Green Wheat – Perfect Source of Energy, Vitamins and Minerals!



If you are looking for something that contains all the necessary vitamins that your body need and all that in a healthy natural product my advise is to try green wheat. Every morning one tea spoon with a small glass of water, juice or tea in a period of three weeks.


Young green wheat is a great natural source of:

–      Chlorophyll- the natural pigment of the wheat, that in his chemical structure is similar to hemoglobin which is known for his antioxidants and antibacterial properties.
–      Iron: 5 times more than in spinach
–       Beta/carotene: 7 times more than in the carrot
–      Vitamin C: 7 times more that in the orange
–      Vitamin K: 6 times more that in spinach
–      Vitamin E: 3 times more that in the almonds
–      Phosphoric acid: 2 times more that in spinach
–      Calcium: 10 times more that in unprocessed milk
–      Magnesium: 2 times more that in fresh soy
–      Amino acids: natural source of 18 of 22 amino acids in which 8 are essential, but they are not produced in the human body.


The young green wheat is reach with nutrients and beneficial acts as:

–      Natural antioxidant protection
–      Natural stimulation
–      Help to maintain healthy intestinal flora
–      Help with digestion problems
–      Assistance in cleaning toxins from the liver, bloodstream and lymphatic system


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