“How to Make Sure You’re Getting Enough of This Vital Thyroid Mineral”

Watch the video. URL : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hd4cBhX8pI

Despite all the focus today on the importance of vitamins and minerals in your diet, I’m often surprised how essential ones are frequently overlooked.

There’s one such mineral I think you should be more aware of. It is vitally important to your optimal health.*

Why all the concern? Well, what if I was to tell you that your body relies on this mineral?* And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. If your iodine intake or levels are low, there are things you can do to raise your levels of this vital nutrient. That’s exactly what I plan on showing you how to do.

Why Your Body Needs Iodine*

So, why is iodine considered important to your overall well-being?*

Iodine is an essential trace mineral vital for normal growth and development and may potentially…

  • Play a key role in controlling the function of your thyroid glands*
  • Be an integral part of thyroid hormones*
  • Help support bone and brain health*
  • Contribute in helping regulate the base metabolic rate of the body*
  • Support your body’s normal detoxification processes*
  • Assist in utilizing other various minerals like calcium and silicon*
  • Help support optimal energy levels*
  • Aid in the formation of healthy skin, teeth, and hair*

Hard to believe that with all these important support functions that iodine has been so overlooked. Wouldn’t you agree?

Reasons Why You May Be Coming Up Short

There are a number of potential reasons why your levels of iodine could be lower than they should be.

Just like everything else involving vitamins and minerals, the first place to look is within your diet. Below is an expanded chart of the potential reasons why you may be coming up short in this mineral:

Reasons for potential low iodine levels Details
Limited sources of foods rich in iodine
  • Iodine is a relatively sparse mineral that is found in limited quantities in certain foods.
Exposure to iodine antagonists
  • This is a major factor why you may have low levels of iodine. More details (below) on these antagonists and how they can interfere with iodine levels.
Soil depletion
  • Contamination of soils by pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers can deplete food source soils of iodine. Mountainous areas typically have iodine-deficient soils.
Fluoridated drinking water
  • Fluorides are iodine antagonists and are added to many municipal water supplies.
Vegetarian diet
  • If you are a vegetarian, your intake of iodine may be limited due to your diet and possible iodine soil depletion.

Of all these potential reasons why you may not be optimizing iodine levels in your body, I feel that your exposure to iodine antagonists, or disruptors, is one of the most important to be aware of because of how they react with iodine. And in most cases, there are actions you can take to avoid some of these disruptors…

Iodine Antagonists

There are many things you eat, drink, and are exposed to in the environment that may affect iodine levels.

Your iodine levels can be affected by exposure to…

  • Bromine and bromides – These  are used in baking and other products (baked goods that use brominated flour, plastics, soft drinks, pesticides, and more).
  • Chlorine and chlorinated compounds – chloramines and bleaching agents may interfere with iodine utilization in your body. Chlorine bleach is added to flour and chlorine is added to many municipal water supplies.
  • Fluorides – One of the main sources of fluoride today is municipal water supplies. Certain water filtration systems can help remove this element which can affect your body’s iodine levels.
  • Soy – Soy contains goitrogens. These substances can interfere with iodine metabolism. The best way to avoid this possibility is to not consume soy. I feel the media has way over-blown the health benefits of soy protein powder and soy milk.

So, practicing healthy eating habits may go a long way to help with overall wellness and iodine levels available in your body.

But is there more you can do?

How to Increase Your Iodine Levels

I’ve already talked to you (above) about avoiding certain toxins and foods like soy to help optimize your iodine levels.

Even though iodine is a relatively rare mineral, there are some foods you can eat that can help you support your iodine levels – foods like…

  • Seaweed and kelp – Both of these are good sources of iodine. A type of seaweed often recommended by herbalists is called bladderwrack and can be found in powdered form.
  • Vegetables – Garlic, lima beans, summer squash, and spinach may contain some iodine.

