Regular Use of Erectile Dysfunction Drugs Associated With Eye Problems.

Fluoroquinolone Use Linked to Retinal Detachment .

Patients taking oral fluoroquinolones are at increased risk for retinal detachment, according to a case-control study in JAMA.

Using Canadian healthcare databases, researchers examined the records of patients who visited an ophthalmologist over 7 years. Of these patients, 4400 who were treated for retinal detachment were matched to 44,000 controls. Those with retinal detachment were more likely to be currently using fluoroquinolones than were controls (3.3% vs. 0.6%; adjusted rate ratio, 4.50). The mean time from a fluoroquinolone prescription being filled to retinal detachment was 5 days.

The authors speculate that the antibiotics may damage the vitreous and vitreous cortex; previous studies have shown that fluoroquinolones can break down collagen and connective tissue.

The authors say that although the absolute risk is low, fluoroquinolones could account for an estimated 1400 cases of retinal detachment annually in the U.S.

Source: JAMA