How to Stop Wasting Time

Figure Out Your Goals

Figure Out Your Goals


We’re talking about “big-picture” goals for both your work and home life. For example, you may want to find a better work-life balance, get more exercise, and be more involved in your children’s after-school activities. Once you know what they are, you can break them into smaller tasks and focus on how to fit them into your life.

Keep Track

Keep Track


It can help to take a week or so and note how long it really takes you to do things you do all the time — do laundry, make breakfast, make your bed. Most people overestimate how long it takes to do something simple like take a shower and underestimate the time needed for bigger tasks, like write a term paper. If you know exactly how you spend your time, you may be able to manage it better.




Put to-do’s in 4 groups:

  • Urgent and important
  • Not urgent but important
  • Urgent but not important
  • Neither urgent nor important

The goal is to have as few things under “urgent and important” as possible. Those cause stress when they pile up. If you manage your time well, you’ll probably spend most of your time on “not urgent, but important” — that’s where you can get the most useful things done and keep from feeling overwhelmed later.

Schedule Your Day

Schedule Your Day


Once you know just how long things take and what’s most important, start to plan things out. Be flexible. Do you get more done in the late afternoon or early morning? Do you like to have your evenings free to relax? Are you more likely to do yardwork if you have a chunk of time to do it all at once or spread it out over the course of a week? Think about what works best for you, and don’t be afraid to change things up.

Do the Hard Stuff First

Do the Hard Stuff First


Mark Twain said, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” In other words, if you have something hard to do, get it out of the way so you don’t have to worry about it the rest of the day. At least that’s how the author of one prominent time management book understood it. They titled it “Eat That Frog!”

Write It Down

Write It Down


A “to-do” list is tried and true. But you can use other tools, too — the main thing is to write it down somewhere. Whatever you use to keep track of things you need to do, it’s better to have just one and keep it with you wherever you go — on your cell phone for example. Some kind of list keeper or calendar app is probably on your phone already.

Is It Worth Your Time?

Is It Worth Your Time?


Remember your big-picture goals and ask yourself if what you’re doing is likely to help you get there.  For example, that extra hour spent at work on something no one asked you to do might have been better spent at the gym or on the piano or at your child’s baseball game.

Don’t Cheat

Don’t Cheat


If you schedule a work session at 9 a.m., stick to it — 9:17 a.m. won’t do, even if you work alone. Missing one start time will make you more likely to miss others. If you want some flexibility, allow yourself a choice — return emails or file papers, for example — but stick with the schedule as if it’s set in stone. If you try it and find it doesn’t work for you, you can always change it.

Just Start It!

Just Start It!


If you feel a strong urge to put things off, find a way to push past it and take even a small step forward. You’ll feel better once you make a little progress and may soon find yourself in a real groove. That’s because your attitude often comes from your behavior — and your results — rather than the other way around.

All Your Time Counts

All Your Time Counts


You’ve got a free 15-minute chunk of time before you have to be somewhere — time to surf the Web and check social media, right? You might be surprised by what you can get done in that time. Four 15-minute chunks spread through the day is an hour of productivity. And you’ll feel better about kicking back later.

Your Computer Can Help

Your Computer Can Help


Technology — the Web, email, social networking sites — can distract you for hours on end. But it can help too. Look for tools to help you track and schedule your time, remind you when you need to do something, or even block you from the time-sucking websites that tempt you most.

Set Time Limits

Set Time Limits


That is, set the most allowable time for the task. You may get it done sooner, but if not, the limit helps keep you from overdoing it. Once you hit the limit, move on.

Email: The Black Hole of Time Wasting

Email: The Black Hole of Time Wasting


It can be a huge time suck and a source of stress. Try “The Four Ds”:

Delete: If it doesn’t concern you or isn’t something you need to know, get rid of it.

Do: If it’s about something urgent or something that can be done quickly, respond to it.

Delegate: If an email asks you something that’s better taken care of by someone else, forward it to that person and move on.

Defer: If it’s going to take more time than you have at the moment, set aside time for it later.

Take a Lunch Break

Take a Lunch Break


It may seem “efficient” to work through lunch, but it can backfire. As a general rule, 30 minutes away from your job will help you work better in the afternoon. If you’re not hungry, go for a walk outside or do some stretching. You’ll likely come back with more energy and focus.

Schedule Good Stuff

Schedule Good Stuff


The whole point of getting better with your time is to make more time for the things you want to do. Sprinkle fun, healthy, non-work stuff throughout your week to keep you positive about your schedule and motivated to keep going. This includes breaks, snacks, recreation, exercise, even vacations — especially when you finish an important task.

Why Wasting Time Is Important For Your Psychological Well-Being?

The way we are making our lives revolve around our work, we might never reach the end of our checklist. It seems there is always some work to be done, another task to be accomplished. We feel positively guilty about taking time out for ourselves. Even when we allow ourselves the luxury of a lunch break, we are in a hurry to get through it, gulping down our food, the concept of chewing forgotten. And all for what? Just to get back to our desks and staring blankly at computer screens.

The need to be productive has been drilled so deeply into our psyche that we can’t imagine taking time for ourselves without feeling horribly guilty about how we should be working instead. Any activity other than being in front of our computers is considered a wasteful indulgence. We would rather zone out because of being constantly tired rather than giving ourselves a break. What we think of as multitasking, browsing social media as well as working online is, in fact, wasting more amount of time on stuff which could have been done in half the time.

What we think of as wasting time is actually important for our physical and mental well being. Going for a walk, reading a while or going out to get a cup of coffee helps our mind to relax and replenish the energy which is constantly required of us. If we don’t take breaks where we can seriously lay back and relax, we would burn ourselves out. And if all of these reasons are not enough for you to consider taking on a little less work, the next point might hopefully nudge you in the right direction.

 The fact is that we don’t even need to work as hard as we think we do. Working less might actually be the way to be more productive than we are. Great men like Dickens, Darwin and Márquez didn’t fill up every waking minute with work, work and more work. Most of their days had only 4 to 5 working hours. But those 5 hours were all about working. No web surfing on the side you see. If you think about it, the more time you have, the more you seem to spend on working. Sometimes things you do in 6 hours can also be done in just 2 hours and just as well. But the notion that we have to do it in 6 hours makes us slow or distracted.

Work is important, but even more important is to manage our time so that we also get an equal amount of rest. Recharging is necessary and not a waste as many would like to believe.