5G wireless technology is a DISASTER waiting to happen

5G wireless technology is a DISASTER waiting to happen

As 5G technology continues to be rolled out globally, concerns over its potential health and privacy impacts have reached a fever pitch. While some areas are actively embracing the latest generation of wireless communication, others are imposing moratoriums or outright bans.

Global Research has listed 13 reasons, exposing the dangers of 5G and shedding light on the potential risks that could turn into a colossal health and privacy catastrophe if not addressed promptly. (Related: 5G Danger: 4 Ways 5G wireless technology can seriously harm human health.)

5G hijacks your sweat ducts

Scientific findings indicate that 5G frequencies can influence our sweat ducts, essentially turning them into antennae. This revelation, as highlighted by scientist Dr. Ben-Ishai, raises concerns about the manipulation of our largest organ, the skin, through 5G interaction with sweat ducts.

5G amplifies EMF damage via VGCCs

Dr. Martin Pall’s research suggests that 5G can intensify electromagnetic field (EMF) damage by activating Voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), potentially causing harm to fertility, brains, hearts and DNA.

Pulsed wave far more damaging than continuous wave radiation

The pulsed wave radiation emitted by 5G, unlike continuous-wave radiation, raises significant concerns. Dr. Pall’s research indicates that pulsed wave EMFs may be more active and harmful than their continuous wave counterparts.

5G promotes deep EMF penetration

Children, in particular, may be more vulnerable to 5G due to their smaller body size, which allows for deeper penetration of electromagnetic fields. Studies have linked mobile phone base stations to increased cataract formation in newborn calves, highlighting potential risks to human health.

5G is a weapons system disguised as a consumer convenience

Controversial claims by Mark Steele assert that 5G is a weapons system disguised as a consumer convenience. Steele argues that the dielectric lens found in 5G hardware is evidence of its weaponized nature.

LA firefighters develop ailments after being too close to towers

Reports of firefighters developing ailments after prolonged exposure to cell towers raise concerns about the health implications of 5G infrastructure. Similar cases suggest potential risks for other professions and the general public.

5G has same frequencies used by military for crowd dispersal

The millimeter-wave frequencies employed by 5G are the same frequencies used by the military for crowd dispersal, raising questions about the potential for harmful effects on human health.

5G is mutagenic (causing DNA damage) and carcinogenic (causing cancer)

Studies suggest that 5G may cause mitochondrial DNA damage, leading to mutagenesis and potential carcinogenesis. The long-term implications of 5G on genetic purity and its links to cancer warrant further investigation.

Phased array densification

The massive infrastructure creation required for 5G densification, with numerous transmitters and broadcasters planned in residential areas, raises concerns about the potential health effects of prolonged exposure.

Insects, birds and children are highly vulnerable to 5G

Insects, birds and children are considered highly vulnerable to 5G due to their body size. Claims that 5G may lead to the extinction of insects pose serious ecological concerns.

Space-based 5G

Plans to deploy 5G from space using thousands of satellites in low- and medium-Earth orbit raise questions about the unprecedented scope of the 5G grid. The integration of 5G into a broader command, control, surveillance and AI agenda is highlighted.

Re-radiation inside the body

Research suggests that 5G electromagnetic pulses may re-radiate inside the body, creating internal antennas and potentially causing unforeseen health effects.

Insurance companies refuse to underwrite wireless corporations

The refusal of insurance companies to underwrite wireless corporations against 5G-related claims raises eyebrows and underscores the lack of comprehensive safety testing.

The rollout of 5G is a significant technological leap, but the potential health and privacy risks associated with it cannot be ignored.

As concerns grow, there is a pressing need for comprehensive and independent research to assess the true impact of 5G on human health and the environment.

Activism, awareness and informed public discourse are crucial in addressing 5G dangers and ensuring a responsible and safe implementation of this technology.

5G antennas cause children to suffer headaches, stomach pain and sleeping problems

New peer-reviewed research has found that children who get too close to 5G wireless towers develop serious health problems such as chronic headaches, stomach pain, and difficulty sleeping.

Three children and their parents came down with these and other symptoms after vacationing at a summer home located just 125 meters away from a mobile phone tower with multiple 5G antennas.

