Hypnotized Woman Speaks With Her “Greater Consciousness” Revealing SHOCKING Truth About The World!


QHHT is an acronym for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy which is a technique developed by Dolores Cannon that reaches the deepest part of the brain while under hypnosis. During this session, the subject talks about the upcoming shift and the New Earth.

Renee is the hypnotherapist and Suzanne is the patient. Renee tells Suzanne questions that Suzanne asks her subconscious mind. After Suzanne receives an answer she tells Renee what she heard from the subconscious mind. That’s all I am going to say…


(Suzanne) Renee would like to know what you can share with us about the shift.(Subconscious) Hold on to your hat, it’s going to be a big one! She is ready, she doesn’t know but she’s ready.

(Suzanne) Can you tell us about the transition? (SC) It will be a gradual transition, it won’t happen in a split second. But relatively it will be a short time.

(Suzanne) Can you give us a linear time frame? (SC) It will happen over a year or two. When you look over the history of the world, that’s a very short period.

(Suzanne) What changes should we be aware of? As you are shifting your frequency, you are going to be aware that things are different, things are happening. 

(Suzanne)  Can you describe how we will feel that? (SC) How you live your life, it’s love, being surrounded by love, it’s an indicator, when you can feel that. You are raising your frequency when you feel love. It will happen in pockets around the world. Some people are ready others are not. The ones that are struggling are not ready to shift.

(Suzanne) So, in that shift will the governments be aware of what is going on and come forward with information? How will the general public understand what is taking place? (SC) The governments do not understand it, they are not shifting. It will be through people like you and others.

(Suzanne) Light workers? (SC) Yes.

(Suzanne) Will the changes effect the weather pattern? (SC) They already are.

(Suzanne) Is there anything that we need to do to prepare for that? (SC) Just be prepared, be able to take care of you & your family and those around you. Provide food, shelter. There will be people who are very confused. You may need to be able to protect yourselves from them. I don’t believe in violence but you may find the need to defend yourselves.

(Suzanne) So we may find the need to protect ourselves from those who are not ready to shift? (SC) Yes, there will be those who are ready to shift and those who are not.


(Suzanne) And they say the Earth will split from the ‘old’ Earth to the ‘new’ Earth. Is that how you perceive it? (SC) Yes, those who have transitioned and shifted and those who have not.

(Suzanne) And what will life be like for those who choose not to shift? (SC)It will not be good. There reality will be one of wars, hunger, violence. 

(Suzanne) And what will their perception be of those who have transitioned? (SC) They will not understand it.

(Suzanne) And for those who do shift, what will that experience be like? (SC) It will be peaceful and loving, everyone helping each other. When you lose the whole ego, you then use the most important piece -of 3-D.

(Suzanne) After the shift, without the ego, will we be of a group mind? (SC) Yes, we will all be connected of the greater consciousness.

(Suzanne) We’ll be ‘ consciously connected?’ (SC) Yes (giggles).

(Suzanne) We’ll be consciously connected to what we’re subconsciously connected to now?! (SC) YES! Consciously connected to the Greater Consciousness, phew!


(Suzanne) Is there anything that we forgot to ask, that you would like to share with us?(SC) Just continue on your journey. You are all making incredible progress. It’s exciting to see!

(Suzanne) It’s always such a joy to have a conversation with the SC, thank you for all you have to give us. So is Renee here, walking the Earth right now to experience the shift?(SC) Yes, she is. Everyone who is walking the Earth is here for that purpose.

(Suzanne) And for those who are not awake, why are they here at this time? What is their purpose? (SC) It’s all the matter of self determination, the matter of being able to choose. Some have learned their lessons and are moving forward and some are stuck, can’t get past it, can’t make the shift.

(Suzanne) So is the role of light workers… (SC) All you can do is to present the information. the decision to accept the information and to act on it is the individuals.

(Suzanne) Is it also truth that those who are awake are holding energy for the planet to assist in making this transition? (SC) Yes, not only do you hold the energy but you hold the key to help others to release the energy as well. 

(Suzanne) And the care of the body? (SC) Supply the body with good food and clean water. The hormones and chemicals hold you back.

