HEART DAMAGE: COVID jabs cause Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, research shows

Another heart problem linked to Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccination” has made it into the annals of science.

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, the clinical presentation of which resembles that of acute myocarditis, is listed in a new study as having manifested in a 59-year-old woman who developed the disease after receiving a COVID “booster” shot.

For six hours, the patient experienced persistent dyspnea, prompting her to visit an emergency room. The woman told hospital workers she developed consistent chest pain in the two days prior, which she described as a stabbing sensation that got progressively worse with each subsequent episode.

Physical exertion worsened the pain, the woman revealed, and there was no relief method she could come up with to help her feel better. The woman had taken a booster shot from Moderna, one of the two providers of mRNA (modRNA) COVID injections.

Though the woman remained conscious with a blood oxygen saturation of 89 percent and blood pressure of 150/90 mmHg, attending physicians detected crackling and rattling sounds in her lungs, a phenomenon known as crepitations.

The woman tested “negative” for COVID using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, while an emergency electrocardiogram showed ST-segment elevation. A chest X-ray also revealed pulmonary edema, while an ultrasound showed reduced left ventricular systolic function with an estimated ejection fraction of 30 percent.

The attending medical team eventually administered intravenous injections of norepinephrine and dobutamine as treatment. When no other etiologies were identified, the woman was officially diagnosed with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.

(Related: Leaked evidence shows the blueprints for a planned release of a deadly COVID bioweapon.)

Skip the jabs and save your heart

On the sixth day, the patient improved somewhat and was discharged, though she continued to experience persistent tachycardia, requiring treatment with metoprolol, a medication prescribed for high blood pressure.

Before ever getting injected, the woman suffered a history of hyperlipidemia, hypothyroidism and celiac disease. She was also a smoker for five years, but had quit in the 15 years prior to getting injected for COVID. She had no history of alcohol consumption or drug abuse.

Though the researchers stated that the physiopathology of COVID jab-induced Takotsubo cardiomyopathy cannot definitively be proven, they did admit that “several theories have been proposed.”

For some individuals, they stated, the immune response triggered by COVID injections may “result in an exaggerated inflammatory cascade, leading to endothelial dysfunction, microvascular dysfunction and myocardial injury.”

“Vaccination may also stimulate the release of pro-inflammatory factors such as interleukin-6,” reported The Epoch Times.

“Additionally, the stress response induced by COVID-19 vaccination could potentially ‘dysregulate the autonomic nervous system, contributing to the development of cardiac dysfunction.’”

Another peer-reviewed study published in the same journal also analyzed the evidence of COVID jab-induced Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. That one involved 15 case reports on 16 patients, 14 of whom received mRNA injections from either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna.

Seven of the 16 patients developed Takotsubo cardiomyopathy after the first dose, and seven more after the second dose. All of the patients exhibited elevated cardiac troponin levels, abnormal electrocardiogram findings and reduced ventricular ejection fraction on echocardiograms.

“The most predominant symptom among patients was chest pain, followed by dyspnea and nausea,” reports explain. “Eventually, 14 patients recovered and were discharged, while two of the patients died.”

The good news is that 87.5 percent of the patients recovered and were discharged, highlighting the “transient and reversible” nature of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. The death of the two patients, however, highlights the “potentially life-threatening nature of this vaccine-related adverse event.”

The latter study also mentions other potential side effects from COVID injection, including pain and swelling at the injection site, fever, headache, myalgia (muscle pain), fatigue and nausea.

DNA contamination in COVID jabs could explain rise in cancers, clots and autoimmune diseases

Commenting on the recent discovery of DNA fragments inside Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” vials, anatomic clinical pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole revealed to “American Thought Leaders” that these contaminants could be related to the increases in cancer, micro-clotting and autoimmune disease among the fully vaccinated.

“My big concern is the fact that billions of people across the earth have received a product that was overtly contaminated with something that should not have been in the product,” Dr. Cole explained. “If I went and bought some meat at the grocery store and they had heavy metal or pesticide toxins, they would pull those from the shelves immediately.”

Dr. Cole referenced new research looking at Pfizer’s COVID jab vials, which were found to contain molecules derived from Simian Virus 40 (SV40), a known cancer promoter.

These SV40 molecules appear to have been inserted into the vials as “promoters” or “enhancers” to enhance the effect of mRNA molecules in causing human cells to make proteins to trigger an immune response inside the body.

(Related: Last December, Dr. Cole spoke with Dr. Drew of “Ask Dr. Drew” about how COVID jabs cause lymphocytes in the body to “chew a hole in the aorta.”)