Published in the journal Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports, the study reveals that the family members’ symptoms quickly subsided after they left the summer home and went back to their regular home, which is not located as close to 5G antennas.

The children, who ranged in age from four to eight, also developed emotional symptoms from being in close proximity to the 5G antennas. These include heightened irritability as the radiation inflamed their senses.

(Related: Both 5G and 4G wireless technology are linked to cell tissue damage and DNA destruction.)

5G is a possible death sentence for humans

Dr. Lennart Hardell, a leading scientist on cancer risks from radiation, and Mona Nilsson put together their own report about how 5G affects the health of young children, with Hardell, an oncologist and epidemiologist, telling The Defender the following:

“It is well known in medicine that children are more sensitive to toxic agents than grownups. Moreover, they have a longer life expectancy so chronic health issues may develop over a longer time.”

According to Hardell, 5G is still “quite new,” which means there is very little study into its effects. It is almost as if government regulators gave the telecommunications industry rubber stamp approval for the wireless technology without having first proven that it is safe.

Miriam Eckenfels-Garcia, director of the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Electromagnetic Radiation & Wireless program, stated that the 5G rollout is “another example of financial and industry interests trumping the protection of our children’s health.”

“As in this case study, we see the negative health impacts of this technology and instead of applying the precautionary principle until we can determine the full scope of health and environmental impacts, our government agencies – captured by industry – are allowing 5G to be installed anywhere and everywhere,” Eckenfels-Garcia told The Defender.

“CHD is doing all it can to push back against this dangerous development through litigation, education and advocacy, and we are grateful to scientists like Dr. Hardell and Mona Nilsson for shining light on these cases.”

For the vacation home study, the family who went there was asked to fill out a questionnaire following their visit about the symptoms they and their children suffered while on holiday. They were asked to rank the severity of each symptom on a scale from one to 10.

All three of the children, aged four, six and eight, reported having trouble sleeping and suffering emotional symptoms that included “irritability” and “emotive,” both of which ranked at a level 10, the highest level.

“Two of the children got diarrhea, pain in the stomach and headache graded between 8 and 3 on the severity scale,” the study states. “The child aged 6 years who did not get pain in the stomach and diarrhea, got skin rashes graded 8 on the severity scale.”

“The symptoms appeared soon after the arrival to the house and disappeared after they came home, where radiation levels were considerably lower.”

Responding to the findings, Nilsson, who manages the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, said that she finds them “very concerning,” adding that children of that age should not yet be suffering from such symptoms, though they increasingly are as the “expected effects from increasing exposure to RF radiation.”

5G Danger: 4 Ways 5G wireless technology can seriously harm human health

Fifth generation (5G) networks, which are touted to support faster mobile connections, are actively being rolled out around the world. However, 5G produces radiofrequency (RF) radiation and electromagnetic energy fields (EMF), which are increasingly being recognized as new types of environmental pollution. They have also been linked to serious health issues.

Here are four reasons why Americans should be concerned about 5G networks being launched in thousands of cities across the United States.

EMF from 5G causes premature aging

Numerous studies have shown that exposure to EMF can cause rapid aging. Some have even estimated that it can reduce longevity by 10 to 15 years.

According to Dr. Martin Pall, an EMF scientist, EMF exposure leads to premature aging and causes damage to vital organs, such as the brain and the heart, as well as DNA because it triggers the formation of free radicals. Research pioneered by Pall exposed how EMF activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), which regulate the flow of calcium ions in and out of cells.

This activation causes VGCCs to allow excess calcium to enter cells, resulting in the production of nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide. These chemicals readily react to form peroxynitrite and free radicals, which can cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress damages cells and their components, especially proteins, lipids and DNA. It is also said to drive cellular aging by promoting inflammation.

EMF from 5G can cause early onset Alzheimer’s

Pall’s research has also linked EMF exposure to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. His work using animal models shows two possible mechanisms through which EMF can cause Alzheimer’s: via the excessive calcium signaling pathway and via the peroxynitrite/oxidative stress/inflammation pathway.

