NATURE study confirms: Triple-vaccinated developing clots associated with “long covid”

Image: NATURE study confirms: Triple-vaccinated developing clots associated with “long covid”

The Nature journal published a new feature highlighting an epidemic of “long covid” that is afflicting the triple-vaccinated.

People like Lara Hawthorne, a British illustrator who took three shots and “felt quite protected,” are now suffering strange illnesses linked to clots caused by the injections.

Hawthorne told Nature that she has been sick for months now with a variety of “often debilitating symptoms” including constant earaches, tinnitus, congestion, headaches, vertigo, heart palpitations and muscle pain, to name just a few.

Many days, Hawthorne feels so debilitated that she can barely get out of bed, which her doctors are blaming on “long covid” as opposed to the shots she received. (Related: It was Tony Fauci’s wife Christine who pulled the strings to get children enrolled in clot shot trials.)

Fearful about how tiny blood clots throughout the body are often to blame for long covid symptoms such as these, Hawthorne reached out to a physician in Germany who specifically treats people like herself using blood thinners and a dialysis-type process to filter and cleanse the blood.

Since there are now so many people sick and dying from the injections, Hawthorne has yet to hear back. There is apparently a waiting list a mile long with names of people who took the jabs, thought they were “protected,” and are now suffering day in and day out from all kinds of illnesses.

“I don’t want to wait on my health when I’m feeling so dreadful,” Hawthorne complained to Nature.

How long will science be “baffled” by what are clearly post-injection adverse events?

Researchers are reportedly “baffled by long covid” because they cannot figure out what is causing it – since they refuse to even consider the possibility that the shots are to blame.

An increasing number of people who took the jabs are experiencing ever-growing clots inside their bodies that are slowing and halting blood flow, eventually leading to death.

There is even a movement on Twitter called “#teamclots” that is raising awareness about the issue, but of course denying the elephant in the room known as the injections, which are the only logical cause of these clots.

Some desperate folks are resorting to their own remedies for these clots, to which the scientific establishment is already screaming stop! because such treatments are supposedly unproven.

“We’ve now got little scattered bits of evidence,” says Danny Altmann, an immunologist at Imperial College London, about so-called long covid. Altmann, like his colleagues, will not dare to call out the jabs.

“We’re all scuttling to try and put it together in some kind of consensus. We’re so far away from that. It’s very unsatisfying.”

Nature is still referring to the clots as blood clots, even though evidence has emerged to suggest that the clots forming inside the bodies of the “fully vaccinated” are metallic, among other strange, non-blood substances.

It is almost as if the jabs are causing people’s bodies to form non-lifeform clots out of foreign substances that are contained within or produced by whatever is inside the “vaccine” vials.

Under a microscope, Nature admits, these clots resemble “a nice plate of spaghetti” with a “horrible, gunky, and dark” appearance “such as you might get if you half-boiled the spaghetti and let it all stick together,” to quote Douglas Kell, a systems biologist at The University of Liverpool.

Kell and his colleagues have put together material suggesting that the fibrin in the clots has misfolded, creating a glue-like “amyloid” version of itself.

“If the first one changes its conformation, all the others have to follow suit,” Kell says, noting that the process is much like the misfolding of prions, which can lead to conditions such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

Vaccinated blood is tainted blood, study finds

Image: Vaccinated blood is tainted blood, study finds

New research out of Italy proposes that everyone who has been “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) now has tainted blood marked by mystery particles of various sizes and shapes.

Published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR), the study, which began in March 2021, looked at blood samples from 1,006 patients who got jabbed, and who subsequently developed various disorders.

All of the patients received the mRNA (messenger RNA) injection from Pfizer and BioNTech, which supposedly contain the least amount of actual spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 – though we know these mRNA shots cause the body to manufacture its own spike protein. (Related: Remember when Pfizer tried to rebrand its shot to make it more attractive to potential recipients?)

Pfizer’s covid shots contain an array of foreign components that the Italian researchers described as “metallic objects.” One of them is believed to be graphene, a conductive metal used in radio frequency electronics.

Of the 1,006 cases analyzed, a mere 58 of them, or 5.77 percent, showed normal hematology upon microscopic analysis – meaning the blood was healthy. The other 94.23 percent of samples were discovered to be loaded with foreign objects “of unclear origin.”

