Solar-powered Sea Slugs.


In oceans all over the world, sea slugs are at the cutting edge of harvesting alternative energy.

By farming photosynthetic cells stolen from their food and using the nutrients they produce, these spectacularly beautiful creatures have effectively become solar-powered, part-time plants.

Snails without shells

Unlike the unattractive, slimy brown slugs we see in our gardens, sea slugs are among the most spectacular and morphologically diverse animals on earth. From metre long giants to tiny creatures that easily move between grains of sand, sea slugs can be found crawling over rocks, seaweeds, sponges and corals from the polar regions to the tropics. Some 3000 species of sea slugs have already been described worldwide.

Although they lack shells, sea slugs are in fact molluscs — related to clams, oysters, squids and snails. And while the loss of the shell has given sea slugs the freedom to evolve spectacular body shapes and brilliant colours, it has come at a price — they are tempting prey for other animals.

Very much at the mercy of the elements, sea slugs live for a maximum of one and a half years, depending on the availability of food and suitable conditions. And food availability for these fussy eaters varies enormously. For many, the plants they consume are distributed patchily through the shallow waters. For others, food sources appear in huge quantities for a few weeks then suddenly disappear again. This can mean a long time between meals for the slow-moving slugs. But some shallow-dwelling tropical species have found a unique way to turn the odds in their favour.

Kleptoplasty: a life of crime?

Generally speaking, it is a plant’s ability to directly convert the sun’s energy to food through photosynthesis that distinguishes it from animals. In the tropics, corals and other colonial animals have a symbiotic relationship with microscopic algae known as zooxanthellae, and have evolved a means of farming the algae in their bodies to take advantage of sugars they produce.

Two groups of sea slugs — sacoglossans and nudibranchs — have taken this idea a step further.

According to Dr Bill Rudman, an invertebrate zoologist from the Australian Museum, because sacoglossans are herbivorous and nudibranchs are carnivores, they have evolved different methods of capturing the photosynthetic plastids (like chloroplasts) from their food and putting them to work converting sunlight into nutrients.

Vegetarian solar power trippers

“Herbivorous sea slugs are suctorial feeders. Most simply suck out and digest the cellular contents of the algae they feed on,” he says. “But the sacoglossan sea slugs have evolved branches of their gut that protrude through the body wall. This allows them to store the still-functioning chloroplasts (from the algae) in this digestive gland where they are exposed to sunlight through the transparent layer covering the sea slug’s body.”

So unlike corals, which keep entire algal organisims alive within them, sacogossan sea slugs keep only the photosynthetic chloroplasts from their food — the rest of the algae is digested.

One of the most widespread sacoglossan genera is Elysia, or lettuce sea slug — so named because of the green coloration from its stolen chlorophyll food source coupled with its frilly exterior.

“Different species exhibit varying stages of evolution and sophistication. The most primitive take up the chloroplasts and digest them after a short period of time before consuming more,” says Rudman. “Other, more evolved species are able to store their chloroplasts for months.”

Captive chloroplasts remain functional for up to nine months. Once they lose their photosynthetic ability, they are rapidly digested and the slug replenishes its store during another seaweed feast.

Solar-powered meat-eaters

The other solar-powered sea slugs are the carnivorous aeolid nudibranchs. The name nudibranch comes from the prominent tufts of gills displayed on these slugs’ dorsal surface (nudi=naked, branch=gill). Like corals, nudibranchs have developed the ability to ‘farm’ entire symbiotic algal cells, called zooxanthellae. These single celled plants are adapted to living within the tissues of animals.

Rudman says nudibranchs feed on soft corals, like hydroids, and are able to remove the algae intact from the coral’s tissues and store them in their own cerata — finger-like projections that contain ducts of the slug’s digestive gland. Within the cerata the algae continue to photosynthesise and provide their host with an ongoing supply of manufactured sugars.

“One of the most spectacular nudibranchs is Phyllodesmium longicirrum. It captures and farms the symbiotic, microscopic plants from its soft-coral prey Sarcophyton in its large flattened cerata. The cerata effectively act as ‘solar paddles’, with the digestive gland forming a ring-like garden around the paddles.”

Another species, the blue dragon nudibranch, Pteraeolidia ianthina, is found throughout tropical and subtropical Indo-west Pacific, and along the east coast of Australia. Studies on nudibranchs have shown that juvenile animals must develop their own crop of photosynthetic algae, probably by feeding regularly on small hydroids with symbiotic zooxanthellae. Adults can last some time without feeding, obtaining enough nutrition from their algal gardens, and snacking on large solitary hydroids when their energy levels run low.

Rudman says that although unusual, this process of recycling useful components of their food for their own purposes is not without precedent in nudibranch families. One group of nudibranchs normally feed on cnidarians, like sea anemones, absorbing their stinging cells and storing them in the tips of their cerata for their own defence. Other sea slugs acquire chemicals from the sponges and ascidians they eat — and likewise, these chemicals deter the slugs’ predators from feasting on them. For a shell-less slug, this kind of strategy — along with their plant-derived colouration — is an important form of protection.

As for the algae farming, nudibranchs are doing it because they can, says Rudman: “This is a very efficient way of feeding — corals certainly do well out of getting plants to do the energy production work.”

In return the algae, which are unable to survive on their own, are well cared for: Studies on Pteraeolidia ianthinashowed that the zooxanthellae within the nudibranch’s body breed rapidly, and at the same time produce nutrients far in excess of their own requirements, suggesting that they are living in a healthy protected environment, akin to growing plants in a greenhouse.

Evolution of a part-time plant

Although Rudman says that retaining the green pigmented chloroplasts probably started as a convenient form of camouflage, research has shown that some species now depend on their chloroplast captives for as much as a quarter of their energy needs.

And the dabbling with biological conventions doesn’t end there. Recently, US researchers discovered that for chloroplasts to function, they require instructions from the plant cell nucleus — the chloroplast’s own DNA is not enough. This raised the question of how they continue to thrive onboard sea slugs in the absence of their parent plant. The researchers found that in a complex process, some sacoglossans actually absorb the plant DNA into their own cell nucleii then pass the transgenic information on to future generations, which presumably continue adding to the mix.








What to Do if Your Spiritual Practice Becomes Overwhelming.


