How To Find and Keep Your Balance.

Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harm. ~Thomas Merton

When our resilience is low it’s often because we’re focussing our energies on one area of our lives over the others – usually some stressful event, work, or a collection of things that are taxing. What goes out of the window are the counter balancers – the things that are soothing, the slow, the easy going, the nourishing.


I once had an amazing yoga teacher who would change the focus of her classes each week. We’d never know what each class’s emphasis would be until we got there so there was always an air of excitement and anticipation as to what we’d find.

Sometimes they would be 2 hour, intense workouts that would leave us drenched in sweat with muscles crying out for their Mummy’s.

Other times she would have us do laughing yoga and headstands against the wall like when we were at school.

And at other times the movements would be so gentle, the poses held for so long that it was almost like we were working in slow motion; languid, soothing and elastic.

One thing I remember her talking about was the fact that yoga is all about balance – when we stretch one side of the body we must stretch the other or our muscles will be out of whack. When we’re energetic one day, we must be calm another.

But in our modern lives we don’t get this. We get overwhelmed, run on empty or adrenaline long past the point where every fibre of our bodies is telling us to cool it, take a break, have a rest. We tell ourselves we can’t just yet, we will when we get the chance, once things calm down, as soon as this project’s out of the way, after the holidays, when I’m earning a bit more money ….etc.

We all know what it’s like to have a vacation and immediately fall ill. We know what it’s like to spend our vacations feeling so exhausted we can barely function, or to spend the first week getting into the ‘zone’ of not being on the go all the time, only to spend the second week getting revved up for it again.

If sounds like you then I have news for you – you’re completely out of balance.

Just like in yoga, our minds need periods of activity and calm. We need to feel inspired and totally unplugged at different times. Think of it like an elastic band – if you keep it taut all the time it’s eventually going to snap. But if you stretch and release, stretch and release, it will last a lifetime.

What You Can Do

What are you doing to stay busy that you could drop right now? Be honest with yourself – do the kitchen cupboards need to be washed down every day? Do you need to iron the underwear (I mean, who’d know if you didn’t?) How many calls do you make or emails you write that make no real contribution to you productivity and output?

Here’s another question to ask yourself – if you we suddenly told you were invited onto the Oprah show/Top Gear/X-factor (delete depending on which one rocks your boat the most!) but had to be on a plan by lunchtime tomorrow to get there – what would you drop from your schedule? What could you delegate/postpone/outsource? Of the things you definitely HAD to do, how much more quickly would you get them done if you knew you only had a limited timescale?

What would you do with an extra hour a day?

What would you do if you ONLY had one hour a day? (This will help you get super focused on what’s really essential to you.)

Imagine you’re looking back one year from now. What would you regret not doing more/less of?

Once you have the answers to these questions list 3 things you are GOING TO DO in the next 7 days to get more balance in your life and if you feel comfortable, share them with us in the comment section bellow. It could be doing less housework, spending more time in nature, eating out for dinner once per week so that you’ve some extra time with your family.

Theory is great but if you don’t put some of it into action it’s for nothing – and nothing will change. So choose 3 things, share them with us if you feel comfortable in the comment section bellow, commit to them and regain your equilibrium.


10 More Amazing Things About Our Bodies.

Your body truly is amazing, and we’ve only scratched the surface as far as discovering all of the mysteries of its extremely complex capabilities and inner workings.

The featured article highlighted 10 particularly noteworthy facts you may not be aware of, but which are utterly fascinating about your body.

10 Amazing Human Body Facts

10. You Can’t Swallow and Breathe at the Same Time

Virtually every other mammal can; however, human babies can only until they’re about 9 months old. Around this time the voice box drops quite low in the neck compared to other animals, which allows us to have a wide range of sounds for speech – but takes our ability to breathe and eat or drink at the same time.

9. You Have Two Brains

Just as you have neurons in your brain, you also have neurons in your gut – including neurons that produce neurotransmitters like serotonin, which is also found in your brain and is linked to mood. Your gut literally serves as your second brain, and even produces more of the neurotransmitter serotonin – known to have a beneficial influence on your mood – than your brain does.

