Is the Alzheimer’s protein contagious?

Controversial new research suggests that the Alzheimer’s disease protein amyloid-beta (above) may be transmissible via surgical instruments or other medical procedures


Controversial new research suggests that the Alzheimer’s disease protein amyloid-beta (above) may be transmissible via surgical instruments or other medical procedures


Beginning in 1958, roughly 30,000 people worldwide—mostly children—received injections of human growth hormone extracted from the pituitary glands of human cadavers to treat their short stature. The procedure was halted in 1985, when researchers found that a small percentage of recipients had received contaminated injections and were developing Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), a fatal neurodegenerative condition caused by misfolded proteins called prions.

Now, a new study of the brains of eight deceased people who contracted CJD from such injections suggests that the injections may also have spread amyloid-β, the neuron-clogging protein that is a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. The study is the first evidence in humans that amyloid-β might be transmissible through medical procedures such as brain surgery—according to the researchers. Skeptics, however, note that the CJD prion itself often triggers unusual amyloid deposits; epidemiological studies, they say, find no connection between the injections and increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Aside from CJD and the related mad cow disease, kuru is perhaps the most famous prion disease. Endemic to Papua New Guinea and now essentially eradicated, kuru is transmitted through the ritual consumption of human brain tissue at funerals. Increasingly, however, scientists are recognizing that a number of other neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Huntington disease, and Parkinson’s disease, also involve aberrant proteins that act like “seeds” in the brain. They convert otherwise normal proteins into fibers that “break, form more seeds, break, and form more seeds,” says John Collinge, a neuropathologist at University College London and lead author of the new study.

Still unknown in Alzheimer’s is what role misfolded proteins such as amyloid-β and tau play in the disease, and whether they are transmissible through direct contact with or consumption of contaminated brain tissue. Although scientists have successfully induced amyloid-β transmission in rodents, these experiments relied on “massive” overexpression of the protein, says Samuel Gandy, a neuropathologist at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. “Exhaustive” attempts to reproduce such transmission in primates have failed, he says, leading many to doubt whether such propagation is possible.

In the current study, Collinge and colleagues examined the brain tissue of eight people, aged 36 to 51, who died of CJD roughly 30 to 40 years after they received the growth hormone injections. Four had a pattern of amyloid-β that pathologists consider moderate-to-severe in people with Alzheimer’s, though they lacked a second type of protein, tau, that is considered an important hallmark of the disease as well, the team reports online today in Nature. Two had milder, more patchy deposits; one was amyloid-free. “It’s a highly unusual finding,” Collinge says. “In that age group, you really don’t see this kind of pathology unless you have a genetic predisposition to Alzheimer’s,” which none of them did, he says.

Still, scientists have known since the 1990s that the prion protein that causes CJD can “cross-seed” amyloid-β, causing abnormal deposits to form, and vice versa, Gandy says. In such a small, observational study, it is impossible to determine whether CJD itself caused the amyloid-β seen in the deceased subjects’ brain tissue, or seeds of the protein were transmitted via injection, he argues. None of the subjects showed signs of tau, the other protein associated with Alzheimer’s disease, he and others point out.

To explore the possibility that CJD, and not amyloid-β seeds, was the culprit, Collinge and colleagues also examined the brains of 116 people with a range of prion diseases unrelated to the hormone injections. They found little to no β amyloid pathology in that group, suggesting that CJD alone was not responsible for the pathology, they say. That’s a “strong argument” in the group’s favor, says Claudio Soto, a neuroscientist at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Given that prions come in many different forms, however, it’s still possible that the β-amyloid deposits found in the brains of the injection recipients were indeed caused by CJD, whereas the controls remained plaque-free, he notes.

Next, Collinge’s team plans to test vials of archived growth hormone from the original treatments to see whether they can detect amyloid-β protein “seeds.” One obstacle, however, is that scientists don’t know precisely what constitutes such seeds on a molecular level, Collinge says.

Although provocative, the new study cannot answer the question of whether pathogenic amyloid-β “seeds” can be transmitted from person to person through contaminated surgical instruments or blood, Collinge and Soto agree. There is no epidemiological evidence to support that possibility, and any alarm over Alzheimer’s infectiousness is premature, they emphasize. Still, “that’s something that needs to be investigated,” Soto says.