Each aspect within us needs understanding and compassion. If we are unwilling to give it to ourselves how can we expect the world to give it to us? ~Debbie Ford

My spiritual journey began when my life hit rock bottom at the age of 25. Some lessons can only come from challenging, painful and raw suffering. During this time, the Universe brought The Secret into my life. From that moment, it opened my heart to the idea that there is more to this life and world beyond what meets the eye. This gave me hope, something to look forward to and freedom. If we create our life based on our thoughts, this means we have the power to make anything happen.

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature. ~Marcus Aurelius

During my spiritual search I gathered wisdom, tools, gifts and skills from each author, inspirer and lecturer. I would digest each new skill, idea and practice and try to make it my own. This desire to acquire spiritual knowledge has become a lifestyle, but at times it became an obsession.

I made it my mission to raise my consciousness and achieve the balance between being a productive part of the world while maintaining a spiritual connection with the Universe.

Reading and understanding spirituality has no meaning if not put in practice. Acquiring knowledge is meaningless if you don’t roll up your sleeves and do the uncomfortable, heavy inner work.

Numerous times during my spiritual journey I’ve felt discouraged with my practice. When negative thoughts arose, I felt guilty for the thoughts. I pushed the thoughts out of my head and feelings out of my heart. I said my affirmations, changed to positive thoughts and thought I “surrendered” the negativity by not thinking about the painful stuff. I made a “spiritual package” and continued to repress my feelings in that box. Overtime the feelings would return when other life circumstances arose.

Recently, I found myself feeling a similar spiritual overload. I felt overwhelmed with what path I should take, what tools I should use and what daily routine I should follow.  I was tired of the affirmations, tired of consistently trying to be positive and feeling guilty if I didn’t do my mindfulness practice.

Filling the conscious mind with ideal conceptions is a characteristic of Western theosophy, but not the confrontation with the shadow and the world of darkness. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. ~Carl Jung

If life is meant to be fun why was spirituality weighing me down? I realized there were a lot of emotions I had repressed and avoided by saying I “surrender” and “let go” of my feelings without actually doing the healing and inner work.

This time I did something different. I allowed myself to feel the negativity. Rather than disregarding my feelings, I acknowledged and felt the uncomfortable feelings and now am sharing them with others.

Each time my energy became depleted I realized a pattern I wasn’t allowing myself to feel my negative feelings and I wasn’t authentic in following my own spiritual practice.

All emotions, even the negative ones, have a purpose. If you don’t allow yourself to feel the negative emotions you can’t fully fill the positive ones. The goal is to acknowledge the negative feelings that arise and heal the pain that needs. Whenever I was repressing negative emotions I couldn’t fully appreciate the happy moments in my life. I was afraid that when this passes, pain would be inevitable.

Each time I felt discouraged I wasn’t being authentic with my spiritual practice. There is no way to do every spiritual practice we learn. I had picked up so many different tools and advice from many different people and tried to do everything. This is not a sustainable spiritual practice.

Most of us try desperately to manage our minds, or better yet, to ignore or resist the continuous negative chatter that plays over and over. But we must address our internal negative dialogue if we are to succeed in creating a life beyond the boundaries of what we know. ~Debbie Ford

Our impatient society wants results fast. We want an easy “How To Guide” that will breakdown exactly what we need to do, think, feel and say to become enlightened. We want the timeline that change will be seen and we want results to be guaranteed. There is no universal template to life and no shortcut to reaching enlightenment.

Reaching enlightenment and higher consciousness is very personal experience. Don’t emulate the spiritual practice of others, look to others only for inspiration. You are your own teacher.   All the answers to your questions can be found within you if you silence your mind. I’ve learned the importance and purpose of understanding other people’s journeys is to:

1. Appreciate how different life paths lead to the same destination of enlightenment.

2. Understand enlightenment and higher consciousness is attainable by all. Many people before us and currently have reached the goal.

3. Know that others give us inspiration, practices and tools that may or may not work for us. But those aren’t the only ways to reach a higher consciousness. Be open to find your own way.

Ultimately, we have to use our own unique life experiences, karma, mistakes and talents to fulfill our own life purpose and create our own joy.  We can’t get bogged down with creating a perfect spiritual practice. Create your own journey, create your own rules, and create your own life path.

Source: purpose fairy


It’s True. You Can Get Throat Cancer From Oral Sex

Gay Black Men HIV Rates May Be Result Of Small Sexual Networks, Age Gaps Between Partners .


While black gay and bisexual men comprise a segment of the United States population more likely to be infected with HIV than any other, the group has not been found to engage in more HIV risk behaviors, researchers say, prompting a closer look at why the disparity persists.

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, three factors may be driving the HIV rates among black gay men: age gaps between partners, sexual networks more tightly drawn by race, and the fact that partner familiarity affects condom usage.

For the study, investigators recruited 143 HIV-negative men who have sex with men (MSM) under the age of 40 of diverse ethnicities from across the U.S. Participants were asked to keep a weekly diary of their sexual encounters over a three-month period, updating the diaries every week. The group was also asked to score their partners’ age difference from them, their gender, familiarity and their perceived HIV status.

What they found: that while black men were considerably less likely to report having unprotected sex than other racial groups, they were the most likely to have sex with other black men (African Americans were 11 times more likely to have black partners than partners of another race) and more likely to have partners who are older than they are, another group shown to have higher rates of HIV as compared with younger men.

“What this study adds is that … interactions of risk factors, rather than single risk factors, were the most crucial determinants of higher HIV risk in black men,” AIDSMap’s Gus Cairns notes in a summary of the study. “For instance, while black men were less likely to have unprotected sex than other ethnicities, they were more likely to drop condom use once a relationship became long term.”

So while black men do attempt to moderate their risk of HIV, and in some ways do so more consistently than other men, the much higher prevalence of HIV in the black community overwhelms these attempts, Cairns adds, questioning whether societal factors such as racism and the ‘ghettoising’ of HIV are also at play.

According to figures released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last year, men who have sex with men experienced a 22 percent increase in new HIV infections between 2008 and 2010. MSM comprised about 78 percent of new HIV infections in men in 2010, and 63 percent of total new HIV infections in both men and women that year, the report said.

Vinegar screening helps cut cervical cancer deaths in India.

A simple screening program for cervical cancer using vinegar and visual exams helped reduce deaths caused by the cancer by 31 percent in a group of 150,000 poor women in India, researchers reported on Sunday.