A study published in the journal Nature Reviews Neuroscience elaborates on the consequences of calcium dyshomeostasis, noting that “increased intracellular calcium elicits the characteristic lesions of this disorder [Alzheimer’s disease], including the accumulation of amyloid-B, the hyperphosphorylation of TAU and neuronal death.”

Meanwhile oxidative stress, which is characterized by an imbalance between free radical production and antioxidant defense, is said to play a major role in the process of neurodegeneration and cognitive decline, especially among the elderly. Numerous studies have shown that the brain tissues of people with Alzheimer’s disease are heavily exposed to oxidative stress.

“EMFs act via peak electric and time varying magnetic forces at a nanosecond time scale,” explained Pall. With each increase in pulse modulation produced by EMF-emitting devices, such as smart meters, smart cell phones and 5G technology, such peaks are considerably increased as well, resulting in what Pall describes as the ultimate nightmare — extremely early onset Alzheimer’s disease.

Pall also highlighted human genetic and pharmacological studies that show high VGCC activity increasing the incidence of Alzheimer’s in humans. Because exposure to EMF, which is freely emitted by 5G networks, directly increases VGCC activity that triggers oxidative stress, it can be considered an important cause of Alzheimer’s disease. (Related: 5G is a weapons system designed to KILL people, says weapons expert Mark Steele.)

Pulsed wave radiation from 5G smart meters causes brain damage

Instead of continuous wave radiation, wireless smart meters emit pulsed wave radiation, a feature unique to them. This means that they alternate between emitting a burst of EMF and temporarily being inactive. According to court documents and testimony from Pacific Gas and Electric Company of California, smart meters on average produce pulsed waves between 9,600 and 190,000 times per day.

Pulsed wave EMFs have been shown to be more dangerous for humans than continuous wave EMFs. Animal studies suggest that the application of short, high-power RF pulses can cause significant brain damage, most notably abnormalities in the structure and function of dopamine synapses in the hippocampus.

Dopamine transmission in the brain, which is mediated by dopamine synapses, is involved in motor control and reward processing. Dysfunction of these synapses can lead to various psychiatric and neurological disorders in humans. In animal models, this has been linked to Parkinson’s disease.

5G can cause DNA alterations and cancer

5G has been reported to use millimeter waves (MMW) frequencies in the 24 to 100 GHz range. These frequencies are very high with extremely short (millimeter range) wavelengths, hence the name. MMW frequencies, especially at high doses, have been shown to alter the secondary structure and expression of DNA, which could have unfavorable consequences for human health.

In an article published in the journal Oncology Letters, Swedish researchers highlighted the fact that 252 EMF scientists from 43 countries have found sufficient evidence that “RF-EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines.” Some of the serious health issues linked to RF-EMF emitted by 5G include “increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans.”

A study published in the Journal of Biomedical Physics Engineering also called attention to the fact that MMW irradiation has been found to trigger biological responses within the skin that negatively affect the heart, immune system and nervous system in the long run. In addition, absorption of 5G radiation through the skin triggers excessive production of free radicals, which increases the risk of skin cancer.

Studies have shown that free radicals can cause DNA base damage and strand breaks. They can also damage tumor suppressor genes and promote the expression of pro-cancer genes. In turn, free radical-induced DNA damages increase the rates of DNA mutation, decrease genomic stability and trigger apoptosis, or programmed cell death. Cancer and atherosclerosis, in particular, are “salient free radical diseases” that could be triggered by heightened exposure to 5G radiation. (Related: 5G Danger: Hundreds of respected scientists sound the alarm about health effects as 5G networks go up nationwide.)

The push for 5G in America comes with significant risks to public health and safety. Learn more about the dangers of 5G and smart meters at 5GAlert.com.

Watch this video about the hidden dangers of 5G.


