should be consumed in the broader family of mixed natural tocopherols and tocotrienols, (also referred to as full-spectrum vitamin E) to get the maximum benefits.

    The problem, as was once again highlighted with the aforementioned lung cancer study, is the vitamin E most often referred to in research (and sold in most stores) is the synthetic form of the vitamin, which will not provide your body with the benefits that natural full-spectrum vitamin E will.

    The featured lung cancer study, for instance, not only used synthetic vitamin E (tocopheryl) but also neglected to include any tocotrienols, which have previously been shown to kill cancer stem cells, the most malignant of all cells with a tumor.5As noted by Dr. Andrew Saul, the study was set up to fail:6

    Synthetic vitamin E was selected. It did not work. Natural vitamin E was not used. Tocotrienols were not used. I challenge any scientist or journalist to try to explain these omissions away.”

    Natural Vitamin E May Prevent Cancer, Benefit Alzheimer’s, and More

    If the lung cancer study had used natural vitamin E for its research, they may have gotten entirely different results, as natural vitamin E has shown many cancer-fighting properties. For instance:

    • 300 IUs of natural vitamin E per day may reduce lung cancer risk by 61 percent7
    • Gamma-tocotrienol, a cofactor found in natural vitamin E preparations, may decrease prostate tumor formation by 75 percent8
    • Gamma-tocotrienol also fights existing prostate cancer tumors and may inhibit growth in human breast cancer cells9

    Aside from its cancer-preventive potential, natural vitamin E has also shown promise for:

    • Relieving the majority of symptoms associated with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a common obesity-related fatty liver disease.
    • Helping to delay loss of cognitive function, such as planning and organizing, in Alzheimer’s patients.10 (This study actually used synthetic alpha-tocopherol that was not balanced with tocotrienols or any of the other tocopherols — beta, gamma, and delta. Chances are the benefits would have been even greater if the natural form was used.)
    • Lowering your risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of vision loss in the elderly.11
    • Boosting the improvements in blood vessel function that occur when a smoker quits smoking.12

    The differing effects of synthetic versus natural vitamin E are significant, so if you’re interested in supporting your health, you should seek vitamin E in its natural form only – ideally from food but alternatively from a natural supplement. You can tell which you’re buying by carefully reading the label.

    • Natural vitamin E is always listed as the “d-” form (d-alpha-tocopherol, d-beta-tocopherol, etc.)
    • Synthetic vitamin E is listed as “dl-” forms

    Note that when vitamin E is stabilized by adding either succinic acid or acetic acid, the chemical name changes from tocopherol to tocopheryl (as in d-alpha-tocopheryl succinate, for example).

    Are You Getting Enough Vitamin E From Your Diet?

    According to the National Institutes of Health:13 “The diets of most Americans provide less than the recommended amounts of vitamin E.” That recommended amount is just 22 IUs of vitamin E daily, an amount that Dr. Evan Shute, a physician recognized for his 30-plus years of work with vitamin E, believes is still far too low. He suggests average healthy women should have 400 IUs a day while men should have 600 IUs daily.

    The best way to ensure that your body is getting the full spectrum of vitamin E, in a form your body can beneficially use, is to make smart dietary choices. Tocopherol and its subgroups are found in certain nuts and green leafy vegetables, for instance. Sources of tocotrienols include palm oil, rice bran, and barley oils.

    While vitamin E is also found in vegetable oils, these are many reasons not to include these in your diet, including the facts that they will become rancid and oxidized when heated and typically are made from genetically engineered crops. So there are actually relatively few healthful dietary sources of vitamin E, which is why a natural supplement may be necessary for some. If you’re interested in increasing your dietary sources of vitamin E, try eating more:

    • Nuts, such as hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, and pecans
    • Legumes
    • Green vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli

    More Natural Tips for Lung Cancer Prevention

    Some people think only those who smoke can get lung cancer. While it is true that smoking is the greatest risk factor for lung cancer, there are a number of other ways that you can contract this disease. Interestingly, it was recently suggested that a radioactive fertilizer, polonium, found in cigarettes may be primarily responsible for their lung-cancer connection. However, even if you don’t smoke, you can be at significant risk for developing lung cancer if one or more of the following risk factors are present:

    • Exposure to radon
    • Exposure to asbestos
    • Air pollution
    • Exposure to other chemicals
    • Increasing age