“Aggregation of erythrocytes were highlighted and exogenous point-like and self-luminescent particles in the dark-field were detected,” the paper explains. “The luminescence of those particles was markedly higher than that of oxygenated red blood cell walls.”

“The 948 cases, showed tubular / fibrous formations and frequently also crystalline and lamellar formations with extremely complex but consistently similar morphologies across all of the patients with abnormal blood samples.”

Everyone who got shot with Pfizer now has foreign, “transitioned” blood

The work replicates that of a team of Korean doctors that earlier analyzed a much larger sampling of jabbed blood and made similar discoveries. In short, these are anything but traditional “vaccines,” and are arguably not vaccines at all.

“What seems plain enough is that metallic particles resembling graphene oxide and possibly other metallic compounds, like those discovered by Gatti and Montanari (Montanari & Gatti, 2016; Gatti & Montanari, 2012, 2017, 2018), have been included in the cocktail of whatever the manufacturers have seen fit to put in the so-called mRNA ‘vaccines,’” the paper continues.

“In our experience as clinicians, these mRNA injections are very unlike traditional ‘vaccines’ and their manufacturers need, in our opinions, to come clean about what is in the injections and why it is there.”

Interestingly, the study uses the word “transition” to describe the state of a person’s blood before and after the injections. Before the transition, the blood looked and had “perfect normalcy … with accompanying haemolysis,” while after the transition there was “visible packing and stacking of red blood cells in conjunction with the formation of gigantic conglomerate foreign structures, some of them appearing as graphene-family super-structures.”

Calling this change “unprecedented,” the researchers conclude that transitioned blood, meaning vaccinated blood, “is incompatible with normal blood flow, especially at the level of the capillaries.”

“There seems to be nothing good about these jabs,” wrote a commenter about the study’s findings. “Stay well naturally.”

“First they pushed the jabs, now they are REALLY pushing the bugs,” wrote another, skeptical about the new pro-cricket-eating campaign. “What’s the chemical composition of a cricket? Can eating bugs ‘feed’ the clots?”

“COVID-5G all along – I told you!” remarked another about how the jabbed are now walking frequency transmission “towers.”

“The metal components are probably self-assembling into some sort of Bluetooth transmitter and receiver,” added another, speculating as to the nature of this transition that the fully vaxxed are going through.

Top killer in Alberta: Deaths from “ill-defined and unknown causes” (aka covid vaccines) are skyrocketing

Image: Top killer in Alberta: Deaths from “ill-defined and unknown causes” (aka covid vaccines) are skyrocketing

Canadian state news outlet CTV News is reporting that the number-one killer of people in Alberta right now are “ill-defined and unknown causes,” which of course means Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

The collective of data from 2021 shows that compared to every other primary cause of death, ill-defined and unknown causes (3,362) topped them all, followed by:

  • Dementia (2,135)
  • “COVID-19” (1,950)
  • Chronic ischemic heart disease (1,939)
  • Malignant neoplasms of trachea, bronchus and lung (1.552)
  • Acute myocardial infarction (1,075)
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (1,028)
  • Diabetes mellitus (728)
  • Stroke (612)
  • Accidental poisoning by and exposure to drugs and other substances (604)

As you will notice, nowhere in this list are Fauci Flu shots even mentioned. That is because the Canadian government, like most governments, refuses to acknowledge any link between the jabs and excess deaths – which are off the charts.

As we reported earlier this year, the government of Alberta has been going out of its way to scrub any trace of cause and effect between the jabs and the sharp increase in deaths the province has been seeing ever since the launch of Operation Warp Speed.

Up until 2021, dementia was the leading cause of death in Alberta for six straight years

Since 2016, dementia held the top spot as the number-one cause of death in Alberta – that is, until Donald Trump released his “vaccines,” which have been killing people left and right ever since.

“I think it’s probably multifactorial, so there’s probably many things playing into that,” says Dr. Daniel Gregson, an associate professor in the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary who specializes in infectious diseases and microbiology, deflecting from Fauci Flu shots as the cause of all these deaths.