COVID jab-related “turbo cancers” spreading across 44 countries

While SV40 itself was not found inside Pfizer’s vials, certain derivatives of it were. This is a problem not only because the ingredient is not properly labeled as being present, but also because SV40 was used in the earliest polio vaccines, causing some recipients to later develop cancer.

According to Dr. Cole, the presence of these SV40 components is a problem because of the health risks involved. A “concerning” nuclear co-localization sequence, he explained, “allows it to get into the nucleus of the cell and to induce these different pathways of action and mechanisms that can, again, go haywire, mutate, cause toxicity.”

Molecular virologist David Speicher is credited with discovering the SV40 enhancers inside COVID jabs. He told reporters in a recent interview that this DNA contamination needs to be investigated, which we also know to be important due to the sudden rise in “turbo cancers” ever since the jabs were unleashed.

Cancer registry records from 44 countries show a marked rise in early-onset cancers of 14 different types, including colorectal, breast, esophageal, gastric and pancreatic. These turbo cancers are said to be most prominently occurring in younger people.

“Now I’m seeing the solid tissue cancers at rates I’ve never seen,” Dr. Cole explained. “Patients that were stable, or cancer-free for one, two, five, 10 years and their cancer’s back – it’s back with a vengeance and it’s not responding to the traditional therapies.”

While Dr. Cole admits that the turbo cancer phenomenon is still largely a mystery, all things considered, he does believe that it is tied to immune system suppression, which we know is an adverse effect associated with COVID injections.

“It’s not necessarily that the gene sequence is causing cancer with the gene sequence … it can cause some of the mutations that lead to cancers – but what it’s also doing it’s suppressing the immune system,” he further added.

“And your immune system is what kills cancer. And if your immune system is asleep, your killer cells can’t be activated.”

Separate research conducted by microbiologist Kevin McKernan, who contributed to MIT’s Human Genome Project, found that the amount of contaminating DNA found in COVID jabs is anywhere from 18 to 70 times higher than established public health agency limits allow.

COVID jabs contain graphene NANOBOTS, scientists discover – and they pass from the vaccinated to unvaccinated

The true nefarious purpose behind Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” extends far beyond just mass depopulation of the world.

The injections are laced with microscopic graphene oxide “nanobots” that alter natural human biology in ways that we are only just beginning to discover and understand.

Graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a two-dimensional lattice structure, is remarkably powerful in terms of amalgamating the human frame with synthetic, man-made components.

(Related: Check out our earlier coverage about the strange “artifacts” being found in the blood of people who got jabbed.)

It appears as though the goal with these graphene nanobots is to transform, or transition, all human beings into human-hybrid robots controlled by 5G wireless transmissions.

As crazy as it might sound, the powers that be seem to be building a worldwide network of 5G nodes that, once activated in conjunction with whatever software is uploaded to the 5G nanobots hiding inside the “fully vaccinated,” will give them absolute power over the masses.

“These minuscule robots, driven by the power of nanotechnology, possess the ability to navigate the intricate terrain of our bodies with unprecedented precision,” reports The Exposé. “Their potential applications appear endless: targeted drug delivery, tissue repair, disease detection, and even neural interfaces.”

“One concerning aspect of graphene nanobots lies in their potential for infiltration and manipulation. As they navigate through our bloodstream, these microscopic agents have the capacity to interact with our cells, tissues, and even our DNA. The prospect of intentional manipulation or unintended side effects raise alarms about the invasion of our bodily autonomy and the potential for irreversible harm.”

Even if you avoided the jabs, you might still have graphene nanobots in your body from “shedding”

Everything that is now coming to light about graphene nanobots is more than likely just the tip of the iceberg. We may never fully know what the plan for them is until it is actually executed, at which point it will already be far too late to reverse course.

“The possibility of surreptitious surveillance, tracking, or alteration of our physical and cognitive functions becomes a disconcerting reality,” The Exposé adds.

“As these nanobots become more integrated into our daily lives, the line between human agency and technological control blurs, giving rise to a dystopian world where our very essence is manipulated and exploited.”

Identifying the entity or entities behind these graphene nanobots, as well as their full intentions, remains a challenge because of the secrecy surrounding their origins. Both sides of the political aisle seem to be playing their part in deploying them, with the Trump administration having unleashed them via the PREP Act and Operation Warp Speed, followed by the Biden regime grabbing the baton and forcing them on the public.

COVID has since been exposed as a scam, along with the injections, but it no longer matters because a majority of the country already got jabbed – and the rest who remain unjabbed are now being “shed” on by the jabbed, infecting them with graphene nanobots as well.

