Science Confirms That People Absorb Energy From Others

An interesting study was conducted at the University of Bielefeld, Germany, which shows that plants can absorb energy from other plants. Olivia Bader-Lee, a physician and therapist, followed the results of this investigation.

People Absorb Energy From Others

The science that studies the behavior of energy in living things is called bioenergetics.

This research was conducted in algae, specifically in  Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. It was discovered that in addition to photosynthesis, it also have an alternative source of energy and that would be to absorb energy from other algae. The charge of this research is the German biologist Olaf Kruse, and its findings were reported on

According to Bader-Lee, our bodies are like sponges, absorbing energy that is around us. “This is exactly why there are people who feel uncomfortable when they are in a certain group with a mixture of energy and emotions”.

 “The human body is very similar to a plant that sucks, absorbs the energy needed to feed your emotional state, and can energize the cells and increase the amount of cortisol and catabolize, feed the cells depending on the emotional need. ” continues Bader-Lee.

That is why many people can change their mood which leads to being nervous, stressed, angry, anxious, sad, but also happy, optimistic and laughing.

Bader-Lee says that over the centuries, man has lost that connection with nature, in which the exchange of energy could bring enormous benefits to humanity.

Ultimately, the spirit is energy, and what we call “supernatural” is nothing more than the manifestation of different energies in the world. This was known in ancient cultures from every continent, but science has decided to ignore it and only few scientists dare to address these issues, for fear of criticism and rejection by the scientific community.

The Microcosmic Orbit – Taoist Secret of Higher Consciousness

The human body is endowed with spiritual anatomy, using energy to support life and consciousness. As a microcosm of the universe, the energetic circulatory system of the body mirrors the patterns we find in the cosmos, flowing in orbital patterns along channels often referred to as meridians.

As planets move in orbit around stars, so too electrons orbit the nuclei of atoms, creating bio-electricity, forming the matter which makes up our bodies. We are electric beings, and when our circuitry is operating efficiently, our personal energy, health and wellness increase exponentially.

Material science is catching up to this understanding, acknowledging practices like acupuncture as effective methods of addressing health concerns. However, while we hold out for a concrete explanation of our bio-circuitry, we can draw on centuries of work done by the esoteric scientists who’ve developed a broad range of systems of meditations and physical exercises to cultivate, strengthen and refine one’s chi, or life force energy. Most notably with the practices of Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Kundalini Yoga, and energetic meditations, which focus on the development of chi and pranic energy.

“But what is this “chi”, and where does it come from? The chi is the primordial life force itself. It begins in human life with the piercing of an egg by a sperm cell. From this original fusion an enormously complex new human being develops. “Chi” is the continuous flow of energy linking the various tissues, organs and brain functions into a unified whole — a person. Chi also links this person to his environment.” ~Mantak Chia

Living heir of ancient Taoist philosophy, author, teacher and healer Mantak Chia works with a unique system he calls Universal Healing Tao. Included in this comprehensive approach to wellness is a specific practice for opening the Microcosmic Orbit within the energy body, offering dedicated practitioners an easy and profound way to directly experience the movement of chi in the body.

“‘Opening the routes’ means clearing all obstructions that impede the flow of chi energy in their natural paths. Most obstructions take the form of physical, mental, or emotional tension.” ~Mantak Chia

The Microcosmic Orbit is a concept familiar to many energetic practices, especially Qi Gong, and many exercises can be found to develop this particular aspect of the energy body, however, Chia’s method, as explained in his book, Awaken Healing Energy Through The Tao: The Taoist Secret of Circulating Internal Poweris particularly accessible to beginners and those looking to explore chi development for the first time.

Essentially, the practice is a self-guided meditation focusing on the two main routes of chi energy in the body, the ‘Functional’ vessel, which runs from the the base of the torso near the perineum flowing upward across the major organs and glandular systems of the body to the throat. The ‘Governor’ vessel begins also at the perineum, and “flows from the perineum upwards into the tailbone and then up through the spine into the brain, and back down to the roof of the mouth.”

Comparing the planetary orbits of the celestial bodies in our universe to the energetic system of the body, Chia explains how this meditative practice opens up the primary body’s primary bio-electrical route, allowing an orbital flow of energy to move effortlessly through and around all the major vital organs of the body.