(Suzanne) Is that done intentionally? (SC) Not intentionally by the farmers the suppliers. But when the knowledge is shared that by putting hormones in your cattle so they grow bigger, say, that information is given by the… mischief makers.


(Suzanne) So let’s talk about them. Are there people in control of the world right now that don’t have the highest intentions? (SC) Yes, I would say they have been here, they have had a great impact. I would NOT say they are in control now. I think the work by the light workers & the extra terrestrials- for lack of a better term, is helping. The mischief makers have been here but they are fading and shifting and they definitely been here.

(Suzanne) So in the shift will we need the physical body? (SC) You won’t need the physical body in the way you do now. That’s part of the reason you come to Earth, to experience the physical body and all the sensations. But you don’t need it.

(Suzanne) Is that kind of like when we are dreaming? (SC) Yes, you let go of the body and go where you need to, still experience what you need to but not from the physical perspective.

(Suzanne) Will the outcome of the US elections really matter? (SC) No, the transition of the shift is still going to happen in the next few years, it really doesn’t matter. No politicians in the New Earth, no political ads!

(Suzanne) Hooray!! 


(Suzanne) Tell me about our Creator. (SC) We have all existed for all time. Are you thinking about the Creator of the Earth or the Creator of the Greater Consciousness or…

(Suzanne) Well, I bit off more than I knew there! Let’s talk about the Creator of the Earth. (SC) Well, just as you say that, we want to go the other route.

(Suzanne) giggles, Ok! You have the floor! (SC) The Creator Consciousness has always existed and always will. we have, over time, in Earth terms, sometimes have gotten very board. We want to experience different things and learn. We want to learn different things from different perspectives. So the Creator Consciousness caused the Earth to form. Then at different times, we choose to come to Earth. We choose who we’re going to be with on Earth, as in our parents and families. We know that before we come to Earth. So based on whatever experiences we want to teach or learn, we come to a particular situation or family. We come here to learn what we choose. We forget where we come from because to learn from experience is much different than being aware of it. That would impact our learning. So that is all erased when we are born on Earth. 

(Suzanne) So tell me about the Creator of the Earth. (SC) We’re ALL Creators of the Earth! It all comes from the Greater Consciousness, of which we’re all apart.


(Suzanne) I would like to understand more about parallel lives. What can you share with me? (SC) So on Earth, we think of time being linear. When you think of parallel lives, think of taking a knife and chopping up that linear line and putting those pieces beside each other.  You have multiple lives going on at the same time, in different locations. But you’re not aware of them because it would be too confusing for you! -giggles.

(Suzanne) You have to speak simply here, it’s just me!   So then, in a parallel life that I am having, it’s felt just as ‘real’ as I’m feeling this life? (SC) Yes.

(Suzanne) And the purpose of having parallel lives is to experience more at once? (SC) Yes, more lessons, more learning. You remember them all when you leave the body and go back to the spiritual life, then you can bring those all together.

(Suzanne) I got it!  So, is there a reason to get to a point of being able to remember each of our parallel lives and does everybody have them? (SC) Everyone can have them, it’s really up to us. You can choose to have one, you can choose to have many. Some want to have one at a time, some want to learn quickly so they have parallel lives. (Talk about multi-tasking!!)

(Suzanne) How would we know we are having a parallel life?(SC) I don’t think that you would. We would block it so you are concentrating on one at a time. These lives that we have been regressing through today do not have to happen linearly, they can happen parallel as well. 

(Suzanne) My late father had a theory that ‘time’ happened backwards, so this just adds to the possibilities…of my confusion! (giggles) 


(Suzanne) So tell me about the space we occupy when we leave the body, end the life.(SC) You go back to a place, if the end of the life has been traumatic, you go back to a place of orientation, into that space. It takes a while to get back to a straight, spiritual being. It’s a very pleasant place. There is no fighting, no war. It is very peaceful.

(Suzanne) And can we still check in on our loved ones that are still here? (SC) Yes you can. But you find your priorities shift. your focus isn’t so much on the ones you left behind than on the work at hand. It’s just the way it works.