This video is from TheMoreUKnow channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

The Real Dangers of Electronic Devices and EMFs

Story at-a-glance

  • Exposure to microwave radiation from cellphones, routers, cordless phones, smart meters, baby monitors and other wireless devices causes massive mitochondrial dysfunction due to free radical damage
  • Excessive free radicals triggered by low-frequency microwave exposure from wireless technologies have been linked to cardiac arrhythmias, anxiety, depression, autism, Alzheimer’s, infertility and more
  • In addition to remediating obvious EMF exposures, strategies that may help reduce the harmful effects of EMFs include optimizing your magnesium level, eating Nrf2-boosting foods and pulsing molecular hydrogen

By Dr. Mercola

I was recently interviewed by Dave Asprey when I visited his Bulletproof lab on Vancouver Island.1 In it, I review the real dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by electronic devices. I will also do a more comprehensive lecture on this topic at Asprey’s Bulletproof Conference October 13 through 15 at the Pasadena Convention Center in Pasadena, California.

Avoiding excessive EMF exposure is an important component of optimizing mitochondrial health. In fact, this is going to be the topic of my next book. Like my latest best-seller, “Fat for Fuel,” which details my metabolic mitochondrial therapy program, I want the book on EMFs to be peer-reviewed by the leading scientists and researchers in the world who understand the truth and are free of industry corruption.

The key is to translate the science into clear and understandable language, and offer practical recommendations on how to remediate the problem. After all, we are swimming in an invisible ocean of EMFs just about everywhere you go these days. It’s near-impossible to avoid microwave exposure completely, but there are ways to reduced it, for sure.

Your Cellphone Is a Major Source of EMF Exposure

As noted by Asprey, his studio is hard-wired, and that’s one simple way to reduce exposure from Wi-Fi. You can also shut your Wi-Fi down whenever you’re not using it, and certainly at night when you’re sleeping. When using your cellphone, use the speaker phone and hold the phone 3 feet away from you, using a selfie stick. I’ve measured the radiation and you decrease your exposure by about 90 percent this way.

When not in use, make sure your cellphone is in airplane mode and/or keep it in a Faraday bag. These are just a few quick examples of how you can protect your health while still living in modern society. I have carefully measured the radiation coming from my phone and even when it is on and not calling someone the radiation doesn’t come down to safe ranges until I am 25 feet away, which is why I keep my phone in airplane mode most of the time and only use it for emergencies or when I am traveling.

It took me awhile to figure this out. I got rid of all the wireless devices and Wi-Fi in my house, yet the EMFs were still high. Then I finally realized that it was my phone (while on) that caused it. My levels dropped below 0.01 volts/meter once I put it in airplane mode. This is a key point. For nearly everyone reading this, the majority of the radiation you’re exposed to is not coming from the outside into your home; it’s coming from the items in your home.

Nonthermal Damage

Most of the radiation we’re exposed to today is microwave radiation, which does include radiation from your microwave oven. If you still have one, I recommend replacing it with a steam convection oven, which will heat your food just as quickly but far more safely. When you turn that microwave oven on, it will expose you to very dangerous microwave radiation at levels that are far in excess of your cellphone. We’re not talking about thermal (heat) damage here. We’re talking about nonthermal damage.

I recently interviewed Martin Pall, Ph.D., who has identified and published several papers describing the molecular mechanisms of how EMFs from cellphones and wireless technologies damage plants, animals and humans.2,3,4,5 Many studies have shown that when you’re exposed to EMFs, intracellular calcium increases. Pall also discovered a number of studies showing that you can block or greatly reduce the effects of EMFs using calcium channel blockers — medication commonly prescribed to patients with heart disease.

This turns out to be a crucial point, because it’s the excess calcium in the cell and the increased calcium signaling that are responsible for a vast majority of the biological effects of EMFs.

Pall has discovered no less than 26 papers showing that EMFs work by activating voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), which are located in the outer membrane of your cells. Once activated, they allow a tremendous influx of calcium into the cell — about 1 million calcium ions per second per VGCC.

Importantly, the cellular membrane is 7 million times more sensitive to EMFs than the charged particles inside and outside of the cells, which are what safety standards are based on. In other words, the safety standards are off by a factor of 7 million!


Liposomal Vitamin C

A Chain Reaction of Harm

When there’s excess calcium in the cell, it increases levels of both nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide. While NO has many beneficial health effects, massively excessive NO reacts with superoxide, forming peroxynitrite, which is an extremely potent oxidant stressor.