Here, Chia compares the energy meridians to the electrical wiring of a house:

“The two main energy channels of the body can be compared to the main wiring of a house. Imagine a trunk line which brings power from outside into the building’s service panel. This panel contains the circuit breakers that protect the inside wiring from short circuits and overloads. It also has the switches that control the current to all the rooms inside the house. This inside wiring is like the “six special power routes” in the body used in higher levels of Taoist meditation that branch off from the Microcosmic Orbit. In higher levels there are additional “wires” for especially heavy loads of energy that might surge into the system — the “thrusting route” in the middle of the body is one such wire. Once your house, like your body, is properly wired and all the safety precautions have been made, it is ready to connect to the main utility company trunk line for power. You are ready to receive the power that comes from above and from beneath you without harm.” ~Mantak Chia

Final Thoughts

Anyone has the capacity to increase their personal energy, develop their chi, and directly experience the profound effects of practices such as this one. The benefits for those who diligently cultivate chi are numerous, including peace of mind, higher awareness, emotional balance, more radiant health, better sleep, stronger immunity, increased psychic and intuitive powers, and most importantly, an increased capacity to heal.

For more further explanation of this subject, as discussed by Mantak Chia himself, take a look at the following presentation.

Why a Birthday Is a Celebration for the ‘Birth of a Corpse’

Every year millions and possibly billions of people celebrate their birthdays with cakes, gifts and delicious food. What most people do not ‘innerstand’ is that a birthday is actually a ritual for celebrating the birth of a corpse, which is a dead body. Some of the evidence of this can be found in the legal definitions of the word birth.

Screen Shot 2017-02-22 at 7.00.55 PM

More evidence can also be found by using the art of homophone to find other words related to the word birth. To really innerstand why a birthday is a ritual for celebrating the birth of a corpse, you need to study the occult (hidden) meanings of the birth certificate. After you do this, you should come to the conclusion that a birthday is a ritual for celebrating the birth of a corpse, a dead baby or a still-born child.

Why a Birth Certificate Is a Death Certificate

One of the best videos I have found that does a great job of explaining the occult meanings of the birth certificate is titled The Law and You by Bill Turner.

In the video, Bill says that the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 1995 defines the word birth using these exact words: “includes a still-birth”. Here is a screenshot of the interpretation section of that registration act:

Two other words you should pay attention to in the screenshot above are body and child. Did you notice their definition is related to a dead thing?Another word you need to pay attention to is include. When the word include is used in an interpretation or definition of a legal matter, it often excludes everything else that is not in that interpretation or definition.

In one of the previous paragraphs, I said that the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 1995 defines the word birth using these exact words: “includes a still-birth”. Because the word include often excludes everything else, the word birth actually means that it only includes a still-birth and nothing else.

For a better explanation of what I just said, watch the video below. Scroll to the time frame of about 9:30. This is where the host (Bill Turner) explains why the word include is used by the legal system to exclude everything else. If for some reason the video does not work. Go to YouTube and search for the video titled “The Law and You by Bill Turner”.

The Law and You by Bill Turner

The phrase still-birth is defined as “birth of a dead fetus or baby”, also known as a still-born child, which is a child incapable of living or dead. Based on all the previous definitions, the word birth is a word used to express the bearing of only a dead fetus or baby.

Another video that does a great job of revealing what the birth certificate is really about is titled The Truth About Your Birth Certificate. The video uses animated cartoon to help explain why the birth certificate is a death certificate created for the purpose of tricking you to play the role of a fictional (dead) character.

The Truth About Your Birth Certificate

Let us turn our attention back to the phrase “birth certificate” and investigate its definitions. We already know the hidden meaning of the word birth, so let us examine the word certificate. Black’s Law Dictionary 6th edition defines the word certificate using these exact words: “A written assurance, or official representation, that some act has or has not been done, or some event occurred, or some legal formality has been complied with”.

In the previous definition, the word you need to pay extra attention to is assurance. The word assurance is defined by Black’s Law Dictionary 6th edition using these exact words: “The act or action of assuring; e.g. a pledge, guaranty, or surety”. One of the words you need to pay attention to in the previous definition is the word surety.

According to the same law dictionary, the word surety means “A person who is primarily liable for payment of debt or performance of obligation of another.” defines the word surety as “security against loss or damage or for the fulfillment of an obligation, the payment of a debt, etc.; a pledge, guaranty, or bond.”

