Antibiotic-Resistant UTIs Are Common, and Other Infections May Soon Be Resistant, Too

Urinary tract infections are increasingly becoming resistant to first-line antibiotics, and this may be a warning for our ability to treat other microbial infections

Antibiotic-Resistant UTIs Are Common, and Other Infections May Soon Be Resistant, Too
Colonies of Escherichia coli isolated from a patient’s blood.

About half of women and more than one in 10 men will get a urinary tract infection (UTI) in their lifetime, with many people experiencing recurrent UTIs. These common bacterial infections, which can lead to painful urination, have been easily treated and cured with antibiotics for decades.

But as a result of antibiotic resistance—when bacteria become resistant to the medicines used to treat them—a number of antibiotics routinely employed for UTIs have become ineffective, leading to more severe illness, hospitalizations and mortality while driving up medical costs.

Antibiotic resistance occurs naturally, but the use and misuse of antibiotics in humans and livestock have accelerated it. One 2019 study found that more than 92 percent of bacteria that cause UTIs are resistant to at least one common antibiotic, and almost 80 percent are resistant to at least two. Escherichia coli is the most common cause of UTIs.

“Antibiotic resistance is a huge problem for UTIs, compared to other infections, because UTIs are so common. So we see the effects of antibiotic resistance much more immediately and with a higher prevalence,” says Lisa Bebell, an infectious disease physician at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Drug-resistant UTIs are a consequence of the larger problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which happens when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites no longer respond to medicines used to treat them. In 2019 roughly 4.95 million deaths were associated with AMR, and at least 1.27 million people died as a direct result of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections, a 2022 study published in the Lancet found. AMR killed more people in 2019 than HIV or malaria and was a leading cause of death globally, according to the study. In 2021 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared AMR one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity.

The bacteria that cause UTIs have become resistant for several reasons. One is selection pressure, Bebell explains. In theory, when the correct antibiotic is given in the right dose for a long enough period, it kills off all the bacteria it targets. But antibiotics are not always prescribed or taken correctly. If the dose is too low or the antibiotic is not taken for long enough, that puts the bacteria under selection pressure but does not kill them off completely. Those that survive adapt and become more resistant.

Even when antibiotics are prescribed and used correctly, every time people take them, they affect the composition of bacteria in the body and put selection pressure on those that live in the gastrointestinal tract—including E. coli and other bacteria that cause UTIs. So there is a connection between taking antibiotics in general and the possibility of later developing a drug-resistant UTI, Bebell says.

People can also be exposed by eating animals, says Ramanan Laxminarayan, an epidemiologist and chair of the WHO’s Global Antibiotic Research & Development Partnership (GARDP), a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing treatments for drug-resistant infections. He explains that they can get a drug-resistant strain of E. coli from eating improperly cooked meat. This bacterium can cause an intestinal disease, potentially leading to a drug-resistant UTI.

When a UTI doesn’t respond to a traditional antibiotic, doctors employ broad-spectrum antibiotics, which are effective against a greater variety of bacteria. These are often only available intravenously and therefore require hospitalization, which can last from five to 14 days, and higher medical costs. Some people have died from UTIs that spread to the bloodstream and caused sepsis, and drug-resistant infections could make this more common.

Bebell recently had a patient with a drug-resistant UTI who had to be hospitalized intermittently for many months. The patient’s blood and urine were cultured repeatedly to identify which bacteria were resistant to which antibiotic, enabling his health care providers to determine the most effective treatment. This raises the question of whether routine bacteria cultures should become the norm for UTIs. In such cultures, bacteria in the urine are isolated and grown in a lab to identify which type they represent and what antibiotics they are resistant to.

Although bacteria cultures are likely to become more routine, especially for complicated cases, Bebell says, she sees them as only a short-term solution. Bebell adds that while culture-based diagnostics are important, they are also expensive and time-consuming (taking between one and five days), which can delay treatment. “I’d like to see more point-of-care tests developed that can help identify the bacteria that’s involved and its genetic composition. I think the long-term strategy is to get better diagnostics and not rely on culture-based methods,” she says.