In time, every person on earth will have these foreign objects swimming in their bloodstreams, jabbed or not. Once that process is complete, it is anyone’s guess how severe the dystopian fallout will be.

“One of the most horrifying aspects of graphene nanobots is their ability to manipulate and control our bodily functions,” reports warn.

“Imagine a scenario where these insidious agents override our natural systems, dictating our thoughts, emotions, and physical actions. Our autonomy is stripped away, we become mere puppets in the hands of these malevolent forces. The prospect of a dystopian world where our every move is orchestrated by these silent destroyers is a chilling thought indeed.”

Cardiologists Come to the Same Conclusion Regarding COVID Jab Side Effects

(By Lightspring)


“The Covid mRNA vaccine has likely played a significant role or been a primary cause of unexpected cardiac arrests, heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrhythmias, and heart failure since 2021…”

Until the British cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, expressed grave concern about the safety of Covid mRNA vaccines, he was one of the most celebrated doctors in Britain. In 2016 he was named in the Sunday Times Debrett’s list as one of the most influential people in science and medicine in the UK in a list that included Professor Stephen Hawking. His total Altmetric score (measure of impact and reach) of his medical journal publications since 2013 is over 10,000 making it one of the highest in the World for a clinical doctor during this period.

In the early days of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Britain, he advocated the injections for the general public. However, in July of 2021, he experienced a terrible personal loss that caused him to reevaluate the shots—namely, the sudden and unexpected death of his 73-year-old father. His father’s death made no sense to him because he knew from his own examination that his father’s general and cardiac health were excellent. As he put it in a recent interview:

His postmortem findings really shocked me. There were two severe blockages in his coronary arteries, which didn’t really make any sense with everything I know, both as a cardiologist—someone who has expertise in this particular area—but also intimately knowing my dad’s lifestyle and his health. Not long after that, data started to emerge that suggested a possible link between the mRNA vaccine and increased risk of heart attacks from a mechanism of increasing inflammation around the coronary arteries. But on top of that, I was contacted by a whistleblower at a very prestigious university in the UK, a cardiologist himself, who explained to me that there was a similar research finding in his department, and that those researchers had decided to essentially cover that up because they were worried about losing funding from the pharmaceutical industry. But it doesn’t stop there. I then started looking at data in the UK to see if there had been any increase in cardiac arrest. My dad suffered a cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death at home. Had there been any change in the UK since the vaccine rollout? And again those findings were very clear. There’s been an extra 14,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests in 2021 vs 2020.

The more Dr. Malhotra looked into it, the more he felt the same concern about the safety of the mRNA vaccines that Dr. Peter McCullough had felt since the spring of 2021. The alarming incidence of sudden, unexpected deaths during the latter half of 2021 and the first eight months of 2022—especially among the young and fit—strengthened his grave concern and suspicion.

In September of 2022,—after a thorough investigation of the growing volume of data—he came to his conclusion:

The Covid mRNA vaccine has likely played a significant role or been a primary cause of unexpected cardiac arrests, heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrhythmias, and heart failure since 2021 until proven otherwise.

His conclusion, including his precise verbal formulation of it, was identical to the conclusion drawn by Dr. Peter McCullough. Though the two doctors ultimately established contact to compare notes, they reached their conclusions based on their own, independent inquiries, before they spoke with each other.

Recently the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation produced Until Proven Otherwise— a short video documentary about the corroborating findings of these two leading cardiologists. I believe it is no exaggeration to say that the gripping, four-minute video is a MUST SEE for everyone. Please share it with your family and friends.

It’s my duty and responsibility as a consultant cardiologist and public health campaigner to urgently inform doctors, patients, and members of the public, that the COVID mRNA vaccine has likely played a significant role of being a primary cause of unexpected cardiac arrests, or heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrhythmias, and heart failure since 2021—until proven otherwise. 

— Dr. Aseem Malhotra

200 papers showing that the myocarditis causes heart damage and a scar, and then the scar becomes the basis for cardiac arrhythmia, and the arrhythmia is responsible for the sudden death that we’re seeing—and we’re seeing sudden death on a massive scale.

— Dr. Peter McCullough

New Omicron-specific vaccines offer similar protection to existing boosters

Updated COVID jabs have been approved in the United States and United Kingdom, but they offer roughly the same protection as existing vaccines, a study suggests.

A man wearing a mask receives a covid vaccine in his car by a healthcare worker
COVID-19 booster jabs based on the Omicron coronavirus variant will soon be available in the United States and United Kingdom.