Based on the previous definitions, a certificate is an assurance of a debt or bond. When you put the words birth and certificate together, they become the phrase “birth certificate”, meaning “a debt or bond of a dead baby”. In other words, a birth certificate is a death certificate!

The day your parents signed the birth certificate/death certificate with your name on it, they unknowingly agreed to turn you into a still-born child/dead child. A dead child does not have natural rights. This is why the government can take away your property and throw you in jail for violating their so-called laws.

A very important thing you need to know about your birth certificate is that it is a document of evidence. It is somewhat similar to a receipt of an unpaid item. Because of this, you do not legally own your birth certificate. To be more specific, your birth certificate is a bond that is sold in commerce. The bankster who bought the bond (birth certificate) is the owner. The truth is that you do not legally own anything. This can be proven by reading Senate Document 43. In one of the paragraphs of this documents, it says:

“The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called “ownership” is only by virtue of Government, i.e. law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law, and subordinate to the necessities of the State.”

How You Were Tricked to Agree to Live in the Land of the DEAD

So, how is all this information relates to you? It relates to you because you have been tricked to play a role of a dead and fictional character. By agreeing to play the role of a dead and fictional character, you fall under the jurisdiction of the legal system, which is a system that deals with the DEAD.

Have you seen the TV series The Walking Dead? In this TV series, the zombies represent the sheeples who do not even realize that they are legally dead. In other words, from the perspective of the Elite, you are the walking dead, get it?

To trick you to agree to play the role of a zombie/dead and fictional character, the Elite created the birth certificate with the legal name. The legal name is a legal fiction and is often written in all capital letters. The all caps name is one of the ways that they secretly tell you that you are playing a role of a dead character. Hence, the name in all caps on gravestones. You can find the all caps name on government documents, such as a state-issued ID.

The legal name is sometimes referred to as the strawman. It is the most effective tool used by the legal system to enslave your body, mind and soul.

This is what the lawyers, bankers, and politicians have used to enslave you. It is a crime known as “personage”. By arbitrarily creating an Estate trust named after you and claiming to own this thing they created, they have falsely claimed to own you and your assets and to literally buy and sell “you” on stock exchanges, ship “you” out of ports, and tax “you” for doing things you’ve never done. After all, there is no law against enslaving an ESTATE trust, is there? Or arresting a slave? Or charging a tax on importing revenue to Puerto Rico?

Why a Birthday Is a Ceremony for Celebrating the Birth of a Corpse

By now you should innerstand why a birthday is a ceremony for celebrating the birth of a corpse or a dead baby, which is why they teach you to light candles and stick them on a cake during your birthday. When it comes to corpses, people light candles to dispel the darkness, so the souls of corpses can find their way home.

Every time you light candles during your birthday and stick them on a cake, your actions tell the Dark Forces that you consent to be a participant of the birthday ceremony, which is a ritual for celebrating the birth of a corpse, a dead baby or a still-born child. Furthermore, you consent to be a dead person or a legal fiction, which is a corporation.

A corporation is acorp-o-ration” or corpse-o-ration”. In the plural form, the word corporation can be written as corps. The word corps sounds similar to the word corpse, which is defined as “a dead body, usually of a human being”. The Dark Forces and their legal system see you as a corpse to be used as ration to feed their matrix. It is all about using symbols and the power of words and numbers to trick you to agree to live in the land of the DEAD or the land of legal fiction/corporation/corpse.

Personally, I do not see anything “wrong” with eating a cake. However, when you do the whole birthday ceremony, you agree to participate in a ritual for celebrating the birth of a corpse, a dead baby or a still-born child. You also agree to be a dead character/legal fiction. This allows the Dark Forces and their legal system, which is a system that deals with the dead, to have jurisdiction over you.


Bill Gates, Admitted Eugenicist Warns Bioterrorism Could Kill 30 Million People

It isn’t clear if Bill Gates was veiling a threat to help depopulate the planet by 30 million people, if he was simply scare-mongering, or warning of a true cataclysmic-level bioterrorism event, but at the recently held Munich Security Conference the man who has been kicked out of India said that, “a genetically engineered virus such as small pox could wipe out up to 30 million people in less than a year.”

