History Has Been Made. Female Genital Mutilation Banned In Nigeria.

“More than 130 million girls and women have experienced female genital mutilation or cutting …”


Nigeria made history by outlawing female genital mutilation. The ban falls under the Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act 2015 that was passed in Senate on May 5 and recently enacted into law.

This was one of the last acts by the outgoing president, Goodluck Jonathan. His successor, Muhammadu Buhari, was sworn into office this past Friday, May 29.

 Female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C) is the act of either partially or totally removing the external female genitalia or causing injury to the female genital organs for non-medical purposes.

According to UNICEF:

“More than 130 million girls and women have experienced FGM/C in 29 countries in Africa and the Middle East where the practice is most common.”

With the help of community activism, campaigns and numbers of organizational efforts to end this practice, UNICEF reported that teenage girls were now one-third less likely to undergo FGM/C today than 30 years ago.

Now with the new law criminalizing this procedure, the hope is the ban will fully eliminate this practice and be strongly enforced to combat any existing societal pressures.

The World Health Organization cites immediate harmful effects of FCM/C that include hemorrhage (bleeding), bacterial infection, open sores, and long-term consequences that include infertility, childbirth complications and recurring bladder infections.

In another UNICEF report, communities who practice FGM often do so to reduce sexual desire in women and to initiate girls to womanhood, among other purposes.

According to “The Guardian‘s” analysis of 2014 UN data, a quarter of the women in Nigeria have undergone FGM.

Stella Mukasa, director of Gender, Violence and Rights at the International Center for Research on Women, explains the complexity of the implementation of the new law banning FGM/C.

“It is crucial that we scale up efforts to change traditional cultural views that underpin violence against women,” she wrote in an article for “The Guardian.” “Only then will this harmful practice be eliminated.”

Under hashtag #VAPPBIll, Twitter users celebrated the bill’s passing.







The Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act serves to protect women and violence in multiple aspects. BuzzFeed News cited a 2013 version of the bill that highlights its purpose to eliminate violence both in private and public, and end physical, sexual, domestic and psychological violence.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls.

Hand stop signs by different people

Today, the 25 November 2014, WHO joins organizations and individuals worldwide in observing the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, an annual event to raise awareness and accelerate progress towards ending the global scourge of violence against women and girls. Estimates suggest that one in three women globally have experienced either physical or sexual violence from a partner, or sexual violence by a non-partner at some point in their lives, and that levels of violence against women and girls remain extremely high.

16 days of activism follow this event, ending on 10 December, Human Rights Day, to mobilize support for the cause of ending violence. The UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign, invites people across the globe to lend their support and to ‘Orange Your Neighbourhood’ – to wear and use the colour orange to symbolize a brighter future without violence.

There are job aids throughout this handbook to help you while caring for and supporting a woman who has experienced or is experiencing violence. The guidelines on which this handbook is based do not directly address young women (under age 18) or men. Nonetheless, many of the suggestions for care may be applicable to young women or to men.

WHO is marking the beginning of the 16 days of activism with events and activities based in Geneva, Switzerland on the 24 and 25 November. This includes a panel discussion on The Role of the Health System in Addressing Violence Against Women at the Palais des Nations, which will include Member States, a Geneva-based NGO (Solidarité Femmes) and the Director of WHO’s Department of Reproductive Health and Research, Dr. Marleen Temmerman.

WHO has also launched the field-testing version of a new clinical handbook Health care for women subjected to intimate partner violence or sexual violence. This handbook aims to help health-care providers respond safely and effectively to women and girls who have been subjected to violence – including physical, sexual, or emotional violence, whether by a partner or by any other perpetrator. These events highlight the launch of The Lancet series on violence against women (co-led by WHO) which took place Friday 21 November at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in London, UK.

Experts call for end to violence

Statement from the independent Expert Review Group on Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health

  • On this occasion, the Independent Expert Review Group on Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health (iERG), released a statement to underline the crucial importance of ending violence against women, stating that ‘this important dimension of women’s, adolescent’s, and children’s health has for too long been overlooked and neglected.’

The statement outlines figures such as that ‘around 30% of women have experienced either physical or sexual partner violence’ and states that ‘in some parts of the world, sexual violence is endemic – reports of non-partner sexual violence are as high as 21% in areas of sub-Saharan Africa’. The statement underlines that the response to violence against women and girls must involve a wide range of sectors and organizations, beyond the health sector; ‘Only when the health system is coordinated with the criminal justice system, education, civil society, and faith sectors will an effective response be sustained.’ iERG goes on to state that violence against women is ‘a severe abuse of a woman’s human rights and a global health challenge of epidemic proportions’.

Can We Reduce Violence Against Women by 50% over the Next 30 Years?

Each year, interpersonal violence is experienced and perpetrated by millions of people worldwide. In 2010, it was the 27th cause of death globally, causing an estimated 456,268 deaths worldwide [1]. Violence against women has been shown to be highly prevalent globally, with partner violence affecting one in three women, and one in 15 women (7%) having been raped by a man who was not a partner [2],[3]. Recognising this huge global burden, the 67th World Health Assembly adopted the resolution “Strengthening the Role of the Health System in Addressing Violence, in Particular against Women and Girls, and against Children” [4] and mandated countries globally to develop violence prevention through their health sector. The goal of reducing violence by 50% over the next 30 years has been mooted by the World Health Organization as a rallying point for the global violence prevention community and was the subject of critical debate at the recent Global Violence Reduction Conference 2014 at King’s College, Cambridge University, UK, which was hosted by the Institute of Criminology Violence Research Centre and the World Health Organization [5]. Whilst ostensibly ambitious, several high-income countries, including the United States, have reduced rates of some forms of violence by 50% or more over a very short period of time, and such reductions are supported by historical trends of reduced homicide over several centuries in several European countries[6][8]. There is no real evidence, however, that violence against women is reducing in low- and middle-income countries [3]. Indeed, in South Africa, where there has been considerable gender activism and growth in women’s empowerment, non-fatal rape and intimate partner violence seem quite resistant to change, notwithstanding the measured reductions in female homicide [9],[10]. The key question, then, is how can we secure substantial reductions in violence against women in low- and middle-income countries?