Peroxynitrites, in turn, break down to form reactive free radicals, both reactive nitrogen species and reactive oxygen species (ROS), including hydroxyl radicals, carbonate radicals and NO2 radicals — all three of which do damage. Peroxynitrites also do damage all on their own.

So, EMFs are not “cooking” your cells. It’s not a thermal influence. Rather, the radiation activates the VGCCs in the outer cell membrane, which triggers a chain reaction of devastating events that, ultimately, decimates your mitochondrial function and causes severe cellular damage and DNA breaks. It also decimates your cell membranes and cellular proteins. In a nutshell, it dramatically accelerates the aging process.

Common EMF-Related Health Problems

As noted by Asprey, he used to keep his cellphone in a pants pocket on his right leg. He now has 10 percent less bone density in his right femur, which he believes is related to carrying his cellphone there. Needless to say, he no longer carries his phone on his body. Now, since the biological damage is triggered by activation of your VGCCs, it stands to reason that tissues with the highest densities of VGCCs will be more prone to harm.

So, which tissues have the highest concentration of VGCC’s? Your brain, the pacemaker of your heart, your nervous system, retina and male testes. Indeed, studies dating back to the 1950s and ’60s show the nervous system is the organ that is most sensitive to EMFs. Some of these studies show massive changes in the structure of neurons, including cell death and synaptic dysfunction.

When the VGCCs are activated in the brain they release neurotransmitters and neuroendocrine hormones, and elevated VGCC activity in certain parts of the brain has been shown to produce a variety of neuropsychiatric effects. Among the most common consequences of chronic EMF exposure to the brain are: 6

Common heart problems linked to EMF exposure include:

  • Cardiac arrhythmias (associated with sudden cardiac death)
  • Atrial fibrillation / atrial flutter
  • Premature atrial contractions (PACs) and premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), also known as heart palpitations
  • Tachycardia (fast heartbeat) and brachycardia (slow heartbeat)

Many who suffer these conditions are on dangerous drugs. If you have any kind of heart or brain-related condition, you really need to take EMF exposure seriously, and take steps to remediate it. There’s simply no question about it — EMF exposure can trigger these and many other conditions. The drug is not treating the cause of the problem, and if you truly want to get well, you need to address the causes. EMFs may not be the sole contributor, but it’s a significant one that should not be overlooked.

Reproductive Effects and Cancer

EMF exposure may also increase a man’s risk for infertility if he wears his cellphones near his groin and/or uses a laptop on his lap, and a woman’s risk for breast cancer is higher if she tucks her cellphone in her bra. Studies have linked low-level electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure from cellphones to an 8 percent reduction in sperm motility and a 9 percent reduction in sperm viability.7,8

Wi-Fi equipped laptop computers have also been linked to decreased sperm motility and an increase in sperm DNA fragmentation after just four hours of use.9 In regard to breast cancer, the most common location for breast cancer is the upper, outer quadrant. When the cancer is located in the upper, inner quadrant, it’s more likely to be related to cellphone radiation (if you’ve been carrying your phone in your bra).

How to Lower Your Exposure

The first step to lower your exposure would be to identify the most significant sources. Your cellphone is a major source of exposure, as are cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers, Bluetooth headsets and other Bluetooth-equipped items, wireless mice, keyboards, smart thermostats, baby monitors, smart meters and the microwave in your kitchen. Ideally, address each source and determine how you can best limit their use. For example, remedial interventions could include:

Swapping a wireless baby monitor for a hardwired one
Carrying your cellphone in a bag instead of on your body, and keeping it in airplane mode and/or in a Faraday (shielded) bag or case when not on a call
Turning off your Wi-Fi at night. Even better, don’t use Wi-Fi and switch to wired Ethernet
Using your laptop on a table rather than your lap
Using your cellphone with a headset or on speaker phone, and keeping the phone as far away from your body as possible using a selfie stick. Ideally, use landlines whenever possible
Hardwiring as many devices as possible to avoid Wi-Fi fields. This includes mice, keyboards and printers. Avoid Ethernet over power (EOP), however, as this strategy increases the variability in your power lines, causing dirty electricity. You can partially remediate this with capacitors or filters, but it’s not an ideal solution. EOP is better than Wi-Fi, but not as good as running an Ethernet cable
Installing a Faraday cage (copper- and/or silver-threaded fabric) around your bed. If you live in a high-rise and have neighbors beneath you, place the Faraday fabric on the floor beneath your bed as well. This may significantly improve your sleep quality, as EMFs are known to disrupt sleep
If you have a smart meter, take steps to have it removed and replaced with an old analog meter. If your area is planning on installing them, be proactive in preventing its installation. For more information about this and guidance on how to go about preventing smart meter installation or getting it reversed, see “InPower: A Mass Action of Liability

To identify EMF sources you might not have considered, it would be a worthwhile investment to buy a microwave meter. The Cornet ED88T10 is likely the best low cost meter out there, but their manual is terrible so you need to watch this video by Lloyd Burrell to learn how to use it.

When I travel, I’ll check the room in which I’m staying to determine the best side of the bed to sleep on. I’ve found there can be a tenfold difference between one side of the bed and the other. The Trifield meter is quite popular, but it’s important to realize that Trifield meters are only good for screening for magnetic fields. Although they measure microwave radiation, they can be very inaccurate and should not be used for that purpose.

Nutritional Intervention

Nutritional intervention can also help reduce the harmful effects of EMFs. It’s not a permanent solution you can use in lieu of remediation, but it can be helpful while you’re implementing more permanent solutions. The first is magnesium, as magnesium is a natural calcium channel blocker. Many are deficient in magnesium to start with, and I believe many may benefit from as much as 1 to 2 grams of magnesium per day.

Increasing Nrf2 is also helpful. NRf2 is a biological hormetic that upregulates superoxide dismutase, catalase and all the other beneficial intercellular antioxidants. It also:

  • Lowers inflammation
  • Improves mitochondrial function
  • Stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis
  • Helps detoxify the body from xenobiotics, carbon-containing toxicants and toxic metals
  • Activates the transcription of over 500 genes in the human genome, most of which have cytoprotective functions. This includes the three genes that encode enzymes required for synthesis of reduced glutathione, which is one of the most important antioxidants produced in your body

You can activate Nrf2 by:

  • Consuming Nrf2-boosting food compounds such as sulforaphane from cruciferous vegetables, foods high in phenolic antioxidants, the long-chained omega-3 fats DHA and EPA, carotenoids (especially lycopene), sulfur compounds from allum vegetables, isothiocyanates from the cabbage group and terpenoid-rich foods
  • High-intensity exercises that activate the NO signaling pathway, such as the NO dump exercise
  • Calorie restriction (such as intermittent fasting)

The Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen

Another helpful supplement is molecular hydrogen. Tyler LeBaron’s website, molecularhydrogenfoundation.org,11 lists several hundred studies relating to hydrogen. You can also find a number of his lectures on YouTube. In summary, molecular hydrogen consists of two atoms of hydrogen, the smallest molecule in the universe, which:

  • Is a neutral molecule that can defuse across any cell membrane, instantly
  • Has no polarity
  • Is a potent, selective antioxidant

Free radicals are actually important; they do serve health functions. The problem is excess free radicals, or the wrong ones. Molecular hydrogen has been shown to target free radicals produced in response to radiation, such as peroxynitrites. Studies have shown molecular hydrogen can mitigate about 80 percent of this damage. The take home message is it can be quite valuable when flying, for example, to counteract the damage caused by gamma rays encountered at 35,000 feet.

Your body actually makes hydrogen gas, about 10 liters a day, which benefits your body. However, when you have a steady state of exposure, you don’t get the other benefits, so you want to pulse it. That’s where you get the benefit. I’ve taken molecular hydrogen tablets on my last few flights, and it worked great. There are a number of different ways to get it, but the most practical way is to take molecular hydrogen tablets.

Once you’re at about 5,000 to 10,000 feet, put the tablet in a small bottle of lukewarm water. Put the cap back on and leave it on while the tablet dissolves to prevent the gas from escaping. Once dissolved, drink it as quickly as possible. The hydrogen gas will continue working for about two hours, so if you’re on a longer flight, you may want to do a second dose halfway through.