If implemented broadly, the screening program could lead to the prevention of 22,000 deaths from cervical cancer in India, and 72,000 deaths in the developing world each year, the team reported at the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting in Chicago.

“We had a 31 percent reduction in cervical cancer death. That was very significant,” Dr Surendra Shastri of Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai, India, who led the study and presented the findings at the meeting. The study also showed a 7 percent reduction in deaths from any cause, although that finding was not statistically significant.

Cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women in India and in many parts of the developing world. “Low-cost screening programs such as described in India are desperately needed,” said Dr Kathleen Schmeler of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

Shastri said currently there are no cervical cancer screening programs in India, mainly because PAP smear screening, the conventional test done among women in developed countries, is not possible because of issues such as logistics, infrastructure and high costs.

“We hope our results will have a profound effect in reducing the burden of cervical cancer in India and around the world,” Shastri said.

The study involved women selected from 20 slums in the city of Mumbai. To overcome some of the social barriers of screening, the team first met with religious, political and community leaders to gain support for the program. For the screening program, the team trained young women with at least a 10th grade education on how to apply the vinegar solution and evaluate the results.

As a result of these efforts, “the screening participation rates were 89 percent, huge for a country like India,” Shastri told the briefing.

The study involved women aged 35 to 64 with no previous history of cancer. They were randomly assigned to either an education program to teach women how to recognize symptoms of cervical cancer or a screening program in which a vinegar solution is applied to the cervix, which can make pre-cancerous tissues turn white and visible to the naked eye after only a minute.

The screening group got four rounds of this vinegar treatment and visual inspection plus cancer education every two years. All of the women in the study were offered treatment for their cervical cancers.

Among women in the screening group, there was a 31 percent reduction in cervical cancer deaths compared with women in the education-only group.

Based on the study results, Shastri said the Indian government plans to take up the screening program on a population basis. In the state of Maharashtra, where the trial was done, health officials are preparing to train primary health care workers to provide the screening to all women in the state aged 35-64, including women who took part in the control arm of the study who did not receive screening.

Doctors at the meeting said the program could offer a good alternative to PAP testing.

“What we’re talking about is the use of vinegar in a large screening program where PAP testing is not available. There have been studies that have demonstrated that the accuracy of these programs is comparable,” said Electra Paskett, an ASCO spokeswoman and an expert in gynecologic cancers at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Dr. Monique Spillman of the University of Colorado Cancer Center, said similar efforts have been tried in parts of Africa.

“This quick and cheap procedure could identify women who need to see a physician for treatment of cervical pre-cancer or cancer, while reassuring women who have normal results,” she said.

Schmeler of MD Anderson is conducting similar studies in Brazil and El Salvador using the vinegar technique in combination with testing for human papillomavirus or HPV, the virus that causes cervical cancer, to try to improve on the accuracy of such screening programs, which can sometimes result in overtreatment.

“The work we’re doing is to try to go to the next step to determine who are the false positives,” Schmeler said.



















UFO Control System.

Dr. Jacques Vallee, a French-American computer specialist with a background in astrophysics, once served as consultant to NASA’s Mars Map project.

Jacques Vallee is one of ufology’s major figures – and also its most original thinker.

Vallee, who holds a master’s degree in astrophysics and a Ph.D. in computer science from Northwestern University, was an early scientific proponent of the theory that UFOs are extraterrestrial spaceships. His first book, Anatomy of a Phenomenon (Henry Regnery, 1965), argued eloquently that “through UFO activity … the contours of an amazingly complex intelligent life beyond the earth can already be discerned.” In Challenge to Science – The UFO Enigma (Regnery, 1966) he and Janine Vallee (who is a psychologist by training, with a master’s degree from the University of Paris) urged the scientific community to consider the UFO evidence in this light.

But by 1969, when he published Passport to Magonia (Regnery), Vallee’s assessment of the UFO phenomenon had undergone a significant shift. Much to the consternation of the “scientific ufologists” who had seen him as one of their champions, Vallee now seemed to be backing away from the extraterrestrial hypotheses and advancing the radical view that UFOs are paranormal in nature and a modern space age manifestation of a phenomenon which assumes different guises in different historical contexts.

” When the underlying archetypes are extracted,” he wrote, “the saucer myth is seen to coincide to a remarkable degree with the fairy-faith of Celtic countries … religious miracles… and the widespread belief among all peoples concerning entities whose physical and psychological descriptions place them in the same category as the present-day ufonauts.”

In The Invisible College (E.P. Dutton, 1975) Vallee posits the idea of a “control system.” UFOs and related phenomena are “the means through which man’s concepts are being rearranged.” Their ultimate source may be unknowable, at least at this stage of human development; what we do know, according to Vallee, is that they are presenting us with continually recurring “absurd” messages and appearances which defy rational analysis but which nonetheless address human beings on the level of myth and imagination.

“When I speak of a control system for planet earth,” he says, ” I do not want my words to be misunderstood: I do not mean that some higher order of beings has locked us inside the constraints of a space-bound jail, closely monitored by psychic entities we might call angels or demons. I do not propose to redefine God. What I do mean is that mythology rules at a level of our social reality over which normal political and intellectual action has no power….”

Vallee is also coauthor, with J. Allen Hynek, of The Edge of Reality (Regnery, 1975). A resident of the San Francisco area, he is completing a book which further develops his theories concerning UFO phenomena.

We have talked together at some length about his beliefs. The following interview is a report of these conversations:

Clark: Since the great autumn 1973 sighting wave public attitudes about the UFO phenomenon seem to have changed dramatically, to the extent that society may be entering a pivotal period in its perception of the problem. What do you think will happen now?

Vallee: First, I expect increased government and scientific attention to it. More researchers will be pursuing the physical evidence aspects, conducting much more sophisticated investigations of traces left at landing sites and so on. The people moving into the field now are good physicists and good engineers who know what they are doing and who are convinced it is time for them to get involved.

At the same time I expect that public opinion will change also. Initially it probably will move strongly toward the extraterrestrial explanation. Most people see only two ways to look at the problem – either it’s all nonsense or we’re being visited from outer space. The current spate of movies, books and magazine articles is going to push people toward the extraterrestrial hypothesis. After that I expect a backlash effect may push them in the other direction. I don’t know where that’s going to leave scientists who want to do research.

Clark: You say that scientists are entering ufology in search of physical evidence. But is there physical evidence? And if there is, are they going to find it? What happens if they don’t?

