Side effects of fluorescent light.

Admit it, you don’t like the cold, lifeless light that emits from these bulbs, but what you don’t know may hurt you!

Better to vie for the warm welcoming glow of old school incandescent bulbs then to roll the dice with these bulbs that, if you dare break one, spew toxic matter all over the place.



-Eye discomfort

-Eye strain

-Enhanced tumor formation

-Contributes to agoraphobia

-Endocrine disruption

-Increased stress

At the end of the day, natural sunlight is the best option because it brings a full spectrum of light frequencies.  The unbalanced light emitted from fluorescent bulbs has been studied thoroughly and it is a wonder why many government officials are pushing for regulations requiring their use over incandescent bulbs.  In fact, incandescent bulbs emit a more balanced spectrum light that is more similar to sunlight then fluorescent bulbs.  It is no surprise that many people are willing to pay more in electric bills and replacement in order to avoid the cold, lifeless glow of these mercury laden lights.

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