Cannabis products may harbor fungal toxins harmful to human health, but regulations are uneven or nonexistent

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Hemp and cannabis host many fungi inside and outside the plant, most of which are harmless to most people. However, certain types of fungi such as Aspergillus and Fusarium pose potential health concerns, particularly for the immunocompromised, both through direct infection and consumption of the toxins they produce.

There are currently no state or national testing mandates for Fusasrium toxins in cannabis, and regulations vary greatly for Aspergillus toxins. To better understand the effects of these fungi and their toxins on human health and disease, I assembled a research team of plant pathologists and toxicologists to conduct a review of the scientific literature on fungal contaminants in cannabis.

We found that the toxins these fungi produce can make it through the manufacturing process and remain present in many cannabis products.

Fungal toxins in hemp and cannabis

The 2018 U.S. Farm Bill defined hemp as any part of the plant Cannabis sativa with levels of THC at or below 0.3%. THC is the primary component of Cannabis sativa that has psychoactive effects. Parts with higher levels of THC are considered marijuana.

Medical use of cannabis has been approved in most U.S. states and many countries. To provide the maximum potential health benefits associated with cannabis consumption, such as pain relief, plants need to be free of fungal toxins that can cause harm. However, scientists have found fungal toxin levels in hemp flowers and certain cannabis products that exceed acceptable regulatory levels for other food crops.

Microscopy image of the conidial head of Aspergillus, reminiscent of a fleshy daisy
The conidial head, or fungal spore, of Aspergillus

Aspergillosis, a lung infection caused by the fungus Aspergillus, is the most potentially harmful fungal infection associated with cannabis consumption. However, our research team determined that Fusarium toxins in cannabis potentially pose a greater risk to human and animal health than Aspergillus. Researchers have isolated 16 species of Fusarium in cannabis flowers. Many produce toxins that negatively affect humans and animals, including by causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cancer, reproductive disruption and kidney impairment.

These toxins can also worsen disease among those with immune disorders. A 2016 survey of 225 organ transplant professionals found that 43% reported cases of fungal infections associated with marijuana use among their patients who may be immunocompromised.

Addressing fungal toxins in cannabis

The extent of fungal toxins in cannabis and hemp products is still unknown because these toxins are rarely regulated.

Testing for Aspergillus in cannabis varies by state, and acceptable toxin levels range from zero tolerance to no action. Many states rely on methods that don’t distinguish between fungi that are or aren’t harmful and do not regulate individual pathogens.

Although Fusarium toxins are not regulated in hemp or cannabis, they are monitored in major food crops such as corn and wheat because of the severe symptoms they can cause in people and animals.

Person in protective wear examining hemp plants.
Fungal toxin regulation in cannabis is inconsistent across states. 

Controlling fungi in crops is essential for both plant and human health. Because hemp cultivation was until recently restricted by law, and no state or federal research funds were available, disease management strategies remain ill-defined.

Although using resistant cultivars for plant production is a safe, economical and environmentally friendly method to control plant diseases, how cannabis develops resistance against pathogens remains poorly understood.

In states where cannabis cultivation is legal, producers must rely on agricultural products approved for hemp. However, few are registered for use on hemp. Although radiation kills fungi and prevents infection in people, this technique is not universally applied and there are currently no methods for removing mycotoxins from cannabis or hemp.

Before producers, consumers and health practitioners can be assured that cannabis products are safe, filling these knowledge gaps is necessary. Additional research on cannabis pathogens and fungal toxins are also needed, as well as better and more consistent methods to regulate medicinal cannabis.

Study reveals many hair care products contain a potentially dangerous compound that can harm the environment and humans

People often use hair care products to keep their hair healthy and lustrous, but are these products really safe? According to the alarming results of one study, some hair care products often contain decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, a volatile compound more commonly known as D5.

In many countries, particularly those in the European Union (EU), the amount of D5 that can be used in products is limited because the compound has been found in aquatic ecosystems and marine life.

D5 also has lubricating properties. The ingredient gives a slippery and silky feeling when applied to the skin and hair, and it allows a product to spread more easily. This is why D5 is used in medical implants, lubricants, sealants and windshield coatings.

Details of the study were published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology. D5, also known as cyclopentasiloxane, is used in different personal care products, such as:

  • Antiperspirant
  • Concealer
  • Deodorant
  • Eyeliner
  • Eye shadow
  • Foundation
  • Hair conditioner
  • Hair detangling products
  • Hair spray
  • Hairstyling gel and lotion
  • Lipstick
  • Moisturizer with SPF
  • Shampoo
  • Sunscreen
  • Waterproof mascara

D5 can harm the respiratory tract, liver and nervous system

The scientists who conducted the study reported that D5 has been found to “lead to adverse effects on the respiratory tract, liver, and nervous system of laboratory animals.”

Unlike the EU, the U.S. is not restricted in its use of D5 in personal care products. Because of this, a research team made up of experts from Indiana University and Purdue University tried to find out what, if any, amount of D5 is safe, particularly in indoor settings.

The study findings revealed that common leave-in hair care products expose people to a potentially toxic amount of D5. The exposure also increases when using appliances like hair straighteners. (Related: 7 TOXIC ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products.)

Researchers conducted the study in a specially controlled environment at Purdue University called the “Zero Energy Design Guidance for Engineers” (zEDGE).

zEDGE is a tiny house that allowed the researchers to control the air temperature, humidity and ventilation in different rooms, including the bathroom.

During 46 experiments, the scientists instructed the volunteers, who were between the ages of 18 and 65, to go through their typical hair care routine within the zEDGE under different air environments.

Using the zEDGE, the research team would make changes such as turning the exhaust fan on high, opening windows and venting air to the outside.

According to initial measurements, the study participants could inhale up to 20 milligrams (mg) of D5 per 20-minute hair session in a room without ventilation.

The researchers also reported that the volunteers with longer hair were exposed to 2.5 to 5.4 more emissions than individuals with short hair. Additionally, if the volunteers used appliances to heat their hair, exposure increased.

The worst offender was hair straighteners, which increased an individual’s exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by 145 percent, versus a curling iron, which increased exposure by at least 65 percent.

To avoid exposure, the scientists recommended avoiding the products altogether.

If this isn’t an option, they said the next best solution would be to run an exhaust fan while using such products. The researchers explained that turning on a fan could reduce peak exposure by at least 70 percent, and the concentration is reduced by up to 95 percent after 20 minutes.

However, even using a fan has disadvantages. The researchers said that exposure to the chemicals didn’t stop with the person who coifed their hair.

Depending on the ventilation system, other people, including those outdoors and in urban environments, could be at risk for exposure to VOCs, particularly D5.