“We have this impression of surviving COVID and that’s the end of it, and that’s not necessarily true,” he added in a statement to CTV, the suggestion being that the alleged “virus” is making some kind of comeback – even though covid is listed as the number-three cause of death in Alberta.

According to Gregson, people who previously tested “positive” for covid could now die at any moment from a number of things, including heart disease, stroke and pulmonary embolisms – all things that are caused by the injections, it turns out.

“We do expect that there will be deaths that aren’t directly related to COVID, but indirectly related to COVID to occur after the diagnosis in patients after the first month of infection,” he further said.

“One would expect that some of those patients are going to survive the COVID and then die at home from other complications.”

Both Alberta Health and the province’s medical examiner’s office are likewise playing dumb about the issue, pretending as though all these excess deaths are just one big mystery that cannot be solved.

“COVID still is quite high up there as we expected,” Gregson further added, admitting that the jabs are not “working” to save lives as expected.

“Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to actually eliminate COVID deaths in the province, despite our availability of vaccines. So, that’s a bit disappointing.”

Amazingly, Gregson went on to suggest that a lack of lockdowns could be responsible for all these excess deaths.

“I think the fact that that number (covid deaths) is not in the top spot is essentially a medical miracle in us being able to get out vaccines in less than 18 months to the average person in Canada,” he further stated in all seriousness.

In other words, Gregson wants Canadians to believe that the jabs are responsible for keeping covid in the number-three top killer position as opposed to the number-one position – even though the number one position is the injections.

Miscarriages and cancer up 300%, neurological problems up 1,000% due to covid “vaccines”

Image: Miscarriages and cancer up 300%, neurological problems up 1,000% due to covid “vaccines”

On January 24, attorney Thomas Renz, a member of the America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) legal team, revealed to a panel that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are extremely dangerous, despite constant reassurances from the government that they are “safe and effective.”

Three military doctors from the Department of Defense (DoD) who have access to vaccination data that has been withheld from the general public procured the information. They are Lt. Col. Theresa Long, Dr. Samuel Sigoloff and Lt. Colonel Peter Chambers.

“All three have given me this data in declarations that stated this is under penalty of perjury, we intend to submit this to the courts,” Renz said.

What these three whistleblowers showed with the data is that miscarriages have increased by 300 percent over the past year, as have cancers. Neurological problems increased 1,000 percent during the same timeframe.

“Our soldiers are being injured, experimented on, and sometimes possibly killed,” Renz further explained.

Biden regime ignored affidavit warning that covid jabs are killing military servicemen

Lt. Col. Long is a senior U.S. Army flight surgeon with specialized training in infectious diseases. She testified under the Military Whistleblower Protection Act, which protects members who make lawful disclosures of wrongdoing to members of Congress or the Inspector General.

Long told Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) that she actually had to ground vaccinated pilots in order to place them under monitoring for symptoms of myocarditis, which include chronic fatigue, so as to avoid them potentially dying from heart failure mid-air.

On Nov. 3, 2021, The Washington Times reported that Long had made “numerous efforts to get senior medical leaders to at the very least inform soldiers of this risk,” only to be ignored.

“The military didn’t even pause their vaccination efforts to rush out the Pfizer and Moderna shots,” she is quoted as saying.

Long initially decided to speak up after the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced back in June an “emergency meeting to discuss higher than expected myocarditis in 16 to 24-year-olds.”

Long then filed an affidavit against the Biden regime over its jab mandate for active-duty military personnel, warning that heart side effects could cause pilots to die mid-flight.

Long is directly responsible, by the way, for certifying the fitness of 4,000 flight-ready airmen at the 1st Aviation Brigade in Ft. Rucker, Ala. It is her job, in other words, to be on the lookout for things that could harm them, including covid jabs.

“The vaccines can cause inflamed heart muscles in young men in the age range of most flight-ready pilots and … the Department of Defense has not followed its own protocols by requiring an MRI scan of each airman after vaccination,” the affidavit reads.

“The majority of young new Army aviators are in their early twenties. We know there is a risk of myocarditis with each mRNA vaccination.”

A lawsuit was also filed, but the Biden regime has thus far ignored both the affidavit and that legal filing.