(Suzanne) And from you perspective, does everybody leave the body, no matter the circumstance, when they choose to leave? (SC) It somewhat depends on the development of the person, if they leave their body easily, some bodies fight it all the way, which makes the transition for them much tougher.

(Suzanne) So when people are getting ready to pass and they ‘see’ angels and the what not, what is happening? (SC) When they are getting ready to transition, aids or guides are sent to help them with the transition. From the time they leave their body, they may not recognize the aids, they may doubt what they are seeing, but there is always someone there to help them.  To help them leave the physical body, arrive in the spiritual world and to help the re-orientation. It’s almost like being sick in the physical world, you need someone to nurse you back to the spiritual life.

(Suzanne) Gosh, you are answering everything so well and I don’t want to let you go yet! (giggles) I’m trying to think of another question. So as we come from Creator Consciousness and your desire is to experience everything,  so it is truthful that we can be an animal, we can be a blade of grass, we can be a rock, we can be a human. (SC) Yes.


(Suzanne) On the topic of Egypt, those beginnings came from ET’s? (SC) The pyramids? Yes. There was a lot of knowledge brought to the Earth from the ET’s, that over time man has lost.

(Suzanne) Will we find it someday? (SC) You are finding some of it now. They were not able to handle it when they got it.

(Suzanne) So is that like Atlantis? (SC) Yes. Another example of not being able to handle what they had. 

(Suzanne) Are we in a similar situation right now? (SC) Yes, we are moving ‘through’ that, hopefully this time. We are able to be a little more responsible with it.


(Suzanne) One last question; how are we able to experience multiple dimensions? (SC) Tell me your definition of multiple dimensions.

(Suzanne) The common knowledge is that when we are in a human body, we are experiencing 3-D. (SC) Right.

(Suzanne) So we’re dealing with the ego and duality. As we transform through this shift, we’ll be raising our vibration, our frequency to come through the 4th & 5th dimension and higher? (SC) Yes.

(Suzanne) And when we’re in our dream state, are we traveling into those higher dimensions? (SC) Yes.

(Suzanne) Can we go lower? (SC) yes, I don’t know why you would but you can. giggles.

(Suzanne) So when we mediate, we are experiencing a higher dimension? (SC) Yes, much higher!

(Suzanne) So this type of work, QHHT, or TAUK assists others to reach these levels and open them up? Is there anything else we should know about this? (SC) It’s just getting the word out there to use it as a means to raise other peoples frequency. Many people want to raise their frequency but don’t know how. 

(Suzanne) So on a basic level,  when people just feel good, they are raising their frequency? (SC) Yes, just feeling, good, feeling love is all one needs to raise it.

(Suzanne) Thank you!


Is Hypnosis All in Your Head? Brain Scans Suggest Otherwise

Hypnosis has become a common medical tool, used to reduce pain, help people stop smoking and cure them of phobias.

The magician Byrne Perkins, left, using hypnosis on Herbert Easley in 1952. Researchers at Stanford have found that some parts of the brain function differently under hypnosis than during normal consciousness.

 But scientists have long argued about whether the hypnotic “trance” is a separate neurophysiological state or simply a product of a hypnotized person’s expectations.
 The study published on Thursday by Stanford researchers offers some evidence for the first explanation, finding that some parts of the brain function differently under hypnosis than during normal consciousness.
The study was conducted with functional magnetic resonance imaging, a scanning method that measures blood flow in the brain. It found changes in activity in brain areas that are thought to be involved in focused attention, the monitoring and control of the body’s functioning, and the awareness and evaluation of a person’s internal and external environments.
“I think we have pretty definitive evidence here that the brain is working differently when a person is in hypnosis,” said Dr. David Spiegel, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford who has studied the effectiveness of hypnosis.
 Functional imaging is a blunt instrument and the findings can be difficult to interpret, especially when a study is looking at activity levels in many brain areas.
Still, Dr. Spiegel said, the findings might help explain the intense absorption, lack of self-consciousness and suggestibility that characterize the hypnotic state.
He said one particularly intriguing finding was that hypnotized subjects showed decreased interaction between a region deep in the brain that is active in self-reflection and daydreaming and areas of the prefrontal cortex involved in planning and executing tasks.
That decreased interaction, Dr. Spiegel said, suggested an explanation for the lack of self-consciousness shown by hypnotized subjects.