Vallee: If I were speaking for them I would say, “Jerry, it’s premature to ask those questions.” One doesn’t know the answers until one really looks – and so far nobody has looked very seriously. So far the people who have looked have been military types searching for enemy craft or direct threats to national security. Or they’ve been superficial investigators, dedicated civilians with good training but limited time and limited resources.

But you’re asking me what I think. I think there are physical data. They are very, very interesting. They may contain a message. My inclination is to look at the message both in a physical sense and in a symbolic sense, but that’s because I’m an information scientist and not a physical scientist. I look for the meaning behind the object.

Let me give you an example of what I mean. Recently Paul Cerny investigated a case in northern California in which two older persons saw a UFO take off. Afterwards they saw a sort of ring on the ground. Within the ring they found some molten metal and a pile of sand.

Obviously here is physical evidence. Two tangible things – the molten metal, which turned out to be brass, and the sand. I took some of the latter to a geologist friend who knows about sand. He said it was highly unusual because it did not contain quartz and it was not stream sand or beach sand or residue from mining or anything else. It seemed to be artificial sand created from grinding together stones of different origin.

Well, to a physicist that may not mean too much. It’s an indication of something that turns out to be absurd. We can put it alongside other cases of physical traces and then we may start looking for patterns which might lead us to a better understanding of the modus operandi of whoever’s doing all this.

In that sense, yes, there is physical evidence. But if you mean physical evidence in the sense that we’re going to discover somebody’s propulsion system from it, I would have to say I don’t expect that to happen.

Clark: Can we infer from the existence of physical evidence, then, that there is a physical cause?

Vallee: If the UFO phenomenon had no physical cause at all, there would be no way for us to perceive it because human beings are physical entities. So it has to make an impression on our senses somehow. For that to take place, it has to be physical at some time.

Clark: So in other words there is such a thing as a solid, three-dimensional flying saucer.

Vallee: No, I didn’t say that. That may or may not be true. I don’t think there is such a thing as the flying saucer phenomenon. I think it has three components and we have to deal with them in different ways.

First, there is a physical object. That may be a flying saucer or it may be a projection or it may be something entirely different. All we know about it is that it represents a tremendous quantity of electromagnetic energy in a small volume. I say that based upon the evidence gathered from traces, from electromagnetic and radar detection and from perturbations of the electromagnetic fields such as Dr. Claude Poher, the French space scientist, has recorded.

Second, there’s the phenomenon the witnesses perceive. What they tell us is that they’ve seen a flying saucer. Now they may have seen that or they may have seen an image of a flying saucer or they may have hallucinated it under the influence of microwave radiation, or any of a number of things may have happened. The fact is that the witnesses were exposed to an event and as a result they experienced a highly complex alteration of perception which caused them to describe the object or objects that figure in their testimony.

Beyond there – the physical phenomenon and the perception phenomenon – we have the third component, the social phenomenon. That’s what happens when the reports are submitted to society and enter the cultural arena. That’s the part which I find most interesting.

Clark: Before we go into that, let’s clarify your views on the nature of the physical aspect. When I asked you if there was such a thing as a solid, three-dimensional flying saucer, I was thinking in these terms: Let’s suppose that somebody says he has seen a UFO, the bottom part of which was flat and circular. He says he saw the object come down, settle on the soil and then fly off again, leaving a flat circular impression. Doesn’t that clearly suggest the presence – at least for the duration of the sighting – of a solid object whose physical structure was more or less as the witness perceived it?

Vallee: Not necessarily. We have evidence that the phenomenon has the ability to create a distortion of the sense of reality or to substitute artificial sensations for the real ones. Look at some of the more bizarre close encounter cases – for example the incident from South America in which one man believed he had been abducted by a UFO while his companion thought he had boarded a bus which had suddenly appeared on the road behind then.

It is conceivable that there is one phenomenon which is visual and another which creates the physical traces. What I’m saying is that a strange kind of deception may be involved.

Clark: In other words the physical traces are placed there as ostensible confirmation of what the senses perceived?

Vallee: Yes. It’s comparable perhaps to the strategic deception operations of the British during World War II to fool the Germans. They created artificial tank tracks in the desert and in other ways simulated the passage of large armored divisions. They even caused dust storms to perpetuate the illusion, which the Germans found very convincing indeed.

In the UFO context that might explain cases such as the one in California I mentioned earlier, in which the “physical evidence” left in the wake of the UFO appearance really seemed to have no clear, unambiguous connection with the perceived “object.”

Clark: What do you think happens during the “UFO experience?”

Vallee: We don’t know. There is no question that something happens. It seems as if an external force takes control of people. In the close encounters people may lose their ability to move or to speak; in the abduction cases, which are the most extreme example, they gradually enter into a series of experiences during which they lose control of all their senses. Do they experience what they think they experience? Suppose you, an outside observer, had been there. What would you have seen?

Clark: I can think of several cases which might suggest I would have seen the same thing they saw. To cite an example, one of the famous Venezuelan humanoid encounters of late 1954 was independently observed by a doctor some distance from the scene.

Vallee: Yes, I’m familiar with that incident and similar ones. But that doesn’t alter my point. The doctor may have experienced the object as “real” but we don’t know what the nature of that reality is.

We know there are objects that contain a lot of energy in a small space. What do we know about what happens to the human brain when it’s exposed to a great deal of energy? We know very little about that. We don’t know much about the effects of electromagnetic or microwave radiation on the brain, nor about the effects of pulsating colored lights on the brain. The research into that is just beginning.

What we do know is that you can make people hallucinate using either lights or microwave or electromagnetic energy. You can also make them pass out; you can cause them to behave strangely, put them into shock, make them hear voices or even kill them.

Clark: Is there any way to penetrate to the reality of the experience, for example through hypnotic regression?

Vallee: I’m not sure that what we learn under hypnotic regression is useful. Hypnosis is really a delicate technique and some of the people in our field who are using it are doing more harm than good. If the hypnotist doesn’t have medical training – and most of these people have no medical training – the results may be disastrous for the witness. But if the hypnotist does have medical training and doesn’t have any knowledge of the subject, he may ask the wrong questions. I think that may have happened in the famous case of Betty and Barney Hill. The hypnotist was extremely skilled but was not especially interested in UFOs and didn’t know the background of the problem.

Clark: What can we do, then?

Vallee: I’m not saying that hypnosis has no role to play in UFO investigation, nor that it can’t be helpful under certain circumstances when percipients are blocking from their memories something they have seen or experienced.

