6 Nutrient Deficiencies that Can Cause Depression & Mood Disorders

Did you know simply nutrient deficiencies can drastically increase your chances of having depression and other mood disorders? Nutrient-related disorders are always treatable and deficiencies are usually curable.


The good news is that there are ways to confront these deficiencies. You can work with an integrative health physician to determine where your nutrition levels are and how you can counteract the associated effects.

6 Nutrient Deficiencies that Can Cause Depression & Mood Disorders

Vitamin B6

A deficiency of vitamin B6 can also lead to depression and other cognitive disorders. This nutrient is required for creating neurotransmitters and brain chemicals that influence your mood. It even helps keep the nervous system healthy. Furthermore, vitamin B6 helps the body absorb vitamin B12, the deficiency of which is also linked to depression.

Vitamin D

This deficiency has been linked to depression, dementia, and autism. Most of our levels drop off during the fall and winter months, since the sunlight is the richest source. An adequate level of serotonin helps prevent and treat mild depression. In addition, vitamin D is important for the immune system and bone health.

Amino Acids

Amino acids are the special building blocks of protein, some of which gets transformed in our bodies into neurotransmitters. Without adequate amino acids, your brain can’t work and you get sluggish, foggy, unfocused, and depressed. Amino acids are found in meat, eggs, fish, beans, seeds, and nuts.


Magnesium is another important nutrient, the deficiency of which can lead to depression. It helps activate enzymes needed for serotonin and dopamine production. It also influences several systems associated with development of depression. In addition, it keeps your bones healthy, reduces anxiety and lowers blood pressure, to name a few.


Zinc is used by more enzymes (and we have over 300) than any other mineral. It is crucial to many of our systems. It activates our digestive enzymes so that we can break down our food and works to prevent food allergies (which, in turn, averts depression, since some of our mood disruptions are triggered by food allergies). It also helps our DNA to repair and produce proteins. Finally, zinc helps control inflammation and boosts our immune system.


Selenium is also essential to brain functioning and helps improve mood and depressive symptoms. Moreover, selenium plays an important role in proper thyroid functioning. A healthy thyroid is important for mental health.

12 Incredible Facts Hydrogen Peroxide Should Be In Every Home

Most people don’t know hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide(HP) is germicidal agent composed of water and oxygen. It’s been a staple in medicine cabinets and first aid kits for generations. HP is considered the worlds safest all natural effective sanitizer. It kills micro-organisms by oxidizing them.


In fact, there are so many different uses for hydrogen peroxide For Health, Hygiene, Cleaning.

12 Amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide

Immune System Booster

Our produces hydrogen peroxide via certain leukocytes, aka, white blood cells. By this hydrogen peroxide help to fight off, bacteria, viruses and toxins.

Water Purifier

Hydrogen peroxide also use in water purification, just add a pint of hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of the water you use and the HP will help ensure that the water stays sanitary and safe.

Antiseptic mouth rinse

HP is a perfect mouth rinse. It whitens teeth and kills germs responsible for bad breath. It has been found that hydrogen peroxide makes a very effective and inexpensive mouthwash for daily purpose.

Common Cold

Hydrogen peroxide help to keep you away from cold, some claim that applying a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in the ears is best practice to keep cold at bay.


Mix it with that other medicine cabinet staple, baking soda, and you’ve got an effective toothpaste, it keep teeth whiten and germs free.

Remove ear wax

Hydrogen peroxide remove ear wax easily, put a couple of drops of HP into your ears. Keep it for minute or two, then put a couple of drops of olive oil. After few minute, drain the fluid from your ears. Ear wax will move out.


Your body makes Hydrogen peroxide to fight infection which must be present for our immune system to function correctly. White blood cells are known as Leukocytes. A sub-class of Leukocytes called Neutrophils produce hydrogen peroxide as the first line of defense against toxins, parasites, bacteria, viruses and yeast.

Eye Care

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to clean contact lenses – its very effective for eliminating the dust that can build up on the lenses over time.

Sinus Infections

When your sinuses are stuffy, it can be painful. A tablespoon of 3% Hydrogen peroxide added to 1 cup of non-chlorinated water can be used as a nasal spray. You can adjust the amount used of hydrogen peroxide Depending on the degree of sinus.

Toothache pain

Hydrogen peroxide also cure toothache pain, for curing pain, you can gargle a mixture of coconut oil and HP. The antibacterial properties of HP help to eliminate the bacteria that are causing the toothache pain.

Disinfect your hands

Hydrogen peroxide best for disinfecting wounds, HP also use in hand washing. Just dip your hands into or spray them with diluted version of HP.

Keep freshness of vegetables

Hydrogen peroxide freshness your vegetables. Add about ¼ a cup of food-grade Hydrogen peroxide to a sink full of cold water and keep your veggies into it. Soak it for about 15 minutes. Then, rinse them and allow them to dry.

Treat animal wounds

You can use Hydrogen peroxide on animal wounds as you would use on human wounds. Used HP onto your animal carefully, and it will heal wounds with in few days.