While past research showed that wash-off products containing D5 are not toxic to humans, animals or aquatic organisms, the silicone-based chemical can also accumulate.

The EU has enforced a strict limit on D5 because of how much it accumulates in the water. Experts have voiced their concerns because the chemical bioaccumulates through the food chain once it builds up in a body of water.

Common Toxins Linked to Autism

Parents, experts voice concerns about aluminum and other toxins, especially in vaccines

In the 1970s, autism affected fewer than 1 in 10,000 children in America. Today, that number has reached 1 in 54 children. (

In the 1970s, autism affected fewer than 1 in 10,000 children in America. Today, that number has reached 1 in 54 children. (

Nicole Johnson, a mom of two and a lawyer, started noticing that her son was having some developmental delays when he was about 12 months old. Johnson, who lives near Athens, Georgia, had had a healthy pregnancy and an uneventful delivery. So at first, she wasn’t too worried. But when she realized that James stared at his hands for unusually long periods of time and stopped saying the words he once knew, she grew increasingly concerned. By the time James was 3 years old, he was diagnosed with autism and a developmental pediatrician told Johnson that James would benefit from both speech and occupational therapy.

Johnson was baffled. No one on either side of the family had ever been diagnosed with autism. So she and her husband, a medical professional, began to research the potential environmental factors that might have contributed to their son’s condition. She spoke to friends and colleagues, read peer-reviewed scientific articles, and poured over books written for both medical experts and laypeople.

“We’re still researching to this day, all the time,” Johnson said. “We just want to understand what happened and why.”

After thousands of hours of research, a potential culprit emerged: aluminum, an adjuvant in many vaccines.

Adjuvants are added to vaccines to help trigger the body’s immune system. The critical part of the vaccine is often a protein of the germ or virus the vaccine is meant to protect against. The adjuvant helps stir an immune response that the body fixates on this protein.

Could exposure to aluminum, which is used as an adjuvant in several childhood vaccines as well as in a host of other medical products, have caused or contributed to James’s autism?

The ‘Real’ Rise in Autism

In the 1970s, autism affected fewer than 1 in 10,000 children in America. Today at least 1 in 54 children are diagnosed with autism, a condition that is four times more common in boys than in girls, according to the CDC. In New Jersey, one of the states with the highest rates of autism, an estimated 1 in 32 childrenhas autism.

There has been much debate about the rise in autism: Are these autism rates “real” or have changes in diagnostic criteria and more recognition of the disease artificially inflated current numbers?

In his book, “How to End the Autism Epidemic,” author J.B. Handley points out that autism traits, including early onset of symptoms, deficits in language development, an inability to relate to others, and an inability to make eye contact, haven’t changed.

“Despite what you may have read, the definition of autism has remained remarkably consistent over time,” Handley insists. Handley, an investment capitalist and graduate of Stanford University, analyzes the criteria used to determine rates of autism from the 1970s and ’80s and concludes that it is unlikely, if not impossible, that changing criteria, or even the inclusion of Asperger’s—a less severe form of autism—under the umbrella of autism spectrum disorders—can account for the steep increase in rates.

A 2014 study published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health scientifically examines the dramatic rise in autism as well as its potential causes. The author, Dr. Cynthia Nevison, a research scientist at the University of Colorado–Boulder who specializes in earth and environmental science, found that 75 to 80 percent of the rise in autism is real.

“Diagnosed autism prevalence has risen dramatically in the U.S. over the last several decades and continued to trend upward as of birth year 2005,” Nevison explained in the conclusion of the study. “The increase in autism is mainly real, with only about 20-25 percent attributable to increased autism awareness/diagnoses.”

At the same time, Nevison found that during the time that autism rates have been increasing, children’s exposure to most of the top 10 most prevalent toxic compounds, including highway emissions and lead, has remained flat or even decreased.

However, three toxins in the environment that have been increasing alongside the rise in cases of autism are aluminum, glyphosate, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (flame retardants found in consumer goods like furniture and textiles). According to Nevison, it is these toxicants that may be contributing most to the increasing rates of brain challenges among America’s children.

Overexposure to Aluminum

How are children like James being exposed to aluminum? Aluminum is one of several different adjuvants used in vaccines. Adjuvants are added to vaccines to provoke a stronger immune response. If aluminum is excreted successfully, it is not thought to be harmful. But aluminum that stays in the body can be toxic to the brain.

According to the Food and Drug Administration, premature babies that received more than 4 to 5 micrograms of aluminum per kilogram of weight per day (in the form of intravenous nutrition) suffered from aluminum-induced central nervous system and bone toxicity.

Exposure to aluminum compounds—found in hepatitis A, hepatitis B, DTaP, Tdap, Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b), HPV, and pneumococcus vaccines (but not in the MMR vaccine)—has increased along with the number of childhood vaccines administered since the late 1980s. In fact, according to Dr. Robert Sears, a pediatrician based in Southern California, some vaccines on the childhood schedule contain as much as 650 micrograms of aluminum.

Aluminum expert Dr. Christopher Exley, who worked at Keele University in Staffordshire, England, for 29 years, has found evidence that aluminum can infiltrate brain tissue by crossing the blood-brain barrier and meninges. Post-mortem research shows that the brain tissue of people with autism contains higher than normal levels of aluminum. Exley believes that aluminum overexposure may play a causative role in autism.

Other research conducted by Exley and a team of scientists and published in April found that the amount of aluminum varies widely from one vaccine dose to another, and the amount of actual injected aluminum may be much more or somewhat less than what the manufacturer states. So, we are not certain exactly how much aluminum any given child is exposed to.

“Science shows that autism is caused by an immune activation event,” insists J.B. Handley in “How to End the Autism Epidemic.” “The adjuvant in vaccines–aluminum adjuvant–can activate the brain’s immune system and is more neurotoxic than previously realized.”

Handley, himself the father of a non-verbal young man with autism, underscores the urgent need for more research. “Aluminum’s newly discovered role in triggering immune activation events in the brain changes everything about the science of vaccines and autism, because it establishes a clear biological basis for how a vaccine can cause autism.”

Is Glyphosate Hurting Kids’ Brains?

Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has been studying the possible causes of autism for more than a decade. As Seneff explains in her 2021 book, “Toxic Legacy,” her extensive research has led her to conclude that human exposure to glyphosate is another undeniable factor in the rise of neurological disorders among children.

Glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup, is a popular weed killer that is used both in large-scale agriculture and in people’s backyards. Glyphosate has been found as a contaminant in many of our foods, including several breakfast cereals and even in organic honey. The World Health Organization has deemed glyphosate a probable carcinogen.

