I Had No Idea Dabbing This On My Scalp Could Fight Hair Loss!

Balding is more often associated with men, aging and rare diseases.

Actually, a lot of people have gone through hair loss, pattern baldness and different symptoms that tried to irritate scalps and caused thinning hair – but this doesn’t include men only. Millions of women all over the world are being affected every day by pattern baldness, alopecia and patchy scalps.

In this list below, we’ll show you the most well-known causes for hair loss, and how you can adjust your lifestyle in order to prevent further issues.

You may not be aware that a lot ov everyday habits can cause hair loss such as blow drying, flat-ironing, and dyeing our hair (as with this “mermaid hair” coloring technique) can all have awful dire consequences.

Read further and discover the most common reasons for hair loss, and learn about the most effective cures. Then, let us know your comments or experiences in the comments below!

Cause #1: Genetics

How much hair will thin out, or how quickly you’ll lose it, or when you can begin to lose your hair can  be determined by the genes.

Cause #2: Hormonal Changes

For some women, changes or an imbalance in hormones can cause temporary hair loss.
Also, during pregnancy or in the period of childbirth, women experience hair thinning.
There are cases, where women lose their hair in the process of menopause, or as a side effect of anemia ( a condition that diminishes the red blood cell count in your blood)

Cause #3: Certain Medications

Hair loss can also be caused by a slew of medical disorders and medications. More aggressive medical treatments, including radiation therapy to the head, may cause a more permanent form of hair loss.

Cause #4: Infections And Skin Disorders

Infections on the scalp like ringworm can attack your hair or skin, and give rise to scaly bald patches. If you have some of the symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.

Cause #5: Unique Hairstyles

Things like intensive hair treatments can cause inflammation and scarring, so it is advisable to stay out of those treatments.

Cause #6: Physical Or Emotional Shock

There are people who experience physical or emotional shock, in response to influential, external events.
Hair loss triggered by events can cause symptoms such as weight loss and illness.

Remedy #1: Take Biotin

Vitamin B7, more commonly known as biotin, contributes to the growth of hair and nails, so in order to maintain a healthy nervous system and metabolic processes , take biotin.
There are different type of foods that include eggs, lean red meat, bananas, sweat potatoes and dark green vegies. You can take biotin supplements as well.

Remedy #2: Rub In Jojoba Oil

Used to stimulate hair growth, jojoba oil is a powerful substance. You can rub a small amount into the scalp and hair, directly onto the affected areas.

Remedy #3: Drink Teas That Help Hair Growth

Many herbs are known to help healthy hair growth.
Rosemary has properties that can strengthen hair follicles and fight hair loss.

Remedy #4: Be Gentler To Your Hair

Protect your hair better and treat it with kindness.
Try brushing your hair regularly and gently to avoid breaking fragile strands. Also avoid using tools such as blow dryers, curling irons and styling appliances.
If you use hair spray or hair gel, don’t wait for the hair to dry and then comb through it because your hair will have hardened and it will become easier to break.

Remedy #5: Stimulate Blood Circulation

Oxygen and blood circulation are vital things for a healthy body, including your scalp.

If you have aloe vera gel try massaging your scalp with it. Apply a quarter-sized amount all over your head, and leave it like that for a few minutes.

Remedy #6: Get A ‘Volumizing’ Haircut

The next time you hit the salon, try to get layers in your hair, then ask the stylist for products that can bring volume in your hair.

The less you have your hair weighed down, the fewer you will damage it .

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