In other words, you have two nervous systems: the central nervous system, composed of your brain and spinal cord, and the enteric nervous system, which is the intrinsic nervous system of your gastrointestinal tract. Both are actually created out of the same type of embryonic tissue. During fetal development, one part turns into your central nervous system while the other develops into your enteric nervous system.

To put this into more concrete terms, you’ve probably experienced the visceral sensation of butterflies in your stomach when you’re nervous, or had an upset stomach when you were very angry or stressed. The flip side is also true, in that problems in your gut can directly impact your mental health, leading to issues like anxiety, depression, and perhaps even more serious neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism.

8. Loneliness is Physically Painful

Loneliness is emotionally painful for sure, but it’s physically painful as well. In fact, both loneliness and physical pain are processed in the same region of your brain, the anterior cingulate cortex. So just as you have a powerful drive to avoid causing physical pain to your body, you have a similarly powerful drive to connect with others and seek companionship – in order to avoid painful feelings of loneliness.

7. You Salivate More Before You Vomit

…And there’s a very good reason for this. Because stomach acid can be harsh on your throat and mouth, the extra saliva helps dilute the acid and rinse it away to minimize any damage caused by vomiting.

6. Sugar Can Help Your Wounds Heal

Not by eating it, of course, but rather by sprinkling it directly on the wound. Sugar is hygroscopic, which means it absorbs water that bacteria need to survive. This method has been popular among healers in Africa for generations, and it is reportedly useful for bed sores, leg ulcers, amputations and more.

A twist on this idea is to use honey, which will help draw fluid away from your wound and suppress the growth of microorganisms. Part of what gives honey its antibacterial properties is an enzyme called glucose oxidase, which the worker bees excrete into the nectar (this is found only in raw honey). Another part is the presence of beneficial Lactobacillus bacteria, found only in raw honey, which fight infection.

5. Memories Work in Mysterious Ways

Have you ever walked into a room and then forgotten why you went there in the first place? This is because your brain perceives the doorway as an “event boundary,” and memories from the room you just left are “stored” there for when you need them. This is why when you go back through the doorway into the prior room you can often remember what it is that you forgot!

4. Some Women See More Colors

Most people have three types of color receptors that allow them to see color vision. Some women have four, however, which allows them to see a wider range of colors than the average person (a small percentage of women even have five color receptors). Why women? The red and green color receptors, which can be shifted to allow for a greater range of color vision, are located on the X chromosome; blue is on the Y.

3. It Might be Healthy to Eat Boogers

Your nasal mucus might be host to small amounts of contaminants (acting as antigens) that may actually “educate” and boost your immune system when they’re consumed. So contrary to the belief that eating boogers could make you sick, it might actually help your body to fight off illnesses.

2. Most People Only Breathe Through One Nostril at a Time

Though you’ve got two nostrils, about 85 percent of people only use one at a time. But, erectile tissue in your nose slowly swells the tissue in one nostril while shrinking it in the other, so you automatically switch breathing between nostrils about every four hours.

Interestingly, body position, illness and other factors can influence which nostril you breathe from when, and, in turn, the nostril you’re breathing from can impact your health. For instance, breathing through the right nostril causes you to use more oxygen and raises your blood sugar levels.

1. Seven Miles of New Blood Vessels for Every Pound of Fat Gained

When you gain a pound of fat, your body makes seven new miles of blood vessels. This means your body must work harder to pump blood through all of these extra new vessels, which may put a strain on your heart, and may reduce oxygenation and nutrient replenishment in other tissues. Fortunately, if you lose a pound, your body will break down and re-absorb the now unnecessary vessels.

Source: By Dr. Mercola

Is drinking extra water good for your skin?

If you yearn for smooth skin that glows with youth, the chances are that at some point you will have heard the exhortation to drink lots of water in order to flush out those evil toxins and keep your skin healthy.

