Next cyberattack target? Medical devices

Enemies of the United States who seek to take down the country in a cyberattack could soon target the health care industry.

New reports warn that, following a spate of localized cyberattacks against health care facilities, federal officials and health systems are concerned that the next cyberattack target will be medical devices, including those in hospital rooms, at imaging centers and even inside patients’ homes.

“Hackers have especially targeted health systems for their valuable troves of patient data and in some cases have temporarily knocked systems offline, disrupting patient care,” Axios reported about the matter.

“But there are also a range of medical devices – such as MRIs, ventilators and pacemakers – that are potential targets, particularly when it comes to aging devices with outdated software.”

Though the cyberattack threat to medical devices is still largely theoretical, experts like Toby Gouker, an executive at privacy and security firm First Health Advisory, believe that it is only a matter of time before hackers figure out a way to break them virtually.

“It’s a real Achilles’ heel and a blind spot for health systems,” Gouker is quoted as saying. “What makes more money in a hospital than anything else? If you bring an MRI down, you can take a lot of health systems to their knees.”

(Related: Some people believe that communist China is planning a cyberattack to take down America.)

Government watchdog calls on FDA to expand cybersecurity of medical devices

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is calling on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which oversees medical devices, to work more closely with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to coordinate cybersecurity and medical devices in advance of a potential attack.

Both agencies have responded to the GAO’s call positively, stating that they, too, believe more needs to be done to protect medical devices from hacking attempts.

The GAO produced a report that says the vulnerabilities inherent to medical devices “still pose risks to hospital networks – and patients.”

As of last March, a new law requires all medical device manufacturers to submit plans for how to address any cybersecurity vulnerabilities inherent to their products. That law does not, it is important to note, affect any connected devices that are already on the market.

“Everything from your hospital bed to your infusion pump next to the bed, to the monitor next to the bed that’s measuring, monitoring your vitals, they’re all connected,” said Chelsea Arnone, director of federal affairs for the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives.

“Everything is online … so they’re all ostensibly hackable.”

Because many medical devices incorporate off-the-shelf software that, like all other software, is vulnerable to threats like viruses and “worms,” it is important that medical device manufacturers pay mind to this threat early on to avoid potential hacking problems later on down the road.

Up until the new law took shape and was signed into law, most medical device manufacturers offered little to no support in providing patches or other cybersecurity solutions to their customers, especially for older medical devices that no longer hold “blockbuster” status.

The name of the game for the medical device industry, just like with the pharmaceutical industry, is profits. And providing constant software support for older products means fewer profits, hence the need for legislation to force these companies to do the right thing.

One recent incident that illustrates the problem occurred in Russia after a hacker found a backdoor into a hospital’s medical device. The hospital was unable to take the product offline in order to isolate the problem, and when its employees contacted the company for assistance, they were told there is no fix.

“It’s just old school,” Arnone said about the incident. “You’re calling someone on the phone and waiting and trying to get the right person who can help you. It’s like the worst kind of customer support.”

5G Danger: 4 Ways 5G wireless technology can seriously harm human health

Fifth generation (5G) networks, which are touted to support faster mobile connections, are actively being rolled out around the world. However, 5G produces radiofrequency (RF) radiation and electromagnetic energy fields (EMF), which are increasingly being recognized as new types of environmental pollution. They have also been linked to serious health issues.

Here are four reasons why Americans should be concerned about 5G networks being launched in thousands of cities across the United States.

EMF from 5G causes premature aging

Numerous studies have shown that exposure to EMF can cause rapid aging. Some have even estimated that it can reduce longevity by 10 to 15 years.

According to Dr. Martin Pall, an EMF scientist, EMF exposure leads to premature aging and causes damage to vital organs, such as the brain and the heart, as well as DNA because it triggers the formation of free radicals. Research pioneered by Pall exposed how EMF activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), which regulate the flow of calcium ions in and out of cells.

This activation causes VGCCs to allow excess calcium to enter cells, resulting in the production of nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide. These chemicals readily react to form peroxynitrite and free radicals, which can cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress damages cells and their components, especially proteins, lipids and DNA. It is also said to drive cellular aging by promoting inflammation.

EMF from 5G can cause early onset Alzheimer’s

Pall’s research has also linked EMF exposure to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. His work using animal models shows two possible mechanisms through which EMF can cause Alzheimer’s: via the excessive calcium signaling pathway and via the peroxynitrite/oxidative stress/inflammation pathway.

