Could an independent vaccine safety group save the U.S. from government corruption?

Image: Could an independent vaccine safety group save the U.S. from government corruption?

It’s no secret that everything we’re told about vaccines by the mainstream media and major “health” organizations is a lie. Agencies like the CDC may be charged with protecting public health, but they continue to demonstrate that they are more concerned with upholding their archaic narratives and protecting Big Pharma’s profits than the American people. Is an independent vaccine safety organization the solution? The World Mercury Project team believes it could be the answer to corruption in U.S. government — and they might just be right.

As Robert F. Kennedy Jr. declared last year, the CDC is really nothing more than an “edifice of fraud,” and other federal agencies like the FDA, EPA and USDA aren’t any more respectable. The amount of power yielded by unelected government agency officials borders on unconstitutional, and in fact, evades the Constitution entirely (by design). The administrative power federal agencies have granted themselves is a force that Americans need to reckon with, if we truly want change.

There are many questions surrounding vaccines and vaccine safety, but federal agencies have made it clear that they cannot be trusted to give us real answers. Look no further than the admissions of guilt from CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson for proof of that. Thompson came forward, confessing that he and his colleagues destroyed evidence linking the MMR vaccine to autism.

Federal agencies abuse their power

There have been many, many whistleblowers over the years, who’ve been brave enough to come forward about the corruption, lies and deceit that have overtaken federal agencies across the board. While their testimonies have been greatly appreciated by those willing to listen, far too often they are simply ignored or publicly smeared by the mainstream media. In this way (among others), federal agencies are already operating at near-authoritarian level; those who expose them are hung out to dry, and there’s little room to question their self-imposed authority.

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As Columbia Law Professor Philip Hamburger, author of the books The Administrative Threat and Is Administrative Law Unlawful?, explains that federal agencies are essentially modern-day royalty. “Administrative power also evades many of the Constitution’s procedures, including both its legislative and judicial processes. Administrative power thereby sidesteps most of the Constitution’s procedural freedoms. Administrative power is thus all about the evasion of governance through law, including an evasion of constitutional processes and procedural rights,” he writes.

USA Today notes that non-judicial administrative courts decide cases and impose penalties without a jury or even an actual judge — courts like the  Vaccine Claims/Office of Special Masters, which are run by unelected bureaucrats.

Hamburger says that the increase in power yielded by the administrative branch coupled with a decreasing emphasis on the importance of the legislative and judicial branches spells out “big trouble” for the U.S. as we know it.

Corruption influences major policy decisions

The expansion of administrative power is not the only problem plaguing the U.S. government agencies. Major conflicts of interest are a substantial problem in government offices like the CDC or FDA. World Mercury Project (WMP) notes that watchdog groups, legislators and even researchers have documented the growing problem of bias caused by conflict of interest within these agencies.

Ties to the very industry these agencies are supposed to regulate are perhaps the most glaring of problems; not only do the CDC and FDA often rely on external experts with financial ties to the pharma industry, members of their advisory committees often own stock in vaccine companies. How can we expect these agencies to be impartial when they clearly have something to gain by approving certain products?

Both the Office of Inspector General and the Committee on Government Reform have made note of this clear conflict of interest over the years. The Committee first outlined this problem nearly 20 years ago — and little to nothing has been done to rectify it. Conflict of interests, cronyism and corruption abound in administrative agencies, and no one is standing in their way.

These agencies also fail to actively look for adverse effects of vaccines. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a huge flop; as sources explain “no active effort is made to search for, identify and collect information, but rather information is passively received from those who choose to voluntarily report their experience.”

There are substantial limitations to the current monitoring system — but the agencies in charge of it have made no effort to make the VAERS system more complete. As few as one percent of vaccine-related adverse events are reported — and even then, the CDC reports 4,500 “serious” health events are declared annually.

As an agency charged with protecting the public, you’d think this should be more concerning. Instead, the CDC maintains “while these problems happen after vaccination, they are rarely caused by the vaccine.” Thousands of people are being harmed, while administrative overlords do nothing but collect stocks and kickbacks.

Independent science is the solution to government failure

The list of wrongdoings at the behest of the CDC and FDA is a lengthy one: WMP reports that the agencies are guilty of working to conceal unwanted outcomes during testing, ignoring whistleblowers and silencing them, relying on outdated information and publishing misleading safety studies and more. The FDA recently came under fire for hiding their findings about glyphosate in food, for example.

As WMP contends, “With the FDA and CDC having repeatedly demonstrated their prioritization of industry profits over public safety, the time is past due for creating an independent agency that takes vaccine safety seriously.” Independent science has always been the most trustworthy and reliable — why should an agency tasked with protecting public health be any different?

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