Dr. Peter McCullough backed all this up when he spoke at a second opinion meeting, revealing that myocarditis “is not mild,” and is not something to be balked at as being no big deal.

“When they do an MRI on these individuals with suspected myocarditis, 100 percent are having heart damage,” he explained.

Scientific studies show that around 13 percent of jab-induced myocarditis victims will have permanent heart injury, while 32 percent will never return back to normal.

“We are seeing unprecedented numbers of athletes dying on the field in Europe,” he added. “Of these cardiac arrests half of them don’t come back.”

The latest news about injuries and deaths caused by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” can be found at

Sources for this article include:

Study finds that Pfizer mRNA covid injection overwrites human DNA with new genetic code

Image: Study finds that Pfizer mRNA covid injection overwrites human DNA with new genetic code

For more than a year, “health experts” and “fact checkers” have claimed that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” do not alter human DNA, but a new study has confirmed otherwise.

Published in the journal Current Issues of Molecular Biology, the paper explains that Pfizer’s messenger RNA (mRNA) injection – and probably Moderna’s, too – invades the liver and converts to synthetic DNA.

Entitled, “Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line,” the study reveals that mRNA injections do, in fact, integrate into human cellular DNA.

“This means that a shot of the Pfizer vaccine, taken even once, permanently changes the DNA of affected cells,” reports Igor Chudov from The Covid World.

But wait: the Australian government’s Department of Health published a report at WebMD claiming that Covid-19 “vaccines” cannot alter DNA. In response to the question: “Is it true? Can COVID-19 vaccines alter my DNA?” the Australian DoH declared the following:

“No, COVID-19 vaccines do not alter your DNA.”


Another report by a “doctor” asked what is the “Chance That COVID-19 Vaccines Are Gene Therapy?” Her answer? “Zero.”

Whoops again.

“Covid Vaccines Don’t Alter Your DNA – They Help Choose Cells To Strengthen Your Immune Response,” reads another false headline that was widely circulated.

Then we have a “fact check” that declared: “Controversial MIT study does not show that mRNA vaccines alter DNA.”

All of this was fake news, and it was circulated across the globe. Again and again, governments and corporate-controlled media outlets have repeated the lie that Fauci Flu shots are completely safe and in no way impact human DNA, to the detriment of public health.

“What the article shows is that in vitro, using a human liver cell line, the Pfizer mRNA vaccine uses a natural reverse transcriptase enzyme called LINE-1, and the genetic code of the vaccine is reverse transcribed into the DNA,” reported The Covid World.

“It also explains that vaccine mRNA actually does travel to the liver as one of the preferred sites (the other sites, as we heard, are ovaries and more).”

Under normal circumstances, human cell nuclei, where the DNA is located, express certain DNA code based on cellular conditions. They regularly produce natural, human messenger RNA, which travels outside the nuclei to perform various functions.

These functions include the growth and repair of muscle cells, brain cells and more. This overall process is known as transcription.

Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) shots engage a process known as reverse transcription that, prior to their release, was never even thought to be possible.

Reverse transcription involves moving genetic code from RNA back into what The Covid World calls the “sacred cellular nucleus” in order to recode natural DNA with new synthetic programming. This is what these injections do.

“Eventually, scientists realized that it is possible under various conditions,” The Covid World explains about reverse transcription. “For example, the HIV RNA virus is able to do so and it reprograms our DNA to produce copies of it. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.”

The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein has a cancer code that matches a 2017 Moderna patent

We warned about all this last April following the publishing of the MIT study that the “fact checkers” claimed had been debunked.

The “experts” largely mocked the idea that mRNA injections have the ability to re-encode human DNA, only to now be exposed as frauds. It is an undeniable fact that mRNA shots permanently damage human DNA, as was demonstrated in vitro in a human liver cell line.

In order to engage reverse transcription, enzymes known as “reverse transcriptases” are needed. One of them is called LINE-1 and according to the new study, Pfizer’s mRNA shots produce it.

Just to be sure that they did not pick up RNA instead, the researchers tested for alterations to the DNA. From this they identified a slew of genetic changes that occurred due to the Pfizer shot.