In addition to contaminating both human and animal foods, glyphosate has also been found in measurable amounts in some childhood vaccines. Indeed, when a nonprofit organization focused on children’s health, Moms Across America, sent five childhood vaccines to an independent lab to be screened for glyphosate, they found that all five tested positive for glyphosate.

One vaccine in particular, the MMR, a live-virus vaccine given to protect children against measles, mumps, and rubella, had levels of glyphosate that were 25 times higher than the other vaccines.

Seneff argues that glyphosate amplifies the toxicity of other chemicals. In addition to destroying beneficial gut bacteria needed by the body to process food, absorb nutrients, and have a healthy immune system, glyphosate also makes other chemicals such as aluminum substantially more toxic. She believes the synergistic exposure to glyphosate and other chemicals may be doing far more damage than any single exposure.

More Toxic Amplification?

A 2019 study from JAMA Psychiatry uncovered a link between moms’ use of acetaminophen (the main ingredient in Tylenol) during pregnancy and an increased risk for ADHD and autism in their children.

Susie Olson-Corgan, a health coach and activist based in Washington state, believes that Tylenol contributed to her son’s regressive autism. As Olson-Corgan described to me (and later published in an article on my website), her son seemed to be developing typically until his 1-year checkup. But after that doctor’s appointment, Liam developed a high fever and was inconsolable. Following her doctor’s advice, Olson-Corgan alternated between giving him Motrin and Tylenol to bring down the fever and make him more comfortable.

After that episode, Olson-Corgan says, Liam was never the same. He had an even more severe reaction following his next round of vaccines and Olson-Corgan says she rushed him to the emergency room where he was given oxygen, steroids, antibiotics, Benadryl, and Motrin. After that ER visit, Liam stopped making eye contact and interacting with others altogether. A teenager now, Liam toe walks, gets agitated easily, and cannot speak. Olson-Corgan believes the combination of acetaminophen and vaccines caused her son’s severe autism.

As their concerns about the safety of the childhood vaccine schedule grew, the Johnsons paused their son’s routine vaccinations. But then, when James was 9 years old, Johnson says their pediatrician shamed her, warning her about the dangers of infectious diseases, and scolding her about her responsibility to protect others. The doctor insisted it was time to get James caught up on his shots.

Against her better judgment, Johnson relented. On a Friday afternoon, James was administered one vaccine to protect him against three diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough).

“His arm swelled like crazy,” Johnson said. “It was like there was a brick on the side of his arm. He was miserable for days. He ran a low fever over the weekend. I took back to the pediatrician on Monday. After that he began to have more behavioral problems at school. It set us all back.”

While millions of children will have little or no reaction to their vaccines, which many will point to as testimony to their safety and efficacy, there are also thousands of people with stories like the Johnson’s, parents who watched a rapid change in their children’s behavior soon after vaccination. These reports are frequently denied or dismissed, making it difficult for researchers to identify patterns in those who have bad reactions to see if there is a way to ensure those who can gain the benefits of vaccination do so while those who may be at risk can make a more careful decision.

Scientists discover that all covid vaccines “without exception” contain mysterious metallic toxins

Independent researchers from Germany have found that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” contain an array of hidden, toxic components – most of them metallic – that are not labeled as ingredients.

“Without exception,” the group says, every sample tested from Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson (J&J), and AstraZeneca contained the following metallic elements:

• Alkali metals: caesium (Cs), potassium (K)
• Alkaline earth metals: calcium (Ca), barium (Ba)
• Transition metals; cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), titanium (Ti)
• Rare earth metals: cerium (Ce), gadolinium (Gd)
• Mining group / metal: aluminum (Al)
• Carbon group: silicon (Si) (partly support material / slide)
• Oxygen group: sulphur (S)

Using modern medical and physical measuring techniques, the researchers determined that all of these metallic substances “are visible under the dark-field microscope as distinctive and complex structures of different sizes, can only partially be explained as a result of crystallization or decomposition processes, [and] cannot be explained as contamination from the manufacturing process.”

These findings build upon the work of others who have made similar discoveries, one of them being the Health Ranger – be sure to check out his report showing that the clots created by Fauci Flu shots are not blood clots, but rather metallic clots.

Blood from fully vaccinated people shows “marked changes,” researchers find

Dr. Janci Lindsay, PhD, a toxicologist who was not involved in the study but who has performed similar work, says there is, indeed, a pattern of discovery to suggest that covid injections are not what the government claims they are.

“The number and consistency of the allegations of contamination alone, coupled with the eerie silence from global safety and regulatory bodies, is troublesome and perplexing in terms of ‘transparency’ and continued allegations by these bodies that the genetic vaccines are ‘safe,’” Lindsay is quoted as saying.

Those involved with the Germany study, which is still preliminary, say they have submitted the findings to both government and media entities in the hope that someone will address it. So far, no one is willing.

Another thing the researchers discovered that is worthy of note pertains to the blood of the fully vaccinated, which they say showed “marked changes.” Adverse events associated with these changes were also found to be a factor of “the stability of the envelope of lipid nanoparticles,” these being the fat-soluble membranes carried as “cargo” by messenger RNA (mRNA).

“Using a small sample of live blood analyses from both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, we have determined that artificial intelligence (AI) can distinguish with 100% reliability between the blood of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated,” the study explains.

“This indicates that the COVID-19 vaccines can effect long-term changes in the composition of the blood of the person vaccinated without that person being aware of these changes.”

At best, Chinese Virus shots are widely contaminated unintentionally. At worst – and this option seems more likely – the shots were designed to implant metallic substances inside people’s bodies that purposely self-assemble into deadly clots.

“We have established that the COVID-19 vaccines consistently contain, in addition to contaminants, substances the purpose of which we are unable to determine,” the study further explains.

In the comment section, someone pointed out that vaccinated people with altered, metallic blood can no longer safely donate blood – which is something to keep in mind for those who need a transfusion.

“As with all vaccines and all drugs, ‘the full quantitative composition’ of all Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ is a trade secret, protected from disclosure due to commercial sensitivities,” pointed out another.

“Pfizer’s own raw composition table, 3.2.P.1-1, released for my FOI request, suggests likely 6 redacted manufacturing ingredients.”

Why Exercise Even If You Don’t Feel Like It

Why Exercise Even If You Don't Feel Like It

Let me guess, part of your New Year’s Resolution was to “exercise more”. What does that REALLY mean? How do you know if you are doing the right exercises? If you are doing it “more”, are you really getting the benefit you want from said exercise? Are you enjoying the exercising you are doing, or are you just making yourself move because you think this is the way to get that super cute bikini beach body you think you are supposed to have?