In the coming days, people in the United States and the United Kingdom will be among the first to receive a new breed of COVID-19 vaccine. The hope was that these updated vaccines — based on Omicron variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus — would offer substantially greater protection than older vaccines based on the strain of the virus that emerged in 2019. But an analysis1 suggests that updated boosters offer much the same level of protection as an extra dose of the older vaccines does — particularly when it comes to keeping people out of hospital. The study was posted to the medRxiv preprint server on 26 August and has not been peer reviewed.

“This is not some kind of super-shield against infection compared to what you could have got two weeks ago or a month ago,” says John Moore, a vaccine scientist at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City who was not involved in the modelling study. US and UK regulators should have taken the potential effectiveness of updated vaccines into account before authorizing them, Moore argues.

On 15 August, the United Kingdom became the first country to approve one of the new ‘bivalent’ vaccines, which is based on the Omicron BA.1 lineage and the original SARS-CoV-2 sequence identified in Wuhan, China, and will soon roll it out. And this week, the US government gave the green light to similar bivalent vaccines.

Small efficacy trials

Large-scale efficacy trials showed that the first generation of COVID-19 vaccines reduced the risk of disease by more than 90%2,3. But such studies — which involved randomly assigning tens of thousands of people to receive either a vaccine or a placebo and then following these individuals to see who got infected — are no longer practical, possible or ethical in 2022.

Updated COVID-19 vaccines have instead been trialled in smaller groups. To gauge their effectiveness, developers have typically measured participants’ immune responses, particularly levels of infection-blocking ‘neutralizing’ antibodies, and compared these with those of people who received another dose of the original vaccine.

How COVID boosters measure up. Bar chart showing booster jabs effectiveness.

Most of these trials found that the updated vaccines — based not only on Omicron, but also on older variants, including Beta — performed a bit better in terms of this measure than the original vaccines did. “This is a clearly superior booster,” Stephen Hoge, the president of pharmaceutical firm Moderna, told investors on 8 June when touting such results from the company’s BA.1-based bivalent vaccine.

To try to make sense of results like Moderna’s, a team led by Deborah Cromer, a mathematical modeller at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia, collected all of the updated vaccine-trial results the researchers could find, as well as studies looking at the efficacy of fourth doses of the original vaccine.

Both vaccine types sent antibody levels skyrocketing, but the updated versions did so to levels that were, on average, 1.5-fold higher than those of older vaccines based on the original SARS-CoV-2 sequence. “We’re not talking about a step change,” Cromer says.

Fewer hospitalizations

Studies suggest that higher levels of neutralizing antibodies equate to better protection against COVID-19. But it wasn’t clear from the updated vaccine trials how much more effective they might be.

To determine this, Cromer’s team applied a model that she, UNSW immunologist Miles Davenport and their colleagues developed relating efficacy of the original COVID-19 vaccines to antibody levels4. The model found that most of the benefits provided by updated vaccines are conveyed by an extra dose of any vaccine.

For instance, in a population where half of people are already protected against a symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection through previous vaccination or infection, an updated vaccine booster bumped protection up to 90%, compared with 86% protection provided by an extra dose of the original vaccine. For protection against severe disease, however, the difference in protection was less than 1% (see ‘How COVID boosters measure up’).

At a population level, updated vaccines could make sense. Cromer’s team estimated that, for every 1,000 people, a booster campaign based on updated vaccines would result in 8 fewer hospitalizations, on average, than one based on older vaccines. “If that translates to hospital beds saved and severe cases averted, that might be a sufficient level to warrant the recommendation for a variant-modified booster,” she says.

The relative benefits of variant-based boosters could grow stronger if pre-existing immunity is suddenly lowered by the appearance of a new variant (see ‘Immunity matters’). This occurred in December 2021 after the emergence of Omicron — and might happen again. In this scenario, an Omicron-based vaccine could provide much better protection than older ancestral vaccines, says Cromer.

Immunity matters. Charts showing where booster jabs can improve immunity.

Long-term benefit

When the US booster campaign begins, it set to use different Omicron vaccines from the one approved by the United Kingdom. In June, an advisory committee to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked companies to develop bivalent vaccines that were based on the original strain and the BA.4 and BA.5 coronavirus variants — which have identical spike protein sequences — instead of the bivalent BA.1 vaccine that had been trialled by Moderna, Pfizer–BioNTech and others. The hope was that, by better matching circulating strains, the vaccines would prove more effective.

But Cromer’s analysis suggests the differences might be paltry. Even updated vaccines based on the Beta and Delta variants should protect against BA.4 and BA.5 infections nearly as well as vaccines based on those variants. Similarly, bivalent vaccines that included the original vaccine looked no more effective than vaccines based solely on a newer variant.