Bebell would like to see tests that can identify the main bacteria causing the infection and determine whether it has any genetic mutations that indicate antibiotic resistance. Such tests, which could be done at the patient’s bedside in 15 minutes by someone with little training, are in development, Bebell says. But she’s not aware of any that are available for clinical use for UTIs.

But better diagnostics alone won’t solve the problem; new treatment strategies are also needed. Last October researchers found that a combination of the medications cefepime and enmetazobactam was effective in treating some drug-resistant UTIs. Enmetazobactam essentially works to protect cefepime from being destroyed by enzymes produced by drug-resistant bacteria. Bebell says that combining one drug with another that “protects” it is a common strategy. “It’s promising in the long run because that’s how we’ve been successful with many of our combination antibiotics. But this particular antibiotic [combo] is going to be one of many, and I think a short-term solution in that sense,” she says.

New antibiotics could help. But Laxminarayan doesn’t believe new drug development is the only answer to drug resistance, which is a global problem with no easy fix, he says. “It really requires us using fewer antibiotics in raising poultry and pigs. It requires us [using] fewer antibiotics that are sprayed on trees. It requires us having better infection control in hospitals. It’s a whole bunch of things,” Laxminarayan says. “This is not the sort of thing which is amenable to just a silver bullet, where you do one thing, and then you’re done.”

“New antibiotics are on their way. But they will cost a huge amount of money,” he adds. “We’re used to spending $5, $10, $20 for antibiotics. Do we really want to spend $5,000 for the next course of antibiotics? Because that would mean that many people would not be able to afford those. It places a huge strain on the health system. But that’s where we’re headed.”

When it comes to avoiding UTIs, Bebell says there aren’t a lot of evidence-based strategies. (Drinking cranberry juice in particular, for example, doesn’t show a clear benefit.) The few evidence-based prevention methods are to keep hydrated to continually flush the system and to perform regular genital hygiene. (Bebell advises against washing too much and says to avoid harsh soaps.) For people with a female urinary tract, she says, it may be helpful to urinate after sex.

Because there aren’t many evidence-based prevention strategies, Bebell says, the emphasis should be on antibiotic stewardship: a reduction in overall antibiotic use—not only in humans but also commercial agriculture—as well as better infection control in hospitals and among the general public. The WHO notes that some simple strategies to avoid infections include “regularly washing hands, preparing food hygienically, avoiding close contact with sick people, [practicing] safer sex, and keeping vaccinations up to date.”

“Often antibiotics genuinely are needed, but we all need to be advocates about [proper] antibiotic use, and every person has a responsibility,” Bebell says. “And I would encourage patients, when they go to see their health care provider, to ask even just one simple question: ‘Do I need this antibiotic?’”

7 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About UTIs


Having a UTI is a huge pain. Literally. And if you’re a woman, you’re likely to get one at some point in your life.

You’ve probably heard that peeing after sex is a good way to keep one away. That’s true. Add to the list of to-dos: stay hydrated, pee when you have to go instead of holding it, wear breathable cotton underwear, and wipe front to back, Melissa Walsh, M.D., an ob/gyn in the department of obstetrics, gynecology, and women’s health at Montefiore Medical Center, tells SELF. What’s not true: All of the below.

When it comes to UTI do’s and don’ts, there’s a lot you’ll hear that’s better off ignored. Here are seven myths about UTIs you need to stop believing.

Myth #1: Getting a UTI means you have a hygiene problem.