Being active DOES NOT mean that you need to work out 6 days a week for an hour at each session. That simply gets you to burn out! It’s a hefty goal if you are just beginning a exercise routine. It creates an unhealthy relationship between you and the joy that movement can, and should be. I’ve pushed myself to do those workouts and my body did not appreciate it. Some people enjoy this type of torture, but I’m going to venture that this is not you.

Why Exercise Even If You Don’t Feel Like It

So, you ask, how long should I be working out and what kinds of exercise should I be doing? This is a great question! Before I answer this, I’d love to take you back to your childhood.


Yes, you read that right, and just bear with me here. When you were a child, you didn’t play because you thought that you HAD to. You did this because it was fun and you got enjoyment out of whatever it was that you were doing.

Picture this time. What were you doing? Who were you with? What is the best part of what you were doing? For me, it was playing basketball and kick the can with my neighbors.

So, how does that translate into what you could or should be doing for workouts now? Working out should be fun! It should bring you joy. If it doesn’t, then it is just more WORK that we are adding to a busy, already stressful day.

Release of negativity and toxins.

Your workouts should be a release of negativity and toxins. It should be a way to clear our minds and bodies. Our bodies were not meant to be stagnant, but we also don’t need to torture them!

If you want to make working out a healthy and fun change in your world, I have some suggestions for you. Stop talking to yourself as if this is a chore. If you are telling yourself negative things about working out, you are creating a path of resistance to move. If you find something that you love doing, you won’t feel as if it is such a chore to go do it. You won’t hate doing a workout for 15, 20, 40, 60 minutes, or however long feels good to you. I’m also going to venture to say that some of your good friends would also enjoy doing these workouts with you. Grab your tribe, or someone from your tribe and get moving together!

Your workouts don’t have to take as much time as you think. If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve heard that this should be fun and enjoyable. It will cease to be fun if you are pushing yourself to keep going longer than feels good. So, do your running, skipping, swimming, yoga or whatever it is, for a shorter period of time to start and build up your love for it as you go.

Movement can be a gentle activity such as going for a walk. Bonus points if it is outside in the fresh air and you get some vitamin D! It could be simply having a dance party to one of your favorite songs. Did you realize you can think of cleaning your home as a ezercise? Score! Any time you are moving your body, give yourself some accolades for a job well done!

The problem with these “New Year’s Resolutions” is that we come into them hot out of the gate and want results NOW! We push ourselves to the limit and get burned out just as quickly as we started. Lasting change does not happen when we burn the candle at both ends. It happens when we make meaningful, loving changes. 

So I challenge you, my dear. Go back to a time when you enjoyed moving your body. Stop beating yourself up thinking that you need to hit the gym 5-6 times a week in order to see any change. Let yourself find and enjoy a new way of moving that makes you happy. Life is too damn short to keep stressing ourselves out over every little thing.



Love what your body can do. Love what your mind can do. Love yourself.


How to Inhale Himalayan Pink Salt to Help Remove Mucus, Bacteria and Toxins from your Lungs

How to Inhale Himalayan Pink Salt to Help Remove Mucus, Bacteria and Toxins from your Lungs


There’s a lot of information on the internet about the benefits of Himalayan salt. Many people don’t realize that unlike table salt, Himalayan salt contains the same 84 natural elements and minerals that are found in the human body, minerals which contribute to your overall health and vitality.

Its minerals are in an ionic state, which means that they are tiny enough for our cells to absorb easily.


Although it’s relatively new to the United States, salt rooms have been used for therapeutic purposes in Eastern Europe for more than 200 years. Years ago it was common practice for people with lung conditions to visit salt mines for their healing benefits. Ancient Greeks also used Halotherapy (salt therapy) for respiratory problems.

In the United States, salt therapy is becoming more widely known and appreciated with the introduction of salt rooms in spas and other wellness businesses. Salt is known for its antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties.

While many people visit salt mines around the world to help rid themselves of respiratory ailments of all kinds including allergies, asthma, congestion, and hay fever, others flock to salt rooms popping up in cities like New York, Orlando, and London.

But you don’t have to travel far to reap the benefits of Himalayan salt. You can enjoy the health benefits by adding Himalayan salt to your diet, routine or home. Himalayan salt is available in numerous forms such as blocks, slabs, lamps, rocks, ground salt for culinary purposes, coarse salt for baths, or you can make your own Sole.

Benefits of Salt Inhalers

Modern salt inhalers combine the best of old-world and modern technology. The small Himalayan salt rocks rest at the bottom of the inhaler. When you inhale, the natural moisture in the air absorbs the salt particles into the lungs.

This will help to reduce inflammation in the lungs and can help with other conditions such as asthma, allergies, colds, congestion, hay fever and sinus congestion. Unlike traditional inhalers, this therapeutic technique offers no negative side effects.

  • Salt is a natural expectorant and may help in reducing excess mucous.
  • Reducing mucus, may eliminate night time coughing and post nasal drip, allowing you to sleep better.
  • Himalayan salt contains 84 natural elements and minerals that are found in the human body.
  • Salt inhalation therapy can reduce redness and swelling of nasal passages.
  • Himalayan salt inhalers can reduce irritation and inflammation from pollutants and smoke.
  • Salt is known for its antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties. Using a salt inhaler can be used to cleanse the body of harmful organisms.

How to Use a Salt Inhaler

  1. Place Himalayan rocks inside your ceramic inhaler, (don’t use plastic inhalers) according to the package directions.
  2. Place the inhaler mouthpiece in your mouth.
  3. Breathe in normally through the mouth, and exhale through the nose.
  4. Do not add water, the inhaler is for dry therapy only.
  5. When you inhale with long slow deep breaths this will bring the salt ions to the lungs. Because the ions are so small they bypass the nasal filtering system we have and go directly into the lungs. The lungs then absorb the ions and bring them into the bloodstream. This will help to reduce inflammation and can also reduce pain in lungs from various conditions such as asthma, bronchitis or pneumonia.

NOTE: Following the cleaning directions on your inhaler package, and remember inhalers should not be shared, they are recommended for one person only. Each family member should have their own inhaler.

Although many people have seen immediate and drastic results within a few days, in general, the effects of using a Himalayan salt inhaler are more subtle than immediately dramatic and are usually noticed with regular and consistent use.

How to Refill Your Himalayan Salt Inhaler

If you need to refill the salt in the inhaler, simply open the round plastic stopper and empty out the used salt and refill with the fresh coarse Himalayan crystal salt. Plug the stopper back in.

Never refill your inhaler with anything other than Himalayan salt.