The exact amount people suggest varies. US-based advice tends to recommend eight glasses a day, while in hotter climates people are advised to drink more to compensate for higher rates of sweating. But regardless of the exact volume of water suggested, the principle behind the advice remains the same – taking extra water on board will keep your skin hydrated. In other words, water acts like a moisturiser, but from the inside out.

This is such a common idea you might be surprised at the lack of evidence to back this up. You might expect there to be countless studies where people are separated into two groups, one assigned to sip water all day, the other to drink a normal amount. Then the smoothness of the skin could be assessed a month or so later to establish whether sipping more led to smoother skin.

In fact such studies are rare, partly because water can’t be patented, so it is hard to find anyone to fund such research when there will be no new medication or cosmetic to sell that could repay the costs.  A review by the dermatologist Ronni Wolf at the Kaplan Medical Centre in Israel found just one study looking at the effect of long-term water intake on the skin. But the results were contradictory. After four weeks, the group who drank extra mineral water showed a decrease in skin density, which some believe suggests the skin is retaining more moisture, while those who drank tap water showed an increase in skin density. But regardless of the type of water they drank, it made no difference to their wrinkles or to the smoothness of their skin.

That’s not to say that dehydration has no effect on skin. We can measure some effect through the assessment of skin turgor. This is a measure of how fast it takes the skin to return to normal if you pinch some skin and lift it up. If you are dehydrated your skin will take longer to get its shape back.

But it doesn’t follow that because drinking too little water is bad for the skin, drinking above average quantities is good. It would be like saying that because a lack of food leads to malnutrition, overeating must be good for us. Or as Wolf puts it, it’s like saying a car needs petrol, therefore the more petrol the better.

Mystery advice

Another common belief is that if you drink extra water the body will somehow store it. But it depends on how fast you drink it. Drink several glasses within a fifteen-minute period and you will just pass extra urine. If you spend more than two hours sipping the same amount, more liquid is retained.

There is one study suggesting that drinking 500ml of water increases the blood flow through the capillaries in the skin. But the skin was only evaluated thirty minutes after drinking the water, and what we don’t know is whether this in turn improves skin tone.

One counterargument is that skin contains up to 30% water, and this helps it to look plump. This may be true, but the skin’s youthful appearance is affected more by factors such as genetics, exposure to the sun and damage from smoking.

So the mystery is where the eight-glasses-a-day recommendation for good skin comes from. Few of the official guidelines even refer to the skin. Water is undoubtedly the most important nutrient for the body. Without it we die in a matter of days, and there are of course other health benefits from staying hydrated. A review in 2010 found good evidence that it reduces the recurrence of kidney stones in those who have already had them, but evidence for other specific benefits is weaker.


Rural communities across Africa may soon benefit from improved water supplies thanks to mobile phone technology.

Arguments rage over the eight glasses a day rule, with disputes over how much is needed to clear the kidneys of toxins and whether or not water helps curb the appetite. It depends on how high the ambient temperature is and how much you are exerting yourself. It’s also a myth that other liquids don’t count. It doesn’t have to be water. Even food contains more liquid than you might expect.  Pizza is 40-49% water, for instance. The percentage of water we derive from food in the diet depends on where you live. In the US it’s 22%. In Greece, where people eat more fruit and vegetables it is much higher.

So the problem is a general lack of evidence that drinking more water makes any difference to your skin. We can’t say it definitely doesn’t work, but there’s no evidence that it does. Which leaves the question of how much water you should drink. Since it depends on the weather and what you are doing, then there is a very good internal guideline we all have that can help. And that’s thirst.

Source: BBC.

“Use This Remarkable Food to Help Flush Potentially Toxic Metals Out of Your Body*”

It might be inexpensive, but it’s one of the most heavily researched detoxifiers in the world with millions of satisfied users.* Perhaps the easiest way to support your immune system and energy levels, clean your blood, improve digestion and potentially end bad breath.*

Our Organic Broken-Cell Wall Chlorella is 100% USDA Organic and harvested from the pristine waters of Hainan Island, off the southern coast of China.