The thing I really want to emphasize is that the investigator’s first responsibility is to the witness and not to the UFO phenomenon. The average witness is in shock because he’s had a very traumatic experience; what he’s seen is going to change his life. Your intervention, the very fact that you’re talking with him about it, is also going to have an effect on him. Now he may say to you, “I need help to understand what I saw,” but in fact he needs more immediate help as a human being who is deeply troubled by a very disturbing experience.

Unfortunately this element has been neglected. The more UFO investigators try to appear “professional,” the more they ignore that human aspect – and by extension their own ethical obligations. I want to convince my friends in UFO research that whenever we have a choice between obtaining interesting UFO data and taking chances with the life of a human being, we should forget the UFO data.

Another thing to keep in mind is that there are alternatives to the use of hypnosis. These involve putting the percipient into a state of relaxed revery or free association. There are several techniques that are equally as effective as hypnosis in bringing out the hidden details but are must less harmful. Investigators really haven’t made use of these yet.

Clark: What do you think of the abduction cases?

Vallee: Again, I’m interested mainly in their symbolic contents.

Let me explain what I mean. We live in a society that is oriented toward technology, so when we see something unusual in the sky we think of it in physical terms. How is it manufactured? What makes it tick? What is its propulsion system? We tend to assume that the physical phenomenon is its most important aspect and that everything else is just a side effect and much less important.

But perhaps we’re facing something which is basically a social technology. Perhaps the most important effects from the UFO technology are the social ones and not the physical ones. In other words the physical reality may serve only as a kind of triggering device to provide images for the witness to report. These perceptions are manipulated to create certain kinds of social effects.

If that’s true, then the abduction cases are quite revealing. I am not concerned with how many switches there were on the control panel or whether the percipient felt hot or cold when he was inside the flying saucer. Those questions may be totally irrelevant because maybe that person never actually went inside the object.

But the report is extremely important for its symbolic content. It can help us understand what kinds of images are coming through. One might illustrate the difference in this way:

An engineer observing a computer would want to look at the back and open up the boxes. He would want to take a probe and examine the different parts of the computer. But there is another way of looking at it; the way of the programmer, who wants to sit in front of the computer and analyze what it does, not how it does it. That’s my approach. I want to ask it questions and see what answers I get. I want to interact with it as an information entity.

In the case of the abductions I think we’re dealing with the information aspect. I came to that conclusion because abduction cases, in close encounter cases in general, what the witness is saying is absurd.

Clark: What do you mean?

Vallee: I don’t mean simply to imply that the account is silly. I mean it has absurdity as a semantic construction. If you’re trying to express something which is beyond the comprehension of a subject, you have to do it through statements that appear contradictory or seem absurd. For example, in Zen Buddhism the seeker must deal with such concepts as “the sound of one hand clapping” – an apparently preposterous notion which is designed to break down ordinary ways of thinking. The occurrences of similar “absurd” messages in UFO cases brought me to the idea that maybe we’re dealing with a sort of control system that is subtly manipulating human consciousness.

Clark: But how do you prove that one is operating in a UFO context?

Vallee: I’ve always been unhappy with the argument between those who believe UFOs are nonsense and those who believe they are extraterrestrial visitors. I don’t think I belong in either camp. I’ve tried to place myself between those two extremes because there’s no proof that either proposition is correct. I’ve come up with the control system concept because it is an idea which can be tested. In that sense it’s much closer to a scientific hypotheses than the others. It may turn out that there is a control system which is operated by extraterrestrials. But that’s only one possibility.

There are different kinds of control systems – open ones and closed ones – and there are tests you can apply to them to find out what kind of control system you’re inside. That leads to a number of experiments you can do with the UFO phenomenon, whereas the other interpretations don’t lead you to anything. If you’re convinced that UFOs are extraterrestrial, then about the only thing you can do is to climb to a hilltop with a flashlight and send a message in Morse code. People have tried that, I know, but it doesn’t seem to work very will!

The control system concept can be tested by a small group of people – you don’t need a large organization or a lot of equipment – and you can start thinking about active intervention in the phenomenon.

Clark: How could I prove to my satisfaction that there is a control system in operations?

Vallee: If you think you’re inside a control system, the first thing you have to look for is what is being controlled and try to change it to see what happens. My friend Bill Powers proposes the following analogy:

Suppose you’re walking through the desert and you see a stone that looks as though it was painted white. A thousand yards later you see another stone of similar appearance. You stop and consider the matter. Either you can forget it or – if you’re like me – you can pick up the stone and move it a few feet. If suddenly a bearded character steps out from behind a rock and demands to know why you moved his marker, then you know you’ve found a control system.

My point is that you can’t be sure until you do something. Then you realize that what you were seeing, the thing that looked absurd and incongruous, was really a marker for a boundary that was invisible to everybody else until you discovered it because you looked for a pattern. I think that’s exactly what we have to do with UFOs. We have to do something that will cause them to react. And I don’t mean building landing strips in the desert and waiting out there to welcome the space brothers.

Clark: But what do you mean?

Vallee: I hesitate to be too specific. I’m speaking, as I’m sure you understand, of the attempted manipulation of UFO manifestations. It’s a pretty tall order. We’re assuming that there is a feedback mechanism involved in the operations of the control system; if you change the information that’s carried back to that system, you might be able to infiltrate it through its own feedback.

Clark: How does one go about investigating UFOs, taking into consideration the possible existence of a control system?

Vallee: You should work outside any organized UFO group. Also you must be very careful about the types of instruments you use for your analysis. For example, I have become increasingly skeptical of the use of computers in UFO research. We’re losing a great many data because of a certain situation that is developing: The field researcher will spend a lot of time and money investigating a case. Typically he will write it up in an excellent 10-to-20-page report; then he’ll send it to his superiors in the organization, assuming that they are going to put it on the computer and that in this way it’s going to add to some great body of knowledge.

But it doesn’t. Investigators should understand that their reports go absolutely nowhere. They end up in a drawer somewhere, they are never published, and they’re quickly forgotten. All that’s left in the computer is a bunch of codes and letters and numbers on magnetic tape somewhere and that’s the end of that.