Top Toxins to Avoid Especially If Pregnant

When pregnant, you should take extra care with the foods you eat and the chemicals you use in and outside of your home. There are many sources of toxic exposure that may put you, and your unborn baby, in harm’s way. This Infographic will tell you about the top toxins that you should avoid specially during pregnancy.


8 Amazing Health Benefits Of Drinking Raw Tomato Juice

Tomatoes are considered both fruits and vegetables and form an integral part of cuisines all across the globe, especially in the Mediterranean region. It has great amount of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as significant amounts of vitamin B6, folate, and thiamin. Tomatoes are also a good source of potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, and copper. The most nutritious form of a tomato is tomato juice. Tomato juice is loaded with many health benefits.


8 Amazing Health Benefits Of Drinking Raw Tomato Juice

Cancer Prevention
Lycopene and other carotenoids in tomato juice have been found to lower the risk of a range of different cancers, including lung cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer. Studies have shown that men consuming high amounts of lycopene have a 30% reduction in their risk of pancreatic cancer.

Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease
Tomatoes also help prevent and manage heart disease because of their niacin, potassium, folate, and vitamin B6 content. Tomatoes improve homocysteine levels, a chemical in the body that directly damages heart health. Lycopene might also improve cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that diets containing tomatoes can reduce cardiovascular risk by nearly 30%.

Reduces Breast Cancer Risk
Bosom growth can likewise be diminished with tomatoes. Energizing research in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute demonstrates that higher measures of carotenoids including alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene, and aggregate carotenoids may have a decreased danger of bosom growth.

Strong Bones
Most people associate milk and other dairy foods with bone health, but tomatoes also promote good bone health. Tomatoes contain vitamin K, one of the most important vitamins associated with bone health. Vitamin K activates osteocalcin, which is responsible for anchoring calcium inside of bones.

Detox Liver & Kidney
Tomato juice is a powerful detoxifier. It enhances the presence of sulfur and chlorine in the kidneys and liver. The kidney and liver are charged with blood purification. Keeping these organs healthy can ensure their functioning in tip top shape. Tomato juice has natural chlorine that enhances the functioning of the kidney and liver. It also has sulfur that puts up a defense against fungal, bacterial as well as viral infections.

Improves Vision
Vitamin A, present in tomatoes, aids in improving vision, as well as in preventing night-blindness and macular degeneration. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that can be formed from an excess of beta-carotene in the body. A lot of vision problems occur due to the negative effects of free radicals, and vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant.

Prevent Blood Clotting
The rich supply of phytonutrients found in tomatoes have been shown to aid in the prevention of abnormal platelet cell clumping, beneficial for those with, or at risk of, heart conditions.

Prevents Lung Diseases
Tomato juice is known to protect against emphysema, which is caused by inhaling second-hand cigarette smoke. Researchers found that lab rats that were exposed to second-hand cigarette smoke and consumed tomato juice did not develop emphysema.

Do Not Ignore These 5 Warning Signs That Your Body Is Full Of Toxins Which Are Making You Sick

Do you suffer from usual conditions like headaches, active stomach or sometimes you have constant need to snooze, no matter that you are practicing healthy life, drinking plenty of water, eating heathy foods and having proper amount of sleep?

These little but annoying things can get under our skin and cause a lot of discomfort in our lives. They aren’t serious enough so that you feel the need to go to the doctors but you still can’ function properly. There comes a time when you just feel like it’s the normal aging process and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Fortunately for you, we’re here to let you know that it has nothing to do with maturing and you can unwind. There is some kind of problem with your body, you may very well be presenting your body to a lot of poisons and it’s harming your living being. In the event that despite everything you aren’t certain whether this is genuine or not here are 5 indications that your body if loaded with poisons and they are making you wiped out.

Do Not Ignore These 5 Warning Signs That Your Body Is Full Of Toxins Which Are Making You Sick
Do Not Ignore These 5 Warning Signs That Your Body Is Full Of Toxins Which Are Making You Sick

Feeling tired constantly

You’re getting your tremendously required excellence rest each night and still get up tired in the morning? You’re having an inclination that you’re continually attempting to keep your eyes open and complete even the most modest assignments? This is an indication that your body is overclocked and you have to flush out the poisons which are bringing on the weariness. A high dangerous burden is an additional weight on your body, which can be trying for your adrenal organs. Long haul perpetual anxiety from a high dangerous burden can prompt adrenal weariness. Simply pouring espresso down the throat and stuffing sugar in your face isn’t going to offer, you some assistance with willing just exacerbate the circumstance. You have to detox your body!

Bad breath

Beside the fact that you constantly maintain your dental hygiene, you’re eating breath mints and chewing gum and still have that foul odor from your mouth? This may have nothing to do with your oral hygiene but it can be connected to digestive problems. It can also be an indicator that your liver is having trouble eliminating toxins from your body.


On the off chance that you have a solid response to aromas and scents your body might be letting you know that it’s brimming with poisons. It’s letting you know that it’s getting excessively delicate, making it impossible to chemicals and it wouldn’t like to associate with them any longer. This is an indication that your liver can’t flush out the poisons in your body which is making your faculties additional watchful and unsettled. This additional affectability to new smells and scents can frequently prompt cerebral pains and queasiness, and on the off chance that you begin encountering smell-related sickness and migraines you should detox your body.

Trouble losing weight

You are doing everything right but the excess pounds are still here, and it is really not your fault. This can be a result of some hormonal disruption. Our normal hormonal functions can be disrupted by toxins in the food and skin and hair care product.

On the off chance that you are feeling unexplained muscle a throbbing painfulness it might be that the poisons in your body are working ceaselessly your muscles and joints. A few poisons even invigorate the torment receptors which can prompt muscle fits, bunches, and general solid a throbbing painfulness. On the off chance that you can’t connect the muscle agony to inspiring yourself at the exercise center, and you are feeling torment all the time, it’s most likely your body’s approach to let you know that it’s brimming with poisons.

If you have some of above mentioned symptoms, then you should consider to try some detox process and get rid of the toxins. You feel better immediately.

The Toxins That Threaten Our Brains.

Leading scientists recently identified a dozen chemicals as being responsible for widespread behavioral and cognitive problems. But the scope of the chemical dangers in our environment is likely even greater. Why children and the poor are most susceptible to neurotoxic exposure that may be costing the U.S. billions of dollars and immeasurable peace of mind.


Forty-one million IQ points. That’s what Dr. David Bellinger determined Americans have collectively forfeited as a result of exposure to lead, mercury, and organophosphate pesticides. In a 2012 paper published by the National Institutes of Health, Bellinger, a professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, compared intelligence quotients among children whose mothers had been exposed to these neurotoxins while pregnant to those who had not. Bellinger calculates a total loss of 16.9 million IQ points due to exposure to organophosphates, the most common pesticides used in agriculture.

