Wi-Fi Devices Increase Mercury Release From Dental Amalgams

Recent research indicates that our increasingly Wi-Fi saturated environment could be greatly amplifying the dangers of mercury exposure from dental amalgams.

Wi-Fi Devices Increase Mercury Release From Dental Amalgams

A new study published in the Journal of Neuroimmunology, entitled, “Effect of radiofrequency radiation from Wi-Fi devices on mercury release from amalgam restorations”, reveals that our now ubiquitous exposure to Wi-Fi radiation may be amplifying the toxicity of dental amalgams and other forms of mercury exposure in the human body.

In what appears to be the first study of its kind, Brazilian researchers looked specifically at the potential for Wi-Fi signals to increase the release of mercury from dental amalgams, which are composed of approximately 50% elemental mercury.

 The highly controlled method researchers used was to recreate amalgam-filled teeth using standard protocols and then storing them in saline solution at  37° C for 14 days. The 14 day period was chosen because previous research has revealed mercury is released from amalgam restorations at gradually decreasing amounts to a constant level 14 days after the filling. 1Afterwards, and before exposing the teeth to Wi-Fi signals, samples were poured into plastic tubes filled with artificial saliva at a 1.5 cm thickness to mimic soft tissue.

Next, the researchers divided the teeth randomly into 2 groups of 10. The specimens in the experimental group were exposed to a radiofrequency radiation emitted from standard Wi Fi devices at 2.4 GHz for 20 min. The distance between the Wi-Fi router and samples was 30 cm and the router was exchanging data with a laptop computer that was placed 20 meters away from the router. The control group were not exposed to Wi-Fi.

The results statistically significant, with the mean concentration of mercury in the Wi-Fi group about twice of the control group. The details were as follows:

“The mean (±SD) concentration of mercury in the artificial saliva of the Wi-Fi exposed teeth samples was 0.056 ± .025 mg/L, while it was only 0.026 ± .008 mg/L in the non-exposed control samples. This difference was statistically significant (P =0.009).”

The authors conluded:

“Exposure of patients with amalgam restorations to radiofrequency radiation emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices can increase mercury release from amalgam restorations.”

In the discussion section of their paper, they point to previous research that has also found exposure to both MRI, and microwave radiation from cell phones, also produce increased release of mercury from dental amalgam.

We’ve discussed the dangers of laptops and mobile phone radiation in previous articles, available below:

For evidence-based research on the health impacts of Wi-Fi Radation, visit the GreenMedInfo.com Research Dashboard.


  • [1] Müller?Miny H, Erber D, Möller H, Müller?Miny B, Bongartz G. Is there a hazard to health by mercury exposure from amalgam due to MRI? J Magn Reson Imaging. 1996;6(1):258–60. doi: 10.1002/jmri.1880060146. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]

Wi-Fi Devices Increase Mercury Release From Dental Amalgams.

Recent research indicates that our increasingly Wi-Fi saturated environment could be greatly amplifying the dangers of mercury exposure from dental amalgams.

A new study published in the Journal of Neuroimmunology, entitled, “Effect of radiofrequency radiation from Wi-Fi devices on mercury release from amalgam restorations”, reveals that our now ubiquitous exposure to Wi-Fi radiation may be amplifying the toxicity of dental amalgams and other forms of mercury exposure in the human body.

In what appears to be the first study of its kind, Brazilian researchers looked specifically at the potential for Wi-Fi signals to increase the release of mercury from dental amalgams, which are composed of approximately 50% elemental mercury.

 Wi-Fi Devices Increase Mercury Release From Dental Amalgams

The highly controlled method researchers used was to recreate amalgam-filled teeth using standard protocols and then storing them in saline solution at  37° C for 14 days. The 14 day period was chosen because previous research has revealed mercury is released from amalgam restorations at gradually decreasing amounts to a constant level 14 days after the filling. 1Afterwards, and before exposing the teeth to Wi-Fi signals, samples were poured into plastic tubes filled with artificial saliva at a 1.5 cm thickness to mimic soft tissue.

Next, the researchers divided the teeth randomly into 2 groups of 10. The specimens in the experimental group were exposed to a radiofrequency radiation emitted from standard Wi Fi devices at 2.4 GHz for 20 min. The distance between the Wi-Fi router and samples was 30 cm and the router was exchanging data with a laptop computer that was placed 20 meters away from the router. The control group were not exposed to Wi-Fi.

The results statistically significant, with the mean concentration of mercury in the Wi-Fi group about twice of the control group. The details were as follows:

“The mean (±SD) concentration of mercury in the artificial saliva of the Wi-Fi exposed teeth samples was 0.056 ± .025 mg/L, while it was only 0.026 ± .008 mg/L in the non-exposed control samples. This difference was statistically significant (P =0.009).”

The authors conluded:

“Exposure of patients with amalgam restorations to radiofrequency radiation emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices can increase mercury release from amalgam restorations.”