Poor night’s sleep triggers brain chemical linked to Alzheimer’s disease, scientists find

A doctors examines brain scans of patients with Alzheimer's disease 

Even one bad night’s sleep triggers a rise in Amyloid beta 
Just one night of poor sleep is enough to trigger a spike in a brain chemical linked to Alzheimer’s disease, a new study has shown.

Although scientists knew there was a link between dementia and lack of sleep, it was unclear whether the disease was driving insomnia or vice versa.

Now researchers at Stanford University and Washington Medical School have discovered that even a single night of disrupted sleep is enough to raise levels of amyloid beta – a substance which can clump together and stop brain cells communicating with each other.

Although the levels returned to normal, scientists fear that continued sleep deprivation could allow an unhealthy build-up of brain plaque which eventually kills off neurons and wipes memory.

A woman struggles to sleep
Disrupted sleep over several nights also raised levels of tau, another protein linked to dementia CREDIT: ALAMY 

They also found that after several nights of sleep disruption another chemical began to rise. Called tau, it is known to cause tangles in the brain and is also linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

“We showed that poor sleep is associated with higher levels of two Alzheimer’s-associated proteins,” said Professor David Holtzman, head Department of Neurology at Washington Medical School.

“We think that perhaps chronic poor sleep during middle age may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s later in life.”

There is mounting evidence of a link between poor quality sleep and Alzheimer’s diseaseDr Laura Phipps of Alzheimer’s Research UK,

Around 800,000 people are currently living with dementia in Britain, and the majority have Alzheimer’s disease, for which there is no cure. Although the incidence of dementia is dropping as people adopt healthier lifestyles, the number of people living with the illness is expected to rise to 1.2 million by 2040 because of the ageing population.

More than a third of Britons also sleep for less than six hours a night, according to The Sleep Council.

Previous studies have shown that poor sleep increases the risk of cognitive problems. People with sleep apnea, for example, a condition in which people repeatedly stop breathing at night, are at risk for developing mild cognitive impairment an average of 10 years earlier than people without the sleep disorder. Mild cognitive impairment is an early warning sign for Alzheimer’s disease.

The researchers studied 17 healthy adults aged 35 to 65 with no sleep or cognitive problems. Each participant wore an activity monitor on the wrist for two weeks to measure how much time they slept at night. They were then monitored overnight in a sleep lab where they had their rest regularly disrupted by loud beeps.

After the experiment each underwent a spinal tap so the researchers could measure the levels of amyloid beta and tau in the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord.

The researchers compared each participant’s amyloid beta and tau levels after the disrupted night to the levels after the uninterrupted night, and found a 10 percent increase in amyloid beta levels after a single night of interrupted sleep.

Participants whose activity monitors showed they had slept poorly at home for the week before the spinal tap also showed a spike in levels of tau.

The scan on the right shows reduction of both function and blood flow in both sides of the brain, a feature often seen in Alzheimer's.
The scan on the right shows reduction of both function and blood flow in both sides of the brain, a feature often seen in Alzheimer’s. 

“The main concern is people who have chronic sleep problems,” said Professor Yo-El Ju, of Washington University.

“I think that may lead to chronically elevated amyloid levels, which animal studies have shown lead to increased risk of amyloid plaques and Alzheimer’s.”

Dr Laura Phipps of Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “There is mounting evidence of a link between poor quality sleep and Alzheimer’s disease, but it is difficult to tease apart cause and effect in this relationship and determine whether sleep problems might cause Alzheimer’s brain changes or vice-versa.

“The development of Alzheimer’s is a process that takes many years and is likely to depend on multiple genetic, health and lifestyle factors.”

Pof Ju emphasized that her study was not designed to determine whether sleeping more or sleeping better reduce risk of Alzheimer’s but, she said, neither can hurt.

“Many, many people are chronically sleep-deprived, and it negatively affects their health in many ways,” she added.

“At this point, we can’t say whether improving sleep will reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s. All we can really say is that bad sleep increases levels of some proteins that are associated with Alzheimer’s disease. But a good night’s sleep is something you want to be striving for anyway.”

Source: Brain.