Longer Varenicline Preloading Might Enhance Smoking Cessation Rates

Extending the varenicline (Chantix) preloading period from 1 week to 4 before the target quit date may enhance smoking cessation rates, according to a preliminary, industry-funded study in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Some 100 adult smokers were randomized to take varenicline for 4 weeks before their target quit date, or to take placebo for 3 weeks and then varenicline for 1 week before the quit date (the drug’s prescribing information recommends 1 week of preloading). Both groups also received varenicline for up to 12 weeks after quitting.

Longer varenicline preloading was associated with decreased smoking and less smoking enjoyment before quitting, although it had no effect on withdrawal symptoms after quitting. In addition, the smoking cessation rate at 12 weeks was significantly higher with 4 weeks of preloading than with just 1 week (36% vs. 15%).

The authors conclude that the “prequit dosaging recommended per the current varenicline labeling is likely to be too short.”

Source:Archives of Internal Medicine

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