Gates is a multi-billionaire, and the founder of Microsoft, but he has also been a vocal supporter of questionable investments that have a profound impact on people’s lives. At one point, Gates owned 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock, and his Foundation, with an endowment larger than all but four of the world’s largest hedge funds, is known to have its tentacles in many programs meant to sterilize, and force toxic vaccinations on unsuspecting and indigent populations.

The Gates Foundation is also heavily invested in companies that contribute to obesity, and a number of other chronic health issues, including McDonald’s, Pepsi-Co, Coca-Cola, Burger King, and Walmart.

The Foundation is additionally invested in Dynacorp, one of the biggest military industrial contractors on earth, whose clients include the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice, Internal Revenue Service, Securities and Exchange Commission, FBI, CIA, and HUD — all government agencies notorious for rampant, unchecked and egregious fraud, along with Geo, a private prison group.

Then there’s the Foundation’s monetary support of the entire oil industry including: Exxon Mobile, BP, Shell, ConocoPhillips, and Chevron, just to name a few.

Additionally, and perhaps most interestingly considering Gates’ warning of ‘highly deadly,’ genetically engineered strains of viruses that could wipe out a large swath of people, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also heavily financing Big Pharma and Big Biotech.

Gates helps fund institutions like the GAVI Alliance, the Global Health Innovative Technology Fund, and the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) – public-private partnerships purportedly devoted to saving Third World lives. These organizations are supposedly independent, but so heavily funded by Gates as to function as virtual arms of the Foundation, these organizations began to conduct large-scale clinical trials in Africa and South Asia in the mid-2000s for a number of vaccines meant to prevent the very type of mass bioterrorism he is now warning about.

These investments are important background information to have considering the implications of Bill Gates’ recent statement in Munich:

“We also face a new threat. The next epidemic has a good chance of origination on a computer screen [no surprise here since Silicon Valley has spent over a decade researching bioweapons created by genetic modification of viruses and bacteria] on a terrorist intent of using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the small pox virus, or a contagious and highly deadly strain of flu.”

Gates goes on to blame lacking international security for the possible epidemic of a new rogue virus, ignoring the fact that his own well-funded institutions are helping to create bio-terrorism weapons, otherwise known as germ warfare.

Just in case we weren’t sufficiently terrorized, Gates reminded the audience of the scale of the 1918 flu pandemic which infected around 500 million people and claimed between 50-100 million lives.

Gates asked our government to step up militaristic action against bio terrorism, yet this seems odd considering that our own Navy sprayed people off the coast of Los Angeles out of a massive hose, with a virus created in a lab as part of an experiment in the 1950s, affecting possibly 800,000 people without their knowledge or consent.

Then there’s the incidence of government researchers studying the effects of syphilis on black Americans without informing the men that they had the disease — they were told they had “bad blood.”

And the Army has droves of challenged medical reports questioning the “harmless stimulants” used in numerous different biological weapons, released on native populations.

In recent history, the military has tested the following pathogens on the public, often without their consent, and many more which likely have not been not revealed due to their highly classified nature:

  • Bacillus anthracis (anthrax)
  • Francisella tularensis (tularemia)
  • Brucella (brucellosis)
  • Staphylococcal enterotoxin B
  • Botulinum toxin (botulism)
  • Coxiella burnetti (Q fever)
  • Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEE)

For those who don’t believe sterilization and depopulation may be part of the agenda behind Gates’ statements, consider the U.S. Army Biological Warfare Laboratories (USBWL) existed as a suite of research laboratories and pilot plant centers located at Camp Detrick, Maryland from 1943 under the control of the U.S. Army Chemical Corp Research and Development Command, which undertook “pioneering” research and development into biocontainment, decontamination, and gaseous sterilization of germ warfare.

Exactly how has our military failed to address bioweapons terrorism?

Gates continued in his statement,

“Whether it occurs by the quirk of nature or the hand of a terrorist, epidemiologists show through their models, a respiratory spread pathogen would kill more than 30 million people in less than a year.”

Silicon Valley has been talking about the bioterrorism battle and its price tag for years now. Tesla’s latest Model X will even have its own counter-bioterrorism system. It makes you wonder. Is Gates feeding us fear porn, as many did with Zika, Bird Flu, and other ‘probable’ epidemics that were pumped and dumped by mainstream media, or is he disclosing his next method of depopulation?