“That’s why the stage hypnotist can get a football coach to dance like a ballerina without feeling self-conscious about what he’s doing,” Dr. Spiegel said. He added that it might also explain, at least in part, why hypnosis is an effective tool in psychotherapy for getting people to look at a problem in a new way.

 The researchers screened more than 500 potential subjects for susceptibility to hypnosis and then compared brain activity in 36 who scored very highly on tests measuring susceptibility to hypnosis and 21 who had very low scores on those tests.
Brain activity during hypnosis was also compared with activity during resting periods and during a memory task, for both high and low susceptibility groups.

In the hypnosis task, the subjects were guided through two guided procedures for hypnotic inductions: in one, they were instructed to imagine a time when they felt happiness; in the other, they were told to remember or imagine a vacation.

All the subjects were asked in the study to rate how deeply hypnotized they felt during the inductions.

Although some researchers continue to argue that hypnosis is a state produced by people’s expectations, not by biology, Dr. Spiegel said, “At some point, I just think it becomes a kind of self-fulfilling word game.”

“I see hypnosis as a kind of app you haven’t used on your cellphone,” he said. “It’s got all kinds of capacity that people are just figuring out how to use, but if you haven’t used it the phone doesn’t do that.”

What Happens When You’re Hypnotized?

Skeptics view hypnosis as a little-understood parlor trick, but a new study reveals real changes occur in the brain when a person enters an hypnotic state.

Some parts of the brain relax during the trance while others become more active, said study senior author Dr. David Spiegel, associate chair of psychiatry at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

“I hope this study will demonstrate that hypnosis is a real neurobiological phenomenon that deserves attention,” Spiegel said. “We haven’t been using our brains as well as we can. It’s like an app on your iPhone you haven’t used before, and it gets your iPhone to do all these cool things you didn’t know it could do.”

Hypnosis was the first Western form of psychotherapy, but little is known about how it actually works, the authors say.

Hoping to learn more, Spiegel and his colleagues selected 57 people for this study out of a pool of 545 potential participants. Thirty-six of the 57 displayed a high level of hypnotic susceptibility, while the other 21 did not appear to be very hypnotizable.

Using MRI, researchers measured the subjects’ brain activity by detecting changes in blood flow. Each was scanned while resting, when recalling a memory, and when exposed to a message intended to induce a hypnotic trance.

People highly susceptible to hypnosis experienced three distinct brain changes while hypnotized that weren’t present when they were out of the trance, the study reports. These changes weren’t detected in the brains of those with low hypnotic capability.

People in a trance experienced a decrease in activity in an area called the dorsal anterior cingulate, part of what’s called the brain’s salience network. “It helps us compare context and decide what is worth worrying about and what isn’t,” Spiegel said.

Hypnotized people also experienced an increase in connections between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the insula. The prefrontal cortex helps us plan and carry out tasks, while the insula helps the mind connect with the body.

“In hypnosis, we know you can alter things like gastric acid secretion, heart rate, blood pressure and skin conductance,” Spiegel said. “Your brain is very good at controlling what’s going on in your body, and the insula is one of the pathways that does that.”

Finally, people in hypnosis also have reduced connections between the task-oriented dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the brain’s default mode network, a region most active when a person is daydreaming rather than focusing on the outside world.

This decrease in connectivity likely represents a disconnect between someone’s actions and their awareness of their actions, Spiegel said. Such a disassociation allows the hypnotic subject to engage in activities suggested by a hypnotist without becoming self-conscious of the activity.

Taken together, these brain changes match well-known outward effects caused by hypnosis, Spiegel said.

A hypnotized person is intensely focused but not worried about what they’re doing. They are not worried about evaluating instructions, but are simply following those instructions, and they have a more direct connection between their minds and the physical function of their bodies, he noted.
“This is the first time that we’ve shown what’s going on in the brain when a person is hypnotized,” Spiegel said. “This is a natural and normal brain function. It’s a technique that has evolved to enable us to do the routine things routinely, and deeply engage in the things that matter to us.”

