5G wireless technology is a DISASTER waiting to happen

5G wireless technology is a DISASTER waiting to happen

As 5G technology continues to be rolled out globally, concerns over its potential health and privacy impacts have reached a fever pitch. While some areas are actively embracing the latest generation of wireless communication, others are imposing moratoriums or outright bans.

Global Research has listed 13 reasons, exposing the dangers of 5G and shedding light on the potential risks that could turn into a colossal health and privacy catastrophe if not addressed promptly. (Related: 5G Danger: 4 Ways 5G wireless technology can seriously harm human health.)

5G hijacks your sweat ducts

Scientific findings indicate that 5G frequencies can influence our sweat ducts, essentially turning them into antennae. This revelation, as highlighted by scientist Dr. Ben-Ishai, raises concerns about the manipulation of our largest organ, the skin, through 5G interaction with sweat ducts.

5G amplifies EMF damage via VGCCs

Dr. Martin Pall’s research suggests that 5G can intensify electromagnetic field (EMF) damage by activating Voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), potentially causing harm to fertility, brains, hearts and DNA.

Pulsed wave far more damaging than continuous wave radiation

The pulsed wave radiation emitted by 5G, unlike continuous-wave radiation, raises significant concerns. Dr. Pall’s research indicates that pulsed wave EMFs may be more active and harmful than their continuous wave counterparts.

5G promotes deep EMF penetration

Children, in particular, may be more vulnerable to 5G due to their smaller body size, which allows for deeper penetration of electromagnetic fields. Studies have linked mobile phone base stations to increased cataract formation in newborn calves, highlighting potential risks to human health.

5G is a weapons system disguised as a consumer convenience

Controversial claims by Mark Steele assert that 5G is a weapons system disguised as a consumer convenience. Steele argues that the dielectric lens found in 5G hardware is evidence of its weaponized nature.

LA firefighters develop ailments after being too close to towers

Reports of firefighters developing ailments after prolonged exposure to cell towers raise concerns about the health implications of 5G infrastructure. Similar cases suggest potential risks for other professions and the general public.

5G has same frequencies used by military for crowd dispersal

The millimeter-wave frequencies employed by 5G are the same frequencies used by the military for crowd dispersal, raising questions about the potential for harmful effects on human health.

5G is mutagenic (causing DNA damage) and carcinogenic (causing cancer)

Studies suggest that 5G may cause mitochondrial DNA damage, leading to mutagenesis and potential carcinogenesis. The long-term implications of 5G on genetic purity and its links to cancer warrant further investigation.

Phased array densification

The massive infrastructure creation required for 5G densification, with numerous transmitters and broadcasters planned in residential areas, raises concerns about the potential health effects of prolonged exposure.

Insects, birds and children are highly vulnerable to 5G

Insects, birds and children are considered highly vulnerable to 5G due to their body size. Claims that 5G may lead to the extinction of insects pose serious ecological concerns.

Space-based 5G

Plans to deploy 5G from space using thousands of satellites in low- and medium-Earth orbit raise questions about the unprecedented scope of the 5G grid. The integration of 5G into a broader command, control, surveillance and AI agenda is highlighted.

Re-radiation inside the body

Research suggests that 5G electromagnetic pulses may re-radiate inside the body, creating internal antennas and potentially causing unforeseen health effects.

Insurance companies refuse to underwrite wireless corporations

The refusal of insurance companies to underwrite wireless corporations against 5G-related claims raises eyebrows and underscores the lack of comprehensive safety testing.

The rollout of 5G is a significant technological leap, but the potential health and privacy risks associated with it cannot be ignored.

As concerns grow, there is a pressing need for comprehensive and independent research to assess the true impact of 5G on human health and the environment.

Activism, awareness and informed public discourse are crucial in addressing 5G dangers and ensuring a responsible and safe implementation of this technology.

5G antennas cause children to suffer headaches, stomach pain and sleeping problems

New peer-reviewed research has found that children who get too close to 5G wireless towers develop serious health problems such as chronic headaches, stomach pain, and difficulty sleeping.