Watch the video discussion. URL:

Sweden is Slowly Becoming a Cashless Society

  • Sweden is beginning to look at doing away with physical money in favor of a completely digital currency given that the amount of hard cash and coin in circulation has already decreased by 40 percent.
  • While Sweden’s economy is better equipped to handle such a change, other countries do not share the same ability in infrastructure, and many would be resistant to the increased transparency of digital currency.


Digital wallets provided by services such as Apple or Samsung Pay, Venmo, and Paypal are a relatively new invention in the world of personal finance. Cash is still a major means of conducting transactions in many cases. For the Swedish though, cash may soon become a relic.

In Sweden, people are abandoning the use of paper money for an increasing number of everyday transactions. In fact, the amount of hard cash (and coin) in circulation has decreased by 40 percent in the last 7 years. This abandonment is due to several factors, among these is the prevalence of cards, both debit and credit. According to the Riksbank, Sweden’s Central Bank, the number of cash withdrawals are steadily decreasing while the number of credit card transactions are increasing.

Credit: The Riksbank
Credit: The Riksbank

A study conducted by Sweden’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology shows how there is less than 80 billion Swedish crowns (krona) in circulation; a decrease from SEK106 billion six years ago. The study cites Sweden’s strong IT infrastructure which leads to more adoption of payment apps like Swish and the digitization of some Swedish Banks.


It might be easy for Sweden now but having other countries shun physical money could still be a challenge. “Swish is a brilliant idea, but to introduce it internationally is a challenge, not least because it takes a long time to change other countries’ banking systems from scratch,” says Niklas Arvidsson, a researcher in industrial economics and management at KTH.

Several countries are already considering this shift. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi for example is pushing for a ‘less-cash society’ to pave the way for a cashless society in the future. More of India’s population have cell phone subscriptions than nearly every other country, which could make it possible for app-based payment systems to flourish in the country. Indeed, Paytm, India’s largest mobile payment company has told BBC news that it has experienced an increase of users with transactions numbering around 5 million.

Adoptions in other countries are still some ways from fruition however, as people still worry about the implications of a cashless society especially when people are still used to dealing with cash.

This Molecule Could Be the Key to Regenerating Human Tissue

  • Researchers have discovered that IL6, a molecule produced by tissue damage, plays a critical role in reverting cells back to their embryonic state during cellular reprogramming.
  • Scientists can now explore ways to use IL6 to enhance the efficiency of cellular reprogramming and harness our bodies’ regenerative power to fight disease and aging.


Back in 2006, stem cell researcher Shinya Yamanaka figured out how to use a series of four genes (OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, and MYC, or OSKM) to reprogram adult cells into pluripotent cells. These “master” stem cells are the precursor to all types of cells and give the body the ability to heal itself using its own cells. Figuring out how to induce them in adult cells opened up innumerable new doors for the field of regenerative medicine.

However, Yamanaka’s reprogramming process came with several limitations. Not only did it have a low efficiency rate, some trials even showed the emergence of teratoma tumors, making the process unreliable for clinical use. Now, a new study published in Science takes this research one step further, providing new insight into how the reprogramming mechanism works and ways we could potentially harness it for practical usage.

Researchers at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) have demonstrated that damage in the cells plays a critical role in reverting the cells back to their embryonic state. Study author Manuel Serrano and his colleagues noted that exposure to the OSKM genes causes damage to the cells. That damage causes the cells to secrete a molecule called interleukin-6 (IL6), and it’s this molecule that promotes the reprogramming into pluripotent cells.

Credit: Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO)


Cell reprogramming literally takes old cells and makes them new again, so figuring out how to take advantage of this ability of the body to heal itself could be the key to curing many diseases, including degenerative conditions related to aging. By furthering our understanding of how this process works, the researchers open doors for scientists to target ways to manipulate IL6 to enhance the efficiency of cellular reprogramming.

This promising field of medicine has spurred several other studies. The successful reprogramming of connective tissue into cardiac tissue could lead to a cure for heart failure. Fibroblast scar cells have been manipulated to become lining in blood vessels, and doctors have been able to restore a patient’s vision using skin cells that were converted into pluripotent cells and then into eye cells.

There’s a long way to go before we fully understand the wonders of cell reprogramming, but continued studies may soon give us the ability to fully harness the regenerative power of our own bodies.

Failing Antibiotics Could Kill 300 Million by 2050. Now, We May Have a Way to Fight Back

  • A team of Australian researchers have proposed a new method for tracking antibiotic resistance, focusing on the resistance genes that give the pathogens their deadly boost.
  • While this new method of tracking is more complicated, it would provide doctors with valuable insights that could result in more effective treatment options.