For another thing you don’t want to go around chasing every UFO that’s reported. If a sighting gets a lot of publicity, you should stay the hell away from it. Instead you should go after cases that you select yourself, ones that have received very little publicity and you’ve heard about through personal channels. There are plenty of those and they are surprisingly rich in content. You should take your time investigating them. Get involved with the people as human beings. And then you have to become part of the scene, getting as close as you can to what’s happening especially if it continues to happen.

Clark: Are you suggesting that the investigator should attempt to experience the phenomenon himself?

Vallee: Yes, I think that’s sound scientific practice.

Clark: But isn’t that rather dangerous – in the sense that there’s a real risk the investigator, even if he is emotionally stable and intellectually sophisticated, might be overwhelmed by the experiences involved?

Vallee: Yes, there are dangers. Witness what happened to Morris Jessup or to Jim McDonald. But I think that now we’re more aware of what the dangers are. Once you realize the phenomenon may be deliberately misleading, then you can use certain safeguards. I’m not saying that safeguards are always going to work. There is an element of danger you really can’t avoid. There’s no way to do that kind of study just by reading books.

It’s a little bit like the study of volcanoes. You can learn a lot about them by watching them from a distance but you certainly learn a lot more when you can be right there – even if it’s somewhat risky.



7 Healthy Things to Know About Breasts.


 Breasts are amazing – they are beautiful, they nourish babies, and they have an intelligence of their own.

Breasts have so many incredible benefits for the health of humanity, the power of women, and the nurturing of the future generations.

Your breasts deserve a medal of honor – plus nurturing, pampering, and respect.

Yet, our breasts are suffering from the dangerous effects of rising environmental toxins in our food, water, air, and toiletries, degrading media, restrictive fashion, and lack of empowering health education for women.

I had a dream a few weeks ago that I was at a conference and the organizers asked me to get up on stage and speak about breast health. They said it was vital that we get more people to understand and value the importance of caring for our healthy breasts and that in order to get people’s attention I needed to be topless to speak. While I was still pondering whether or not I felt comfortable with being topless on stage, I woke up.

A few days later Angelina Jolie announced her decision to have her healthy breasts surgically removed because of her potential cancer risk. This action has inspired me even more to realize how vital it is that we join in this conversation and speak about how to naturally care for our breasts, how our environment, diet, and lifestyle impact our health, and why breast health is more important than every before.

Thus, my intention is to share positive inspiring information to support women to love their breasts and learn about ways to naturally care for our amazing breasts.

Let’s uplift breasts to the status level they deserve!

7 Amazing Things To Know About Breasts

Breasts want freedom.

Bras restrict the movement of lymphatic fluid through the breasts, underarm, and shoulders, thus causing toxins to build up in the breast tissue. Underwire bras are the worst culprit, as the metal also can disrupt the energy flow through the breast area. A recent French study has shown that women who don’t wear bras actually have perkier breasts even as they age. Exercising, dance, and rebounding without a bra also allows the body’s movements to support lymphatic flow and proper drainage of the breasts. The natural movement of the breasts as the body exercises and moves is another essential component to lymphatic health in the breasts.

Breasts need massage. 

There is no muscle tissue in a women’s breasts, so breasts need assistance to enhance circulation through the breast. A woman’s breasts are mostly fat tissue along with milk ducts, connective tissue, nerves, and lymph glands. Self breast massage is an important regular practice for women to support their blood and lymph circulation and reduce build-up of toxins and hormones in the fatty tissue of the breasts. Massage your breasts daily with a natural cold-pressed vegetable oil, such as coconut, almond, or jojoba oil. You can also add pure essential oils such as rose, jasmine, or clary sage to your massage oil base. I’m not talking about “man-handling” here, I’m talking about gentle self massage in which you get to know what your breasts feel like, notice any changes, and use gentle lymphatic and circulatory movements to enhance health.

Breasts are hot.

It has been well-documented that a woman’s breasts will synchronize with her newborn baby to become the perfect temperature. When a mother and baby are skin-to-skin postpartum, her breasts will naturally adjust their temperature to regulate the baby’s body temperature optimally. A mother of twins will have each of her breasts match the ideal temperature for each one of her twins. A women’s breasts are more reliable and efficient than any baby warmer. So breasts are totally hot – just not in the way people usually talk about.

Breastmilk has a gazillion medicinal uses. 

Breastmilk is pretty much the most amazing food substance available to mankind. Mother’s milk is completely unique and not possible to replicate (despite what you may have heard from the formula companies). It actually changes minute by minute, day to day, to provide exactly the right nourishment and immunities that a baby needs as determined by the breast through receiving information from the baby’s saliva on the areola. There are over 400+ identified nutrients in human breast milk, including probiotics and an abundant source of stem cells. The first milk that comes out is colostrum, which is rich with immune factors and is considered to be “liquid gold”, and extremely important for the life-long health of the baby. Breastmilk is also used by wise mamas for many purposes including putting on diaper rash, earaches, pink eye, sore throats, and many other healing needs. When a women breastfeeds the breastmilk bathes her milk ducts as it passes through to her baby, thus providing increased breast health and preventing breast cancer in direct relation to how long she nurses.

Breasts are energy centers.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complete system of health that has been practiced for thousands of years, based upon the movement of energy through the body on the meridians (energy lines) and acupoints (nodes of energy on the meridians). There are six meridians that run through the breast area, and three of them are the Kidney, Liver, and Stomach meridians where most breast lumps and cancer develop. TCM treats breast cancer by addressing the energy stagnation and movement of qi. Acupuncture and TCM are holistic ways to promote breast health and can be used in combination with other health care treatments as well. Massaging the acupressure points along the meridians, or holding these energy points around the breasts, can help with promoting breast and whole body health and vitality. Underwire bras can also interfere with the energy moving through the meridians in the breasts, another reason to let your boobs go free, or invest in a soft supportive natural fiber bra.

Breasts are a lot like canaries.

You’ve heard about the canary in the coal mine? Miners would take canaries down in the mines with them, because the birds were so sensitive that if the environment was toxic the canaries would die, and then the miners would know to get out of there immediately! Breasts are extremely sensitive, they receive information from the environment and their tissues collect toxins and hormones, like jet fuel and flame retardants. When breastfeeding, the saliva from the baby is absorbed into the areola and the breasts then immediately respond by providing the nutrients and immune factors that the baby needs based upon the breast’s incredibly sensitive receptors. Breast cancer is now the most common form of cancer for women in the US, and it’s not because breasts or our genes are the problem. Our breasts are the canaries letting us know that our environment is toxic and we must make changes in our health, diets, exposure, and detox. Due to the over 70,000 chemicals now used in the US over the last 100 years, we are living in a toxic soup and exposed to chemicals in our air, food, water, homes, cars, clothes, and more. Our breasts are letting us know that we need to create a healthy change for our longevity and the future generations.