A study published in the journal Nature Reviews Neuroscience elaborates on the consequences of calcium dyshomeostasis, noting that “increased intracellular calcium elicits the characteristic lesions of this disorder [Alzheimer’s disease], including the accumulation of amyloid-B, the hyperphosphorylation of TAU and neuronal death.”

Meanwhile oxidative stress, which is characterized by an imbalance between free radical production and antioxidant defense, is said to play a major role in the process of neurodegeneration and cognitive decline, especially among the elderly. Numerous studies have shown that the brain tissues of people with Alzheimer’s disease are heavily exposed to oxidative stress.

“EMFs act via peak electric and time varying magnetic forces at a nanosecond time scale,” explained Pall. With each increase in pulse modulation produced by EMF-emitting devices, such as smart meters, smart cell phones and 5G technology, such peaks are considerably increased as well, resulting in what Pall describes as the ultimate nightmare — extremely early onset Alzheimer’s disease.

Pall also highlighted human genetic and pharmacological studies that show high VGCC activity increasing the incidence of Alzheimer’s in humans. Because exposure to EMF, which is freely emitted by 5G networks, directly increases VGCC activity that triggers oxidative stress, it can be considered an important cause of Alzheimer’s disease. (Related: 5G is a weapons system designed to KILL people, says weapons expert Mark Steele.)

Pulsed wave radiation from 5G smart meters causes brain damage

Instead of continuous wave radiation, wireless smart meters emit pulsed wave radiation, a feature unique to them. This means that they alternate between emitting a burst of EMF and temporarily being inactive. According to court documents and testimony from Pacific Gas and Electric Company of California, smart meters on average produce pulsed waves between 9,600 and 190,000 times per day.

Pulsed wave EMFs have been shown to be more dangerous for humans than continuous wave EMFs. Animal studies suggest that the application of short, high-power RF pulses can cause significant brain damage, most notably abnormalities in the structure and function of dopamine synapses in the hippocampus.

Dopamine transmission in the brain, which is mediated by dopamine synapses, is involved in motor control and reward processing. Dysfunction of these synapses can lead to various psychiatric and neurological disorders in humans. In animal models, this has been linked to Parkinson’s disease.

5G can cause DNA alterations and cancer

5G has been reported to use millimeter waves (MMW) frequencies in the 24 to 100 GHz range. These frequencies are very high with extremely short (millimeter range) wavelengths, hence the name. MMW frequencies, especially at high doses, have been shown to alter the secondary structure and expression of DNA, which could have unfavorable consequences for human health.

In an article published in the journal Oncology Letters, Swedish researchers highlighted the fact that 252 EMF scientists from 43 countries have found sufficient evidence that “RF-EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines.” Some of the serious health issues linked to RF-EMF emitted by 5G include “increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans.”

A study published in the Journal of Biomedical Physics Engineering also called attention to the fact that MMW irradiation has been found to trigger biological responses within the skin that negatively affect the heart, immune system and nervous system in the long run. In addition, absorption of 5G radiation through the skin triggers excessive production of free radicals, which increases the risk of skin cancer.

Studies have shown that free radicals can cause DNA base damage and strand breaks. They can also damage tumor suppressor genes and promote the expression of pro-cancer genes. In turn, free radical-induced DNA damages increase the rates of DNA mutation, decrease genomic stability and trigger apoptosis, or programmed cell death. Cancer and atherosclerosis, in particular, are “salient free radical diseases” that could be triggered by heightened exposure to 5G radiation. (Related: 5G Danger: Hundreds of respected scientists sound the alarm about health effects as 5G networks go up nationwide.)

The push for 5G in America comes with significant risks to public health and safety. Learn more about the dangers of 5G and smart meters at

Watch this video about the hidden dangers of 5G.

This video is from TheMoreUKnow channel on

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Could an independent vaccine safety group save the U.S. from government corruption?

Image: Could an independent vaccine safety group save the U.S. from government corruption?

It’s no secret that everything we’re told about vaccines by the mainstream media and major “health” organizations is a lie. Agencies like the CDC may be charged with protecting public health, but they continue to demonstrate that they are more concerned with upholding their archaic narratives and protecting Big Pharma’s profits than the American people. Is an independent vaccine safety organization the solution? The World Mercury Project team believes it could be the answer to corruption in U.S. government — and they might just be right.

