Why very smart people are happiest alone.


People who like to be alone have these 6 special personality traits

In terms of our personalities and how we approach others, we are often placed in one of two categories:

Introvert or Extrovert.

Is it possible to be a little bit of both? Have you ever wondered what qualities specifically make up each and what they indicate?

In this article we reveal what it means to be one of those fascinating people who loves to spend time alone and challenge the perceptions that they’re lonely, depressed, and full of anxiety.

Do you have a friend who would rather stay in over shared cups of tea and pass up the Music Festival of the year? Do you enjoy your own time so much that you’ll travel alone, go to dinner and have a glass of wine for one, as well as catch the occasional film with nobody by your side? If so, I am right there with you, because I do all of the above, but the problem is…

People who love to spend time alone have to explain themselves, as if it goes against a societal expectation of what’s normal and what’s not.

Here are some great qualities of people who like to spend time alone:

1. They’re Extremely Loyal

They don’t very often have a wide social circle and if they do, you won’t find them out every night of the week with large groups, lining up for the hottest club opening. They instead seek out meaningful and trustworthy friends who they feel comfortable to welcome into their space and share details of their life with. If you have a friend who likes to spend time alone, you can guarantee that this person will be there for you through thick and thin.

2. Surprise! They’re Open to New Ideas

Just because they cherish their quiet time doesn’t mean they won’t do something new and exciting. They just make sure to have their quiet time before taking the plunge into a highly social activity.

3. They Have a Level Head

They spend so much quiet time on their own, taking the time to navigate and contemplate situations, problems, and to really tap into who they are and what they want. They have a strong sense of self and a confidence that radiates from within. When they’re feeling stressed or the weight of the world is closing in? They spend time alone to recharge instead of filling their day with distractions.

4. They Are Comfortable With Their Own Thoughts

I’m sure we’ve all come across that person who can’t stand to be alone with their own thoughts. People who like to spend time alone, particularly in the quiet, display a clear conscience and do not struggle with their inner thoughts. Of course, we can all have down days but they tend to be able to navigate themselves out of any slump.

5. They Understand The Value of Time. Yours and Theirs

You’ll notice a word that keeps coming up in each point. The word is ‘time’. People who spend time alone understand and appreciate it’s value. They put a high priority on making that time available in order for them to function at their highest level and best self; so, when you are giving of your time they understand what you’ve given up for them. They have a deep sense of making sure not to waste your time or to spend time with people who are wasting theirs.

6. They Exercise Strong Boundaries

All of that time alone gives these people the space to think about what motivates them, what works and what doesn’t, and how to properly communicate this. You’ll find that they have strong and healthy boundaries and they exercise their right to communicate these in a really healthy and clear manner.

Have your perceptions changed? Can you see any of these qualities in yourself or a friend?

We all have a different approach to life, celebrating our differences is what’s it’s all about.

Those Who Prefer to Be Alone Have These 21 Unique Personality Traits.

There are people in this world who like to spend time alone, away from the hustle and bustle of extroverts. Others might think that they are this way because they are shy and don’t have the confidence to merge with bigger groups but that’s not so. They are strong, confident individuals who know exactly what they want from life and therefore don’t get distracted by others. Social psychologist Bella DePaulo says that these people do not mind being single and are very comfortable being alone.

These are the 21 personality traits that these people have:

1. Incredible Emotional Strength

Since they spend most of the time with their own thoughts, these people are I touch with their emotions and can understand themselves better.

2. Naturally empathetic

Being observant and kind, they can understand and feel what other people are going through and therefore are in a better position to provide support to others.

3. Strong Moral Compass

These people have a very distinct sense of right and wrong since they contemplate things when they are alone.

4. Open-minded

People who keep to themselves love new experiences and new perspectives. They do so at their own pace and therefore often seem indifferent.

5. Don’t care about peer acceptance

These people don’t feel the need to fit in with others and don’t care about popularity since they are content with themselves.

6. They admit their imperfections

They are aware of the fact that they aren’t perfect and don’t try to pretend either.

7. Prefer the company of other intellectuals

They hate small talk and they choose to mingle with those who share the same interests and intellectual spirit.

8. They value their time

They value their own time as well as others since they know how important it is.

9. Strong sense of intuition

Those who are loners have a deeper understanding of themselves and life and so they are better at connecting with their gut feeling.

10. Loyal

They have few select friends and they’re very loyal to them.

11. Independent

They don’t depend on others for anything and are self-sufficient.

12. Strong well-thought-out opinions on the world

Since they sit back and observe, they hold very strong clear opinions about things but they don’t always share.

13. Self-aware

Being alone with their thoughts, they are self-aware and grow personally a lot more.

14. Kind and compassionate

They are thoughtful and caring and spread love to others around them.

15. They respect healthy boundaries

They will always respect your boundaries and they expect the same in return.

16. Very brave

They are courageous enough to face the world alone and stand tall no matter what.

17. Level-headed

Very rational, calm and perceptive, they always have the best solutions in times of crisis.

18. Self-love

Being with themselves, they know how important self-love is and promote it.

19. Seek meaningful love relationships

They won’t waste their time on casual dating. They want genuinely wonderful partners who are compatible with them.

20. Aware of their strengths and weaknesses

They have a clear understanding of their true self and so work better.

21. Very reliable

If they promise you something, be assured that it will be done.