The problem of antibiotic resistance has been slowly but steadily moving into the limelight. World leaders have talked about it at the United Nations General Assembly, and the UN has even declared it a “crisis,” but the resources and methods currently used to combat it are proving inadequate. However, a newly proposed tracking protocol may offer hope for battling this growing threat.

Scientists from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and La Trobe University have proposed taking a wholly difference approach to how we define and track antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Instead of tracking antibiotic resistance by counting the number of pathogens that have developed said resistance like we currently do, these scientists propose we start tracking the resistance genes that give the pathogens their deadly boost.

Shifting from tracking resistant pathogens to resistant genes doesn’t sound so hard, but it’s actually fairly complicated. Microbes are capable of something called horizontal gene transfer, which allows them to transfer their genes between different species of microbes, including those that don’t affect us. This means that the new system of tracking would require us to not just count the number of infections with resistant pathogens, but also test our sewage, hospitals, and general environment to figure out what kinds of resistant genes they host.


Once we do that, scientists will have a better understanding of which resistances thrive in particular locales, which will give doctors a lot of valuable information about their enemy. If they know which resistances are present in their area, they know which antibiotics to prescribe and which ones to “rest” until a later date.

Not only would this new system of tracking for antibiotic resistance allow doctors to provide their patients with the most effective treatment, it would also ensure they don’t blindly give out stronger antibiotics than necessary. Limiting the microbes’ exposure to these drugs means they will have less of a chance to develop stronger resistances.

If we don’t take action, antibiotic resistance is expected to cause an estimated 300 million preventable deaths and a cumulative loss of $100 trillion USD by 2050. We need to start taking this threat seriously as the devastation it could cause is on par with climate change, and like climate change, better tracking and defining of the problem will give us a better shot at stopping it.

Unlocking the Physics of Our Universe: Unusual Numbers Found in Particle Collisions

  • Values computed from particle physics experiments seem to correspond with periods, a specific set of unusual values found in a branch of mathematics.
  • If physicists are able to understand this connection, they could use it to simplify their prediction process and gain insight into the messy world ofUnusual Numbers.


Mathematicians and physicists have noticed a strange coincidence occurring between their respective fields: the values computed from particle physics experiments seem to correspond with a specific set of values found in a branch of mathematics called algebraic geometry.

Particle physicists conduct some of their most advanced experiments at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, and many of those experiments generate gigabytes of data. To make sense of that information, the physicists use Feynman diagrams, simple representations of the particles and outputs connected to their collisions.  Lines and squiggly lines in the diagrams represent the particles and their interactions from the collision. When details like mass, momentum, and direction are added to the diagram, the physicists can calculate the Feynman probability, the likelihood that a collision will occur according to their diagram.

While making these calculations, they noticed that the numbers emerging from their diagrams were the same as a class of numbers from pure math: periods. These values describe motives, which are basically the building blocks of polynomial functions. When you get two polynomials with the same period, you know that the motives will be the same. One example of a period is pi. Because that period appears in both the integral defining the function of a sphere and the one defining the function of a circle, a mathematician can know that the motives for a sphere and circle are the same.

Quanta Magazine
Quanta Magazine


To get the probability that a specific outcome will arise from a collision, physicists need to take the associated integral of each possible Feynman diagram scenario and add it to all the other integrals to find the amplitude. Squaring the magnitude of that number will give them the probability. The problem comes when working with complicated collisions that cause loops (particles emitting and reabsorbing other particles in the middle of the collision process). Calculating amplitude is far harder with more loops, but adding in more increases the potential accuracy of the diagram.

If there is a connection between periods and Feynman diagrams, understanding it would help physicists be more accurate with their predictions. They could simply look at the structure of a Feynman diagram to get an idea of its amplitude, skipping over the potentially thousands of calculations that would otherwise be necessary. This would make creating and running particle physics experiments far less complicated and offer key insights into the quantum world, which, in turn, could lead to the quantum computers that would revolutionize the fields of engineering, gene processing, machine learning, and much more.

The Missing Universe: CERN Has Started Searching for “Dark Photons”

  • Dark matter seems to outweigh visible matter roughly six to one, making up about 27% of the universe.
  • Physicists from CERN now believe there’s a fifth universal force that rules the behavior of dark matter, and is transmitted by a particle called the dark photon.