As Robert F. Kennedy Jr. declared last year, the CDC is really nothing more than an “edifice of fraud,” and other federal agencies like the FDA, EPA and USDA aren’t any more respectable. The amount of power yielded by unelected government agency officials borders on unconstitutional, and in fact, evades the Constitution entirely (by design). The administrative power federal agencies have granted themselves is a force that Americans need to reckon with, if we truly want change.

There are many questions surrounding vaccines and vaccine safety, but federal agencies have made it clear that they cannot be trusted to give us real answers. Look no further than the admissions of guilt from CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson for proof of that. Thompson came forward, confessing that he and his colleagues destroyed evidence linking the MMR vaccine to autism.

Federal agencies abuse their power

There have been many, many whistleblowers over the years, who’ve been brave enough to come forward about the corruption, lies and deceit that have overtaken federal agencies across the board. While their testimonies have been greatly appreciated by those willing to listen, far too often they are simply ignored or publicly smeared by the mainstream media. In this way (among others), federal agencies are already operating at near-authoritarian level; those who expose them are hung out to dry, and there’s little room to question their self-imposed authority.

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As Columbia Law Professor Philip Hamburger, author of the books The Administrative Threat and Is Administrative Law Unlawful?, explains that federal agencies are essentially modern-day royalty. “Administrative power also evades many of the Constitution’s procedures, including both its legislative and judicial processes. Administrative power thereby sidesteps most of the Constitution’s procedural freedoms. Administrative power is thus all about the evasion of governance through law, including an evasion of constitutional processes and procedural rights,” he writes.

USA Today notes that non-judicial administrative courts decide cases and impose penalties without a jury or even an actual judge — courts like the  Vaccine Claims/Office of Special Masters, which are run by unelected bureaucrats.

Hamburger says that the increase in power yielded by the administrative branch coupled with a decreasing emphasis on the importance of the legislative and judicial branches spells out “big trouble” for the U.S. as we know it.

Corruption influences major policy decisions

The expansion of administrative power is not the only problem plaguing the U.S. government agencies. Major conflicts of interest are a substantial problem in government offices like the CDC or FDA. World Mercury Project (WMP) notes that watchdog groups, legislators and even researchers have documented the growing problem of bias caused by conflict of interest within these agencies.

Ties to the very industry these agencies are supposed to regulate are perhaps the most glaring of problems; not only do the CDC and FDA often rely on external experts with financial ties to the pharma industry, members of their advisory committees often own stock in vaccine companies. How can we expect these agencies to be impartial when they clearly have something to gain by approving certain products?

Both the Office of Inspector General and the Committee on Government Reform have made note of this clear conflict of interest over the years. The Committee first outlined this problem nearly 20 years ago — and little to nothing has been done to rectify it. Conflict of interests, cronyism and corruption abound in administrative agencies, and no one is standing in their way.

These agencies also fail to actively look for adverse effects of vaccines. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a huge flop; as sources explain “no active effort is made to search for, identify and collect information, but rather information is passively received from those who choose to voluntarily report their experience.”

There are substantial limitations to the current monitoring system — but the agencies in charge of it have made no effort to make the VAERS system more complete. As few as one percent of vaccine-related adverse events are reported — and even then, the CDC reports 4,500 “serious” health events are declared annually.

As an agency charged with protecting the public, you’d think this should be more concerning. Instead, the CDC maintains “while these problems happen after vaccination, they are rarely caused by the vaccine.” Thousands of people are being harmed, while administrative overlords do nothing but collect stocks and kickbacks.

Independent science is the solution to government failure

The list of wrongdoings at the behest of the CDC and FDA is a lengthy one: WMP reports that the agencies are guilty of working to conceal unwanted outcomes during testing, ignoring whistleblowers and silencing them, relying on outdated information and publishing misleading safety studies and more. The FDA recently came under fire for hiding their findings about glyphosate in food, for example.

As WMP contends, “With the FDA and CDC having repeatedly demonstrated their prioritization of industry profits over public safety, the time is past due for creating an independent agency that takes vaccine safety seriously.” Independent science has always been the most trustworthy and reliable — why should an agency tasked with protecting public health be any different?

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