Three children and their parents came down with these and other symptoms after vacationing at a summer home located just 125 meters away from a mobile phone tower with multiple 5G antennas.

Published in the journal Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports, the study reveals that the family members’ symptoms quickly subsided after they left the summer home and went back to their regular home, which is not located as close to 5G antennas.

The children, who ranged in age from four to eight, also developed emotional symptoms from being in close proximity to the 5G antennas. These include heightened irritability as the radiation inflamed their senses.

(Related: Both 5G and 4G wireless technology are linked to cell tissue damage and DNA destruction.)

5G is a possible death sentence for humans

Dr. Lennart Hardell, a leading scientist on cancer risks from radiation, and Mona Nilsson put together their own report about how 5G affects the health of young children, with Hardell, an oncologist and epidemiologist, telling The Defender the following:

“It is well known in medicine that children are more sensitive to toxic agents than grownups. Moreover, they have a longer life expectancy so chronic health issues may develop over a longer time.”

According to Hardell, 5G is still “quite new,” which means there is very little study into its effects. It is almost as if government regulators gave the telecommunications industry rubber stamp approval for the wireless technology without having first proven that it is safe.

Miriam Eckenfels-Garcia, director of the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Electromagnetic Radiation & Wireless program, stated that the 5G rollout is “another example of financial and industry interests trumping the protection of our children’s health.”

“As in this case study, we see the negative health impacts of this technology and instead of applying the precautionary principle until we can determine the full scope of health and environmental impacts, our government agencies – captured by industry – are allowing 5G to be installed anywhere and everywhere,” Eckenfels-Garcia told The Defender.

“CHD is doing all it can to push back against this dangerous development through litigation, education and advocacy, and we are grateful to scientists like Dr. Hardell and Mona Nilsson for shining light on these cases.”

For the vacation home study, the family who went there was asked to fill out a questionnaire following their visit about the symptoms they and their children suffered while on holiday. They were asked to rank the severity of each symptom on a scale from one to 10.

All three of the children, aged four, six and eight, reported having trouble sleeping and suffering emotional symptoms that included “irritability” and “emotive,” both of which ranked at a level 10, the highest level.

“Two of the children got diarrhea, pain in the stomach and headache graded between 8 and 3 on the severity scale,” the study states. “The child aged 6 years who did not get pain in the stomach and diarrhea, got skin rashes graded 8 on the severity scale.”

“The symptoms appeared soon after the arrival to the house and disappeared after they came home, where radiation levels were considerably lower.”

Responding to the findings, Nilsson, who manages the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, said that she finds them “very concerning,” adding that children of that age should not yet be suffering from such symptoms, though they increasingly are as the “expected effects from increasing exposure to RF radiation.”

5G Danger: 4 Ways 5G wireless technology can seriously harm human health

Fifth generation (5G) networks, which are touted to support faster mobile connections, are actively being rolled out around the world. However, 5G produces radiofrequency (RF) radiation and electromagnetic energy fields (EMF), which are increasingly being recognized as new types of environmental pollution. They have also been linked to serious health issues.

Here are four reasons why Americans should be concerned about 5G networks being launched in thousands of cities across the United States.

EMF from 5G causes premature aging

Numerous studies have shown that exposure to EMF can cause rapid aging. Some have even estimated that it can reduce longevity by 10 to 15 years.

According to Dr. Martin Pall, an EMF scientist, EMF exposure leads to premature aging and causes damage to vital organs, such as the brain and the heart, as well as DNA because it triggers the formation of free radicals. Research pioneered by Pall exposed how EMF activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), which regulate the flow of calcium ions in and out of cells.

This activation causes VGCCs to allow excess calcium to enter cells, resulting in the production of nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide. These chemicals readily react to form peroxynitrite and free radicals, which can cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress damages cells and their components, especially proteins, lipids and DNA. It is also said to drive cellular aging by promoting inflammation.