Breasts are beautiful. 

Your breasts are perfect for you. All kinds of breasts are beautiful. Breasts change in shape and size over life, and that’s okay. Some men like large breasts, others prefer small breasts, and some like medium sized. Whatever shape or size of your boobs is just right. Love your breasts! They have superpowers, they are intelligent, and they are amazing! In Mongolia, when a baby fusses, everyone lifts up their shirt and shakes their breasts for the baby, and the baby calms down and looks around amazed. Everyone laughs and smiles shaking their boobs, including mom, grandma, and grandpa too! So smile and love your boobs, they are awesome.

Viva La Boobies!



The Dark Side of My Balinese Soul Searching Experience.


More than a month ago I decided to take off from work and go on a 30 day soul retreat in Bali, to find myself and to also work on my book.

My mind, body, heart and soul were feeling out off sync for quite some time and I knew that by going away and spending some time alone I will eventually feel a lot better.

The idea of traveling alone for 30 days made me feel excited and scared at the same time.

I remember having all these contradictory thoughts:

What if I get lost?

What if I get bored? 

What in the world will I be doing there for 30 days?

Isn’t it dangerous for me to travel alone? 

What if something bad will happen to me?

There are all kind of stories about people who got robbed, kidnaped and killed while traveling… 

I really don’t think this is a good idea.

What was I thinking?

But what if nothing bad will happen to me, on the contrary?

I should stop putting these negative thoughts in my mind… What is wrong with me?

I can do this. I will do this!

I’m sure it will do me good  to be away for a while.

I wanted this, I asked for it and now I should be happy that it’s happening.

The mind will make a lot of noise, creating discomfort in our bodies but once we go ahead with our plans and intentions, once we embrace change, the mind wil be silenced.

I guess I was scared to get out of my comfort zone, to step into the unknown and do something new. At a deeper level I was afraid that by spending all that time alone, I will have to face many of my hidden fears and shadows…

You see, from time to time I like to pretend that I don’t know who I really am and I allow my ego to rule over me and my life.

I ignore my inner voice, my heart and intuition and I do whatever my rational mind asks me to do. In conclusion, I become rigid and stiff.

Not that there is something wrong with using my mind, but when I silence and ignore my intuition, doing only what my mind is asking me to do, I usually end up feeling stressed and anxious… My mind kept going on and on about all the horrible things that were about to happen while in Bali and it continued to bully me all the way to Bali.

The moment I got off the plane, on my way out off the airport, it stopped and I felt calm and at peace after a very long time. I couldn’t believe that my heart was being filled with appreciation, with love and gratitude once again.

Things got even better once Ketut, my host and guide, picked me up from the airport. I don’t know if you ever experienced this, but there are people who’s energy is so beautiful and so powerful, that you get happy just by being in their presence, and Ketut was one of those people.

He had this big, radiant smile and right from the beginning made me feel like we were  part of the same family. In those moments it felt like the real me, my Higher Self was coming back to life, and my ego, who was ruling my life for quite some time, was slowly falling asleep.

I felt free and alive once again and no longer bullied and harassed by my mind I was content and happy once again.

While driving to Ubud ( a town on the Indonesian island of Bali, one of Bali’s major arts and culture centres) looking outside the car’s window, I couldn’t help but think how lucky I was to be traveling to those beautiful places.

I was 100% present in the now and as a result I started feeling better and better. I remember feeling so proud of myself for moving past my fears and doing the things my heart was asking me to do.

Once we got to what was about to become my beautiful home for one week, Ketut invited me to go with him to the temple ceremony. I was so excited to be in Bali once again (I was there last year in September) and to actually spend time with Balinese people. To be not just a tourist but to live amongst Balinese people  style=’outline: none !important;-webkit-transition: all 0.2s linear;transition: all 0.2s linear; orphans: auto;widows: auto;-webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;word-spacing:0px’ alt=”:)” v:shapes=”_x0000_i1025″>

I was so excited about everything, so happy and so curious to discover more about the Balinese people and culture, about Ubud and also about myself. They gave me a Balinese regalia to wear to the temple ceremony and off we went.

There were so many people on the streets, all wearing beautiful traditional clothes and I was one of them. Together we all walked to the temple. I couldn’t believe how easy and natural it felt for them to interact and share the love with one another.

Everyone looked so happy, so loving and content and what I really loved was the fact that once we got to the temple, the children were joyfully running all around, playing and laughing, and nobody told them to sit down and be quiet…

You might think that maybe people were so loving and happy just because they were at the temple but I found people to be as happy and as loving outside the temples as well.

One night, while walking on the streets of Ubud, looking for a taxi to go home, I saw this man asking people if they needed a taxi. I went to him and before I could say anything, with a very humble voice and a smile on his face, he asksed:

“Do you a need a taxi? Are you going to give me work?”

to which I replied:

I actually do need a taxi and it will be my pleasure to give you work 

I was so happy to be there and to be able to use and pay money for his services. In fact, I never felt more excited in my entire life about paying for a cab fare… I know, it might sound weird but that’s exactly how I felt.

Just like Rumi said it, “If words come out of the heart, they will enter the heart.”

It’s all about attitude and because of his beautiful attitude of gratitude, I went home with a big smile not just on my face but also in my heart. That man perceived his work not as a burden but as a way of supporting himself and his family.

I met so many pure and beautiful people while I was there and even though I was surrounded by so much love and beauty, after 3 days of feeling blissful and euphoric, I went back to feeling the way I did before coming to Bali – restless, anxious and unhappy.

I really thought that by simply going to a beautiful place like Bali, my inner conflicts will dissolve without me having to face and solve them, but I was wrong…

I remember thinking to myself:

Omg! What in the world is wrong with me?

I wanted to take off from work and came here to relax and be at peace not to stress and worry about some imaginary problems.

Why am I not happy? I should be happy!

I came here to write on my book but I can’t because I am not in a good place and it will affect the quality of my writing.

What if I will feel this way the whole time?

What a waste of time and money!

I am tired of all my  nonsense, the whining and complaining.

Why can’t I just be here, present, grateful and  happy?!?!