Hainan Island is designated a “Special Economic Zone” to utilize its superior clean air and water and promote sustainable agriculture, environmental protection, pollution control and tourism.

Hainan Island has some of the best surface water quality in all of China resulting from hundreds of natural springs fed by China’s largest and most well-preserved intact tropical rainforest. In addition, all industries on Hainan Island are required to be pollution-free, with no damage to the environment, so you can be sure you’re getting a pollution-free product.

Organic Broken-Cell Wall Chlorella uses only organically approved fertilizer.

Unlocking the True Potential of Chlorella

The cell wall surrounding chlorella is indigestible, so it needs to be broken in order for you to get the benefits of its nutrients.

A unique process breaks open the plant’s cell wall and unlocks chlorella’s nutritional bounty for your optimal bioavailability.* In addition, this milling process is done under very specific conditions which eliminate light and heat in order to preserve the nutrients.

So you can absorb and digest chlorella’s nutrients at high levels.*

With the special processing of broken cell wall chlorella, very little of its nutrient power wastes away. In fact, an independent animal study showed the digestibility of broken cell wall chlorella to be an astounding 83%.*

See the chart below as to how broken cell wall chlorella advanced processing technique compares to other common ways used to treat chlorella.

There’s really no comparison… this is what makes broken cell wall chlorella so special and why I selected it for you to use.

Within the Broken Cell Wall Chlorella formula, there’s one very important benefit I feel you should know more about and understand…

Why Phytonutrient-Rich Chlorophyll is so Powerful


Through my colleague, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, I learned of a woman who lived in China during the post-war.

She told Dr. Klinghardt how her village gained the nutrients they needed by taking nutrient-rich chlorella.

So, this is evidence as to the extraordinary natural nutrient source provided by chlorella… a pure green algae rich in chlorophyll.

But what are the specific benefits that chlorophyll can provide you?

Here are just a few benefits you may experience as chlorophyll…*

  • Aids you in processing more oxygen*
  • Cleanses key elimination systems like your bowel, liver, and blood*
  • Helps purify your blood and clean away toxins*
  • Aids you in promoting optimal blood pressure*
  • Supports elimination of molds in your body*
  • Helps neutralize bad air you might breathe in*
  • Promotes growth and repair of your tissues*

From all this, you should see the natural power chlorophyll can provide you.

Broken cell wall chlorella is an excellent nutrient-rich pure source to help you detoxify and complement your healthy diet.*

Now I want to take you a little deeper so you can better understand…

How Chlorella Works So Well in Your Body

My studies convinced me chlorella plays a crucial role in systemic detoxification — because the majority of toxin removal happens through your stool.*

Once the detoxification occurs in your intestines, toxins from other body tissues more readily migrate into your intestines — where chlorella helps effectively remove them.*

Chlorella consists of a fibrous, outer shell (20%) with inner nutrients (80%).

It’s this fibrous, tough cell wall which binds with toxins.*

In addition, a clean bloodstream with an abundance of red blood cells to carry oxygen is necessary to support your strong natural defense system.*

Chlorella’s cleansing action on your bowel and other elimination channels, as well as its protection of your liver, helps promote clean blood.* And clean blood helps assure metabolic waste get efficiently carried away from your tissues.*

So, would any old chlorella formula do all this?

Not necessarily… As with any supplement I recommend on my site, I established stringent criteria to find you the ultimate chlorella formula: broken cell wall chlorella.

This thorough process ensures you can take full advantage of all the benefits chlorella has to offer.

My strict criteria for selecting a top-notch chlorella supplement for you?

It must:

  • Deliver a pure whole food formula that is highly digestible
  • Be all-natural without synthetic ingredients
  • Come from a highly reputable company with the strictest quality control and safety standard practices in place

And the Broken Cell Wall Chlorella supplement passes all of my tough criteria with flying colors. It’s by far the best chlorella formula I’ve found to date.