The issue here is whether you can add enough of these foods to your regular diet to support your iodine levels. It may not be all that easy for everyone.

Ways to Determine If You Have Low Levels

Now that you know why iodine is so important to your health, along with good food sources of iodine, how do you go about determining your iodine levels in the first place?

Some healthcare professionals may not measure iodine levels. But you can request it and there are simple tests to help determine your level such as:

  1. Blood serum test – There is data that suggest that this test may not always be accurate.
  2. Urine challenge test – This test involves taking a certain amount of iodine in capsule or liquid form and then the urine is collected. The urine is then sent to a special lab that can calculate the amount of iodine excreted from your body.
  3. Liquid SSKI test – For this test, you get an inexpensive prescription from your physician for SSKI (a super-saturated liquid of potassium iodine). You simply add three drops to your skin and rub it in twice a day. If when you touch something with slightly wet fingertips it leaves a yellowish stain, you’re getting enough iodine.

You should work closely with your physician to make sure you fully understand the results. Together, you can work on what steps to take if your levels are indeed low.

Dosage Perspective

Dosage recommendations for iodine are all over the map… from very low dosages (ex. 150 micrograms/day) to very high (ex. 12.5 milligrams per day). These are very extreme differences.

I believe the jury is still out on iodine research, particularly, the real high dosages. For higher dosage needs, I recommend you work closely with your physician to determine what’s prudent based on your individual case.

For now, it would be prudent to follow the advice of your physician. To help supplement your iodine levels, I recommend a more middle-of-the-road approach.

As with most of my supplements that I offer, I highly recommend trying to optimize your levels of nutrients through nutrient dense whole foods. But I realize this may not always be possible.

When it comes to iodine supplementation, my favorite form is produced from potassium iodide (stable form of iodine). You can do your own research on this and find a high-quality supplement. Or, you can take advantage of my team’s research and save time with the high-quality, conservative serving size supplement we uncovered…

Unique Encapsulation and Delivery System

One of the greatest challenges with any supplement is preserving the shelf-life. Just about any nutrient exposed to air, including potassium iodide, may become rancid or spoil over time. The last thing you want to do is put weak or spoiled nutrients into your body.

Just like many of my supplement offerings, my Iodine is delivered in a “Licaps®” capsule instead of a softgel or other type of capsule.

The ingredients are tested before they go into the unique Licaps capsule and the advanced technology locks in the freshness. Licaps take advantage of innovative “Fusion Technology” to seal and provide a very high-quality capsule.

This extraordinary capsule technology can provide many beneficial advantages over others because it…

  • Reduces oxidation potential by flushing the formulation with nitrogen during the capsule-filling process – Creates a “freshness bubble”
  • Ensures 2-piece capsules are hermetically sealed to significantly reduce the potential for leakage – Yields a precisely tight, one-piece capsule
  • Enhances shelf-life through exemplary filling and sealing processes

The bottom line with Licaps… the possibility of leaking is virtually reduced to zero while absorption is enhanced.

Whatever You Do, Don’t Even Consider Ignoring This Essential Mineral

Here’s a convenient chart summarizing why you should ensure your diet includes sources of iodine – and if your levels are still coming up short, why you should consider a high-quality iodine supplement like my Iodine formula.

  • Is an essential trace element vital for normal growth and development*
  • Supports healthy function of your thyroid glands*
  • Helps support bone and brain development*
  • May help support healthy base metabolic rate of the body*
  • Aids your body’s normal detoxification processes*
  • May help your body utilize other minerals like calcium and silicon*
  • Helps support optimal energy levels*
  • Helps maintain healthy skin, teeth, and hair*

I cannot stress enough from an optimal vitality standpoint, the importance of not overlooking iodine as a key mineral in your overall health strategy. In addition to making sure you eat foods containing iodine, I believe my Iodine is an excellent high-quality supplement that can help maintain your levels.*

So, take action today and order my Iodine to complement your diet along with foods containing iodine.

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