For these reasons, the FDA’s decision to spurn a BA.1-based booster probably wasn’t worth it, says Cromer, particularly as SARS-CoV-2 continues to evolve. “It doesn’t seem to suggest that it’s going to give a dramatic improvement in the effectiveness of the booster vaccine to have that slight change.”

Dean Follmann, a statistician at the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, says that even the marginal benefits of a vaccine based on BA.4 and BA.5 might be enough to justify their roll-out. “It’s probably somewhat better. A lot better — probably not.” Moreover, he says the main message of the analysis should be that any COVID-19 booster is a good one.

Other scientists question the decision to pursue variant boosters when the benefit is so small. Moore worries that people are being misled into thinking updated vaccines are vastly more effective than existing vaccines, and might then expose themselves to greater infection risks.

Paul Offit, a vaccine scientist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania who was one of two members of an FDA advisory committee to vote against updating COVID-19 vaccines, says that Cromer’s analysis underscores his scepticism. “If this vaccine is no more effective than the current vaccines, then why distribute it?” He says. “You’re going to have very little impact on the incidence of severe disease.”

In the long run, it probably makes sense to develop variant-based vaccines, says Cromer, but the idea that they need to closely match circulating viral strains is unrealistic — and counterproductive when highly effective vaccines are already available. “The most important vaccine booster is the one that you actually get.”

After destroying American society, the CDC admits natural immunity works better than COVID jabs

After two and a half years of weaponizing public health messages and destroying the very fabric of society, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has decided that natural immunity works better than the COVID jabs. The CDC is now promoting an “anti-vax” message that they aggressively censored, disparaged and attacked since 2000. The CDC updated their guidelines in August 2022, asking for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated to be treated equally throughout society.

Since the beginning of the covid-19 scandal, the CDC lied about the immune system, natural exposure and available treatments, while declaring the unvaxxed “public health threats” and threatening their very participation in society.

Good people, from teachers and nurses, to police officers and service members, lost their jobs for not taking a fake vaccine or submitting to coercive bodily mandates. The oh-so unifying Biden administration ridiculed, mocked and fired Americans, threatening their body autonomy rights and their individual beliefs every step of the way. The Biden government even worked with social media companies to censor Americans. Now the CDC admits these people were right and along.

Due to the unlawful actions of the CDC, the fearless pure bloods have had to endure significant attacks against their livelihoods, their careers and their education. With each passing day, as natural immunity proves superior to COVID jabs, the enduring pure bloods find solace in their spirit and a greater sense of self-respect, purpose and dignity.

Social distancing, masks and isolation were a useless waste of time, harmful to society at large

The vast majority of the population was better off exposed to their natural environment and one another. The asinine six-foot social distancing rule that pervaded society did nothing but traumatize and impart mass mental illness, misleading an entire swath of the population into a state of germaphobia, hypochondria psychosis.
All of the CDC’s isolationist mitigation efforts turned out to be ineffective and harmful, but even worse, the premise for implementing these behavioral controls and mandates was built on lies about human immunity. The CDC should have been promoting a strong immune system from the start, so that a vast majority of the population would have lived normally and garnered natural immunity.

Instead, the CDC focused on the germ theory, making people afraid of something that was always going to be out of their control. The CDC gave people the illusion that they were in control over pathogens, and this neurotic control was pushed onto others who did not consent to these diseased mindsets and abusive edicts. The truth is, no one was saved by shutdowns, travel restrictions, asymptomatic testing or masks. People were only harmed, as church assembly was shuttered, as God was mocked in the streets by rioters, looters, murderers. People were killed by hospital protocol, as families were separated, as holding hands and praying was barred, as deadly protocol was pushed onto patients. Children were mentally and physically harmed, as parental rights were subjugated. In the war against natural immunity, the CDC forced masks onto children’s faces while delaying their learning and destroying team sports. All this was done to rush an experimental vaccination program into existence, one that wrought more health issues on the population.

From the very start of the covid-19 scandal, the CDC was an immune system denier and consistently attacked any behavior or lifestyle that promoted a healthy immune response. Thanks to the CDC’s malicious guidance, families were torn apart, individuals were locked down and did not receive proper treatment for a variety of illnesses and chronic diseases. Thanks to the CDC, businesses were shuttered, education was made into a mockery of mental and physical abuse, depression, anxiety, and suicide became acceptable side effects while efficacious, antiviral treatments were withheld from patients — all to push an experimental jab that has failed and turned out to kill more people than all other vaccines combined.