In the discussion section of their paper, they point to previous research that has also found exposure to both MRI, and microwave radiation from cell phones, also produce increased release of mercury from dental amalgam.

Dental technique repairs damaged teeth naturally

Image: Dental technique repairs damaged teeth naturally

Teeth are a very important part of the body; they allow us to eat, after all. Having a clean, bright smile is also considered to be an indicator of health and cleanliness, especially in modern society. However, many modern methods of maintaining healthy, perfect-looking teeth come with their own set of drawbacks.

Fortunately, researchers from King’s College London have developed a natural way to heal and repair damaged teeth, which will soon leave harmful dental amalgams as a thing of the past.

Their new technology, which is known as Electrically Accelerated and Enhanced Remineralization (EAER), uses a small electric current to promote the tooth’s natural remineralization process. This technique allows teeth to be repaired easily, without needing to drill into affected teeth and place a filling.

EAER utilizes low-frequency currents to enhance the remineralization process which naturally keeps teeth healthy and strong. By manipulating this process, teeth can be repaired in a fairly non-invasive manner. Professor Nigel Pitts of King’s College London’s Dental Institute says that the way we typically approach dental care is less than perfect, and that the way we treat our teeth is far from ideal. Pitts says, “Not only is our device kinder to the patient and better for their teeth, but it’s expected to be at least as cost-effective as current dental treatments. Along with fighting tooth decay, our device can also be used to whiten teeth.”

Compared to potentially toxic fillings and painful root canals, this new method surely seems like a dramatic improvement. The potential for mercury exposure from conventional dental amalgams is also totally removed by this new procedure. Even better, you get to keep your teeth intact. No drills; no injections; no pain!  Pitts says that this new electrical method of repair can actually induce a few weeks’ worth of remineralization with ease. His goal is to bring this new technology to British dentists’ offices within three years, and eventually, to expand to the United States and other countries, as well.

Mercury fillings – Health issues and how to heal from dental amalgams.

Mercury is one of the most toxic substances known to man and yet many of us have mercury fillings in our teeth that are slowing poisoning our bodies. Each time we eat, brush our teeth, drink, or in any way stimulate a filling, mercury vapor is released. We inhale or ingest this toxic substance all day, every day.


Mercury is a neurotoxin that, upon contact, will melt the myelin sheath that coats a nerve, causing the nerve to immediately shrivel and die.? Mercury is extremely harmful to the neurological system and also adversely affects the immune system, cardiovascular system and the reproductive system. ?In fact, it is extremely toxic to any living tissue.

It is accumulative in our bodies. Our bodies do not recognize heavy metals like mercury as a pathogen. Due to their molecular similarities to minerals we need for health, our bodies respond to heavy metals the same way, incorporating them into our cells. Low levels of mercury continuously released into our bodies cause a number of problems from mental acuity and fatigue to chronic illnesses. ?

Removing mercury fillings

Your amalgam fillings can be removed and replaced with safe fillings, but it is imperative that you find a highly qualified professional with experience who takes every precaution to minimize your mercury exposure throughout the process.

As mercury fillings are removed they release mercury vapor and particles. For this reason there are specific protocols you want to be sure your chosen dentist follows to ensure your safety (and the safety of the dental staff).

Safe protocol to remove amalgam (mercury) fillings

  • Eye Protection–Your eyes should be covered with goggles to prevent contact with both vapors and particles.
  • Airway Protection–Your air should be supplied through a breathing apparatus with forced air (like the one used to deliver gas)
  • Extra Suction – Extra suction is used to continually draw away vapors and particles
  • Skin Protection – your entire face should be covered with draping to prevent contact with vapors and particles.
  • Rubber dam – A rubber dam should be used within the mouth to catch particles and prevent you from swallowing them or inhaling vapors.

It is important that you thoroughly rinse your mouth and gargle after the extraction of the filling.

If your dentist does not truly understand the risks involved and wear protective gear and use airway protection, do not trust this person to take care of you.

How to find a dentist to remove your fillings safely

You want to find a biological dentist. They are holistic practitioners that treat the mouth as a part of the entire body and understand the cause and effect of mercury on the entire system.

International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine has a database of practitioners. [1] You might also try the Mercury Safe Dentist Directory. [2] See the first source for a homemade toothpaste recipe to heal teeth and gums. It should also be noted for those with amalgam fillings that Candida mercury is a precursor to Candida. [3] Eat lots of garlic! [4] If removing mercury fillings is not something you can do right now, or if you have had it done and need to detoxify, check out Bullet Proof Your Immune System and Mercury Fillings, Root Canals, and Cavitations.









1. https://dentalwellness4u.hostasaurus.com/freeservices/find_dentists.html

2. http://iabdm.org/directory_listings/

3. http://www.organiclifestylemagazine.com

4. http://www.organiclifestylemagazine.com

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/047528_mercury_fillings_dental_amalgams_holistic_dentistry.html?utm_content=buffer3d545&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer#ixzz3IORiB6lx