Based on this knowledge, doctors might be able to enhance hypnotic response in ways that better help treat medical conditions, he said. Already, hypnosis has been proven to help people quit smoking or cope with pain and stress, the authors noted.

This study provides “important evidence” that could help convince skeptical patients of hypnosis’ potential benefits, said Guy Montgomery, who specializes in integrative behavioral medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City.

Dr. Alan Manevitz, a clinical psychiatrist with Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, agreed.

“Hypnosis has been around for a long time, but people have looked upon it as quackery,” Manevitz said. “This demonstrates it’s a legitimate neurobiological phenomenon, by revealing the brain activity that underlies the hypnotic state.”

However, Montgomery added that it will take further research to make this specific knowledge directly useful in daily medicine.
“How would I use this information to enhance procedures for patients?” he said. “I don’t really know.”

Not Getting Sleepy? Why Hypnosis Doesn’t Work for All.

Not everyone is able to be hypnotized, and new research from the Stanford University School of Medicine shows how the brains of such people differ from those who can easily be.

The study, published in the October issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, uses data from functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging to identify how the areas of the brain associated with executive control and attention tend to have less activity in people who cannot be put into a hypnotic trance.

“There’s never been a brain signature of being hypnotized, and we’re on the verge of identifying one,” said David Spiegel, MD, the paper’s senior author and a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences. Such an advance would enable scientists to understand better the mechanisms underlying hypnosis and how it can be used more widely and effectively in clinical settings, added Spiegel, who also directs the Stanford Center for Integrative Medicine.

Spiegel estimates that one-quarter of the patients he sees cannot be hypnotized, though a person’s hypnotizability is not linked with any specific personality trait. “There’s got to be something going on in the brain,” he said.

Hypnosis is described as a trance-like state during which a person has a heightened focus and concentration. It has been shown to help with brain control over sensation and behavior, and has been used clinically to help patients manage pain, control stress and anxiety and combat phobias.

Hypnosis works by modulating activity in brain regions associated with focused attention, and this study offers compelling new details regarding neural capacity for hypnosis.

“Our results provide novel evidence that altered functional connectivity in [the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex] and [the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex] may underlie hypnotizability,” the researchers wrote in their paper.

For the study, Spiegel and his Stanford colleagues performed functional and structural MRI scans of the brains of 12 adults with high hypnotizability and 12 adults with low hypnotizability.

The researchers looked at the activity of three different networks in the brain: the default-mode network, used when one’s brain is idle; the executive-control network, which is involved in making decisions; and the salience network, which is involved in deciding something is more important than something else.

The findings, Spiegel said, were clear: Both groups had an active default-mode network, but highly hypnotizable participants showed greater co-activation between components of the executive-control network and the salience network. More specifically, in the brains of the highly hypnotizable group the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, an executive-control region of the brain, appeared to be activated in tandem with the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, which is part of the salience network and plays a role in focusing of attention. By contrast, there was little functional connectivity between these two areas of the brain in those with low hypnotizability.

Spiegel said he was pleased that he and his team found something so clear. “The brain is complicated, people are complicated, and it was surprising we were able to get such a clear signature,” he explained.

Spiegel also said the work confirms that hypnotizability is less about personality variables and more about cognitive style. “Here we’re seeing a neural trait,” he said.

The authors’ next step is to further explore how these functional networks change during hypnosis. Spiegel and his team have recruited high- and low-hypnotizable patients for another study during which fMRI assessment will be done during hypnotic states. Funding for that work is being provided by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Funding for this study came from the Nissan Research Center, the Randolph H. Chase, MD Fund II, the Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

The study’s first-author is Fumiko Hoeft, MD, PhD, who was formerly an instructor at Stanford’s Center for Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences Research and is now an associate professor of psychiatry at UCSF. Other co-authors are John Gabrieli, PhD, a professor at MIT (then a professor of psychology at Stanford); Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli, a research scientist at MIT (then a science and engineering associate at Stanford); Brian Haas, PhD, an assistant professor at the University of Georgia (then a postdoctoral scholar in the Center for Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences Research at Stanford); Roland Bammer, PhD, associate professor of radiology; and Vinod Menon, PhD, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences.

Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com