EMF from 5G can cause early onset Alzheimer’s

Pall’s research has also linked EMF exposure to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. His work using animal models shows two possible mechanisms through which EMF can cause Alzheimer’s: via the excessive calcium signaling pathway and via the peroxynitrite/oxidative stress/inflammation pathway.

A study published in the journal Nature Reviews Neuroscience elaborates on the consequences of calcium dyshomeostasis, noting that “increased intracellular calcium elicits the characteristic lesions of this disorder [Alzheimer’s disease], including the accumulation of amyloid-B, the hyperphosphorylation of TAU and neuronal death.”

Meanwhile oxidative stress, which is characterized by an imbalance between free radical production and antioxidant defense, is said to play a major role in the process of neurodegeneration and cognitive decline, especially among the elderly. Numerous studies have shown that the brain tissues of people with Alzheimer’s disease are heavily exposed to oxidative stress.

“EMFs act via peak electric and time varying magnetic forces at a nanosecond time scale,” explained Pall. With each increase in pulse modulation produced by EMF-emitting devices, such as smart meters, smart cell phones and 5G technology, such peaks are considerably increased as well, resulting in what Pall describes as the ultimate nightmare — extremely early onset Alzheimer’s disease.

Pall also highlighted human genetic and pharmacological studies that show high VGCC activity increasing the incidence of Alzheimer’s in humans. Because exposure to EMF, which is freely emitted by 5G networks, directly increases VGCC activity that triggers oxidative stress, it can be considered an important cause of Alzheimer’s disease. (Related: 5G is a weapons system designed to KILL people, says weapons expert Mark Steele.)

Pulsed wave radiation from 5G smart meters causes brain damage

Instead of continuous wave radiation, wireless smart meters emit pulsed wave radiation, a feature unique to them. This means that they alternate between emitting a burst of EMF and temporarily being inactive. According to court documents and testimony from Pacific Gas and Electric Company of California, smart meters on average produce pulsed waves between 9,600 and 190,000 times per day.

Pulsed wave EMFs have been shown to be more dangerous for humans than continuous wave EMFs. Animal studies suggest that the application of short, high-power RF pulses can cause significant brain damage, most notably abnormalities in the structure and function of dopamine synapses in the hippocampus.

Dopamine transmission in the brain, which is mediated by dopamine synapses, is involved in motor control and reward processing. Dysfunction of these synapses can lead to various psychiatric and neurological disorders in humans. In animal models, this has been linked to Parkinson’s disease.

5G can cause DNA alterations and cancer

5G has been reported to use millimeter waves (MMW) frequencies in the 24 to 100 GHz range. These frequencies are very high with extremely short (millimeter range) wavelengths, hence the name. MMW frequencies, especially at high doses, have been shown to alter the secondary structure and expression of DNA, which could have unfavorable consequences for human health.

In an article published in the journal Oncology Letters, Swedish researchers highlighted the fact that 252 EMF scientists from 43 countries have found sufficient evidence that “RF-EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines.” Some of the serious health issues linked to RF-EMF emitted by 5G include “increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans.”

A study published in the Journal of Biomedical Physics Engineering also called attention to the fact that MMW irradiation has been found to trigger biological responses within the skin that negatively affect the heart, immune system and nervous system in the long run. In addition, absorption of 5G radiation through the skin triggers excessive production of free radicals, which increases the risk of skin cancer.

Studies have shown that free radicals can cause DNA base damage and strand breaks. They can also damage tumor suppressor genes and promote the expression of pro-cancer genes. In turn, free radical-induced DNA damages increase the rates of DNA mutation, decrease genomic stability and trigger apoptosis, or programmed cell death. Cancer and atherosclerosis, in particular, are “salient free radical diseases” that could be triggered by heightened exposure to 5G radiation. (Related: 5G Danger: Hundreds of respected scientists sound the alarm about health effects as 5G networks go up nationwide.)

The push for 5G in America comes with significant risks to public health and safety. Learn more about the dangers of 5G and smart meters at 5GAlert.com.

Watch this video about the hidden dangers of 5G.


This video is from TheMoreUKnow channel on Brighteon.com.

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