Last month, more research brought concerns about chemical exposure and brain health to a heightened pitch. Philippe Grandjean, Bellinger’s Harvard colleague, and Philip Landrigan, dean for global health at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in Manhattan, announced to some controversy in the pages of a prestigious medical journal that a “silent pandemic” of toxins has been damaging the brains of unborn children. The experts named 12 chemicals—substances found in both the environment and everyday items like furniture and clothing—that they believed to be causing not just lower IQs but ADHD and autism spectrum disorder. Pesticides were among the toxins they identified.

“So you recommend that pregnant women eat organic produce?” I asked Grandjean, a Danish-born researcher who travels around the world studying delayed effects of chemical exposure on children.

“That’s what I advise people who ask me, yes. It’s the best way of preventing exposure to pesticides.” Grandjean estimates that there are about 45 organophosphate pesticides on the market, and “most have the potential to damage a developing nervous system.”

Landrigan had issued that same warning, unprompted, when I spoke to him the week before. “I advise pregnant women to try to eat organic because it reduces their exposure by 80 or 90 percent,” he told me. “These are the chemicals I really worry about in terms of American kids, the organophosphate pesticides like chlorpyrifos.”

For decades, chlorpyrifos, marketed by Dow Chemical beginning in 1965, was the most widely used insect killer in American homes. Then, in 1995, Dow was fined $732,000 by the EPA for concealing more than 200 reports of poisoning related to chlorpyrifos. It paid the fine and, in 2000, withdrew chlorpyrifos from household products. Today, chlorpyrifos is classified as “very highly toxic” to birds and freshwater fish, and “moderately toxic” to mammals, but it is still used widely in agriculture on food and non-food crops, in greenhouses and plant nurseries, on wood products and golf courses.

Landrigan has the credentials of some superhero vigilante Doctor America: a Harvard-educated pediatrician, a decorated retired captain of the U.S. Naval Reserve, and a leading physician-advocate for children’s health as it relates to the environment. After September 11, he made news when he testified before Congress in disagreement with the EPA’s assessment that asbestos particles stirred into clouds of debris were too small to pose any real threat. Landrigan cited research from mining townships (including Asbestos, Quebec) and argued that even the smallest airborne asbestos fibers could penetrate deeply into a child’s lungs.

Chlorpyrifos is just one of 12 toxic chemicals Landrigan and Grandjean say are having grim effects on fetal brain development. Their new study is similar to a review the two researchers published in 2006, in the same journal, identifying six developmental neurotoxins. Only now they describe twice the danger: The number of chemicals that they deemed to be developmental neurotoxins had doubled over the past seven years. Six had become 12. Their sense of urgency now approached panic. “Our very great concern,” Grandjean and Landrigan wrote, “is that children worldwide are being exposed to unrecognized toxic chemicals that are silently eroding intelligence, disrupting behaviors, truncating future achievements and damaging societies.”

The chemicals they called out as developmental neurotoxins in 2006 were methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, ethanol, lead, arsenic, and toluene. The additional chemicals they’ve since found to be toxins to the developing brains of fetuses—and I hope you’ll trust me that these all are indeed words—are manganese, fluoride, chlorpyrifos, tetrachloroethylene, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane.

Grandjean and Landrigan note in their research that rates of diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder and ADHD are increasing, and that neurobehavioral development disorders currently affect 10 to 15 percent of births. They add that “subclinical decrements in brain function”—problems with thinking that aren’t quite a diagnosis in themselves—“are even more common than these neurobehavioral development disorders.”

In perhaps their most salient paragraph, the researchers say that genetic factors account for no more than 30 to 40 percent of all cases of brain development disorders:

Thus, non-genetic, environmental exposures are involved in causation, in some cases probably by interacting with genetically inherited predispositions. Strong evidence exists that industrial chemicals widely disseminated in the environment are important contributors to what we have called the global, silent pandemic of neurodevelopmental toxicity.

Silent pandemic. When public health experts use that phrase—a relative and subjective one, to be deployed with discretion—they mean for it to echo.

When their paper went to press in the journal The Lancet Neurology, the media responded with understandable alarm:

“A ‘Silent Pandemic’ of Toxic Chemicals Is Damaging Our Children’s Brains, Experts Claim” – Minneapolis Post, 2/17/14

“Researchers Warn of Chemical Impacts on Children,” –USA Today, 2/14/14

“Study Finds Toxic Chemicals Linked to Autism, ADHD” – Sydney Morning Herald, 2/16/14

When I first saw these headlines, I was skeptical. It wasn’t news that many of the chemicals on this list (arsenic, DDT, lead) are toxic. With each of these substances, the question is just how much exposure does it take to cause real damage. For instance, organophosphates aren’t something that anyone would categorically consider safe, in that they are poison. They kill insects by the same mechanism that sarin gas kills people, causing nerves to fire uncontrollably. But like asbestos, they are still legally used in U.S. commerce, with the idea that small amounts of exposure are safe. The adage “the dose makes the poison” may be the most basic premise of toxicology. And hadn’t we already taken care of lead? Didn’t we already know that alcohol is bad for fetuses? Wasn’t fluoride good for teeth?

I found that the real issue was not this particular group of 12 chemicals. Most of them are already being heavily restricted. This dozen is meant to illuminate something bigger: a broken system that allows industrial chemicals to be used without any significant testing for safety. The greater concern lies in what we’re exposed to and don’t yet know to be toxic. Federal health officials, prominent academics, and even many leaders in the chemical industry agree that the U.S. chemical safety testing system is in dire need of modernization. Yet parties on various sides cannot agree on the specifics of how to change the system, and two bills to modernize testing requirements are languishing in Congress. Landrigan and Grandjean’s real message is big, and it involves billion-dollar corporations and Capitol Hill, but it begins and ends with the human brain in its earliest, most vulnerable stages.

How Toxins Destroy Brains

About a quarter of your body’s metabolism goes toward operating and maintaining your brain. In order to process even basic information, billions of chemical signals are constantly being carried between neurons. The undertaking is so onerous that even though your brain is not moving (like, say, the powerful muscles in your legs), it uses around 10 times more calories per pound than the rest of you.

Most of that industrious brain and its 86 billion neurons were created in a matter of months. During the first few weeks of gestation, when your mother knew you only as morning sickness and you were a layer of cells huddled in one corner of her uterus, those cells lined up, formed a groove, and then closed to form a tube. One end of that tube eventually became your tiny spinal cord. The rest expanded to form the beginnings of your brain.