Reducing Fragmentation of Research Efforts

One challenge for the violence research community is to build a stronger knowledge base comprised of research from across multiple research disciplines and relevant to different forms of violence. Currently, knowledge production is largely siloed, with researchers focused on specific forms of violence, yet there are enormous overlaps between forms of violence. For example, knowledge sharing between the fields of youth violence prevention and gender-based violence prevention is limited, and yet rape is an important form of youth violence [11],[12]. The same was true, until fairly recently, between the child abuse prevention and gender-based violence fields. Here there are increasing moves—for example, by the Sexual Violence Research Initiative and donors such as the UK Department for International Development—to address the two problems together, recognising that childhood adversity is an important risk factor for violence against women, as well as the conceptual difficulties of imposing a distinction between rape of younger and older females [13],[14].

Different research disciplines have, over the years, brought different strengths and insights to the field of violence prevention, and have their own limitations. Inter-disciplinary research is needed to build on the strengths of, and avoid conceptual stunting by boundaries of thought within, particular research disciplines. For example, standard epidemiological approaches to research have often served to accentuate differences (e.g., in types of violence and types of risk factors and behaviour) through the reduction of violence, factors, and behaviour into measurable units for surveys, and have rarely encouraged avenues of analysis that deepen understanding of latent (unmeasurable) constructs, such as constructions of masculinity and femininity. One of the most important advances in understanding violence causation has been at the nexus of sociology and epidemiology, through the application of gender theory—in particular, understanding patterns of risk factors stemming from underlying groups of behaviours that map onto constructions of masculinity [12],[15],[16].

Prioritising Evidence-Based Approaches

Stakeholders must give more recognition to the science of preventing violence against women. Gender-based violence has been an underdeveloped and underfunded field, notwithstanding the systematic development and remarkable innovation of some violence prevention interventions [17][19]. Recent reviews of evidence have highlighted that gender-based violence prevention interventions and strategies are often developed ad hoc, with limited opportunity to learn from intervention success or failure. Furthermore, adoption of interventions in different settings often has more to do with effective marketing than with scientific evidence[20]. Building evidence-based interventions and prevention strategies requires theory to be applied at multiple levels [15], including understanding risk factors and understanding the theory of the problem to be tackled, for example, understanding in a broad theoretical sense how gender inequity or social norms operate. Application of theory also requires an understanding of what drives and enables change, for example, how approaches that view social settings or institutions ecologically (i.e., as systems that have social norms that influence behaviour, as well as individual factors and policies/laws and institutional practices) may be necessary to secure change in them [21]. It also requires an understanding of methods that are effective for achieving changes (e.g., awareness raising or behaviour change) in specific populations and settings. There is a need to develop packages of interventions or intervention strategies that can be applied at scale. However, a balance needs to be struck so that local innovation and acknowledgment of complexity and differences between contexts can be accommodated.

Where there are more rigorous evaluations, the shortage of funds has resulted in a literature that is characterised by under-powered studies, and heated debate over whether interventions would have “worked” if they had been larger [22],[23]. There is no recognisable product pipeline, and only a handful of organisations globally have ever produced (or adapted) more than one theoretically grounded intervention to reduce violence against women. It’s hard to see how these problems can be addressed without large and long-term funding for centres of excellence in gender-based violence intervention development—centres that develop and improve multiple interventions, coordinate testing and trials so that evaluations are comparable, and focus on development of appropriate human resources.

Funding a Violence Prevention Pipeline

There is a pressing need to change the global architecture of the violence prevention field to foster the science of gender-based violence prevention, and there are important lessons to learn here from fields like drug discovery. The limited funding for violence prevention has been largely responsible for the fragmentation of the field, and to date, there has been limited support from very large donors. The Department for International Development’s £25 million research and innovation fund “What Works to Prevent Violence against Women and Girls” is the first large investment to systematically build the field. Substantial advances in intervention development require proper investment and deployment of highly trained, creative minds. Perhaps there is a need to replicate the product pipeline seen in, for example, microbicide development, with some form of equivalent of scientifically based progress from early stage concepts, to pre-clinical research, to phase 1–3 trials. The microbicide development field has been coordinated by the Alliance for Microbicide Development in a way that is completely unparalleled in violence prevention, and this coordination has been essential for the speed and scale of R&D that has been undertaken [24]. A strong prevention knowledge platform requires large donors to come to the table in violence prevention and provide sustainable funding for the architecture of the field, so that physical or virtual centres of excellence can be established, research can be coordinated, and the skills, knowledge, and experience required can be nurtured and sustained.

Changes in the violence prevention field needed to reach ambitious targets for reducing violence against women require a much deeper understanding across policy makers and donors of the preventability of violence. The evidence of change from the United States and other countries in this regard is crucial [6],[7]. We have to build recognition that reducing rates of violence globally by 50% within 30 years is not just something that must happen, but it’s something that can happen. Achieving this requires significant changes to the gender-based violence prevention field, and a new era of large-scale funding and coordination.

Author Contributions

Wrote the first draft of the manuscript: RJ. Wrote the paper: RJ. ICMJE criteria for authorship read and met: RJ. Agree with manuscript results and conclusions: RJ.


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