Neurosurgeon Reveals Radiation from Wi-Fi, Smart Meters and Cell Phones Cause the Blood-Brain Barrier to Leak

Dr. Leif Salford is a Neurosurgeon at Sweden’s Lund University Hospital, and a Professor and Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at Lund University. Since 1988 Dr. Salford and his colleagues have conducted many studies on radio frequency radiation and its effects on the brain, exposing over 1,600 experimental animals to ‘low-level’ radiation.


Their results over time have been both consistent and worrisome: Exposure to radiation, including that from cell phones and wi-fi, causes leakage in the blood-brain barrier — the brain’s first line of defense against infections and toxic chemicals. Some of the most concerning conclusions result from the fact that even the weakest exposure levels to wireless radiation caused the greatest effect in causing the blood brain barrier to leak.

Researchers in 13 other laboratories in 6 different countries had reported the same effect, but no one had proven whether it would lead to any damage in the long term. Then, in a study published June 2003 in Environmental Health Perspectives, Salford’s team repeated the experiment on 32 additional animals, but this time waited eight weeks before examining their brains. In those animals that had been exposed to a cell phone, up to two percent of the neurons in all areas of the brain were shrunken and degenerated.

 Dr. Salford called the potential implications of this research “terrifying. We have good reason to believe that what happens in rats’ brains also happens in humans.” Referring to today’s children and teenagers, the study’s authors wrote that “a whole generation of users may suffer negative effects, perhaps as early as middle age.”

An argument is sometimes posed to those who express concern about radiation from “smart” meters, Wi Fi etc., that the radiation emitted from these devices is at such low levels that the public needn’t worry about it. However this is not necessarily accurately. Dr. Salford’s studies showed opening up of the blood brain barrier from even very low levels of radiation exposure. In fact, Cindy Sage and Dr. David Carpenter explained in a 2008 paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Pathophysiology, entitled Public Health Implications of Wireless Technologies, that it is actually “the weakest exposure level [which] showed the greatest effect in opening up the BBB [blood brain barrier].”

Dr. Devra Davis, Ph.D, MPH, author of “Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation” explains the science of cell phone radiation in a very comprehensive way. For example she shows photos of two cells, one whose DNA has been damaged by “gamma” radiation (which is what was emitted by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima) and another cell damaged by low level pulsing non ionizing radiation (from a cell phone). Both cells are very damaged compared to a normal cell; but the problem extends beyond physical cell damage. Dr. Davis explains that the DNA from the cell exposed to the cell phone radiation also shows signs of damage.

In her book, Dr. Davis also discusses the campaign of disinformation waged against reputable scientists and their studies — and points out that some of the reputable studies which have been falsely discredited actually showed the damage caused to the brain by radiation as early as 1972 (Frey).

In May of 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) official recognized that wireless radiation such as emitted by “smart meters” is a possible carcinogen. However, their tentative stance does not reflect the scientific reality. After decades of corporately-funded, biased research being held up as “industry-standard”, there are now hundreds of independent peer-reviewed scientific studies showing there is a clear health hazard with technology that emits wireless radiation in the range that “smart meters” do. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of people with a “smart meter” installed in their homes have contracted illnesses, insomnia, rashes, headaches, and worse. Many have been forced to leave their homes entirely, due to the adverse health effects of radiation.

What’s more, in apartment buildings where 30+ “smart meters” are installed in a single electrical room, the dangers are even higher. And, while the work of Dr. Salford and Dr. Davis is extensive, there have so far been no long-term health studies done on such high levels of Electromagnetic Radiation.

In a PBS interview with Dr. Keith Black, chairman of neurosurgery and director of the Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, commented on the WHO’s classification of RF Electromagnetic radiation as a 2B possible carcinogen.

“We haven’t had any good studies in the pediatric population. A child’s skull is much thinner… and the amount of radiation that goes into the pediatric brain is much higher than in an adult. So we should be cautious with how we allow our children to use a cell phone. They’re going to be the ones that not only use [this technology] at a much younger age but at a much longer duration [than older generations].”