“The Pfizer mRNA vaccine changes our genetic code that determines how our organisms operate, that you inherited from your mom and dad,” Chudov explains in simpler terms. “Now your DNA was changed from what your mom and dad gave you, by adding a little mysterious ‘edit’ from Pfizer.”

“Your organism acts in accordance with your DNA program, and now, well, the program has been hacked and modified by Pfizer.”

Another thing that has been revealed is the fact that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein contains a cancer code that just so happens to match a 2017 Moderna patent under the identifier 9,587,003.

Chudov says it is imperative that scientists learn the implications of the reverse transcription caused by both the Pfizer-BioNTech and the Moderna jab – and probably the viral vector alternative “vaccines” from Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and AstraZeneca as well.

“Of particular interest is whether this mRNA-induced reverse transcription affects the ‘germ-line,’ such as eggs and sperm cells, and whether it also affects the fetus of pregnant mothers,” Chudov writes, pointing to an anonymous 4chan post from December 2020 that warned about all this long before any of this was revealed.

One person responding to the study and its findings wrote: “Zombie code active!!”

“There will be huge consequences for this,” wrote someone else. “Man is now a transhuman virus hybrid!”

“The consequences of this vaxx will boggle the mind for years to come,” suggested another about the soon-to-come horror show of the “fully vaccinated.”

More of the latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections can be found at

Sources for this article include:

Covid vaccines “most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history,” says Dr. Peter McCullough

 At a recent online symposium on covid science that was organized by Doctors for COVID Ethics, the most detailed evidence yet against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” was presented for the world’s consideration.

This international group, which has long opposed the mass rollout of Fauci Flu shots, argued that the human immune system, provoked by the injections, could end up attacking its own tissues (autoimmune disease) when it detects the presence of synthetic spike proteins.

Image: Covid vaccines “most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history,” says Dr. Peter McCullough

Untold thousands of deaths have already occurred from this, though most of them never make it into the government databases. Numerous presenters, including Dr. Peter McCullough, who has also long stood against the injections, revealed scientific evidence to support these and other claims.

McCullough, by the way, has actually come out to say that covid “vaccines” are the “most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history.” He remains one of the most vocal opponents to the current agenda.

German pathologist and professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt, who has more than 40 years of experience in the field, also presented at the symposium. He conducted his own research on the tissues and organs from 15 different patients where a post-mortem had been performed.

Eight of the bodies were women and seven were men, all between the ages of 28 and 95. Each of these individuals died between seven days and six months post-injection.

What Burkhardt found is that in nearly every case, the jabs caused the individuals’ bodies to self-destruct. A specific type of immune cell called a lymphocyte was found to have invaded various parts of the body, eventually causing early death.

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Burkhardt presented slides showing that lymphocytes had infiltrated the heart muscle in particular, causing systemic inflammation. The resulting lesions were small and probably overlooked, “but the destruction of just a few muscle cells may have a devastating effect,” he warned.

“If the inflammatory infiltration is found where the impulse for the contraction of the heart is given, this may lead to heart failure,” he further said.

It was also discovered that a lymphocyte invasion occurred in other vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, uterus, brain, thyroid and skin, all of which showed signs of autoimmune damage.

How much mRNA poison can the body handle before it goes kaput?

Canadian microbiologist and professor Dr. Michael Palmer summed up Burkhardt’s presentation by explaining that anyone with honest medical training will clearly see “just how devastating the effect of these vaccines can be, at least in those who die after the vaccination.”

“We also now know why the authorities were very hesitant to have autopsies performed on such victims,” Palmer added.

As to why some people are not suffering such an extreme fate post-injection, Palmer warned that the total lifetime dose of messenger RNA toxins is limited, suggesting that it varies from person to person.

Due to a lack of experimental data, it is unknown what these thresholds are. And according to Palmer, this is “one of the great scandals of these vaccines, that no proper toxicity studies have been carried out.”

We do know from animal studies that the contents of the jabs do not remain at the site of injection. They circulate throughout the entire body, combining with receptors and lining blood vessels, which in many people causes clotting and excessive bleeding.

The long-term risks of this are what will really be telling once the contents of the jabs really make their way throughout people’s bodies over the long haul. Widespread death from seemingly no specific cause is likely to occur in the coming months and years.

More related news about Fauci Flu shots can be found at