Scientists Expose A 30 Year Government Vaccination Cover-up .

Research by the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Department of Ophthalmology, Visual Sciences, Experimental Medicine and Neuroscience has exposed 30 years of corruption and lies concerning government vaccination policy. An extensive investigation into the inner workings of the U.K.’s nationalized healthcare system has revealed a shocking scandal of official meetings by UK government vaccine committees and independent medical ‘experts’ with drug industry connections. Dr. Chris Shaw and Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic from the University of British Columbia in Canada, published a peer reviewed paper in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, which details government ties to pharmaceutical companies and cooperation with vaccine manufacturers on strategies aimed at boosting vaccine uptake. According to Dr. Chris Shaw and Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, the advisory and governing bodies that set vaccination policy in the U.K. have, for many decades now, hidden the truth about vaccine dangers, and deliberately pushed unsafe vaccines on the public in order to uphold the official vaccination schedule. A quote from the published, peer reviewed paper states: “British health authorities have been engaging in such practice for the last 30 years, apparently for the sole purpose of protecting the national vaccination program”. As a result of the vaccination policy promoted by the British Government, many children have been vaccinated without their parents being disclosed the critical information about demonstrated risks of serious harmful reactions. There is now a plethora of scientific proof that vaccines are actually implicated in most common diseases today and that childhood vaccines, flu shots and other kinds of inoculations systemically destroy the body’s immune system. Furthermore, the research shows causal links between increased exposures to aluminium salts used as adjuvants in vaccines and increased levels of neurological trouble in exposed populations. Sources: The Vaccine Hoax is Over. Documents from UK reveal 30 Years of Coverup ( Do aluminum vaccine adjuvants contribute to the rising prevalence of autism? ( The vaccination policy and the Code of Practice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI): are they at odds? ( The Health Hazards of Disease Prevention – Proceedings ( Responses to UBC vaccine paper a problem for free scientific inquiry and expression ( It’s disturbing to know that the majority of medical literature examined by researchers comes straight from pharmaceutical company-sponsored medical research. And any research expressing opposition to vaccination is discredited and silenced. “The adverse reactions to immunizations are more common than many people realize.” -Dr. Rebecca Carley | Source:

10-Valent Pneumococcal Vaccine Highly Effective in Infants and Toddlers.

A 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is up to 100% effective in preventing vaccine-type invasive disease in young children, according to an industry-sponsored study in the Lancet. The PHiD-CV10 vaccine, marketed in Europe as Synflorix, contains 10 serotype-specific polysaccharides conjugated to Haemophilus influenzae protein D, tetanus toxoid, and diphtheria toxoid carriers.

Researchers randomized nearly 46,000 Finnish children aged 6 weeks to 18 months to receive the pneumococcal vaccine or a control vaccine. Vaccination schedules depended on the patient’s age and included either two or three primary vaccinations at varying intervals, with or without a booster dose.

During over 2 years’ follow-up, there were 13 cases of vaccine-type invasive pneumococcal disease. The vaccine’s efficacy ranged from 92% to 100%, depending on the schedule followed. No safety concerns emerged.

A commentator says that the results “provide confirmatory, conclusive evidence about the vaccine’s benefits against invasive disease.”

Source: Lancet