For a brain to develop properly, neurons must move to precise places in a precise sequence. They do so under the direction of hormones and chemical neurotransmitters like acetylcholine. The process is an intricate, fast-paced dance on a very tiny scale. Each nerve cell is about one hundredth of a millimeter wide, so it has to travel its own width 25,000 times just to move an inch—which some neurons in the cortex must. At any point, that cell can be knocked off course. Some of the neurotoxins Grandjean and Landrigan discuss have the potential to disrupt this journey, in a slight or serious fashion.

By the third trimester, the surface of the brain begins folding itself into wrinkled peaks and valleys, the gyri and sulci that make a brain look like a brain. Specific areas of that cortex learn to process specific aspects of sensation, movement, and thought, and that starts in the uterus. As Grandjean explains this process in his 2013 book Only One Chance, “Usage promotes function and structure, as the connectivity of the brain cells is shaped by responses to environmental stimuli.” That is, the fetal brain starts having experiences that form the basis for learning and memory. The nature-nurture duality begins at conception.

By age two, almost all of the billions of brain cells that you will ever have are in their places. Except in the hippocampus and one or two other tiny regions, the brain does not grow new brain cells throughout your life. When brain cells die, they are gone. So its initial months of formation, when the brain is most vulnerable, are critical. “During these sensitive life stages,” Grandjean and Landrigan write, exposure “can cause permanent brain injury at low levels that would have little or no adverse effect in an adult.”

Federal health officials are aware of this risk. The National Institutes of Health, as Landrigan puts it, “finally woke up in the late 1990s to the fact that children are much more sensitive and vulnerable to chemicals than adults are.” Over the past decade, the federal government has invested substantially more money in looking at just how pregnant women and children have been affected by industrial chemicals. The EPA has awarded millions of dollars in related research grants, and the NIH started funding a network of what it calls Centers for Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research. There is one at Mount Sinai and another at Harvard (the respective homes of Landrigan and Grandjean), and there are others at Columbia, UC Berkeley, and elsewhere.

Those centers have established strong research programs called prospective birth-cohort studies. Scientists enroll pregnant female subjects and carefully record objective measures of environmental exposure, using things like blood samples, urine samples, and maybe even dust and air samples from their homes. After the babies are born, the researchers follow up with them at various points in their childhoods. These studies are expensive and take a long time, but they’re incomparably good at connecting prenatal exposures with lost IQ points, shortened attention span, or emergence of ADHD.

Functional MRI reveals the effect of prenatal methylmercury exposure in three adolescents. Subjectes were asked to tap the fingers of their left hands. In the control group (row B), only the right side of the brain was activated. In the subjects who had been exposed to methylmercury (row A), an abnormal activation pattern shows that both sides are involved. (The Lancet Neurology)“That’s the big breakthrough,” Landrigan says. “The scientific community has mastered the technique of doing these studies, and they’ve been running long enough that they’re beginning to put out some spectacularly good results.” At Columbia, for instance, the children’s center is investigating whether children exposed in the womb to BPA and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)—byproducts from burning fossil fuels—are more likely to develop learning and behavior disorders than children not exposed. They have also shown that high prenatal exposure to air pollutants like PAHs are associated with attention problems, anxiety, and depression at ages 5 to 7 years. It was this center, together with the UC Berkeley and Mount Sinai children’s centers, that first identified the detrimental impact of chlorpyrifos on IQ and brain development. The researchers even used MRI testing to show that these chemicals appear to change children’s brain structure, causing thinning of the cortex. Other children’s centers are looking at the extent to which these and other chemicals—including arsenic from well water, brominated flame retardants, and the anti-corrosion agent manganese—are to blame for a range of possible neurologic disorders.

Impressive as all this research investment is, the larger question remains: Why are we looking at these hazards now—instead of before we introduced these chemicals into the world?

The Insidious Rise of Lead

The problem with toxic substances is that their effects can be insidious. Take the example of lead—a chemical that lingered in gasoline, house paints, and children’s toys for decades before scientists realized the true extent of the damage.

Several years ago, a four-year-old boy in Oregon began complaining of stomach pain and vomiting. Doctors reassured his parents that it was likely a viral illness, but his symptoms worsened, and he became completely unable to eat. He also had a badly swollen cheek. The doctors determined that the boy had bitten himself, so severely that it must have been during a seizure. Blood tests showed that he was anemic, and subsequent tests found that he had extremely high levels of lead (123 micrograms per deciliter of blood).

The doctors began treating the boy with medication to help clear the lead. They also set out to find out where the lead was coming from. An investigation of the boy’s home, which was built in the 1990s, found no lead paint. Despite treatment, though, the boy’s lead tests remained abnormally high. So the doctors did an x-ray.

Inside the boy’s stomach was a one-inch metal medallion, which appeared bright white on the x-ray image. His parents recognized it as a toy necklace they had purchased from a vending machine approximately three weeks earlier. The state environmental quality lab later found that the medallion contained 38.8 percent lead. The manufacturer later did a voluntary recall of 1.4 million of the metal toy necklaces.

A late 19th-century advertisement for lead paint .

By that time, manufacturers had been using the toxic substance for centuries, despite clearly dangerous effects. In 1786, Benjamin Franklin wrote to a friend about the first time he heard of lead poisoning. When he was a boy, he recounted, there had been “a complaint from North Carolina against New England Rum, that it poisoned their people, giving them the dry bellyache, with a loss of the use of their limbs. The distilleries being examined on the occasion, it was found that several of them used leaden still-heads and worms, and the physicians were of the opinion that the mischief was occasioned by that use of lead.” Franklin went on to describe his observations of similar symptoms in patients at a Paris hospital. When he inquired about their occupations, he discovered that these men were plumbers, glaziers, and painters.

In 1921, General Motors began adding tetraethyl lead to gasoline. Lead gave gasoline a higher octane rating, which meant it could handle more compression without combusting. In practical terms, that meant more powerful engines, faster warplanes, and better industrial transport. The Ethyl Corporation that produced leaded gasoline was a joint venture between GM, Standard Oil, and DuPont. One of its executives, Frank Howard, called leaded gasoline “an apparent gift of God,” even as the plant where tetraethyl lead was synthesized became known as “the Houses of Butterflies,” because it was not uncommon for workers to experience hallucinations of insects on their skin.