The only way your hygiene can affect your risk of UTIs is if you wipe from back to front, Lisa Dabney, M.D., assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive science at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, tells SELF. Doing this can easily spread bacteria from the rectum to the vagina and urethra. Otherwise, over-cleaning can actually cause problems. “It is not helpful to clean the vagina with harsh soaps and chemicals because these will kill off the lactobacillus in the vagina,” aka the good bacteria that prevent the overgrowth of other bacteria that cause infections, she explains. If you get recurrent UTIs, getting cleaner isn’t the answer. Other health problems like kidney stones or urinary incontinence may be to blame, Walsh says. Or, you might just be one of the unlucky women who gets them for no apparent reason.

Myth #2: You can only get a UTI after sex.

Sex is frequently associated with UTIs—bacteria can easily get pushed into the urethra when you’re getting down—but you can absolutely get a UTI in other ways. Walsh notes that other common risk factors are: wiping from back to front, holding your urine, dehydration, and medical conditions like diabetes or immune-compromised states (e.g. an autoimmune disease).

Myth #3: Only women get UTIs.

Men can also get UTIs. It’s just not as likely, thanks to their anatomy. “Bacteria are less likely to travel a long distance and infect the urine in men versus the short urethral distance in women,” Walsh explains.

Myth #4: A UTI is an STI.

Although they can happen after intercourse, “UTIs are definitely not considered an STI!” Walsh says. The infection is a result of bacteria that’s already living on our skin being pushed up through the urethra where it doesn’t belong—sexual activity just gives bacteria an easy way to transport itself. They’re not contagious or transmittable, so you don’t have to worry about “catching” your partner’s UTI.

Myth #5: Drinking cranberry juice is an easy drug-free fix.

Cranberry juice is not medically considered to be a ‘cure,'” Walsh says. “Several research trials have not been able to conclude this despite its common use.” One theory is that the cranberry juice makes it harder for bacteria to stick to the bladder wall. Another is that it makes urine more acidic and that prevents infection. However, Dabney says it could help prevent UTIs. The science is mixed, but it’s worth a try if you’re plagued with them often. Staying hydrated is a good prevention method, anyway: Peeing a lot and having a strong stream when you pee helps your body flush out bacteria in the urethra before it can travel further upward.

Myth #6: Irritation while peeing automatically means you have a UTI.

“I hear many patients say that they feel like they have a UTI simply because they’re experiencing irritation when urinating,” Walsh says. “Although this may be a symptom of a UTI, it could also be due to a vaginal infection or irritation from other common inflammatory conditions like yeast or a vaginitis.”

Myth #7: It’s just going to go away on its own.

“Women didn’t die of UTIs before antibiotics. They just had more pain,” Dabney notes. So yes, a mild UTI could potentially go away on its own. The problem is that UTIs have become harder to treat, thanks to increasing antibiotic-resistance of the most common bacteria that causes them, E. coli. Walsh recommends seeing your doctor to confirm it’s a UTI and get the right medications. A UTI left untreated can move further into your body and cause a deeper infection in the bladder. The last thing you want are the uncomfortable symptoms continuing any longer than they have to.

First Study on Bladder Cancers Presenting as UTIs

Persistent symptoms characteristic of urinary tract infection (UTI) that do not improve with time or treatment could indicate bladder cancer.

That’s the simple “take-home message” from a first of its kind study of UTI-like symptoms and bladder cancer, according to lead author Kyle Richards, MD, from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

The message is for clinicians and applies to both men and women, he told reporters during a press briefing here at the American Urological Association 2015 Annual Meeting.

Awareness is especially important when it comes women, said Dr Richards, because bladder cancer is most commonly associated with men.

“A lot of primary care doctors who are [initially] seeing these [symptomatic] patients are less aware that bladder cancer is even a possibility in women,” he explained.

And he pointed out that because bladder cancer most commonly presents as blood in the urine, or hematuria, UTI-like symptoms do not always raise suspicion for this cancer.

In their study — the first to look at patients with bladder cancer who present with UTIs — Dr Richards and his colleagues assessed the impact of this presentation on patient outcomes.

They report that diagnoses take longer and outcomes are poorer in men and women who present with UTIs than in men who present with hematuria.

