They Said That Drinking Lemon Water In The Morning Is Good For You. But They Didn’t Mention THIS!

Drinking a cup of warm, fresh lemon water in the morning is something that even nutritionists do every day. You can start your day with a cup of lemon water that has great health benefits and can cure almost all ailments.

They Said That Drinking Lemon Water In The Mornings Is Good For You

A natural detoxifying agent is lemon with hot water, because it wakes up the liver and destroys harmful toxins. While lemons seem acidic, they are actually a great alkaline food that can balance the body’s pH. Lemon with hot water also awakens the digestive tract. This drink invigorates the gastrointestinal tract, which improves the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Hot lemon water additionally soothes an upset stomach. After going to bed on a full stomach, heartburn or bloating can bothersome in the morning. Hot water cleanses the body system while acidity in the stomach is decreased by the flavonoids in lemon juice.

Even though there are some health benefits of drinking warm lemon water in the morning, the downside is that lemon can cause erosion to the teeth. reminds us that lemon juice has a pH between 2 and 3, which is detrimental to teeth. Due to this, it is crucial to take other measures to protect the enamel on the teeth. In order to minimize the damage to the teeth you should avoid vinegar based foods as well as candy. Always rinse out the mouth after eating sugar or carbohydrates.

Another way to protect your teeth is to use lemon essential oil in order to get the same health benefits. Lemon essential oil has many uses. It can be used for the home and for the body. This is one of the most versatile essential oils available. By putting 2 drops of lemon oil in water, 3 times each day can give you the same benefits of drinking hot water with lemon but without tooth erosion. This can be taken about an hour before lunch and dinner on an empty stomach. Using lemon essential oil will treat stress, obesity, insomnia, aid digestion and fatigue, among many other health benefits. There are some lemon essential oils that cannot be consumed. Be sure to consume oils that are safe and advised to be ingested.

A final way to care for your teeth is to clean them properly throughout the day. If you drink a lot of water, that will help to flush impurities out of the mouth. Brushing for two minutes twice a day is vital, but according to it is also important to not over brush, because it can wear down the teeth. Utilizing a straw can also help acidic drinks bypass the teeth, saving them from harm.

The distinction between lemon juice and lemon oil is lemon juice comes from the pulp of a lemon, while lemon essential oil is distilled from the lemon rind. The citric acid that is present in the juice makes it sour, and seemingly acidic. Individuals with delicate stomachs may be sensitive to this citric acid. If you only use the rind, the sour taste is avoided, as it does not have citric acid. This is the reason why the lemon essential oil is easy to ingest.

The health benefits of lemon are almost without an end. However, it is important to care for your teeth. The best way to have the best of both worlds is to ingest lemon essential oil, bypassing the citric acid of the fruit. Lemon essential oil has the same health benefits like drinking a warm cup of water with fresh lemon in the morning.

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