The universe is shrouded in mystery—a shroud so dark, in fact, that 27 percent of the matter in it is “dark.” Dark matter does not interact with photons and electromagnetic waves, so it’s invisible to our eyes and to every kind of telescope. Basically, it’s the darkness that surrounds every celestial body, and we only know that it’s there because astronomers observe its gravitational pull on everything else.

A working theory is that – in addition to the four fundamental forces that drive the universe: gravity, electromagnetism, and strong and weak nuclear forces – there’s a fifth force that rules the behavior of dark matter. Physicists from CERN now believe that this force is transmitted by a particle called the dark photon.

“To use a metaphor, an otherwise impossible dialogue between two people not speaking the same language (visible and dark matter) can be enabled by a mediator (the dark photon), who understands one language and speaks the other one,” explained Sergei Gninenko of CERN.

The research facility is now launching the NA64 experiment to search for this particle. The equipment focuses a beam of electrons with a known value of initial energy at a detector. Interactions between the electrons and atoms in the detector produce visible photons. If dark photons exist, they will escape the detector and subtract from the initial electron energy, as by the law of conservation of energy.


There’s a lot of work to be done by physicists in order to prove that dark photons exist. Results of the experiment must be replicable and, if the scientists find it, another round of research will be pursued to prove its relation to dark matter.

CERN is an organization of physicists and engineers that probe the universe in pursuit of understanding its fundamental structure. Discoveries from these studies could validate or totally destroy everything we currently know.

While dark matter may seem very far away from us and our daily lives, understanding all these mysteries is another step toward understanding ourselves and this complex universe we live in.

Researchers Use Brain Tests to Predict the Potential of Criminality in Toddlers

  • According to a Duke study, three year olds with the lowest 20 percent brain health grew up to commit over 80 percent of crimes as adults regardless of social class.
  • The results emphasize the need to give all children access to the resources necessary to ensure good brain health, such as public health and education programs.


Many people debate whether criminality is a product of nurture or nature, but a new study published in Nature Human Behavior gives support to the latter argument, claiming that brain tests can predict a child’s inclination for criminal activity later in life.

Researchers led by neuroscientists at Duke University looked at data from a New Zealand study involving a thousand people in the early ’70s until they turned 38 years old. In that study, children as young as three years old completed a series of tests that measured their reflexes, language comprehension, motor skills, and social skills. According to the Duke researchers, the three year old subjects with the lowest 20 percent brain health grew up to commit over 80 percent of crimes as adults.

The researchers emphasize that brain health isn’t the only indicator for future criminality, noting that factors such as socio-economic status and child maltreatment can significantly impact adulthood behavior. To account for this, they did not include subjects living below the poverty line in their conclusions.

They also noted that the same 20 percent of subjects demanded the most from the state, accounting for “57% of nights in hospitals, 66% of welfare benefits, and 77% of fatherless child-rearing,” Quartz reports. “There aren’t so many children in middle class and wealthy homes who have poor brain health, but, where they are, they’ve also grown up to be very high cost users of public services,” says Terrie Moffitt, a professor of psychology and neuroscience from Duke University.

The data represent information about 940 people who were born in one hospital in the period 1972–1973 and are lifelong participants in the Dunedin Longitudinal Study. Image Credit: Nature


Despite the potential implications of this study on the field of law enforcement, it’s important to note that it was not designed to help police find or monitor potential criminals. Ideally, this research would be used to identify at-risk children who can then be given early interventions before criminal behavior takes place.

The study also highlights the importance of ensuring that children, regardless of social class, are given access to the resources necessary to ensure good brain health. After all, while social class does have a significant impact on adult behavior, there is also a neurological aspect to it that can be addressed during a person’s formative years. “It’s really hard to improve social class. But child’s brain health, if you get in early, there’s a lot of demonstrations on how to improve that,” Moffitt adds.

Improving universal policies for public health and education for all children might be more cost effective than implementing programs intended to screen and identify at-risk children. The benefits of early intervention programs for all children (not just those that are deemed high-risk) could be significant. “Our study shows how bad things can be when children don’t get any help as pre-schoolers. That’s true of children who grew up in the 1970s but it doesn’t have to be true of children born in 2020,” says Moffitt.