With all the amazing benefits of the broken cell wall chlorella formula, whatever you do…

Don’t Settle for Inferior Quality

As you probably already know from other supplements I offer on my site, it’s not enough that the product itself is superior to others.

The developer and manufacturer of chlorella must also demonstrate proven quality and safety standard practices.

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of chlorella supplements on the market today… but there are only a few great ones out there… and even fewer utilize the advanced processing technique of the Broken Cell Wall Chlorella formula.

That’s why I spent many long months researching to identify what I believe is one of the top chlorella supplement manufacturers in the world today.

Here’s why I firmly believe the manufacturer of the broken cell wall chlorella supplement clearly stands apart in quality standard practices:

  • Grown on the tropical island of Hainan—an ecological province
  • Grown and processed in compliance with ISO 9001 (certification for quality management systems) and GMP standards
  • USDA National Organic Program
  • Certified Kosher
  • Produces naturally cultivated chlorella in exclusive open-air cultivation pools using pristine quality water and bright sunlight

You should clearly see why I chose this manufacturer to provide you with a high quality Organic Broken Cell Wall Chlorella supplement.

Don’t ever settle for a supplement not solidly backed by a manufacturer practicing the highest quality and safety standards.

To you, quality means a consistent top-of-the-line product every time you use it.

How High-Quality Means Exceptional Value You Can Rely On

Chlorella is one of the most heavily researched algae in the world.

Chlorella is also a very popular algae — with millions of satisfied users.

There are thousands of research papers on chlorella from medical institutions, scientific journals, and universities. At one time, NASA even earmarked chlorella to be grown on the international space station.

The bottom line: chlorella is an amazing green food-based supplement with research backing up its overall safety and effectiveness.

And with its exclusive advanced processing technique, the broken cell wall chlorella supplement delivers the consistent high quality and reliability you’ve come to expect.

I feel this is a remarkable formula that will help you in so many ways.

And here are…

My Top Reasons for You to “Go Green” Now

Now you should understand why I’m so excited to bring you this extraordinary broken cell wall chlorella formula. It passed all of my stringent selection criteria for a supplement to offer on my site.

It’s simply a remarkable natural whole green food-based supplement, packed with nutrient-rich chlorophyll.

Let me quickly summarize all this for you with my top 5 reasons why you should order the incredible Organic Broken Cell Wall Chlorella supplement without delay.

Our Organic Broken Cell Wall Chlorella supplement has the potential to:

  1. Help you remove potentially toxic metals from your body*
  2. Boost your immune system*
  3. Help you digest your food more efficiently*
  4. Eliminate bad breath and help freshen your breath at the same time*
  5. Energize and reinvigorate your body*

Take Action Now and Rejuvenate Your Body with
the Nutrient-Packed Green Power of Chlorella


Isn’t it time you took action and ordered the broken cell wall chlorella supplement today?

With my extensive research and experience, I’ve taken all your guess-work out of finding the optimal chlorella supplement.

When using chlorella our experience suggests it is best to work your way up to 5 tablets per day. A small number of people may notice an allergic reaction, typically less than 1%. If you notice any allergic symptoms, you will want to stop until your symptoms clear, then restart at the lower dose.

Sure, there are chlorella supplements offering even higher per tablet dosages. But how confident will you feel about their digestibility and absorbability?

And how satisfied will you be with the quality of their manufacturing processes?

Because with my broken cell wall chlorella formula, you know you’ll benefit from:

  • A natural, pure green food, harvested from pristine waters of the Hainan Island
  • One of the most highly-digestible and absorbable formulas of chlorella available*
  • A formula packed with nutrient-rich chlorophyll
  • A consistent product backed by a manufacturer with exceptional high-quality standard practices
  • A supplement with proven reliability

When it comes to chlorella, I’ve simply not found a better product for your money than the Organic Broken Cell Wall Chlorella formula.