The investigators used 2007 to 2009 data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER)–Medicare database to identify 9326 men and 2869 women who were diagnosed with hematuria or UTI in the year before they were diagnosed ith bladder cancer.

The average time from initial symptom claim to bladder cancer diagnosis was longer in women than in men (72.2 vs 58.9 days; P < .0001).

A closer look at the data indicated that UTIs were the reason for this disparity.

In an analysis of patients presenting with hematuria alone, the time to subsequent bladder cancer diagnosis was similar for women and men (46.1 vs 47.3 days; P = .75).

However, in an analysis of patients presenting with either hematuria or UTI, time to diagnosis was significantly different. “Women had a longer interval from UTI to diagnosis of bladder cancer,” Dr Richards reported.
On logistic regression analysis, women presenting with a UTI were more likely to have advanced (pT4) pathology at diagnosis than men presenting with hematuria (odds ratio [OR], 2.79; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.04 – 3.83). The same same pattern was seen for men presenting with a UTI (OR, 2.08; 95% CI, 1.56 – 2.79).

On Cox proportional hazards analysis, risk for bladder-cancer-specific and overall mortality was higher in women presenting with a UTI than in men presenting with hematuria (hazard ratio [HR], 1.72; 95% CI, 1.46 – 2.03). The same pattern was seen for men presenting with a UTI (HR, 1.41; 95% CI, 1.28 – 1.56).

“Symptoms of urinary tract infection in older patients might be a harbinger of bladder cancer, and misdiagnosis may lead to inferior oncologic outcomes,” the authors write in their meeting abstract.

Don’t just chalk it up to urinary tract infection.
The message was reinforced by Tomas Griebling, MD, MPH, a urologist from the University of Kansas in Kansas City, who moderated the press briefing.

When there are persistent symptoms, “don’t just chalk it up to urinary tract infection,” he said. There is a tendency to do so because they are so common, he explained.

“The money and resources spent on UTIs eclipses everything else we do [in urologic diseases],” he noted, including prostate and bladder cancer.

In fact, in the United States, “the numbers are astronomically higher” for UTIs, Dr Griebling emphasized.

The delay in diagnosis in women is understandable because their urologic care is typically delivered by primary care physicians and Ob/Gyns, said Dr Richards.

“A lot of women don’t get to see a urologist until it’s much later in the process,” he said, “whereas men are apt to see a urologist.”

Antibiotic Prophylaxis After Urinary Catheter Removal Lowers Risk for Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infection.

But widely applied, this practice undoubtedly would lead to antibiotic-associated adverse events and antibiotic resistance.
Urinary catheterization, which is common in hospitalized patients, is associated with symptomatic urinary tract infections (UTIs). In a meta-analysis of seven trials (6 randomized and 1 nonrandomized) that involved 1520 patients (mostly postsurgical) who underwent short-term catheterization (≤14 days), investigators determined whether administering antibiotic prophylaxis at the time of urinary catheter removal lowers risk for symptomatic UTI.

In all trials, researchers compared antibiotic prophylaxis versus placebo or usual care. Antibiotics used were ciprofloxacin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, nitrofurantoin, and cefotaxime. Duration of antibiotic prophylaxis ranged from single doses to 3 days. Symptomatic UTIs occurred in 10.5% of control patients and in 4.7% of prophylaxis patients. Hence, antibiotic prophylaxis resulted in a 5.8% absolute risk reduction for symptomatic UTI (number needed to treat to prevent 1 symptomatic UTI, 17).


Although these results suggest that antibiotic prophylaxis at the time of urinary catheter removal prevents symptomatic UTIs, clinicians should be wary of applying these results broadly. If every hospitalized patient with a urinary catheter received prophylaxis, antibiotic use would increase markedly, which undoubtedly also would increase adverse events (e.g., antibiotic-associated side effects, Clostridium difficile infections), antibiotic resistance, and costs.

Source: NEJM