Americans in the 1950s and ’60s were still widely exposed to unregulated leaded gasoline and paint, as well as piping, batteries, cosmetics, ceramics, and glass. Around that time, studies began to reveal the widespread existence of “subclinical” lead poisoning—damage that was not severe enough to meet diagnostic criteria for a neurologic disease, but would prevent the child from ever achieving optimal intellectual functioning. By 1969, microbiologist and Pulitzer-Prize-winning writer René Dubos said that the problem of lead exposure was “so well-defined, so neatly packaged, with both causes and cures known, that if we don’t eliminate this social crime, our society deserves all the disasters that have been forecast for it.”

Four-year-old Tanya Brinson is tested for lead paint poisoning at Boston City Hall in June 1975. (Peter Bregg/AP)

By the mid 1970s, the average U.S. preschool child had 15 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood. Eighty-eight percent of children had a level exceeding 10 μg/dL—which istwice what the CDC currently considers toxic. Among poor black children, the average level was markedly higher: 23 μg/dL.

Instead of making sweeping policy changes, experts largely accused low-income parents—especially mothers—of inadequate supervision and fostering pathological behaviors that led children to eat paint. With parental ineptitude to blame, and poor, minority children bearing the brunt of the problem, a systematic approach to eliminating lead was a low national priority. Bellinger recounted this in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, writing that children were essentially sentinels, used to identify the presence of lead hazards. “As long as the ranks of the lead poisoned consisted primarily of the children of politically and economically disenfranchised parents,” he wrote, “it was hard to interest politicians in the problem. Little political capital could be accumulated by tackling the problem.”

Finally in 1975, the EPA required a gradual phasing of lead out of gasoline. Two years later, the Consumer Product Safety Commission said that residential paint could contain no more than 0.06 percent lead.

Meanwhile there is still disagreement as to what constitutes a safe level of lead exposure—and if there even is such a thing. As more and more evidence came out over the years showing that low levels are in fact toxic to developing brains, the CDC incrementally lowered that threshold—from 60 micrograms per deciliter of blood in 1970 to 40 in 1971, 30 in 1975, 25 in 1985, 10 in 1991, and finally to just five in 2012.

By 2009 the average lead concentration in the blood Americans was about 1.2 μg/dL for young children—just 8 percent what it was in 1980. But Bellinger notes that even this relatively low level is still “substantially elevated from an evolutionary perspective”—many times higher than before our ancestors “began to disturb the natural distribution of lead in the earth’s crust.”

“Are the blood lead levels of contemporary humans generally below the threshold of toxicity?” Bellinger wrote. “Let us hope so, but the conclusion that they are is based more on faith than on evidence.”

The Toothless Law and the New Test

It’s surprising to learn how little evidence there is for the safety of chemicals all around us, in our walls and furniture, in our water and air. Many consumers assume there is a rigorous testing process before a new chemical is allowed to be a part of a consumer product. Or at least some process.

“We still don’t have any kind of decent law on the books that requires that chemicals be tested for safety before they come to market,” Landrigan said.

The law we do have is the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA, pronounced toss-ka among those in the know). Passed in 1976 under President Gerald Ford, it is still today the primary U.S. law regulating chemicals used in everyday products. On its face intended to protect people and the environment from dangerous chemical exposure, it is widely acknowledged to have fallen short of its magnanimous goal. It only requires testing for a small percentage of chemicals, those deemed an “unreasonable risk.”

“It’s just an obsolete, toothless, broken piece of legislation,” said Landrigan. “For example, in the early 1990s, EPA was unable to ban asbestos under TSCA.” This was after the National Toxicology Program had classified asbestos as a known cancer-causing agent, and the World Health Organization had called for a global ban. The EPA did briefly succeed in banning asbestos in the U.S. in 1989, but a court of appeals overturned the ban in 1991. Asbestos is still used in consumer products in the U.S., including building materials like shingles and pipe wrap, and auto parts like brake pads.

Landrigan also calls it “a particularly egregious lapse” that when TSCA was enacted, the 62,000 chemicals already on the market were grandfathered in, such that no toxicity testing was required of them. These chemicals were, as Landrigan puts it, “simply presumed safe” and allowed to remain in commerce until a substantial health concern came to public attention.

In the nearly 40 years since the law’s passage, more than 20,000 new chemicals have entered the market. “Only five have been removed,” Landrigan says. He notes that the CDC has picked up measurable levels of hundreds of these chemicals in the blood and urine of “virtually all Americans.” Yet, unlike food and drugs, they enter commerce largely untested.

Landrigan and Grandjean’s purpose in declaring a silent pandemic was less about the 12 named substances and more about using them as cautionary tales. They named in their list a few chemicals that still appear be imminent threats, but they also include some that have been highly restricted in their use for a long time. And at least one of them, fluoride, has proven beneficial in small doses.

“Fluoride is very much a two-edged sword,” Landrigan said. “There’s no question that, at low doses, it’s beneficial.” Flouride has been shown to prevent dental cavities and aid skeletal growth. At higher levels, though, it causes tooth and bone lesions. The epidemiologic studies cited by Grandjean and Landrigan, which came from China, imply that high fluoride exposure has negative effects on brain growth.

“Are the exposure levels in China comparable to what we have in our drinking water and toothpaste?” I asked.

“No, they’re probably higher,” Landrigan said. “In some places in China, there are naturally high levels of fluoride in the groundwater, which picks it up because it’s water-soluble.”

“So your advice isn’t to take it out of our toothpaste?”

“Not at all,” Landrigan said. “I think it’s very good to have in toothpaste.”

He’s more concerned about flame-retardants—a group of compounds known as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). These chemicals came into vogue after their predecessors, called PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyl ethers), were banned in 1979. By the time it became clear that PCBs caused cancer—and a variety of other adverse health effects on the immune, reproductive, nervous, and endocrine systems—they’d been put into hundreds of industrial and commercial uses like plastics and rubber products. So manufacturers switched to PBDEs and advertised PCB-free products, assuming—or, at least, implying—that PBDEs wouldn’t cause problems of their own.

“California, at the urging of the chemical industry several years ago, put the highest standard in the world on the levels of PBDEs that needed to be included in them,” Landrigan explained. “The result is that people in California have the highest levels of brominated flame retardants in their bodies.”

The state finally banned PDBEs in 2006, after studies from Columbia showed high quantities of the compound in women’s breast milk and linked it to IQ losses and shortening of attention span. Between 2008 and 2012, PDBE levels in the blood of California residents decreased by two-thirds.

Landrigan and Grandjean argue that stronger chemical safety legislation could have made all of this backpedaling damage control unnecessary. They don’t expect every chemical to go through long-term, randomized control studies prior to its release. Rather, they want to see industrial chemicals screened through a simple cell-based test. If that test were to come out positive—if the cells in the petri dish showed any kind of toxic reaction—then the chemical would be tested further.