Psychologist explains how depression is more than just sadness and how its treated

It is important to know that Depression is more than just sadness. It could be the next mental health epidemic, if we do not handle it with diligence says Samar Hafeez a Psychologist and a Certified holistic health coach. Because mental health issues not only impact you but also your loved ones. Also, the negative impact of Covid 19 pandemic on people with pre-existing mental health conditions has augmented.

The pandemic has increased the global prevalence and burden of Depression, it is sad to know that people with pre-existing substance- use disorder, mental and neurological issues have a higher risk of SARS- CoV-2 infection and even death.

So, how is Depression managed or treated?

It is hard to live with Depression. Around 80% to 90% people respond well to its management, and nearly all patients gain some symptomatic relief. A breakthrough study by Indiana University School of Medicine sheds new light on the biological basis of mood disorders (which includes Depression) and offers a promising blood test aimed at a precision-medicine approach to treatment. The study describes how the team developed a blood test, composed of RNA biomarkers, that can distinguish how severe a patient’s depression is, their risk of severe depression in the future and their risk of future bipolar disorder, or manic-depressive illness. The test also informs tailored medication choices for patients. This is indeed a great service to mankind.

Some of the management and treatment approaches include:

  1. Psychological treatments: Psychotherapy gives promising results in treating depression and preventing relapse/reoccurrence. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is the most effective psychological management/treatment. CBT helps people in understanding negative thought processes and improve their coping skills. An early detection and intervention is crucial to quick recovery. Psychotherapy may involve individual or group sessions. A therapist can teach life skills that help one deal with negative thoughts and emotions effectively.
  2. Medication: The main medical treatment for depression is anti-depressant medications, depending on the psychological evaluation and severity of the existing disorder. (Please reach out to a psychiatrist for further information).
  3. Get moving: We all know that regular exercises have varied physical health benefits, but few know its effectiveness in improving mental health. Exercise is proved to be as effective as antidepressants in some cases. Exercise releases Endorphins (potent mood enhancing chemicals) in body. And a regular exercise regimen can help rectify sleep cycle, sharpen memory and learning skills. You may also think you won’t enjoy something but, when you do it, you actually enjoy it more than you expected. So, executing something is necessary to succeed. Engaging in sports or list activities that you used to enjoy. It might be daunting at first, for beginners just a few minutes of exercise is better than nothing. Start with 5-10 minutes sessions 3-4 days a week than slowly increase. Meaningfully enjoyable activities will help alleviate depression.
  4. Restore sleep patterns: Sleep pattern is majorly disrupted in people who are depressed. In order to restore and break the vicious cycle one needs to follow some sleep hygiene practices which include: Maintain regularity sleep at same time every night and wake up at same time every morning, avoid smartphones or social media usage at night, avoid stimulants like coffee, alcohol, nicotine and heated arguments, say no to large meals 2 hours before bed.
  5. Practice mindfulness meditation: Most of our misery comes either from our bygone past or invisible future. Mindfulness teaches us the art of living in the present moment by avoiding judgement and by building a self- compassionate way of looking at oneself and others. It helps in tackling ruminating, negative and deviating thoughts that are often present in a person diagnosed with depression. Mindfulness based stress reduction therapies also aid in managing anxiety, chronic/acute stress, anger and irritability which might be present in people experiencing depression.

Above mentioned techniques are some of the most effective and actionable ones. Always consult a mental health professional if you feel that your life is spiralling out of your control. Therapists are empathetic people who are active and reflective listeners with a non- judgemental attitude. Feel comfortable in reaching out to them for your own mental well- being and those of others around you. You take action now and get control of your life, because you deserve a better future.

Let Go of Negative Emotions: Guided Meditation

Let Go of Negative Emotions: Guided Meditation

When you let go of negative emotions, you communicate to yourself and the whole world that you are serious about creating a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life and that you no longer want to settle for less than you are worth. And that’s when all kind of wonderful and miraculous things start to happen To you, because of you!

Let Go of Negative Emotions

If you are willing and ready to go of negative emotions and take the first step in creating a life that is filled with joy, purpose, clarity, love, and fulfillment, this powerful guided meditation will be a great place to start.

Use this guided meditation to let go of any negative emotions you might be holding onto and transform them into feelings of love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, health, and well-being,

Before you begin, remember to first, find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for the next 12 minutes. Second, find a comfortable position to sit – it can be in a chair, crossed legged or on your knees, or lay down and when you’re ready, press play. Once the meditation session is over, you can share your experience with all of us by commenting below.

Enjoy 🙂

Let Go of Negative Emotions: Guided Meditation


P.S. “If you don’t think your anxiety, depression, sadness, and stress impact your physical health, think again. All of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in your body, which can lead to inflammation and a weakened immune system. Learn how to cope, sweet friend. There will always be dark days.”

What Sadness Really Feels Like

Researchers map the way your body experiences emotion .
While pride “goes to your head,” shame “makes your ears burn.” And happiness? It gives you that all-over warm feeling, those time-worn adages say. Turns out, there’s more than a little truth in those old sayings: People experience emotion as different physical sensations, and those sensations appear to be universal among all cultures, indicates new research from Finland.

The study team provoked emotions ranging from surprise to depression among 700 people and kept track of the physical sensations each person experienced. The results showed the study participants, whether European or Asian, felt emotions in similar ways. While fear and anxiety settled in a person’s chest, anger tended to center itself in the head and fists. Love manifested itself in the chest, head and stomach, the research shows.

The emotions you feel—for example, fear—help prepare your body to avoid threatening people or situations, explains study coauthor Lauri Nummenmaa, PhD, of Finland’s Aalto University. Your emotions also help you feel at ease in socially rewarding settings. And just as your emotions help prepare your body for different scenarios, the way you feel physically can reinforce your emotional state, Nummenmaa says.

[sidebar]Why does any of this matter? Apart from helping researchers create interesting graphics (like the one above), understanding how emotion and the body interact could help psychiatrists better diagnose and understand psychological disorders, Dr. Nummenmaa says. For example, depression appears to show up as a lack of feeling in the arms and legs. Knowing this—or recognizing a disconnect between the usual emotion-body sensations—could lead to more accurate diagnoses and treatments, Nummenmaa adds.

“We think that these [emotion] maps are important because they further underline the strong link between mind and body,” Nummenmaa says. “Emotions are experienced as mental, but also as bodily states.”