Of course, those judgmental thoughts and harsh internal dialogues didn’t help. They never do and as a result I continued to feel worse and worse as days went by. I continued to judge myself for my judgemental thoughts (ironic, right?) and I continued to resist everything I was thinking and feeling.

I was surrounded by beauty, by loving, compassionate and caring people and it made me so sad that I couldn’t really enjoy it and appreciate as much as I did in the first 3 days.

You see, the quality of our lives has little or nothing to do with our external circumstances but a lot to do with what we are thinking and how we are feeling inside.

I thought that by going to a beautiful place like Bali, I will immediately be healed and my mind will go from crazy to feeling centered and peaceful but that’s not how things work, that’s not how life works.

I really love how Debbie Ford taks about this: “By choosing not to allow parts of ourselves to exist, we are forced to expend huge amounts of psychic energy to keep them beneath the surface.”

We can run from who we are deep down inside but we surely can’t hide. By being there alone with myself, I was “forced” to deal with some of my hidden wounds and shadows and even though I kept playing the role of an ignorant person, pretending not know what was the root cause of my pain and unhappiness, I eventually gave up and did the right thing.

Source: Purpose fairy



New Study Shows Cannabinoids Improve Efficiency Of Mitochondria And Remove Damaged Brain Cells.

A recent study conducted by Andras Biokei-Gorzo at the Institute of Molecular Psychiatry at the University of Bonn in Germany is suggesting that marijuana(or the activation of the brain’s cannabinoid system) triggers the release of antioxidants, which act as a cleansing mechanism. This process is known to remove damaged cells and improve the efficiency of mitochondria. Mitochondria is the energy

source that powers cells.


These discoveries shed new insight on how natural marijuana cannabinoids hold the capacity to literally kill the brain inflammation responsible for causing cognitive decline, neural failure, and brain degeneration. By supplying these receptor sites with cannabinoids, patients may be able to overcome brain conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and more, not to mention premature brain aging. The human brain contains an extensive network of special receptor sites that modulate nervous system function only when activated by the appropriate cannabinoid compounds, which are found in the marijuana plant.

Cannabinoids refer to any of a group of related compounds that include cannabinol and the active constituents of cannabis. They activate canbinoid receptors in the body. The body itself produces  compounds called endocannabinoids and they play a role in many processes within the body that help to create a healthy environment. Cannabinoids also play a role in immune system generation and re-generation. The body regenerates best when it’s saturated with Phyto-Cannabinoids. Cannabinoids can also be found in Cannabis. Cannabinoids may very well be the best cancer fighting substance out there!

Cannabinoid system activity is neuroprotective, and increasing it could be a promising strategy for slowing down the progression of brain aging and for alleviating the systems of neurodegenerative disorders -Andras Biokei

Gery Wenk, a professor of neuroscience, immunology and medical genetics at Ohio State University conducted some of the research that came out of the study from Germany. He stated that this is a positive step, and that it is encouraging to see the potential development of cannabinoid solutions without going overboard. Here is what he said.

I’ve been trying to find a drug that will reduce brain inflammation and restore cognitive function in rats for over 25 years; cannabinoids are the first and only class of drugs that have ever been effective. I think that the perception about this drug is changing and in the future people will be less fearful. – Gerry Wenk, Professor of neuroscience, immunology and medical genetics at Ohio State University

Biokei-Gorzo and his collegues said that the greatest hurdle for moving forward with their research are the social and political challenges. This isn’t something new, our world seems to be dominated by belief systems instead of obvious fact. It’s discouraging to see beliefs  and persuasion overrule truth. At the same time it’s very encouraging to see truth slowly creep its way into the norm. That’s always how it has been done throughout human history. It’s quite evident that the powers that be do not want to legalize marijuana, and we know that they do not have our best interest at hand. If it was legalized, I’m sure it would be distributed and tweaked by big pharmaceutical companies.

On the other hand there have been a number of studies that show how marijuana can actually reduce brain power and impair working memory. The amount of studies that show the potential benefits of marijuana is outstanding, and the potential harmful effects are in the few, if any at all. As far as medicinal use goes, I think that is a no brainer. I definitely believe nature intended marijuana to be used for its health and healing properties.



The Privatization of Water: Nestlé Denies that Water is a Fundamental Human Right.


The current Chairman and former CEO of Nestlé, the largest producer of food products in the world, believes that the answer to global water issues is privatization. This statement is on record from the wonderful company that has peddled junk food in the Amazon, has invested money to thwart the labeling of GMO-filled products, has a disturbing health and ethics record for its infant formula, and has deployed a cyber army to monitor Internet criticism and shape discussions in social media.

This is apparently the company we should trust to manage our water, despite the record of large bottling companies like Nestlé having a track record of creating shortages:

Large multinational beverage companies are usually given water-well privileges (and even tax breaks) over citizens because they create jobs, which is apparently more important to the local governments than water rights to other taxpaying citizens. These companies such as Coca Cola and Nestlé (which bottles suburban Michigan well-water and calls it Poland Spring) suck up millions of gallons of water, leaving the public to suffer with any shortages.

But Chairman, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, believes that “access to water is not a public right.” Nor is it a human right. So if privatization is the answer, is this the company in which the public should place its trust?

Here is just one example, among many, of his company’s concern for the public thus far:

In the small Pakistani community of Bhati Dilwan, a former village councilor says children are being sickened by filthy water. Who’s to blame? He says it’s bottled water-maker Nestlé, which dug a deep well that is depriving locals of potable water. “The water is not only very dirty, but the water level sank from 100 to 300 to 400 feet,” Dilwan says.

Why? Because if the community had fresh water piped in, it would deprive Nestlé of its lucrative market in water bottled under the Pure Life brand.

In the subtitled video below, from several years back, Brabeck discusses his views on water, as well as some interesting comments concerning his view of Nature — that it is “pitiless” — and, of course, the obligatory statement that organic food is bad and GM is great. In fact, according to Brabeck, you are essentially an extremist to hold views opposite to his own. His statements are important to review as we continue to see the world around us become reshaped into a more mechanized environment in order to stave off that pitiless Nature to which he refers.

The conclusion to this segment is perhaps the most revealing about Brabeck’s worldview, as he highlights a clip of one of his factory operations. Evidently, the savior-like role of the Nestlé Group in ensuring the health of the global population should be graciously welcomed. Are you convinced?
